Hypocrisy- a virtue of the left

Probably note. I wonder how many times Bi-Catfish would be stopped for a "spot-check" in public bathrooms in NC.
I'm sure you have a checklist on ways to avoid such an event.....yo.
I don't think I frequent the Third-World states like NC, IN, MS, SC, AL so I don't have to worry about creepy in-bred pasty voyeurs like that.

You left out Texas.
Things have greatly improved since NTP left Austin...

The bat never left Joisey

I see tiny minds are busy. I realize you've never stepped foot out of Indiana but trust me silly bitch, there's nothing to going to Texas. It's called an airplane.
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney

There is no such thing as woman's privacy .
Privacy is not based on what sex you are.
Can you rationalize any harder?

Why do you hate women?

Women have the right to privacy.

I guess you'd say anything to get into the women's restroom?
Privacy is not based on gender.
The rest of you post is sheer stupidity.

Good Lord, that's all you have?

I thought you were better then that.

I was wrong.

You love drama
I'm sure you have a checklist on ways to avoid such an event.....yo.
I don't think I frequent the Third-World states like NC, IN, MS, SC, AL so I don't have to worry about creepy in-bred pasty voyeurs like that.

You left out Texas.
Things have greatly improved since NTP left Austin...

The bat never left Joisey

I see tiny minds are busy. I realize you've never stepped foot out of Indiana but trust me silly bitch, there's nothing to going to Texas. It's called an airplane.

How ya doing Roots? I made a profile :)
typical response of an ignorant rightwingnut who has no actual response to reality.

Fuck you, ya stupid bitch....I would hate to go through life being as utterly stupid and clueless as you are. It HAS to be a real burden. (snicker)
Suprise! Jillian could be clinically brain dead and be exponentially smarter than you could even hope to be.

She already is...that is what makes her a purse swinging, angry liberalklunt that suffers from self -afflicted "white guilt" that makes her do some public self- flagellation in a lame attempt to expunge her of guilt. If I was stupid, clueless and totally oblivious as to what is actually going on? I would be a leftard or a liberal as well...the two are not mutually exclusive, BTW. Now have a heapin' helpin' of "Go fuck yourself" and don't be shy about asking for seconds....there's plenty.
Blabbing bullshit.

Translating daws101: "Your knowledge of how things really work frightens and confuses me......I want my momma"....

Still dodging the question commander paranoia. When will you present your imaginary greater intellect?
Row after row of meaningless words don't cut it.
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney


Poor Roots, still trying to overcome getting totally shellacked by little ole moi. Give it a rest you lying piece of left wing horseshit. You're the biggest fucking fraud to ever grace a forum. Time and time again you get outed. Push me and I'll out you again...then watch you whine and bawl....again :) Like last time :)

There is no such thing as woman's privacy .
Privacy is not based on what sex you are.
Can you rationalize any harder?

Why do you hate women?

Women have the right to privacy.

I guess you'd say anything to get into the women's restroom?
Privacy is not based on gender.
The rest of you post is sheer stupidity.

Good Lord, that's all you have?

I thought you were better then that.

I was wrong.

You love drama
The facts are all I need.
Too bad you're too alcohol poisoned it see that.
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
Right! your husband manages a craklin' stand.
If he is a lawyer , he didn't marry you for your witty banter or analytic prowess.
I don't think I frequent the Third-World states like NC, IN, MS, SC, AL so I don't have to worry about creepy in-bred pasty voyeurs like that.

You left out Texas.
Things have greatly improved since NTP left Austin...

The bat never left Joisey

I see tiny minds are busy. I realize you've never stepped foot out of Indiana but trust me silly bitch, there's nothing to going to Texas. It's called an airplane.

How ya doing Roots? I made a profile :)

Good for you. I've just informed the administrators of this site that you are stealing identities for fraudulent use off site. Tsk, tsk.
Last edited:
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney


Poor Roots, still trying to overcome getting totally shellacked by little ole moi. Give it a rest you lying piece of left wing horseshit. You're the biggest fucking fraud to ever grace a forum. Time and time again you get outed. Push me and I'll out you again...then watch you whine and bawl....again :) Like last time :)

Ah the hubris of ignorance!
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
What type of law does he practice? Contract Acts, Reals Estate Acts, etc, etc are not evil...but the vast majority of criminal attorneys and District attorneys and judges are nothing but agents for the bankers. I know my shit. This is all I do. We are not under common law and haven't been for a very long time. We are under ADMIRALTY law. When you go into a Federal court, you will see a gold fringed flag...that is what it symbolizes...don't let anyone tell you to the contrary....hugs.
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
Right! your husband manages a craklin' stand.
If he is a lawyer , he didn't marry you for your witty banter or analytic prowess.

Not even a craklin' stand. That would be a step up.
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
What type of law does he practice? Contract Acts, Reals Estate Acts, etc, etc are not evil...but the vast majority of criminal attorneys and District attorneys and judges are nothing but agents for the bankers. I know my shit. This is all I do. We are not under common law and haven't been for a very long time. We are under ADMIRALTY law. When you go into a Federal court, you will see a gold fringed flag...that is what it symbolizes...don't let anyone tell you to the contrary....hugs.
Translation : all dale knows is useless shit.
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
What type of law does he practice? Contract Acts, Reals Estate Acts, etc, etc are not evil...but the vast majority of criminal attorneys and District attorneys and judges are nothing but agents for the bankers. I know my shit. This is all I do. We are not under common law and haven't been for a very long time. We are under ADMIRALTY law. When you go into a Federal court, you will see a gold fringed flag...that is what it symbolizes...don't let anyone tell you to the contrary....hugs.

