Hypocrisy- a virtue of the left

bury me in bullshit. Just like the paragraphs of steaming turds like the one you just posted.
Besides only a dumbass would let a slapdick like you pick a subject to debate.

So what you are saying is that you have a big ol bag of nothin'.....I figured as much. You can pick the topic.....go ahead, punkinpuss. Pick any topic that you think you know really well and let's see where it leads.......don't be a pussy...man up for once in your life.
I have nothing to prove .
You on the other hand have nothing and prove it with every post.

"I have nothing".......

Yep, you got that one right... (snicker)
True you do have nothing.
And I have nothing to prove.
I win.

Ahh yes....the "I know you are...but what am I?" card...Pee Wee Herman made that phrase famous back in the mid 80's. Good move on your part avoiding a serious discussion because I would have exposed you for the fraud that you are.
You've done nothing of the kind.
The only fraud here is you.
Everything you post proves it.
Btw that phrase goes back at least 50 from the 80's.
One again proving you don't know jack shit.
As to serious subjects , the illuminati and paranoid conspiracy theories don't count .
That's about all you have on your repetoire.
So what you are saying is that you have a big ol bag of nothin'.....I figured as much. You can pick the topic.....go ahead, punkinpuss. Pick any topic that you think you know really well and let's see where it leads.......don't be a pussy...man up for once in your life.
I have nothing to prove .
You on the other hand have nothing and prove it with every post.

"I have nothing".......

Yep, you got that one right... (snicker)
True you do have nothing.
And I have nothing to prove.
I win.

Ahh yes....the "I know you are...but what am I?" card...Pee Wee Herman made that phrase famous back in the mid 80's. Good move on your part avoiding a serious discussion because I would have exposed you for the fraud that you are.
You've done nothing of the kind.
The only fraud here is you.
Everything you post proves it.
Btw that phrase goes back at least 50 from the 80's.
One again proving you don't know jack shit.
As to serious subjects , the illuminati and paranoid conspiracy theories don't count .
That's about all you have on your repetoire.

If you thought that you had anything of worth, you would have jumped at the chance to have an open discussion here and let the masses decide. You bailed because you know that you couldn't go "toe to toe" with me. Not everything is a conspiracy but you are a blithering idiot if you think that they are not a common occurrence. A judge was recently arrested for conspiracy to send young teenagers to jail on trumped up charges in exchange for a kickback....conspiracies happen all the time. It is simply two or more people that conspire to do something that is a criminal offense. The term "conspiracy theorist" was demonized and marginalized by the CIA (Crooks in Action) because there were people that questioned the bullshit story about the murder of JFK...let me guess...you believe that Oswald acted a lone and you believe the Warren Report and the magic bullet theory...right?

Someone like me that goes against the grain has to do 2 hours of vetting for every one hour of information I get because I have to attack an issue from every angle available. I have to be able to back up any and everything I say 100 percent of the time. When I started this quest for what really is instead of the programming I had received from this corporate POS "gubermint"? I had to cover my ass 8 ways to Sunday because some little worm like you will find some nuance and use it like a club....so I had to be meticulous so that I have all my bases covered. Pussies like you would never put themselves out there because you have no stomach for the fight...you would rather throw cyber stones from the peanut gallery. I know more than you and the information that I have is the result of due diligence because it is my passion and quest. I am trying to share what I know and I invite feedback...but most of what I get is stupid fucks like you responding with stupid shit....have the last word...I am done with ya.
I have nothing to prove .
You on the other hand have nothing and prove it with every post.

"I have nothing".......

Yep, you got that one right... (snicker)
True you do have nothing.
And I have nothing to prove.
I win.

Ahh yes....the "I know you are...but what am I?" card...Pee Wee Herman made that phrase famous back in the mid 80's. Good move on your part avoiding a serious discussion because I would have exposed you for the fraud that you are.
You've done nothing of the kind.
The only fraud here is you.
Everything you post proves it.
Btw that phrase goes back at least 50 from the 80's.
One again proving you don't know jack shit.
As to serious subjects , the illuminati and paranoid conspiracy theories don't count .
That's about all you have on your repetoire.

