Hussein Obama's final stab in the back of our great ally, Israel

Are you accusing the majority of Americans of being "Israel firsters", just because they are string supporters of Israel? Clean up your act, and stop repeating antisemtic canards.
No. I'm simply saying they've been tactfully brainwashed over the years and they are in desperate need of some basic education. Most importantly, they need to start asking how our support of Israel benefits the U.S.

Can you answer that question?
Are you accusing the majority of Americans of being "Israel firsters", just because they are string supporters of Israel? Clean up your act, and stop repeating antisemtic canards.
No. I'm simply saying they've been tactfully brainwashed over the years and they are in desperate need of some basic education. Most importantly, they need to start asking how our support of Israel benefits the U.S.

Can you answer that question?
Our relationship with Israel benefits us infinitely, as would our relationship with our other close allies such as the UK, Canada, etc.
Oh. But you never mention those 25,000 or more terror attacks, since 9-11. Now why is that, let me guess....No Jooooooos involved?
The terrorist actions I am mainly concerned with are the two attacks on the World Trade Center -- both of which took place in retaliation for our support of Israel. If you doubt that, read the following:

Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) - Hunting for bin Laden
Only if you are an drugged out aluminum conehead antisemite, Bin Laden's main objection was allowing infidel US soldiers feet to be on Saudi Arabia soil, aka the "Cradle of Islam". That was his main focus and gripe. Even your link confirms this. Israel and other "issues" were an afterthought, and not even on his radar.
Our relationship with Israel benefits us infinitely, as would our relationship with our other close allies such as the UK, Canada, etc.

In specifically what way?

Your saying so doesn't make it so. You need to back that up with some solid facts. And there are none.
The asshole, piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard, had to give it one last stab before he leaves, he couldn't control himself. Yet we still have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to the slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Fuck Israel. We have been trying to create peace but Israel really isn't interested. Those settlements are a well known stumbling block for peace talks yet Israel is accelerating building in those areas.

If your orange moron wanted it vetoed, how come his buddy Putin didn't veto it for him.

Fuck that son of a whore Obama, hope he rots in hell. It's the PaliNazis that never wanted peace. That has been proven. Oh don't worry, Trump is sure to make you leftist commies poop in your pantalones when he moves the US embassy to Jerusalem. He's already scouting a few locations. LOL.
Maybe your orange buddy should have called his real friend Putin & ask him to veto it.
Putin is no friend of Trump. But since nothing the UN says or does has any consequence anyhow, it wasn't necessary for Trump to do anything further.

Hussein Obama went against the wishes of the American people and prominent Democrats, throwing more shit on his own legacy.
Trump ^& putin are buddy buddy. Putin helped Trump win.

Israel was/is being an ass by accelerating settlement developments knowing darn well they are adverse to a peach treaty. I say fuck Israel if they are not willing to help garner peace.
Folks, open your eyes to who the true enemies of humanity are.

Jews have always lived in Palestine. The Muslim Arabs have lived there since the Arab conquest of Byzantine Palestine.

Out of Palestine was created two unsuccessful "states"; the Jewish one and an Arab one. The biggest part of the Arab segment we now call Jordan and Gaza. The Jewish one we call Israel.

Arabs live peacefully in Israel. Jews cannot live peacefully in other parts of Palestine because Muslims won't tolerate them being there. So the Jews create defensible settlements within a territory in which they claim the right to live as well.

One ought to ask why it is that Arabs can live in Israel but Jews are not allowed to live in the Arab world before accusing the Jews of "ethnic cleansing". One could say there is "ethnic cleansing" involved in this, but it's not by the Jews.

The posts by pieces of crap like this UNrealdave are the words of the devil. They are lies. It is all devilish antisemitic propaganda that has been shared by the worst tyrants all through out history.
Our relationship with Israel benefits us infinitely, as would our relationship with our other close allies such as the UK, Canada, etc.

In specifically what way?

Your saying so doesn't make it so. You need to back that up with some solid facts. And there are none.
What are you, a total ignoramus? US Israel relations are very similar to US and any of its close allies. The fact that you're an antisemite who has problems dealing with it, doesn't mean jack.

Memorandum of Understanding
To address threats to security in the Middle East, including joint military exercises and readiness activities, cooperation in defense trade and access to maintenance facilities. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding marked the beginning of close security cooperation and coordination between the American and Israeli governments. Comprehensive cooperation between Israel and the United States on security issues became official in 1981 when Israel's Defense Minister Ariel Sharon and American Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger signed a Memorandum of Understanding that recognized "the common bonds of friendship between the United States and Israel and builds on the mutual security relationship that exists between the two nations". The memorandum called for several measures.

