Hussein Obama's final stab in the back of our great ally, Israel

The asshole, piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard, had to give it one last stab before he leaves, he couldn't control himself. Yet we still have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to the slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
IMO he should have voted to condemn their asses. He actually let them off light.
good news is that's his last act of betrayal. All of that will be fixed after January 20.

He isn't done with his petulant revenge yet; his cultists here have been evidence of his brand of insanity and how pervasive and dominant it is among the Pedo-Friendlies and ISIS fans who voted for the gimp.
The asshole, piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard, had to give it one last stab before he leaves, he couldn't control himself. Yet we still have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to the slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

Just read about it, and you're right, him and his cult followers are petty, infantile sociopaths and gimps; they've left no doubt at all about what they are and how sick they are. He is going to do worse in his remaining days, he has a 'scorched Earth' mentality most sick gimps have when they don't get their way on something, and the bodies will pile up as a result of his tantrums. He truly is representative of his 'Party' and its base of vermin and scum.
Well of course he's going to do worse. He asked America to vote for Hillary, so that his agenda and legacy and continue. Now that America repudiated him on Nov. 8., in humiliating fashion, he's going all out, proving he's been what Americans having feared all along.
Yeah yeah yeah. With you Nazis and IslamoNazis it's always the same mantra, USS Liberty (never USS Cole), Jonathan Pollard, Jews did 9-11, Jews control media, banks, govt., Jooos Jooos Jooos, it's always the same exact shit you'll find on these garbage sites. Get a life, Achmed, there's a new sheriff in town.
"Never USS Cole?" The attack on USS Cole was attributed to Al Qaeda and as far I know we've been killing everyone associated with Al Qaeda we can get our hands (or drones) on. So what is your problem with that?

And I haven't mentioned anything about banks, media or government, so please limit your Oy to what's in the script. No ad-libing.
You aren't really interesting or original, going down the list of antisemtic canards, grabbed from a neo Nazi site. We've heard this shit a million times before, Achmed.

f you've been paying attention you will have seen that I've been accused of being a "virulent anti-Islamist" and a "Muslim-hater" in this forum. So once again you're off base.

Because I am opposed to the U.S. continuing in its counterproductive role as Israel's big brother does not make me an anti-semite or a pro-Islamist. If you knew me I believe you'd find me to be an objectively observant American who pays attention to Washington's machinations and who is concerned with the best interests of my Nation.

Israel is a foreign country. Unless you are a Jew first and an American second you should give some thought to where your loyalties lie. If you are so concerned with Israel's well-being you can go there, assume automatic citizenship, and serve in the IDF.
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You on the left are not rational people. The last few months proves that
Instead of clumping me into a category when you know nothing about me, how about you point to specifics about things I say that aren't rational and we can go from there... you can stop wasting time with petty pointless and baseless insults like you just attempted

You're a left loon...your posts confirm that.

Run along now, I have no use for loons
Again, a general baseless poor excuse for an insult. Is that really all you got? How about you point to something specific that I said? And write my words, not a distorted interpretation of what you think I was trying to say... You've proven to have very poor comprehension skills.

Do you really think I give a rat's what you think, loon? Get over yourself and past thinking I do. You're insignificant all are left loons, it's when you number up you clowns become dangerous
You cared enough to initiate a conversation with me by making ignorant statements based on zero facts or references to anything that I have said. Are you really that damn piss poor at making intelligent arguments? I guess that explains why all you can do is petty insults. Just makes you look like an idiot.
SassyIrishLass is a mouthy eXtreme rw idiot
Thank you Mr. President. Its the apartheid states that row govt. That the UN consistently rebukes

Sent from my VS425PP using Tapatalk
Yeah yeah yeah. With you Nazis and IslamoNazis it's always the same mantra, USS Liberty (never USS Cole), Jonathan Pollard, Jews did 9-11, Jews control media, banks, govt., Jooos Jooos Jooos, it's always the same exact shit you'll find on these garbage sites. Get a life, Achmed, there's a new sheriff in town.
"Never USS Cole?" The attack on USS Cole was attributed to Al Qaeda and as far I know we've been killing everyone associated with Al Qaeda we can get our hands (or drones) on. So what is your problem with that?

