Hydroxychloroquine Covid 19 Studies Seem To Be Set-up To Fail!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Everyone has to tell all these medical professionals, pharmaceutical industry supporters and just naysayers to "hold your horses" in writing off "hydroxychloroquine" (HCL)as having a role as a therapeutic for Covid 19 patients. In the last week or so you have the JAMA Study from Brazil, the Veterans Hospital Study and the French 181 patient study all coming out with negative conclusions about chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine and you have tons of people in the media that want the issue closed, that HCL should not be an approved treatment option. Responsible people say no, no, no we have to look more carefully here, these studies are not dispositive about this drug at all; the big red flag about all these studies is that the demographics of the patients in the study is their old which makes them bad candidates for the drug based on how it works. HCL has a long history of use it is used as a treatment for diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. These diseases involve a person's immune system going haywire and attacking good tissues within the body for lupus it can be many parts of the body attacked for rheumatoid arthritis it is the joints of the body. In the broadest sense the way that hydroxychloroquine works is that it suppresses or dials down part of a persons immune system since in these diseases the immune system is causing the problem suppressing it provides relief to people with these diseases. The fact that HCL suppresses part of the immune system should be a big concern to clinical doctors considering using it and people that design studies to determine the efficacy and safety of the drug because the way the disease Covid 19 works is that it attacks the lungs and in order for medical science to bring about a healing for such a person medical care has to aid such a person in using their immune system to combat, defeat and keep defeated this disease. The reason why the demographic group of older patients should be a concern is that this group's immune system is weaker to begin with, medical science labels this medical condition "immunosenescence" plus older people tend to have separate diseases which involve or cause a weakened or compromised immune system. It should strike people as very risky giving patients medicine to suppress a "weakened" immune system when the plan is that person's immune system is the means to defeat the virus!

Unfortunately, the full details on how hydroxychloroquine works within the body isn't clearly known! The following analysis I offer as a helpful analysis based on the science known. The SARS Cov 2 virus, the virus behind Covid 19, specifically attacks the little air sacs (aveolar) in the lungs, there is millions of aveolar in the lungs, it specifically attacks the aveolar II cell in the air sac which is principally responsible for producing a fluid which creates a membrane barrier between the capillaries and the air sacs the place where the transfer of oxygen to the blood supply is facilitated. How the Cov 2 virus actually brings about fatality is that it kills enough of these alveolor II cells in the air sac which causes the membrane to fail and fluid from the capillaries to fill the air sac thus the oxygen to blood transfer is shut down and the patient dies from lack of oxygen. Now how the human immune system operates in a broad general sense is that you have two different kinds of defenses you have these immune system cells in lymph nodes which are strategically located tissue throughout the body then you have this other line of defense where you have immune system cells dispersed throughout the body. You have three general types of immune system cells you have these cells that do phagocytosis (phago -greek meaning to eat & Latin cyto meaning hollow vessel [cell]) eat or breakdown cells - macrophages, neutrophil and T cells another type of immune system cell sends signals to other immune cells to bring them to the fight -dendritic cells and then you have antibody creating cells - B (body) cells. The important thing to know is that T cells and B Cells reside in the lymph nodes and macrophages, neutrophil and dendritic cells are dispersed throughout the body one further thing to note is that the aveolar itself has macrophages that reside there.

