Hypocritical Liberals Bigoted Against "Old, White Men"


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
We keep hearing them saying it. Just about every liberal from Joy Behar and other TV pundits, to politicians, to others in the media, have made references to "old, white men" as some kind of bad guy group.

Amazing that these hypocrites who furiously try to claim the moral high ground and accuse others of being racist, sexist, and ageist, are fanatically ranting this themselves. Although I'm part Hispanic, I'm also part white, and as an older guy (72), I resent these hypocrites throwing this phrase around in the negative way they do.

For their edification, it so happens that after 500,000 US troops stationed in Vietnam in the 1960s, and a military draft in existence at that time, there is no US demographic that has a larger % of military veterans than old, white men, now in their 70s and 80s. It is this group who, more than any other, served in the military (in war or not), and endured the hardships of it, to protect and defend America.

I'd say these liberals who so loosely condemn "old, white men", ought to apologize to America's old, white men, and thank them for their military service. I'm calling on every liberal in this forum to post a public apology to all the old, white men in America, and express gratitude to the veterans for their service.

Maybe apologies aren't even enough. They are designed for the benefit of the apologizer. The liberal hypocrites should actually DO SOMETHING good to ATTONE for their sexist, ageist, racism. If they have a lot of money, they should build us a new house. Give us the keys to a new car, or maybe just hand us thousands of dollars, to wash away the stain of their outrageous hypocrisy. Apologies would be a good start, since at least it would be an admission of guilt, that they need to come forth with, in order to cleanse themselves of their ageism, racism, sexism.

Thank you Baby Boomer for saddling mine and future generations with tremendous amounts of debt. We will paying for your follies long after you’re dead and now you want more. You can shove your apology, new car, and new house straight up your ass. Cheers!
We keep hearing them saying it. Just about every liberal from Joy Behar and other TV pundits, to politicians, to others in the media, have made references to "old, white men" as some kind of bad guy group.

Amazing that these hypocrites who furiously try to claim the moral high ground and accuse others of being racist, sexist, and ageist, are fanatically ranting this themselves. Although I'm part Hispanic, I'm also part white, and as an older guy (72), I resent these hypocrites throwing this phrase around in the negative way they do.

For their edification, it so happens that after 500,000 US troops stationed in Vietnam in the 1960s, and a military draft in existence at that time, there is no US demographic that has a larger % of military veterans than old, white men, now in their 70s and 80s. It is this group who, more than any other, served in the military (in war or not), and endured the hardships of it, to protect and defend America.

I'd say these liberals who so loosely condemn "old, white men", ought to apologize to America's old, white men, and thank them for their military service. I'm calling on every liberal in this forum to post a public apology to all the old, white men in America, and express gratitude to the veterans for their service.

Maybe apologies aren't even enough. They are designed for the benefit of the apologizer. The liberal hypocrites should actually DO SOMETHING good to ATTONE for their sexist, ageist, racism. If they have a lot of money, they should build us a new house. Give us the keys to a new car, or maybe just hand us thousands of dollars, to wash away the stain of their outrageous hypocrisy. Apologies would be a good start, since at least it would be an admission of guilt, that they need to come forth with, in order to cleanse themselves of their ageism, racism, sexism.

I worked hard, and got my own house, car, and a few bucks in the bank. Being white made it a lot easier for me than for others. Not as easy as it was for Trump who was given everything he ever wanted. We left the kids too much debt already. Why do you want to make it harder for them?
Thank you Baby Boomer for saddling mine and future generations with tremendous amounts of debt. We will paying for your follies long after you’re dead and now you want more. You can shove your apology, new car, and new house straight up your ass. Cheers!
Thank Obama for that. He raised it almost as much as every other US president combined.

As for the debt, how much debt does the China and the rest of the world OWE THE USA for saving their asses in World War II ? (for which we lost 440,000 US military members) - without which they wouldn't even exist. You can shove that up YOUR ass.
I worked hard, and got my own house, car, and a few bucks in the bank. Being white made it a lot easier for me than for others. Not as easy as it was for Trump who was given everything he ever wanted. We left the kids too much debt already. Why do you want to make it harder for them?
You are so indoctrinated that you don't even know that being white made it HARDER for you, not easier. Being white makes you the VICTIM of Affirmative Action racial discrimination, not the beneficiary. I found that out when I was discriminated against by AA in graduate school, which took my whole college (5 years of study) away from me, and ruined my occupational life for the next 40+ years (including retirement).