Complex litigation but the firm handles all types of cases from corporate law, patent, domestic and criminal. He spent some time in the State Attorney office when he got out of law school.
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
What type of law does he practice? Contract Acts, Reals Estate Acts, etc, etc are not evil...but the vast majority of criminal attorneys and District attorneys and judges are nothing but agents for the bankers. I know my shit. This is all I do. We are not under common law and haven't been for a very long time. We are under ADMIRALTY law. When you go into a Federal court, you will see a gold fringed flag...that is what it symbolizes...don't let anyone tell you to the contrary....hugs.

Complex litigation but the firm handles all types of cases from corporate law, patent, domestic and criminal. He spent some time in the State Attorney office when he got out of law school.

What's his Martindale-Hubbell rating? What law school? Law review? Order of the Coif? Come on, quick now.

Fuck you, ya stupid bitch....I would hate to go through life being as utterly stupid and clueless as you are. It HAS to be a real burden. (snicker)
Suprise! Jillian could be clinically brain dead and be exponentially smarter than you could even hope to be.

She already is...that is what makes her a purse swinging, angry liberalklunt that suffers from self -afflicted "white guilt" that makes her do some public self- flagellation in a lame attempt to expunge her of guilt. If I was stupid, clueless and totally oblivious as to what is actually going on? I would be a leftard or a liberal as well...the two are not mutually exclusive, BTW. Now have a heapin' helpin' of "Go fuck yourself" and don't be shy about asking for seconds....there's plenty.
Blabbing bullshit.

Translating daws101: "Your knowledge of how things really work frightens and confuses me......I want my momma"....

Still dodging the question commander paranoia. When will you present your imaginary greater intellect?
Row after row of meaningless words don't cut it.

So, let's have a debate....pick the topic. Let's see what ya got. I have never seen anything from you that has ever given me pause for thought...here is your chance to impress. Want to talk about the banking system, the fact that the United States of America whose corporate headquarters are in Washington D.C is actually incorporated and one of three city/states in the world with the same sized obelisk and how they are inter-connected? The District of Columbia flag that has three red stars on it and what the significance of that is? How the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports proves that this corporate, composite "gubermint" entity is sitting on 140 plus TRILLION dollars in assets? Here is your chance to show me what you know as how the world really works according to you. What do you know about Chatham House and how it relates to the CFR and Tri-Lateral Commission, how about the Tavistock and Brookings Institutes........impress the masses with your ignorance and then stand aside as I bury you........bring it.
Make up your mind, dumb ass......you accused me of being rightwing....now you claim I am an unaffiliated "moron". You are just a constant contradiction. You don't have a fucking clue on what the reality is of our current situation is because you are a brain dead liberal idiot. I will debate you on any topic, any time, bitch.

Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
Right! your husband manages a craklin' stand.
If he is a lawyer , he didn't marry you for your witty banter or analytic prowess.

You don't know my husband and please leave my family alone, it's against the rules. Last warning
Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
Jillian is a fake lawyer, who has yet to grasp concepts such as "tort" or "precedent."

For some real fun, herd her into a discussion involving legal issues. It is a crack up, she literally has zero knowledge of law, but pretends that she is a "top NYC Attorney."
Do tell? Then it's time for me to bust on her because she should know some things that I do if she is legit. The original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from holding office which meant lawyers. The BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry"and they are actually officers of the court and the judge is nothing more than a administrator for the bankers. They have their own language and unless you know Black's Law dictionary, you can't defend yourself in court. There is no "rule of law" because the United States is a corporate fiction...they can't make laws but pass rather acts, statutes and codes. I have really delved into this because I want to go to court some day sans an attorney and defend myself by challenging this alleged "judge's" jurisdiction over the living man instead of the corporate fiction that was created the day I was born via the birth certificate using the all-caps name. If he wants to fine my strawman, I will give him a copy of my birth certificate that I am not representing and tell him to have at it.........doubt that he will get anything out of it. The UCC we are currently under is all about cohesion contracts and Jillian the joke should know all about this if she is for real. William Shapespeare was right...we need to kill all lawyers/barristers and return to common law instead of admiralty law.

No no, my husband is an attorney
What type of law does he practice? Contract Acts, Reals Estate Acts, etc, etc are not evil...but the vast majority of criminal attorneys and District attorneys and judges are nothing but agents for the bankers. I know my shit. This is all I do. We are not under common law and haven't been for a very long time. We are under ADMIRALTY law. When you go into a Federal court, you will see a gold fringed flag...that is what it symbolizes...don't let anyone tell you to the contrary....hugs.

Complex litigation but the firm handles all types of cases from corporate law, patent, domestic and criminal. He spent some time in the State Attorney office when he got out of law school.

What's his Martindale-Hubbell rating? What law school? Law review? Order of the Coif? Come on, quick now.


You also will leave my family alone....push it Roots, see what happens

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