Hyper-Partisanship Is Destroying America

The abandonment of compromise is the death of democracy.

Compromise on a bad idea is still a bad idea.
No, it's compromise. Compromise is always messy and frequently disgusting. The Three-Fifths Compromise is a good example. Without it though, we wouldn't have a country. Luckily, we were led by great men back then, not the sick, stupid children who we elect to "lead" us today.

Anyone who advocates the abandonment of compromise is a traitor to the founding principles of this country.
Didn't John Adams get a reputation as a "suppressor" when his competition couldn't speak out against the govt? lol
Yeah, the Sedition Act was warmly embraced by all. Hamilton died in a duel. Everything was so cool until now.

Please quote the time in US history when we didn't have "hyper-partisan politics"?
I'm not sure what "quote the time" means. If you look at the list of so-called political topics discussed here, none of it is politics. It's all absurd name-calling, like a bunch of children in a schoolyard. A pretty good reflection of the hyper-partisan stupidity that substitutes for a true marketplace of ideas.

Do you think obstructionism is a valid political strategy? Do you celebrate the abandonment of compromise? Do you truly see no change in the level of partisan rancor in this country?
You answered some other question. How was this too complicated? "Please quote the time in US history when we didn't have "hyper-partisan politics"?"
Ronnie and Tip disagreed, but they could have a drink together at the end of the day ... so there's your damn time.

Next? That's the way it was with everyone? That's your final answer?

so you do know a time when hyper partisan politicians existed ... why did you ask for a time then?

final answer.
We already confirmed that you are a numbskull. The question was "Please quote the time in US history when we didn't have "hyper-partisan politics"?"
The abandonment of compromise is the death of democracy.

Compromise on a bad idea is still a bad idea.
No, it's compromise. Compromise is always messy and frequently disgusting. The Three-Fifths Compromise is a good example. Without it though, we wouldn't have a country. Luckily, we were led by great men back then, not the sick, stupid children who we elect to "lead" us today.

Anyone who advocates the abandonment of compromise is a traitor to the founding principles of this country.
And everyone knows that but bought off GOP pols, pundits, and dupes. We never had a 24/7 propaganda/hate network till now...
The abandonment of compromise is the death of democracy.

Compromise on a bad idea is still a bad idea.
No, it's compromise. Compromise is always messy and frequently disgusting. The Three-Fifths Compromise is a good example. Without it though, we wouldn't have a country. Luckily, we were led by great men back then, not the sick, stupid children who we elect to "lead" us today.

Anyone who advocates the abandonment of compromise is a traitor to the founding principles of this country.
But slavery led to the Civil War. Another great time of solidarity across the aisles!
I'm not sure what "quote the time" means. If you look at the list of so-called political topics discussed here, none of it is politics. It's all absurd name-calling, like a bunch of children in a schoolyard. A pretty good reflection of the hyper-partisan stupidity that substitutes for a true marketplace of ideas.

Do you think obstructionism is a valid political strategy? Do you celebrate the abandonment of compromise? Do you truly see no change in the level of partisan rancor in this country?
You answered some other question. How was this too complicated? "Please quote the time in US history when we didn't have "hyper-partisan politics"?"
Ronnie and Tip disagreed, but they could have a drink together at the end of the day ... so there's your damn time.

Next? That's the way it was with everyone? That's your final answer?

so you do know a time when hyper partisan politicians existed ... why did you ask for a time then?

final answer.
We already confirmed that you are a numbskull. The question was "Please quote the time in US history when we didn't have "hyper-partisan politics"?"

I did .. During the Reagan administration.

how dumb are you again?
You answered some other question. How was this too complicated? "Please quote the time in US history when we didn't have "hyper-partisan politics"?"
Ronnie and Tip disagreed, but they could have a drink together at the end of the day ... so there's your damn time.

Next? That's the way it was with everyone? That's your final answer?

so you do know a time when hyper partisan politicians existed ... why did you ask for a time then?

final answer.
We already confirmed that you are a numbskull. The question was "Please quote the time in US history when we didn't have "hyper-partisan politics"?"

I did .. During the Reagan administration.

how dumb are you again?
You mentioned two people. That's one, plus one. Two. Not a nation.
The abandonment of compromise is the death of democracy.

Compromise on a bad idea is still a bad idea.

Someone needs to inform elvis that we live in a Republic.
You are a fool. Republicanism and representative democracy have nothing to do with one another. One is a system of power sharing between government entities, the other a means by which the will of the people can be expressed. They are not mutually exclusive. Your ignorance is truly disgusting. You are a traitor to the principles upon which this nation was founded.

The Founding Fathers had balls. They knew the risk of a popular vote, and they, very cautiously, experimented with it. Jefferson said it best (of course):

"Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights."

We've extended the franchise to far too many idiots. That's what's destroying us, not people who hold opinions you don't agree with.
I did .. During the Reagan administration.

how dumb are you again?

Yeah, it wasn't like we had Jim Wright in Congress openly advocating for the Soviet union, leading the support of the Communist dictator in Nicaragua and the establishment of a Soviet Base on the North American continent.

democrats, traitors for 30 years and counting.....
Who the fuck is this noob running around calling people "traitor" because they're not willing to compromise with...

Traitors. Democrooks are traitors.

Anyone else think this turd is another fakey sock?