And I haven't mentioned anything about banks, media or government, so please limit your Oy to what's in the script. No ad-libing.
Oh. But you never mention those 25,000 or more terror attacks, since 9-11. Now why is that, let me guess....No Jooooooos involved?
You aren't really interesting or original, going down the list of antisemtic canards, grabbed from a neo Nazi site. We've heard this shit a million times before, Achmed.

f you've been paying attention you will have seen that I've been accused of being a "virulent anti-Islamist" and a "Muslim-hater" in this forum. So once again you're off base.

Because I am opposed to the U.S. continuing in its counterproductive role as Israel's big brother does not make me an anti-semite or a pro-Islamist. If you knew me I believe you'd find me to be an objectively observant American who pays attention to Washington's machinations and who is concerned with the best interests of my Nation.

Israel is a foreign country. Unless you are a Jew first and an American second you should give some thought to where your loyalties lie. If you are so concerned with Israel's well-being you can go there, assume automatic citizenship, and serve in the IDF.
Or maybe you can join Hamas?

Are you accusing the majority of Americans of being "Israel firsters", just because they are string supporters of Israel? Clean up your act, and stop repeating antisemtic canards.
Well done obummer. Now, at the top of your legacy will be the word Asshole. You are a perfect asshole!
Israel building settlements in disputed territory puts us in the middle of bailing their asses out

U.S. Should have voted to condemn it. We have been telling them to stop the shit for years
^ that

US needs to cut apron strings

The U.S. Is still an ally of Israel......we need to stop being an ally of Netanyahu

He does not have our interest at heart
That is a shame! Democrats are assholes! They refused to stand by the only democracy in the Middle East, chose instead to stand with suicide bombers. Obama, in his book, said he would stand with the Muslims. No surprise there.

You don't get to call yourself a "Democracy" when you practice Apartheid against the native population...

Israel is no more a "Democracy" than South Africa was under the Bothas...

Remember the Democrats couldn't even vote for Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jewish people during the 2012 convention? This dirtbag president has turned out to be every bit of a disaster that he was predicted to be.

Well, you see, the thing is, "Eternal" would mean it always was and always will be.

Clearly, there were large swaiths of history there Jerusalem didn't exist, where it wasn't a Jewish city, etc. So it couldn't be "eternal", now could it.

Here's a better question. Why are we getting in the middle of a fight over who an Imaginary Pixie in the Sky gave a strip of desert to?
That is a shame! Democrats are assholes! They refused to stand by the only democracy in the Middle East, chose instead to stand with suicide bombers. Obama, in his book, said he would stand with the Muslims. No surprise there.

You don't get to call yourself a "Democracy" when you practice Apartheid against the native population...

Israel is no more a "Democracy" than South Africa was under the Bothas...

Remember the Democrats couldn't even vote for Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jewish people during the 2012 convention? This dirtbag president has turned out to be every bit of a disaster that he was predicted to be.

Well, you see, the thing is, "Eternal" would mean it always was and always will be.

Clearly, there were large swaiths of history there Jerusalem didn't exist, where it wasn't a Jewish city, etc. So it couldn't be "eternal", now could it.

Here's a better question. Why are we getting in the middle of a fight over who an Imaginary Pixie in the Sky gave a strip of desert to?
Horse shit!
good news is that's his last act of betrayal. All of that will be fixed after January 20.

Meaning what? YOu really think Trumpenfuhrer cares about a constituency that voted 70% against him?

Keep in mind, this is a guy who used to keep a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand.
Meaning, stop whining Joehammad, ya lost the election. No more president Hussein Shithead, the people have taken their govt. back..."under new management."

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