Hypocrite watch: Democrats -- YOU have to go on Obamacare, but we can opt out!

Even though most cannot see the hand up the ventriloquist dummy's ass, does not mean it is not being controlled behind the scenes
Loophole Lets Dozens of Minnesota Congressional Staff Opt Out of Key Health Care Reform Requirement - Big Government

Now isn't that interesting that they have a loophole that their staff doesn't have to go on Obamacare.

If Obamacare is sooooooooooooooooooo wonderful, why give an opt out for your "elite" staff.

Wouldn't that staff be clammoring to be on Obamacare if it's so great?

The devil is in the details. When liberals tell YOU that something they are passing is just going to be utopia but they put in a loophole where they can opt out, you know they are LYING to you.

How do you know a Democrat/liberal is lying? Their lips are moving.

Sign me up for the class action lawsuit.

My state (Run by Democrats, dammit) have opted out of the states leading the law suit.

Pisses me off. I wish I knew a way to start a movement to force my state to get in on the law suit.


We also need to get rid of the RINOs like Voinivich. I want to see them both gone. Democrats and RINOs.

Omg, you are so stupid. Voinovich is retiring this year. Sherrod Brown is the best thing that has happened to Ohio in a long time, another Dem will be joining him in the senate next year.
Excuse me but the only one controlling those insurance companies NOW is the government NOT the market.

Insuracne companies have had to petition the state governments to up their premiums all along, TP.

So the market forces you apparently thought were in play?

They really weren't.

Not that I love this bill, or Obama's adim generally, but you've been misinformed.

Yeah in MASSACHUSETTS they are doing so. And why? Because the government took them over and made them "non profits."

And what happened????? Exactly what conservatives predicted. People would not buy insurance until they get sick, which reduces the money insurance companies have on hand to pay for their insured, and forces them to raise premiums.

This is by design. Once they are forced out of business, the government will have no alternative but say "gosh, capitalism doesn't work, we just have to have single payer."

But it wasn't capitalism that was the problem it was the government interfering.
You guys need to do a bit more research than just talking points.

Yes, a loophole exists that exempts a number of commitee staffers from purchasing their insurance from an exchange. The point that everyone seems to be missing is that congressional staffers are the ONLY people mandated by this bill to buy their insurance from the exchange.

Yes, the loophole is unfair. But only to the other congressional staffers - you or I are NOT mandated to buy insurance through an exchange.

PolitiFact | Health bill appears to exempt some congressional staff

Yeah BS!

There would not be a loophole in the first place allowing staffers to opt out, IF the law were not compulsory.

Why need a loophole if the bill is voluntary?

You want to try that double talk again?


Read the damn bill.

Cause you're wrong.

No I'm not.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2iiirr5KI8&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Phil Hare doesn't care.[/ame]

Even Nancy Pelosi said they needed to pass the bill, so we would know what's in it?

Remember that one? :lol:

I'm sorry, but I'm not wrong.

And you know damn well you liberals are playing a game. You are claiming none of this stuff is true, KNOWING FULL WELL IT WILL BE TRUE BY 2014!

So stop BSing everyone.

Yes, it is true, and Democrats would not be exempting themselves if it was otherwise.

So you managed to ignore the fact that your statement was proven wrong. Congressman are NOT exempt - in fact they're the only ones who are required to buy from an exchange.

BTW, the "government controlled" exchange that you speak of is a marketplace where various private insurance plans compete with a number of different priced plans, with different benefits.

Sounds more like free market capitalism than "socialism".

Excuse me but the only one controlling those insurance companies NOW is the government NOT the market.

It does so deliberately to put them out of business.

And the reason being, they the government will be "forced" to provide healthcare.

"Oh gee, I guess the market place doesn't work, I guess we will have to offer that government healthcare."

This is all by design.

Kill the thread my butt.


So.... Since I killed your OP, you're moving the goalposts. Ok.