Now what science knows is that the way hydroxychloroquine works is that it blocks the activation of dendritic cells so if a Covid 19 patient is taking HCL their dendritic cells when they come across a corona virus in the aveolar aren't being activated so they aren't going to the lymph nodes and bringing T cells to the fight between the Cov 2 virus and Aveolar II cells. So for these patients on HCL their principle defense is the macrophages and the Aveolar II cells themselves and too a lesser extent neutrophil cells. There is authority in the medical profession that concludes that in older people their macrophages don't work as well as when they were younger and specifically one area where they don't work as well is in breaking down lipids there is a lot of lipids in cells cell walls are mostly lipids so if lipid structures aren't being broken down in these air sacs it could be a problem in clogging up transfer of oxygen to the capillaries in the air sacs this is actually a recognized medical condition called "pulmonary alveolar proteinosis". Another concern would be that macrophages have the ability thru the proteins and chemical they shed to call neutrophil, phagocytic cells, to the fight and neutrophil cells are better killers of microorganisms than macrophages because neutrophils have a mixture of granules within them and these granules contain a wide variety of enzymes that break down structures of and within microorganisms. Moreover, another defense mechanism of the human body is that when they are fighting pathogens and the fight is not going well immune cells send signals to cells under attack and those cells under attack send signals to themselves to kill themselves to protect healthy parts of the body. The point here is that if HCL is used on a Covid 19 patient that is older or has a weakened immune system what you have is a person in the aveolar in their lungs fighting these viruses with weakened macrophages so the macrophages are fighting less effectively and being less effective at calling other immune system cells to the fight and combine that with aveolar II cells killing themselves as a defense mechanism besides being killed by the virus, these cells vital to preventing the lungs air sacs from filling up with fluid, it should be no surprise that such patients at a high rate have poor health outcomes - these types of patients are not good candidates for HCL use - the studies on this drug should be enrolling only good candidates this way America and the world can learn if the drug has safety and efficacious value for the Covid 19 disease!

The American public needs to hear more of the other side on these studies. For the JAMA Brazilian study it involved chloroquine (CL) not hydroxychloroquine, HCL is what is primarily being used in America today. CL permeates the blood stream more easily than HCL so it has higher toxicity. In this study they used dosages of either 600 mg twice a day for five days or 450 mg two times for the first day with 450 mg for the following four days; this is over dosage for lupus and for RA the recommendation for such diseases is 200 mg to 400 mg per day. The study had a small sample size only 81 persons, the mean age of the enrolled patients was 51 and amongst the study population there was forty reported diseases, diseases that would indicate the person in that status had a weakened immune system whether one enrolled patient had two or more of such diseases it is not clear from the report. For the Veterans Hospital Study, it was a study of medical records. Although there was 368 patients in the study the median age of people in the study was between the age of 68 - 70. Amongst the patient population there was 457 diseases that would indicate the holder of the disease had a weakened immune system again it is not clear how many patients had multiple such diseases. Moreover, since it was a study of medical records one needs to factor in that those patients that got HCL were sicker from Covid 19 compared to those patients that did not get HCL which necessitate drawing the conclusion that to a significant degree the study was not fully fair because the patients getting HCL were sicker that fact could have in part been the cause for the disparity in outcomes not fully the drug HCL. For the French Study, amongst the 181 patients the median age was 60 years old. The dosage was high it was 600 mg of HCL per day and patients chosen for the study were a sicker demographic of Covid 19 patients you had to be a patient that needed to be on oxygen when admitted to the hospital to be eligible for the study. It was noteworthy the outcome 2.8% of the HCL patients died within the first seven days, but, a higher 4.6% of no-HCL patients died in that time period. What I think most Americans want here is just fair studies done we hear of stories where people were in seriously declining health from Covid 19 and were put on HCL and within forty-eight hours their medical condition significantly improved. Could it be that HCL was "not" responsible for the healing or it could be that it was a beneficial therapeutic we just want to know the truth please those in authority make the system work correctly here, it is literally a matter of life or death that is at stake!
What I find so interesting about hydroxychloroquine is how loudly the media and the lib politicians are rooting against it. When Jonas Salk was proposing his remedy for Polio back in the day, did the major networks lobby against the new treatment? When Jenner worked on his smallpox vaccine, did he have problems with the media?

