Hypocrite-N-Chief:Obama Silent Over Calls to Denounce 'Piss Christ' Artwork

Here in America.. our own country... AFTER Hussein addresses a crowd of Muslims in Dearborn - this took place on April 28th, 2012. DIDN'T HEAR ABOUT THIS DID YOU?? Of course not.

A truly shocking video was released yesterday, Tuesday, June 26, 2012, of a Muslim crowd attacking a group of Christians at this month’s Dearborn, Michigan Arab Festival. The 22 minute video depicts a throng of over 150 hostile Muslims throwing eggs, rocks, bottles, milk crates, stools and other objects at a small group of Christians who attended the festival to share their faith. The Christian group made no attempt to preach or hand out literature. They simply stood silently with their signs as they were struck with one thrown object after the other. Many in the crowd shouted, “Allahu Akbar” as they pelted the Christians mercilessly.

Read more at Shocking Video Emerges Of Muslim Attack On Christians At 2012 Dearborn Festival

Whose President is Barack Hussein Obama?
Why does he order the killing of Taliban and Al quada all of the time?

Why did he not say "naaaw" when our Intelligence told him "hey, if you want to, we can ignore Pakistan's Sovereignty completely and unilaterally have a shot at taking down Bin Laden?"

Seems if he was on their team, as whackos like lgs presume, he'd want Osama to reign on - he'd want to stop drone attacks and Missions in Afghanistan et al...

What a weird appeasement strategy.

I am not saying anything like that at all.

WHen the riopts started, Obama speaking out and condemning the film was fine....

When the riots didnt stop?

He spent tax payer money on an ad condemning the film...like that will help the cause....

THAT was overkill and true appeasement.....it was like he was saying "if I do this will you stop holding your breath"
I never once said it was an apology. It was by no means an apology. It was a condemnation.

However....someone who wants to stir up troubloe with Muslims can say..

"he condemend this action becuase he is concerned we will all act like children and hold our breath til we are blue....."

It is important to be consistant when in the public eye.

Condemning this hate speech and not other hate speech isolates Muslims as "special"...be it good or bad.

Oh gosh.

Here's what happened:

A big event happened in the world.

The Pres was drawn to having to speak on it.

In said speech, he reaffirmed we don't agree with ANY hate speech - againsy ANY Religions, and said so EXPLICITLY.

Now a small, tiny little thing in NYC he doesn't even know about happens, and his condemnation of anti-religious bumblejargain just a week before isn't good enough.....now - because he addressed something that was MAJOR world news with continuing deaths........he now must address ALL Religious degradation or else be a hypocrite.

And in adult speak, that frame of mind is called being a busy body. It's small ball, and deserves to be laughed at because of how childish it is, in and of itself.

Whoa....we are discussing two topics.

His speech? That was warranted...and necessary.

I am talking about the 70,000 dollars in ad space the administration took on Al Jazeer (sp) TV condemning the film.

The OP is whining that he didn't condemn jesus pee, and that is what's being laughed at.

And, the ad space is $70k well spent IMO if there's idiots abroad who seriously think we're waging a jihad, because of their misleading Tribal leadership, and that might be the sole reason they hate us from childhood to men? Doesn't hurt to spend a drop in the bucket to say "umm....no" and possibly save their being thousands more "jihadists" in the future.

$0.00023 cents per US Citizen spent on stopping nihilistic disinformation. I'm good with it.
As Romney's campaign swirls down the drain, taking other GOP candidates with it,

the 'nuts retreat to one of their favorite refuges, one of their favorite comfort zones,

hating the Muslims.
What, because YOU dont agree with her?


oh stop being butt hurt because you have nothing to offer.

Anytime you want to address the fact Bush released the terrorist back in 07 which led to Libya feel free.

Off topic asshole... but go read this thread ya punk

Maybe a bit of insight as to WHY they were released.


so what?
Obama apologizes to these people:

Muslims attack Christian residential complex in Jerusalem - Atlas Shrugs

Muslims attack Christian residential complex in Jerusalem

I could list these all day long.. These people do not understand anything but VIOLENCE and HATRED for the Western world.. Appeasing them, apologizing, sending money.. IS ALL FOOLISHNESS.. We're seeing the seeds of Appeasement.. It has gotten our Ambassador tortured , slaughtered.. Two of our finest SEALS who weren't even there guarding the Embassy, but stepped up .. (Greater hath no man than to lie down his life for another) and died trying to protect the Ambassador. It's a sad day in America when American policy dictates that a sitting US President bow, apologize, invite to the WH, send funding.. to America's enemies.
Nor do I feel a Presidential condemnation of ANY freedom of speech action of a US citizen is appropriate.

when it could save lives, who cares. His condemnation of the video doesn't mean he can't have his free speech.

You and your ilk are what is wrong with America.

Ya do not give a shit about our Constitution. :mad:

I like chocolate cake, do you?
I figure if you are just going to go off and talk about random things, so will i.
As Romney's campaign swirls down the drain, taking other GOP candidates with it,

the 'nuts retreat to one of their favorite refuges, one of their favorite comfort zones,

hating the Muslims.