Refuting your lie is moving the goalposts?


I'm sorry but the only thing I'm doing is refuting your lie.

You are playing, "That doesn't happen now" game, knowing full well the worst of this bill doesn't happen until 2014.

But I'm sorry, what I'm saying is true, and it is designed INTENTIONALLY to make sure insurance companies can't keep running, so the Democrats long waited for dreaming of forcing us into single payer will become a reality.

"Oh gee, guess capitalism doesn't work, after all."

When the truth is, capitalism wasn't the problem it was Obama meddling with the insurance companies.

But he wants to take them over, just like the car companies and the banks.

This is all by design.

Kill my thread or refute your lie?

Sign me up for the class action lawsuit.

My state (Run by Democrats, dammit) have opted out of the states leading the law suit.

Pisses me off. I wish I knew a way to start a movement to force my state to get in on the law suit.


We also need to get rid of the RINOs like Voinivich. I want to see them both gone. Democrats and RINOs.

Omg, you are so stupid. Voinovich is retiring this year. Sherrod Brown is the best thing that has happened to Ohio in a long time, another Dem will be joining him in the senate next year.

I think we see who is stupid.

A) I know Voinivich is retiring. That's why I said RINO's LIKE Voinivich.

B) If Sherrod Brown is soooooo wonderful, explain why he would only hold town halls that he kept secret, would only announe the day he held them, and would only let in union thugs?

And might I remind you that since the Democrats took over in 2006 our unemployment in Ohio has risen to 12% which is higher than the National Average.

How old are you? I doubt old enough to remember Glen or Metzenbaum.

Oh yeah Democrats are soooooooooooooooo wonderful in Ohio.

Kids. :lol::lol::lol:
Yeah BS!

There would not be a loophole in the first place allowing staffers to opt out, IF the law were not compulsory.

Why need a loophole if the bill is voluntary?

You want to try that double talk again?


Read the damn bill.

Cause you're wrong.

No I'm not.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2iiirr5KI8&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Phil Hare doesn't care.[/ame]

Even Nancy Pelosi said they needed to pass the bill, so we would know what's in it?

Remember that one? :lol:

I'm sorry, but I'm not wrong.

And you know damn well you liberals are playing a game. You are claiming none of this stuff is true, KNOWING FULL WELL IT WILL BE TRUE BY 2014!

So stop BSing everyone.

Yes, it is true, and Democrats would not be exempting themselves if it was otherwise.


You really need an update on your talking points. The bill has been passed. It's part of the congressional record.

Just because you haven't read it, doesn't mean that no one has.

In fact, here it is: Health Care Bill Text - H.R. 4872 - Reconciliation Act of 2010 - OpenCongress

Your arguments are based on your supposition of what might happen - whereas mine are based on the actual bill.

I suggest that you read the bill, rather than just rely on your outdated talking points from last year.
Excuse me but the only one controlling those insurance companies NOW is the government NOT the market.

It does so deliberately to put them out of business.

And the reason being, they the government will be "forced" to provide healthcare.

"Oh gee, I guess the market place doesn't work, I guess we will have to offer that government healthcare."

This is all by design.

Kill the thread my butt.


So.... Since I killed your OP, you're moving the goalposts. Ok.

Refuting your lie is moving the goalposts?
What lie would that be?


I'm sorry but the only thing I'm doing is refuting your lie.
Once again, what lie would that be?

You are playing, "That doesn't happen now" game, knowing full well the worst of this bill doesn't happen until 2014.
I think the point would be that YOU HAVEN'T READ THE BILL, so YOU DON'T KNOW what will or will not happen in 2014.

But I'm sorry, what I'm saying is true, and it is designed INTENTIONALLY to make sure insurance companies can't keep running, so the Democrats long waited for dreaming of forcing us into single payer will become a reality.
You know the bill mandates that EVERYONE in the country buy insurance, right? How exactly will that put insurance companies out of business? To me it seems that that will make them more money.
"Oh gee, guess capitalism doesn't work, after all."