Trump faces unprecedented jihads opposing his COVID19 treatment.
Everyone has to tell all these medical professionals, pharmaceutical industry supporters and just naysayers to "hold your horses" in writing off "hydroxychloroquine" (HCL)as having a role as a therapeutic for Covid 19 patients. In the last week or so you have the JAMA Study from Brazil, the Veterans Hospital Study and the French 181 patient study all coming out with negative conclusions about chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine and you have tons of people in the media that want the issue closed, that HCL should not be an approved treatment option. Responsible people say no, no, no we have to look more carefully here, these studies are not dispositive about this drug at all; the big red flag about all these studies is that the demographics of the patients in the study is their old which makes them bad candidates for the drug based on how it works. HCL has a long history of use it is used as a treatment for diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. These diseases involve a person's immune system going haywire and attacking good tissues within the body for lupus it can be many parts of the body attacked for rheumatoid arthritis it is the joints of the body. In the broadest sense the way that hydroxychloroquine works is that it suppresses or dials down part of a persons immune system since in these diseases the immune system is causing the problem suppressing it provides relief to people with these diseases. The fact that HCL suppresses part of the immune system should be a big concern to clinical doctors considering using it and people that design studies to determine the efficacy and safety of the drug because the way the disease Covid 19 works is that it attacks the lungs and in order for medical science to bring about a healing for such a person medical care has to aid such a person in using their immune system to combat, defeat and keep defeated this disease. The reason why the demographic group of older patients should be a concern is that this group's immune system is weaker to begin with, medical science labels this medical condition "immunosenescence" plus older people tend to have separate diseases which involve or cause a weakened or compromised immune system. It should strike people as very risky giving patients medicine to suppress a "weakened" immune system when the plan is that person's immune system is the means to defeat the virus!

Unfortunately, the full details on how hydroxychloroquine works within the body isn't clearly known! The following analysis I offer as a helpful analysis based on the science known. The SARS Cov 2 virus, the virus behind Covid 19, specifically attacks the little air sacs (aveolar) in the lungs, there is millions of aveolar in the lungs, it specifically attacks the aveolar II cell in the air sac which is principally responsible for producing a fluid which creates a membrane barrier between the capillaries and the air sacs the place where the transfer of oxygen to the blood supply is facilitated. How the Cov 2 virus actually brings about fatality is that it kills enough of these alveolor II cells in the air sac which causes the membrane to fail and fluid from the capillaries to fill the air sac thus the oxygen to blood transfer is shut down and the patient dies from lack of oxygen. Now how the human immune system operates in a broad general sense is that you have two different kinds of defenses you have these immune system cells in lymph nodes which are strategically located tissue throughout the body then you have this other line of defense where you have immune system cells dispersed throughout the body. You have three general types of immune system cells you have these cells that do phagocytosis (phago -greek meaning to eat & Latin cyto meaning hollow vessel [cell]) eat or breakdown cells - macrophages, neutrophil and T cells another type of immune system cell sends signals to other immune cells to bring them to the fight -dendritic cells and then you have antibody creating cells - B (body) cells. The important thing to know is that T cells and B Cells reside in the lymph nodes and macrophages, neutrophil and dendritic cells are dispersed throughout the body one further thing to note is that the aveolar itself has macrophages that reside there.

Now what science knows is that the way hydroxychloroquine works is that it blocks the activation of dendritic cells so if a Covid 19 patient is taking HCL their dendritic cells when they come across a corona virus in the aveolar aren't being activated so they aren't going to the lymph nodes and bringing T cells to the fight between the Cov 2 virus and Aveolar II cells. So for these patients on HCL their principle defense is the macrophages and the Aveolar II cells themselves and too a lesser extent neutrophil cells. There is authority in the medical profession that concludes that in older people their macrophages don't work as well as when they were younger and specifically one area where they don't work as well is in breaking down lipids there is a lot of lipids in cells cell walls are mostly lipids so if lipid structures aren't being broken down in these air sacs it could be a problem in clogging up transfer of oxygen to the capillaries in the air sacs this is actually a recognized medical condition called "pulmonary alveolar proteinosis". Another concern would be that macrophages have the ability thru the proteins and chemical they shed to call neutrophil, phagocytic cells, to the fight and neutrophil cells are better killers of microorganisms than macrophages because neutrophils have a mixture of granules within them and these granules contain a wide variety of enzymes that break down structures of and within microorganisms. Moreover, another defense mechanism of the human body is that when they are fighting pathogens and the fight is not going well immune cells send signals to cells under attack and those cells under attack send signals to themselves to kill themselves to protect healthy parts of the body. The point here is that if HCL is used on a Covid 19 patient that is older or has a weakened immune system what you have is a person in the aveolar in their lungs fighting these viruses with weakened macrophages so the macrophages are fighting less effectively and being less effective at calling other immune system cells to the fight and combine that with aveolar II cells killing themselves as a defense mechanism besides being killed by the virus, these cells vital to preventing the lungs air sacs from filling up with fluid, it should be no surprise that such patients at a high rate have poor health outcomes - these types of patients are not good candidates for HCL use - the studies on this drug should be enrolling only good candidates this way America and the world can learn if the drug has safety and efficacious value for the Covid 19 disease!