Missile program
One facet of the US–Israel strategic relationship is the joint development of the Arrow Anti-Ballistic Missile Program, designed to intercept and destroy ballistic missiles. This development is funded by both Israel and the United States. The Arrow has also provided the US with the research and experience necessary to develop additional weapons systems. So far, the development cost has been between $2.4 and $3.6 billion, with the United States picking up 50 percent of the final costs.

In April 1996, President Bill Clinton and Prime Minister Shimon Peres signed the US–Israel Counter-terrorism Accord. The two countries agreed to further cooperation in information sharing, training, investigations, research and development and policymaking.

Homeland security
At the federal, state and local levels there is close Israeli–American cooperation on homeland security. Israel was one of the first countries to cooperate with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in developing initiatives to enhance homeland security. In this framework, there are many areas of partnership, including preparedness and protection of travel and trade. American and Israeli law enforcement officers and Homeland Security officials regularly meet in both countries to study counter-terrorism techniques and new ideas regarding intelligence gathering and threat prevention.

In December 2005, the United States and Israel signed an agreement to begin a joint effort to detect the smuggling of nuclear and other radioactive material by installing special equipment in Haifa, Israel's busiest seaport. This effort is part of a nonproliferation program of the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration that works with foreign partners to detect, deter, and interdict illicit trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive materials.

Military bases
The United States maintains six war reserve stocks inside Israel,at Airwing 7 air base and maintains some $300 million in military equipment at these sites. The equipment is owned by the United States and is for use by American forces in the Middle East, but can also be transferred to Israeli use during a time of crisis. The United States is also alleged to keep fighter and bomber aircraft at these sites, and one of the bases is thought to contain a 500-bed hospital for US Marines and Special Forces.[139][140] According to the American military journalist and commentator William Arkin in his book Code Names, the US has prepositioned in at least six sites in Israel, munitions, vehicles, and military equipment, and even a 500-bed hospital, for use by US Marines, Special Forces, and Air Force fighter and bomber aircraft in a wartime contingency in the Middle East.[8]Arkin in his book writes that some of the sites are located at Ben Gurion Airport, Nevatim, Ovda air base, and in Herzliya Pituah. The sites are numbered as "site 51," "site 53," "site 54," "site 55" and "site 56." Some of the depots are underground, others were built as open hangars. According to Arkin, site 51 holds ammunition and equipment in underground depots. Site 53 is munitions storage and war reserve vehicles at Israeli Air Force bases, site 54 is an emergency military hospital near Tel Aviv with 500 beds, and sites 55 and 56 are ammunition depots.[141] However, Israel is not the only country in the Middle East to host US military bases; there are American facilities in Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia (mostly withdrawn from in 2003), Oman, and the Persian Gulf states of Kuwait, Bahrain (headquarters of the United States Fifth Fleet), Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. The Bahrain headquarters of the United States Fifth Fleet is meant to act as a watchdog and deterrent to potential Iranian aggression in the Persian Gulf region.[8]

The Israeli Mediterranean Port of Haifa hosts regular visits by navy vessels of the United States Sixth Fleet, which is headquartered in Naples, Italy.[142]

The Dimona Radar Facility is an American radar facility in the Negev desert of Israel, located near Dimona. The facility has two 400-foot radar towers designed to track ballistic missiles through space and provide ground-based missiles with the targeting data needed to intercept them. It can detect missiles up to 1,500 miles away. The facility is owned and operated by the US military, and provides only second-hand intelligence to Israel. The towers of the facility are the tallest radar towers in the world, and the tallest towers in Israel.

Intelligence relations
The United States and Israel have cooperated on intelligence matters since the 1950s. Throughout the Cold War, Israel provided the US with information on Soviet-built weapons systems captured from the Arabs. Israel also provides the US with much of its Middle Eastern human intelligence. The CIA became more reliant on Israeli intelligence following the Iranian Revolution and the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing.[143] Meanwhile, the US provided Israel with satellite imagery, and in the early 1980s, the CIA reportedly began giving Israel intelligence that it denied its closest NATO allies. In particular, Israel received almost unlimited access to intelligence from the KH-11 Kennan military satellite, though Israeli access was more restricted following Operation Opera..

The National Security Agency has confirmed that it provides to Israel raw unfiltered information intercepts that include private details and messages of American citizens.[153]
Meaning, stop whining Joehammad, ya lost the election. No more president Hussein Shithead, the people have taken their govt. back..."under new management."