If you thought that you had anything of worth, you would have jumped at the chance to have an open discussion here and let the masses decide. You bailed because you know that you couldn't go "toe to toe" with me. Not everything is a conspiracy but you are a blithering idiot if you think that they are not a common occurrence. A judge was recently arrested for conspiracy to send young teenagers to jail on trumped up charges in exchange for a kickback....conspiracies happen all the time. It is simply two or more people that conspire to do something that is a criminal offense. The term "conspiracy theorist" was demonized and marginalized by the CIA (Crooks in Action) because there were people that questioned the bullshit story about the murder of JFK...let me guess...you believe that Oswald acted a lone and you believe the Warren Report and the magic bullet theory...right?

Someone like me that goes against the grain has to do 2 hours of vetting for every one hour of information I get because I have to attack an issue from every angle available. I have to be able to back up any and everything I say 100 percent of the time. When I started this quest for what really is instead of the programming I had received from this corporate POS "gubermint"? I had to cover my ass 8 ways to Sunday because some little worm like you will find some nuance and use it like a club....so I had to be meticulous so that I have all my bases covered. Pussies like you would never put themselves out there because you have no stomach for the fight...you would rather throw cyber stones from the peanut gallery. I know more than you and the information that I have is the result of due diligence because it is my passion and quest. I am trying to share what I know and I invite feedback...but most of what I get is stupid fucks like you responding with stupid shit....have the last word...I am done with ya.
Bahahahaha! Bahahahaha! Bahahahaha!
There is no such thing as woman's privacy .
Privacy is not based on what sex you are.
Can you rationalize any harder?

Why do you hate women?

Women have the right to privacy.

I guess you'd say anything to get into the women's restroom?
Privacy is not based on gender.
The rest of you post is sheer stupidity.

Good Lord, that's all you have?

I thought you were better then that.

I was wrong.

You love drama
The facts are all I need.
Too bad you're too alcohol poisoned it see that.


The woman, or if more than one occupying the room, then women, have the right to privacy.

Now your next play

But they give up that right because they are allowing the room to be shared.

Ahhhhh, but that allowance is from the knowledge that the room is only being shared by others of the same gender

But, by gosh, how would they know that?

By the sign on the door?

I dunno, seems like if one wishes to share a bathroom with only those of the same gender, then one should have that right

Da ya think?
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState

You people are the fuckin hypocrites.....what are the chances that some gender person is gonna piss in the wrong fuckin bathroom? You know how many fuckin public bathrooms we've been in and I couldn't tell you to this fuckin day if the bitch next to me was a fuckin man or woman, because I could care less. You neo nuts always take one fuckin issue and make it a national fuckin crisis...you did it with the war on Xmas shit, the Obama fist bump, Ecoli, bird flu, illegals raping innocent white trash, every fuckin thing is a major lets change laws to fix it shit....and guess what, THE SHIT ALWAYS COME BACK AND BITE YOU RED FOOLS IN THE ASS....WHAT ABOUT HISTORY DON'T YOU NUTS GET??? 200 YEARS YOU TRIED TO KEEP BARBIE OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS, WITH HANGINGS, MURDER, LAWS, EXCLUSION, ETC....AND NOW YOU HAVE TO DYNAMITE THESE BITCHES OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS...BOTTOM LINE....TIMES ARE CHANGIN AND YOU NUTS AREN'T GONNA EVER STOP IT, NOT EVER!!
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState

You people are the fuckin hypocrites.....what are the chances that some gender person is gonna piss in the wrong fuckin bathroom? You know how many fuckin public bathrooms we've been in and I couldn't tell you to this fuckin day if the bitch next to me was a fuckin man or woman, because I could care less. You neo nuts always take one fuckin issue and make it a national fuckin crisis...you did it with the war on Xmas shit, the Obama fist bump, Ecoli, bird flu, illegals raping innocent white trash, every fuckin thing is a major lets change laws to fix it shit....and guess what, THE SHIT ALWAYS COME BACK AND BITE YOU RED FOOLS IN THE ASS....WHAT ABOUT HISTORY DON'T YOU NUTS GET??? 200 YEARS YOU TRIED TO KEEP BARBIE OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS, WITH HANGINGS, MURDER, LAWS, EXCLUSION, ETC....AND NOW YOU HAVE TO DYNAMITE THESE BITCHES OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS...BOTTOM LINE....TIMES ARE CHANGIN AND YOU NUTS AREN'T GONNA EVER STOP IT, NOT EVER!!
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState

You people are the fuckin hypocrites.....what are the chances that some gender person is gonna piss in the wrong fuckin bathroom? You know how many fuckin public bathrooms we've been in and I couldn't tell you to this fuckin day if the bitch next to me was a fuckin man or woman, because I could care less. You neo nuts always take one fuckin issue and make it a national fuckin crisis...you did it with the war on Xmas shit, the Obama fist bump, Ecoli, bird flu, illegals raping innocent white trash, every fuckin thing is a major lets change laws to fix it shit....and guess what, THE SHIT ALWAYS COME BACK AND BITE YOU RED FOOLS IN THE ASS....WHAT ABOUT HISTORY DON'T YOU NUTS GET??? 200 YEARS YOU TRIED TO KEEP BARBIE OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS, WITH HANGINGS, MURDER, LAWS, EXCLUSION, ETC....AND NOW YOU HAVE TO DYNAMITE THESE BITCHES OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS...BOTTOM LINE....TIMES ARE CHANGIN AND YOU NUTS AREN'T GONNA EVER STOP IT, NOT EVER!!

You are a moron.
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState

You people are the fuckin hypocrites.....what are the chances that some gender person is gonna piss in the wrong fuckin bathroom? You know how many fuckin public bathrooms we've been in and I couldn't tell you to this fuckin day if the bitch next to me was a fuckin man or woman, because I could care less. You neo nuts always take one fuckin issue and make it a national fuckin crisis...you did it with the war on Xmas shit, the Obama fist bump, Ecoli, bird flu, illegals raping innocent white trash, every fuckin thing is a major lets change laws to fix it shit....and guess what, THE SHIT ALWAYS COME BACK AND BITE YOU RED FOOLS IN THE ASS....WHAT ABOUT HISTORY DON'T YOU NUTS GET??? 200 YEARS YOU TRIED TO KEEP BARBIE OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS, WITH HANGINGS, MURDER, LAWS, EXCLUSION, ETC....AND NOW YOU HAVE TO DYNAMITE THESE BITCHES OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS...BOTTOM LINE....TIMES ARE CHANGIN AND YOU NUTS AREN'T GONNA EVER STOP IT, NOT EVER!!

You might not have known, but that's not the point, the point is the interest they have about you, not you about them.

But more to the point, my daughter and granddaughters.
There is no such thing as woman's privacy .
Privacy is not based on what sex you are.
Can you rationalize any harder?

Why do you hate women?

Women have the right to privacy.

I guess you'd say anything to get into the women's restroom?
Privacy is not based on gender.
The rest of you post is sheer stupidity.

Good Lord, that's all you have?

I thought you were better then that.

I was wrong.

You love drama
The facts are all I need.
Too bad you're too alcohol poisoned it see that.


The woman, or if more than one occupying the room, then women, have the right to privacy.

Now your next play

But they give up that right because they are allowing the room to be shared.

Ahhhhh, but that allowance is from the knowledge that the room is only being shared by others of the same gender

But, by gosh, how would they know that?

By the sign on the door?

I dunno, seems like if one wishes to share a bathroom with only those of the same gender, then one should have that right

Da ya think?
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState

You people are the fuckin hypocrites.....what are the chances that some gender person is gonna piss in the wrong fuckin bathroom? You know how many fuckin public bathrooms we've been in and I couldn't tell you to this fuckin day if the bitch next to me was a fuckin man or woman, because I could care less. You neo nuts always take one fuckin issue and make it a national fuckin crisis...you did it with the war on Xmas shit, the Obama fist bump, Ecoli, bird flu, illegals raping innocent white trash, every fuckin thing is a major lets change laws to fix it shit....and guess what, THE SHIT ALWAYS COME BACK AND BITE YOU RED FOOLS IN THE ASS....WHAT ABOUT HISTORY DON'T YOU NUTS GET??? 200 YEARS YOU TRIED TO KEEP BARBIE OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS, WITH HANGINGS, MURDER, LAWS, EXCLUSION, ETC....AND NOW YOU HAVE TO DYNAMITE THESE BITCHES OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS...BOTTOM LINE....TIMES ARE CHANGIN AND YOU NUTS AREN'T GONNA EVER STOP IT, NOT EVER!!