The American public needs to hear more of the other side on these studies. For the JAMA Brazilian study it involved chloroquine (CL) not hydroxychloroquine, HCL is what is primarily being used in America today. CL permeates the blood stream more easily than HCL so it has higher toxicity. In this study they used dosages of either 600 mg twice a day for five days or 450 mg two times for the first day with 450 mg for the following four days; this is over dosage for lupus and for RA the recommendation for such diseases is 200 mg to 400 mg per day. The study had a small sample size only 81 persons, the mean age of the enrolled patients was 51 and amongst the study population there was forty reported diseases, diseases that would indicate the person in that status had a weakened immune system whether one enrolled patient had two or more of such diseases it is not clear from the report. For the Veterans Hospital Study, it was a study of medical records. Although there was 368 patients in the study the median age of people in the study was between the age of 68 - 70. Amongst the patient population there was 457 diseases that would indicate the holder of the disease had a weakened immune system again it is not clear how many patients had multiple such diseases. Moreover, since it was a study of medical records one needs to factor in that those patients that got HCL were sicker from Covid 19 compared to those patients that did not get HCL which necessitate drawing the conclusion that to a significant degree the study was not fully fair because the patients getting HCL were sicker that fact could have in part been the cause for the disparity in outcomes not fully the drug HCL. For the French Study, amongst the 181 patients the median age was 60 years old. The dosage was high it was 600 mg of HCL per day and patients chosen for the study were a sicker demographic of Covid 19 patients you had to be a patient that needed to be on oxygen when admitted to the hospital to be eligible for the study. It was noteworthy the outcome 2.8% of the HCL patients died within the first seven days, but, a higher 4.6% of no-HCL patients died in that time period. What I think most Americans want here is just fair studies done we hear of stories where people were in seriously declining health from Covid 19 and were put on HCL and within forty-eight hours their medical condition significantly improved. Could it be that HCL was "not" responsible for the healing or it could be that it was a beneficial therapeutic we just want to know the truth please those in authority make the system work correctly here, it is literally a matter of life or death that is at stake!

Wow. Tell you what. Why don't we just wait for the science and data analysis before we pass judgment? OK? Initial implementation of the drug was shown to be promising in patients that were already infected with the virus. Subsequent studies have shown that promise was in haste..wasn't good. The doses required to combat the virus were high, resulting in side effects such as stopping people's hearts...you know...kind of a non-starter. Again, for the umpteenth time, this is why drug treatments are subject to approval, clinical trials, data gathering and analysis, and final approval for treatment. Because once again....say it with me..."we don't want the cure to be worse than the disease".
The reason why the demographic group of older patients should be a concern is that this group's immune system is weaker to begin with, medical science labels this medical condition "immunosenescence" plus older people tend to have separate diseases which involve or cause a weakened or compromised immune system. It should strike people as very risky giving patients medicine to suppress a "weakened" immune system when the plan is that person's immune system is the means to defeat the virus!

Same reaction I had when the FDA issued a statement today... They refused to say what BASIS they cited and just mentioned one study.. In THAT study the protocol dose was 450 to 600 mg/dose.. The 600 mg being 50% HIGHER THAN ANY doctor is currently prescribing.. ALL of the protocols from 6200 physicians in Europe were using 400mg twice daily for 5 days..