Until he gets impeached, which will be pretty quickly.

You see, the thing is, the Zionist Entity isn't going to last no matter how much America props it up. Demographics isn't your friend, and a lot of Jews are moving back to Europe where they came from because paying 3 times to going rate to live next to people who want to kill you really is stupid.
Meaning, stop whining Joehammad, ya lost the election. No more president Hussein Shithead, the people have taken their govt. back..."under new management."

Until he gets impeached, which will be pretty quickly.

You see, the thing is, the Zionist Entity isn't going to last no matter how much America props it up. Demographics isn't your friend, and a lot of Jews are moving back to Europe where they came from because paying 3 times to going rate to live next to people who want to kill you really is stupid.
Poor Joehammad uses the IslamoNazi label for Israel: "Zionist entity". You're about as bad as president Hussein Shithead who can't say "Islamic terrorist". Don't worry Joehammad, population of Jews in Judea and Samaria has increased to almost 500,000, praise be to Allah, the Palestinian invaders and squatters will have to go back to Jordan and Egypt where they came from.
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Now Kerry is laying out a "vision" for a Palestinian state. Trump will be saddled with it till he can create a realistic one of his own. Like he was not walking into the office with enough on his plate already

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Poor Joehammad uses the IslamoNazi label for Israel: "Zionist entity". You're about as bad as president Hussein Shithead who can't say "Islamic terrorist". Don't worry Joehammad, population of Jews in Judea and Samaria has increased to almost 500,000, praise be to Allah, the Palestinian invaders and squatters will have to go back to Jordan and Egypt where they came from.

YOu keep telling yourself that you can keep on in the face of universal condemnation.

After all, that's what South Africa used to think.
Now Kerry is laying out a "vision" for a Palestinian state. Trump will be saddled with it till he can create a realistic one of his own. Like he was not walking into the office with enough on his plate already

I don't think Trump is smart enough to come up with one on his own. Of course, the reality is the rest of the world has gotten sick of the Zionist Entity and it's bullshit, but if he wants to keep subsidizing it, maybe he should ask the American Taxpayers first.
Jordan had annexed the west bank, so in '67 it was not palestinian. When Jordan gave up the WB to Israel, it was up to Israel how to distribute the land in a peace settlement with the palestinians.

Israel is not giving up it's security or Jerusalem, period.

There was no legal palestinian state, but there could be if pals want to sit and talk directly with Israel. The longer they take the small any such state would be.
Poor Joehammad uses the IslamoNazi label for Israel: "Zionist entity". You're about as bad as president Hussein Shithead who can't say "Islamic terrorist". Don't worry Joehammad, population of Jews in Judea and Samaria has increased to almost 500,000, praise be to Allah, the Palestinian invaders and squatters will have to go back to Jordan and Egypt where they came from.

YOu keep telling yourself that you can keep on in the face of universal condemnation.

After all, that's what South Africa used to think.
South Africa wasn't the religious, ancestral, cultural and spiritual homeland of the Whites like Israel is for the Jews, dufus. The Arabs are the invaders, they've always been that.
Now Kerry is laying out a "vision" for a Palestinian state. Trump will be saddled with it till he can create a realistic one of his own. Like he was not walking into the office with enough on his plate already

I don't think Trump is smart enough to come up with one on his own. Of course, the reality is the rest of the world has gotten sick of the Zionist Entity and it's bullshit, but if he wants to keep subsidizing it, maybe he should ask the American Taxpayers first.
American taxpayers are overwhelmingly pro Israel. Why do you always get it so wrong, Joehammad?
The asshole, piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard, had to give it one last stab before he leaves, he couldn't control himself. Yet we still have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to the slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Obutthole had better watch the sky for a single black cloud. God is going to send a lightening bolt to strike those who go against his Promised Land and its people.
We should have pressured Mr Trump to kick the UN out of America during the campaign.
We should have pressured Mr Trump to kick the UN out of America during the campaign.

He might well cut funds, at least a percentage, to the UN.

I worked with the UN, but in the last couple of decades, it really has proved it's weakness and bias. So disappointed

Half a million dead in syria and now it wants to implement sanctions over chemical weapons?

Crimes and humanitarian horrors around the world and it's worried about some homes being built in lands that were jewish before being illegally annexed by Jordan and eventually handed over in a peace agreement with Israel?

If palestinians want a state, they have to talk to Israel directly.

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