Actually, if you spent the time reading the thread, you will find folks on your side...such as Plasma, believe that Muslims as a group collectively are irrational.
Through all of this.. Hussein Obama who stated with a STRAIGHT FACE that he would condemn ANYONE insulting ANY religion... LIES and remains silent as Christianity is denegrated.

More OBAMA lies.
As Romney's campaign swirls down the drain, taking other GOP candidates with it,

the 'nuts retreat to one of their favorite refuges, one of their favorite comfort zones,

hating the Muslims.

Actually, if you spent the time reading the thread, you will find folks on your side...such as Plasma, believe that Muslims as a group collectively are irrational.

most people in groups are irrational.
Not only do we see this President appeasing and apologizing to the enemy, we now see he and his cohorts also LIED about Mitt Romney and his taxes. While Joe Biden gave 1.9% of his income, but demands American's tax dollars to spread the wealth, Mitt Romney donated 30% of his income to the poor..

LIBERALISM = Lies, distortions, propaganda, hypocrisy........... ALL A FACADE.

Romney/Ryan.. Moral Leadership
Obama Silent Over Calls to Denounce 'Piss Christ' Artwork - War On Religion - Fox Nation

Hussein Obama spends taxpayer money to apologize to muslims over a 20 minute video but remains silent when pressed to denounce artwork set to appear in NYC of a crucifix submerged in the Artists's urine. This same President who claimed to be a christian supports the systemic slaughter of babies even going as far as voting to shelf any baby born alive after an abortion, not allowing medical intervention to save that child's life, instead to let it die. This President despises Israel .. Directly had the platform at the Democrat Convention to remove God completely.. Christ said you would know a man by ghis fruit.. Hussein Obama's fruit IS PLASTIC.

And what would you like him to say about someone's art? When does it stop? How many people have to "call" before you want Obama to say something? Based on your link, only a few religious nutjobs are concerned about someone's rights to free speech in America?

I think you missed the point entirely, the whole point was if Obama was going to support one religon in that way he should have supported them all that way or not done it at all. And Religious people have a right to their beliefs aswell

The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext, infringed.
As Romney's campaign swirls down the drain, taking other GOP candidates with it,

the 'nuts retreat to one of their favorite refuges, one of their favorite comfort zones,

hating the Muslims.

Actually, if you spent the time reading the thread, you will find folks on your side...such as Plasma, believe that Muslims as a group collectively are irrational.

most people in groups are irrational.

Seeing as all people belong to a group...be it a race, a religion, a nationality, or the Elks....then I must assume you are saying that most people are irrational.

Which, in my eyes, makes you a bit off your rocker....a bit paranoid is a better way to put it...so I have no interest in debating you further.
Only Neocons complain about government intervention in their lives while simultaneously wanting the POTUS to comment/condemn on every single thing they view as an outrage.
Why does Barack Obama refuse to condemn the artist's EGREGIOUS insult to Christianity and Christians?

How many times has Obama apologized to our enemy now for a 20 minute trailer that NO ONE ever saw or heard of until he and his looney Admin. bounced it all over the place trying to cover up their own incompetence???

does he refuse?

who asked him to?


Who asked him to apologize for the bogus 20 minute clip? Why didn't his 'blanket statement' that you've repeated here over and over again not cover the so-called slight to Islam that he had to speak directly about it? If the 'blanket statement' is good enough to cover insults to Christians, shouldn't it be good enough to cover insults to muslims as well?

oh. :rolleyes: (You know who says 'oh' after making a remark they think is a 'gotchya'? Teenagers, I have two of them. How old are you? 2? :lol:)
Actually, if you spent the time reading the thread, you will find folks on your side...such as Plasma, believe that Muslims as a group collectively are irrational.

most people in groups are irrational.

Seeing as all people belong to a group...be it a race, a religion, a nationality, or the Elks....then I must assume you are saying that most people are irrational.

Which, in my eyes, makes you a bit off your rocker....a bit paranoid is a better way to put it...so I have no interest in debating you further.

okie dokie....... this is why we dont do mob rule.......mos tend to be irrational....
i guess you needed to really break things down to be relevant or something.
some busy bodies in here didn't watch the video airing in Pakistan.....where he rejects denigrating ANY faiths.


"the united states has been a nation that respects all faiths. we reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others." Barack Obama

Covers the jesus piss jar art nicely.

A concise, comprehension demolition of the OP.

Well done. Case closed.
Not only do we see this President appeasing and apologizing to the enemy, we now see he and his cohorts also LIED about Mitt Romney and his taxes. While Joe Biden gave 1.9% of his income, but demands American's tax dollars to spread the wealth, Mitt Romney donated 30% of his income to the poor..

LIBERALISM = Lies, distortions, propaganda, hypocrisy........... ALL A FACADE.

Romney/Ryan.. Moral Leadership

Do you have to immerse your face in a tub of urine to get all that makeup off?

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