Set up to fail --- is correct.. And here's the reason.. Nobody MAKES any real $$$ on a 50 yr old drug.., Even if the NORMAL monthly production of HCQuine is about 10 Metric tons a month.. And a lot of the AMERICAN physicians dissing HCQ are now taking BIG BUCKS from Gilead and others to run over 80 clinical trials at the moment on their Remdesivir.,. In fact, one of them a couple weeks gave a media interview saying that one of the reasons they were DISCONTINUING HCQuine was that it would affect patients ability to BE ELIGIBLE for clinical trials.. Imagine that. Line up the guinea pigs..

Aint no way I'm gonna tell a loved one right now to enroll in a clinical trial when they WONT BE TOLD if they are even being TREATED at all.. I consider that immoral... But morality is not apparently important if you've got a big investment and a short term profit window for a NEW drug....
Same reaction I had when the FDA issued a statement today... They refused to say what BASIS they cited and just mentioned one study.. In THAT study the protocol dose was 450 to 600 mg/dose.. The 600 mg being 50% HIGHER THAN ANY doctor is currently prescribing.. ALL of the protocols from 6200 physicians in Europe were using 400mg twice daily for 5 days..

Set up to fail --- is correct.. And here's the reason.. Nobody MAKES any real $$$ on a 50 yr old drug.., Even if the NORMAL monthly production of HCQuine is about 10 Metric tons a month.. And a lot of the AMERICAN physicians dissing HCQ are now taking BIG BUCKS from Gilead and others to run over 80 clinical trials at the moment on their Remdesivir.,. In fact, one of them a couple weeks gave a media interview saying that one of the reasons they were DISCONTINUING HCQuine was that it would affect patients ability to BE ELIGIBLE for clinical trials.. Imagine that. Line up the guinea pigs..

Aint no way I'm gonna tell a loved one right now to enroll in a clinical trial when they WONT BE TOLD if they are even being TREATED at all.. I consider that immoral... But morality is not apparently important if you've got a big investment and a short term profit window for a NEW drug....

You seem a bit off when it comes to that survey of physicians regarding hydroxychloroquine. Based on my reading of that survey, only a third prescribed it for COVID-19. Oddly, more of the physicians than prescribed it chose it as the most effective treatment (33% to 37%). I'm not sure what those who didn't prescribe it but chose it as most effective used to base that choice on. In addition, all of the doctors who prescribed it did not use the same treatment regimen. The most common was 400mg on day 1, then 400mg a day for the next 5 days. That was for 36% of cases.

Treatments & Efficacy

  • The three most commonly prescribed treatments amongst COVID-19 treaters are 56% analgesics, 41% Azithromycin, and 33% Hydroxychloroquine
  • Hydroxychloroquine usage amongst COVID-19 treaters is 72% in Spain, 49% in Italy, 41% in Brazil, 39% in Mexico, 28% in France, 23% in the U.S., 17% in Germany, 16% in Canada, 13% in the UK and 7% in Japan
  • Hydroxychloroquine was overall chosen as the most effective therapy amongst COVID-19 treaters from a list of 15 options (37% of COVID-19 treaters)
    • 75% in Spain, 53% Italy, 44% in China, 43% in Brazil, 29% in France, 23% in the U.S. and 13% in the U.K.
  • The two most common treatment regimens for Hydroxychloroquine were:
    • (38%) 400mg twice daily on day one; 400 mg daily for five days
    • (26%) 400mg twice daily on day one; 200mg twice daily for four days
  • Outside the U.S., Hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the U.S. it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients
  • Globally, 19% of physicians prescribed or have seen Hydroxychloroquine prophylactically used for high risk patients, and 8% for low risk patients

It's possible some physicians used a higher dosage similar to the trial you are talking about. The survey doesn't say.

