Hysterical Howard Dean: Scott Walker Says Obama Born In Kenya

I just read the transcript of the interview.


Old Howie better ask his therapist to up the voltage again for his next session. Too freaking funny.
That was pretty far out there even for Howard Dean. Yet you just know that democrats will swear that they heard Scott Walker say that obama was born in Kenya.
That was pretty far out there even for Howard Dean. Yet you just know that democrats will swear that they heard Scott Walker say that obama was born in Kenya.
They will, that's how they operate. Remember Harry Reid saying Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years (or whatever it was)? The party of liars.
JakeStarkey is a mainstream inner tube voyager on the sewer canals of life. Next he'll be telling us Scott Walker...ummm, hates puppies! And kitties too!!
First Howard says Walker is not qualified to be President because he didn't finish college.
Now this....

How desperate have the Dems become....
They are trying to derail Walker before he is even a candidate.
Well, does he?


Obama, the first birther
That's unfortunate that Dean would throw that one out there. Probably completely fabricated but when something like that get's said it can easily stick and be believed by a segment of the population.
Without the Internet, the NY Times would have run with that on the front page

Thats how Communist supporters like Cronkite helped the Commies win Vietnam, especially after we inflicted one of the most one-sided crushing defeats ever inflicted on an enemy after their Tet Offensive. There was no Internet to get the truth out, all we had were LMSM Useful Idiot lies
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Their getting more and more desperate, even having their MSM allies reel them back in!

NewsBusters ^
How unhinged has Howard Dean become? So bad that an MSNBC host had to gently walk him back off the ledge. On Chris Hayes' MSNBC show tonight, Dean claimed that Scott Walker says Barack Obama was "born in Kenya." It took Hayes two attempts to break through Dean's blather, but eventually he was able to politely point out: "I should note, you mention the Kenya thing, he has not been asked that." View the video....
Dean is the liberals spokesman. He just a tired old homo trying to be relevant since being disgraced in Iowa.
The problem is Walker never said this, the good thing about it is Walker continues to scare the crap out of the left
The problem is Walker never said this, the good thing about it is Walker continues to scare the crap out of the left

In the words of one of the leaders of the Democrat party.
"What difference does it make"...
True or not the focus of the democrat party is to attack,attack,attack....
Send the Howard Deans out there or anyone from MSNBC that hasn't had their show cancelled to go after the GOP candidate.

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