You are totally misinformed. That's the difference, hater dupe. Everyone in the world knows it but you functional morons. Change the channel.

Misinformed about what, Franco hater dupe?

George Soros owns you. You are his property. Every thought you have is directed by him. When you got to ThinkProgress to be programmed, it is Soros directing what you will think.

Face it franco hater dupe, you are little more than a termite, doing as the hive commands.
The abandonment of compromise is the death of democracy.

Compromise on a bad idea is still a bad idea.

Someone needs to inform elvis that we live in a Republic.
You are a fool. Republicanism and representative democracy have nothing to do with one another. One is a system of power sharing between government entities, the other a means by which the will of the people can be expressed. They are not mutually exclusive. Your ignorance is truly disgusting. You are a traitor to the principles upon which this nation was founded.

The Founding Fathers had balls. They knew the risk of a popular vote, and they, very cautiously, experimented with it. Jefferson said it best (of course):

"Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights."

We've extended the franchise to far too many idiots. That's what's destroying us, not people who hold opinions you don't agree with.
When did they experiment with the popular vote?
The abandonment of compromise is the death of democracy.

Compromise on a bad idea is still a bad idea.

Someone needs to inform elvis that we live in a Republic.
You are a fool. Republicanism and representative democracy have nothing to do with one another. One is a system of power sharing between government entities, the other a means by which the will of the people can be expressed. They are not mutually exclusive. Your ignorance is truly disgusting. You are a traitor to the principles upon which this nation was founded.

The Founding Fathers had balls. They knew the risk of a popular vote, and they, very cautiously, experimented with it. Jefferson said it best (of course):

"Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights."

We've extended the franchise to far too many idiots. That's what's destroying us, not people who hold opinions you don't agree with.

How many links will it take to admit you're wrong?
I dont want to get into another situation like i'm in with Poodle where no matter how much evidence he's shown he still wont admit he's wrong.
You are a fool. Republicanism and representative democracy have nothing to do with one another. One is a system of power sharing between government entities, the other a means by which the will of the people can be expressed. They are not mutually exclusive. Your ignorance is truly disgusting. You are a traitor to the principles upon which this nation was founded.

The Founding Fathers had balls. They knew the risk of a popular vote, and they, very cautiously, experimented with it. Jefferson said it best (of course):

"Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights."

We've extended the franchise to far too many idiots. That's what's destroying us, not people who hold opinions you don't agree with.

You should have stuck it out through third grade.

You wouldn't come off as such a fucking moron if you had.
Hyper-partisan politicians are irrelevant. They are merely a reflection of the electorate. Modern representative democracy is a fairly recent experiment set in motion by philosophical giants. True revolutionaries in every sense of the word. We are, by comparison, mouse turds. We understand NOTHING about the delicate mechanism they created. We have done a horrible job of maintaining the system they created.

The abandonment of compromise is the death of democracy. Why are the hyper-partisan fools so quick to abandon the principles they supposedly hold so dear? Obstructionism as a political strategy is the equivalent of a three year old holding their breath till they turn blue.

Speak for yourself mouse turd.

I am sooooo sick of this "compromise" BULLSHIT.

You don't compromise with a rapist and offer to just suck his cock do you? Fuck no!! You break leather and punch through his skull with a .45 ACP 230 grain JHP.

Am I comparing democrooks to rapists? You bet your ass I am. See Kennedy family history.

The democrooks are wrong, period. The best "compromise" you get from them is half wrong at best. Libturd policies lead to Venezuela. Conservative policies are what allowed this country to go from a fledgling agricultural group of states to the world greatest industrial behemoth.

Secondly, democrooks never settle with their "compromise". They get most of what they want or nothing happens, but just after the ink is dry on the law whory reid is out on the senate floor pissing and moaning about republicrats starving children and pulling the plug on granny in order to get the rest.

I want a leader who is passionate about doing RIGHT, not half wrong. The moonbat messiah didn't fuck around and offer concessions to the republicrats, he told them to get in the back of the bus and shut the fuck up. "Elections have consequenses". Remember?

So fuck "compromising" with these criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths. Kick their asses and stomp on their throats while they're on the ground. Defeat them, Period.

Ted Cruz is that man.

All that shooting and ass whipping you be doing to those demorats.

Nokidding dude, will people be reading about you soon? After you go postal?

Take your meds. Calm down. Obama isnt coming to take you away, take you away. No he's not. Chill out. Find your binky and play with it.

Canadian Ted for POTUS. You are kidding. RIGHT? Why do they call Ted "Tail Gunner Ted?"

Does your binky resemble Ted Cruz??
The abandonment of compromise is the death of democracy.

Compromise on a bad idea is still a bad idea.
No, it's compromise. Compromise is always messy and frequently disgusting. The Three-Fifths Compromise is a good example. Without it though, we wouldn't have a country. Luckily, we were led by great men back then, not the sick, stupid children who we elect to "lead" us today.

Anyone who advocates the abandonment of compromise is a traitor to the founding principles of this country.
But slavery led to the Civil War. Another great time of solidarity across the aisles!
The Civil War is a perfect example of the stupidity of abandoning compromise. Both sides were completely incapable of seeing the other's POV. The result? Chaos and misery. Death and destruction on a massive scale. The South is still the poorest region of the country as a result.

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