You might not have known, but that's not the point, the point is the interest they have about you, not you about them.

But more to the point, my daughter and granddaughters.
Your selfish personal concerns no matter how well intend are not relevant to this issue.
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState

You people are the fuckin hypocrites.....what are the chances that some gender person is gonna piss in the wrong fuckin bathroom? You know how many fuckin public bathrooms we've been in and I couldn't tell you to this fuckin day if the bitch next to me was a fuckin man or woman, because I could care less. You neo nuts always take one fuckin issue and make it a national fuckin crisis...you did it with the war on Xmas shit, the Obama fist bump, Ecoli, bird flu, illegals raping innocent white trash, every fuckin thing is a major lets change laws to fix it shit....and guess what, THE SHIT ALWAYS COME BACK AND BITE YOU RED FOOLS IN THE ASS....WHAT ABOUT HISTORY DON'T YOU NUTS GET??? 200 YEARS YOU TRIED TO KEEP BARBIE OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS, WITH HANGINGS, MURDER, LAWS, EXCLUSION, ETC....AND NOW YOU HAVE TO DYNAMITE THESE BITCHES OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS...BOTTOM LINE....TIMES ARE CHANGIN AND YOU NUTS AREN'T GONNA EVER STOP IT, NOT EVER!!

You might not have known, but that's not the point, the point is the interest they have about you, not you about them.

But more to the point, my daughter and granddaughters.
Your selfish personal concerns no matter how well intend are not relevant to this issue.

I'm not a female, so you continue confused.

And it is your warped opinion that really does not apply to this issue.

Have you removed your homes bathroom doors yet? You obviously don't think privacy matters much.

Be a leader
^ irrational emotional appeals are so emotional...and umm irrational!
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState

You people are the fuckin hypocrites.....what are the chances that some gender person is gonna piss in the wrong fuckin bathroom? You know how many fuckin public bathrooms we've been in and I couldn't tell you to this fuckin day if the bitch next to me was a fuckin man or woman, because I could care less. You neo nuts always take one fuckin issue and make it a national fuckin crisis...you did it with the war on Xmas shit, the Obama fist bump, Ecoli, bird flu, illegals raping innocent white trash, every fuckin thing is a major lets change laws to fix it shit....and guess what, THE SHIT ALWAYS COME BACK AND BITE YOU RED FOOLS IN THE ASS....WHAT ABOUT HISTORY DON'T YOU NUTS GET??? 200 YEARS YOU TRIED TO KEEP BARBIE OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS, WITH HANGINGS, MURDER, LAWS, EXCLUSION, ETC....AND NOW YOU HAVE TO DYNAMITE THESE BITCHES OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS...BOTTOM LINE....TIMES ARE CHANGIN AND YOU NUTS AREN'T GONNA EVER STOP IT, NOT EVER!!

You might not have known, but that's not the point, the point is the interest they have about you, not you about them.

But more to the point, my daughter and granddaughters.
Your selfish personal concerns no matter how well intend are not relevant to this issue.

I'm not a female, so you continue confused.

And it is your warped opinion that really does not apply to this issue.

Have you removed your homes bathroom doors yet? You obviously don't think privacy matters much.

Be a leader
Your selfish personal concerns no matter how well intend are not relevant to this issue.

So not wanting one's children molested is "selfish?" :eek:

And you wonder why normal people recognize you Communists as putrid and evil piles of shit.. :eusa_whistle:
That's why they need Pinochet helicopter tours.
Wow that was meaningless.
You don't know who General Augusto Pinochet was apparently.

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