When the truth is, capitalism wasn't the problem it was Obama meddling with the insurance companies.
What exactly has Obama done to "mess" with insurance companies that will make them go bankrupt?

But he wants to take them over, just like the car companies and the banks.

This is all by design.

Kill my thread or refute your lie?


Once again, you're just repeating VERY OLD outdated talking points, all referring to previous bills, not the one that was passed.
Read the damn bill.

Cause you're wrong.

No I'm not.


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2iiirr5KI8&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - Phil Hare doesn't care.[/ame]

Even Nancy Pelosi said they needed to pass the bill, so we would know what's in it?

Remember that one? :lol:

I'm sorry, but I'm not wrong.

And you know damn well you liberals are playing a game. You are claiming none of this stuff is true, KNOWING FULL WELL IT WILL BE TRUE BY 2014!

So stop BSing everyone.

Yes, it is true, and Democrats would not be exempting themselves if it was otherwise.


You really need an update on your talking points. The bill has been passed. It's part of the congressional record.

Just because you haven't read it, doesn't mean that no one has.

In fact, here it is: Health Care Bill Text - H.R. 4872 - Reconciliation Act of 2010 - OpenCongress

Your arguments are based on your supposition of what might happen - whereas mine are based on the actual bill.

I suggest that you read the bill, rather than just rely on your outdated talking points from last year.

Outdated my ass.

I suggest you supply where in the bill backs up your BS. You think you can play games by only posting the reconcilliation as if that's the only thing that went into law?

What I find interesting, is I have not been able to find the actual LAW online.

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No I'm not.


YouTube - Phil Hare doesn't care.

Even Nancy Pelosi said they needed to pass the bill, so we would know what's in it?

Remember that one? :lol:

I'm sorry, but I'm not wrong.

And you know damn well you liberals are playing a game. You are claiming none of this stuff is true, KNOWING FULL WELL IT WILL BE TRUE BY 2014!

So stop BSing everyone.

Yes, it is true, and Democrats would not be exempting themselves if it was otherwise.


You really need an update on your talking points. The bill has been passed. It's part of the congressional record.

Just because you haven't read it, doesn't mean that no one has.

In fact, here it is: Health Care Bill Text - H.R. 4872 - Reconciliation Act of 2010 - OpenCongress

Your arguments are based on your supposition of what might happen - whereas mine are based on the actual bill.

I suggest that you read the bill, rather than just rely on your outdated talking points from last year.

Outdated my ass.

I suggest you supply where in the bill backs up your BS. You think you can play games by only posting the reconcilliation as if that's the only thing that went into law?

What I find interesting, is I have not been able to find the actual LAW online.


I already posted the relevant part of the bill earlier in this thread. You know, the part that refutes your OP.

But if you want the full text of the final Senate bill, you can find it right here:

Why don't you post ANYTHING at all that supports the assertions you've made in this thread - like all the horrible things that are going to come into effect in 2014, how you think that Obama is trying to "take over" healthcare insurance, who is or is not "exempt" from the bill, and most of all:

What in this bill will, as you claim, put private insurance out of business?
You guys need to do a bit more research than just talking points.

Yes, a loophole exists that exempts a number of commitee staffers from purchasing their insurance from an exchange. The point that everyone seems to be missing is that congressional staffers are the ONLY people mandated by this bill to buy their insurance from the exchange.

Yes, the loophole is unfair. But only to the other congressional staffers - you or I are NOT mandated to buy insurance through an exchange.

PolitiFact | Health bill appears to exempt some congressional staff

Yeah BS!

There would not be a loophole in the first place allowing staffers to opt out, IF the law were not compulsory.

Why need a loophole if the bill is voluntary?

You want to try that double talk again?


laws aren't voluntary.

do you even understand what you're whining about?

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