As for making it harder for your kids, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Lastly, do you have anything to say about the TOPIC> bigotry against "old, white men" ?
We keep hearing them saying it. Just about every liberal from Joy Behar and other TV pundits, to politicians, to others in the media, have made references to "old, white men" as some kind of bad guy group.

Amazing that these hypocrites who furiously try to claim the moral high ground and accuse others of being racist, sexist, and ageist, are fanatically ranting this themselves. Although I'm part Hispanic, I'm also part white, and as an older guy (72), I resent these hypocrites throwing this phrase around in the negative way they do.

For their edification, it so happens that after 500,000 US troops stationed in Vietnam in the 1960s, and a military draft in existence at that time, there is no US demographic that has a larger % of military veterans than old, white men, now in their 70s and 80s. It is this group who, more than any other, served in the military (in war or not), and endured the hardships of it, to protect and defend America.

I'd say these liberals who so loosely condemn "old, white men", ought to apologize to America's old, white men, and thank them for their military service. I'm calling on every liberal in this forum to post a public apology to all the old, white men in America, and express gratitude to the veterans for their service.

Maybe apologies aren't even enough. They are designed for the benefit of the apologizer. The liberal hypocrites should actually DO SOMETHING good to ATTONE for their sexist, ageist, racism. If they have a lot of money, they should build us a new house. Give us the keys to a new car, or maybe just hand us thousands of dollars, to wash away the stain of their outrageous hypocrisy. Apologies would be a good start, since at least it would be an admission of guilt, that they need to come forth with, in order to cleanse themselves of their ageism, racism, sexism.
You are right. I served in Korea at Osan ni Airforce base. We lived in metal huts no AC no Central heat. lot of mud and smell from the rice paddys. Now the base has golf courses and anything you want. Now about the Old part you are right we are, but we remember the days that people were free. During the 50s the Bros were still working for freedom. Martin L King was working for us. Back then out of 16 men three of us were blk the rest white in the unit it was in. We got along with no problems this was the start of being equal and now I feel we are if we are educated and come from a normal family life and I hope this becomes the black future.
Thank you Baby Boomer for saddling mine and future generations with tremendous amounts of debt. We will paying for your follies long after you’re dead and now you want more. You can shove your apology, new car, and new house straight up your ass. Cheers!
Thank Obama for that. He raised it almost as much as every other US president combined.

As for the debt, how much debt does the China and the rest of the world OWE THE USA for saving their asses in World War II ? (for which we lost 440,000 US military members) - without which they wouldn't even exist. You can shove that up YOUR ass.

Baby Boomer Obama doesn't get off scot-free in this matter. You would like to lay the blame squarely at his feet, but our debt has continued to rise regardless of which party controls the House, Senate, and/or White House. The "Me Generation" spent us into oblivion and now you want us to kiss your ass for it?! Get bent.
Baby Boomer Obama doesn't get off scot-free in this matter. You would like to lay the blame squarely at his feet, but our debt has continued to rise regardless of which party controls the House, Senate, and/or White House. The "Me Generation" spent us into oblivion and now you want us to kiss your ass for it?! Get bent.
You can kiss my ass for the 5 years I spent in the US Army and National Guard, and that wouldn't be near enough.

As for "our debt", maybe you didn't get what I said in my previous post. No amount of money the world could PAY US, could REPAY US, for saving their asses from Hitler and the Japs.
I worked hard, and got my own house, car, and a few bucks in the bank. Being white made it a lot easier for me than for others. Not as easy as it was for Trump who was given everything he ever wanted. We left the kids too much debt already. Why do you want to make it harder for them?
You are so indoctrinated that you don't even know that being white made it HARDER for you, not easier. Being white makes you the VICTIM of Affirmative Action racial discrimination, not the beneficiary. I found that out when I was discriminated against by AA in graduate school, which took my whole college (5 years of study) away from me, and ruined my occupational life for the next 40+ years (including retirement).

As for making it harder for your kids, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Lastly, do you have anything to say about the TOPIC> bigotry against "old, white men" ?

Oh, just shut up. You're nuts.

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