As far as Remdesivir, I thought they had a failed trial recently?
Taking hydroxychloroquine long-term or at high doses may cause irreversible damage to the retina of your eye. Stop taking this medicine and call your doctor at once if you have trouble focusing, if you see light streaks or flashes in your vision, or if you notice any swelling or color changes in your eyes.
Everyone has to tell all these medical professionals, pharmaceutical industry supporters and just naysayers to "hold your horses" in writing off "hydroxychloroquine" (HCL)as having a role as a therapeutic for Covid 19 patients. In the last week or so you have the JAMA Study from Brazil, the Veterans Hospital Study and the French 181 patient study all coming out with negative conclusions about chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine and you have tons of people in the media that want the issue closed, that HCL should not be an approved treatment option. Responsible people say no, no, no we have to look more carefully here, these studies are not dispositive about this drug at all; the big red flag about all these studies is that the demographics of the patients in the study is their old which makes them bad candidates for the drug based on how it works. HCL has a long history of use it is used as a treatment for diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. These diseases involve a person's immune system going haywire and attacking good tissues within the body for lupus it can be many parts of the body attacked for rheumatoid arthritis it is the joints of the body. In the broadest sense the way that hydroxychloroquine works is that it suppresses or dials down part of a persons immune system since in these diseases the immune system is causing the problem suppressing it provides relief to people with these diseases. The fact that HCL suppresses part of the immune system should be a big concern to clinical doctors considering using it and people that design studies to determine the efficacy and safety of the drug because the way the disease Covid 19 works is that it attacks the lungs and in order for medical science to bring about a healing for such a person medical care has to aid such a person in using their immune system to combat, defeat and keep defeated this disease. The reason why the demographic group of older patients should be a concern is that this group's immune system is weaker to begin with, medical science labels this medical condition "immunosenescence" plus older people tend to have separate diseases which involve or cause a weakened or compromised immune system. It should strike people as very risky giving patients medicine to suppress a "weakened" immune system when the plan is that person's immune system is the means to defeat the virus!

Unfortunately, the full details on how hydroxychloroquine works within the body isn't clearly known! The following analysis I offer as a helpful analysis based on the science known. The SARS Cov 2 virus, the virus behind Covid 19, specifically attacks the little air sacs (aveolar) in the lungs, there is millions of aveolar in the lungs, it specifically attacks the aveolar II cell in the air sac which is principally responsible for producing a fluid which creates a membrane barrier between the capillaries and the air sacs the place where the transfer of oxygen to the blood supply is facilitated. How the Cov 2 virus actually brings about fatality is that it kills enough of these alveolor II cells in the air sac which causes the membrane to fail and fluid from the capillaries to fill the air sac thus the oxygen to blood transfer is shut down and the patient dies from lack of oxygen. Now how the human immune system operates in a broad general sense is that you have two different kinds of defenses you have these immune system cells in lymph nodes which are strategically located tissue throughout the body then you have this other line of defense where you have immune system cells dispersed throughout the body. You have three general types of immune system cells you have these cells that do phagocytosis (phago -greek meaning to eat & Latin cyto meaning hollow vessel [cell]) eat or breakdown cells - macrophages, neutrophil and T cells another type of immune system cell sends signals to other immune cells to bring them to the fight -dendritic cells and then you have antibody creating cells - B (body) cells. The important thing to know is that T cells and B Cells reside in the lymph nodes and macrophages, neutrophil and dendritic cells are dispersed throughout the body one further thing to note is that the aveolar itself has macrophages that reside there.

Now what science knows is that the way hydroxychloroquine works is that it blocks the activation of dendritic cells so if a Covid 19 patient is taking HCL their dendritic cells when they come across a corona virus in the aveolar aren't being activated so they aren't going to the lymph nodes and bringing T cells to the fight between the Cov 2 virus and Aveolar II cells. So for these patients on HCL their principle defense is the macrophages and the Aveolar II cells themselves and too a lesser extent neutrophil cells. There is authority in the medical profession that concludes that in older people their macrophages don't work as well as when they were younger and specifically one area where they don't work as well is in breaking down lipids there is a lot of lipids in cells cell walls are mostly lipids so if lipid structures aren't being broken down in these air sacs it could be a problem in clogging up transfer of oxygen to the capillaries in the air sacs this is actually a recognized medical condition called "pulmonary alveolar proteinosis". Another concern would be that macrophages have the ability thru the proteins and chemical they shed to call neutrophil, phagocytic cells, to the fight and neutrophil cells are better killers of microorganisms than macrophages because neutrophils have a mixture of granules within them and these granules contain a wide variety of enzymes that break down structures of and within microorganisms. Moreover, another defense mechanism of the human body is that when they are fighting pathogens and the fight is not going well immune cells send signals to cells under attack and those cells under attack send signals to themselves to kill themselves to protect healthy parts of the body. The point here is that if HCL is used on a Covid 19 patient that is older or has a weakened immune system what you have is a person in the aveolar in their lungs fighting these viruses with weakened macrophages so the macrophages are fighting less effectively and being less effective at calling other immune system cells to the fight and combine that with aveolar II cells killing themselves as a defense mechanism besides being killed by the virus, these cells vital to preventing the lungs air sacs from filling up with fluid, it should be no surprise that such patients at a high rate have poor health outcomes - these types of patients are not good candidates for HCL use - the studies on this drug should be enrolling only good candidates this way America and the world can learn if the drug has safety and efficacious value for the Covid 19 disease!

The American public needs to hear more of the other side on these studies. For the JAMA Brazilian study it involved chloroquine (CL) not hydroxychloroquine, HCL is what is primarily being used in America today. CL permeates the blood stream more easily than HCL so it has higher toxicity. In this study they used dosages of either 600 mg twice a day for five days or 450 mg two times for the first day with 450 mg for the following four days; this is over dosage for lupus and for RA the recommendation for such diseases is 200 mg to 400 mg per day. The study had a small sample size only 81 persons, the mean age of the enrolled patients was 51 and amongst the study population there was forty reported diseases, diseases that would indicate the person in that status had a weakened immune system whether one enrolled patient had two or more of such diseases it is not clear from the report. For the Veterans Hospital Study, it was a study of medical records. Although there was 368 patients in the study the median age of people in the study was between the age of 68 - 70. Amongst the patient population there was 457 diseases that would indicate the holder of the disease had a weakened immune system again it is not clear how many patients had multiple such diseases. Moreover, since it was a study of medical records one needs to factor in that those patients that got HCL were sicker from Covid 19 compared to those patients that did not get HCL which necessitate drawing the conclusion that to a significant degree the study was not fully fair because the patients getting HCL were sicker that fact could have in part been the cause for the disparity in outcomes not fully the drug HCL. For the French Study, amongst the 181 patients the median age was 60 years old. The dosage was high it was 600 mg of HCL per day and patients chosen for the study were a sicker demographic of Covid 19 patients you had to be a patient that needed to be on oxygen when admitted to the hospital to be eligible for the study. It was noteworthy the outcome 2.8% of the HCL patients died within the first seven days, but, a higher 4.6% of no-HCL patients died in that time period. What I think most Americans want here is just fair studies done we hear of stories where people were in seriously declining health from Covid 19 and were put on HCL and within forty-eight hours their medical condition significantly improved. Could it be that HCL was "not" responsible for the healing or it could be that it was a beneficial therapeutic we just want to know the truth please those in authority make the system work correctly here, it is literally a matter of life or death that is at stake!
The premise is nonsense. If this is an effective treatment, the positive signal will be there in clinical trials. That's literally the only function of controlled trials. And so far, that signal os just not there. And while that is not conclusive, that is a strong indicator that this drug is simply not effective.
This will be interesting. Good for her.

And shame on her:

"South Dakota officials said Friday they will continue to make a malaria drug available to treat COVID-19, even as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned against its use outside of hospital and research settings."

(5 days ago)

A clinical trial is the only way to tell whether the drug is useful for this purpose or not. This is completely normal practice for testing drug efficacy, just expedited. This is an old drug that’s been around for a long time and its adverse side effects are well known. People who have risk factors relative to side effects would obviously not be good trial candidates. No one is being forced to participate.

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