I am a Danish school teacher

Denmark is in just as much debt as all of the other countries who have entitlement programs.
You can't keep racking up the unpaid bills and expect any of them to not go down eventually.
Conservatives often make the assumption that all countries with large social welfare systems have huge debts. For example, the Nordic countries, unlike the US, collect enough taxes that debt is not a problem. They have better credit ratings than the US and better debt to GDP ratios.

You can have a good social welfare system without bankrupting the country. It's just a matter of balancing expenses and revenues and deciding as a nation what's really important.
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The "rest of the world"??

The Right is obsessed with Nationalism.

leftist think America sucks and needs to be changed to match socialist countries.

If it weren't for that pesky Constitution...

There's nothing in it that stops us from being more like Denmark or any other modern country, ie background checks, paid parental leave, living wage, taxing the rich their fair share and investing in the country and its people, hater dupe.:eusa_whistle: see sig pp1.
Wrong again, peter-breath.

We're obsessed with freedom.

Yeah, freedom, democracy, liberty etc, all those buzzwords.

Freedom = can't drink alcohol until 21, can't smoke marijuana at all, can't cross the road unless the govt says you can, can't decide what to do with your body, can't put yourself through university unless someone has a load of money or is lucky.

Democracy = supporting the democratically elected govt of Saudi Arabia with it's amazing human rights record, but helping a coup d'etat against the clearly non-democratically elected leader of Venezuela, Chavez, because he only managed to get the majority of the votes, but those were from poor people who clearly shouldn't have the same power with their vote as rich people.

Saudi Arabia | Amnesty International
The sweet smell of "freedom"


"Texas has been holding this man hostage for 12,600 days"

"Last week, in a decision that contorted both law and fact, a state judge ruled against an illiterate, intellectually disabled black man named Jerry Hartfield.
Hartfield has been imprisoned for more than 33 years — without a valid conviction or sentence authorizing his confinement. In the latest decision, the judge ruled that even though state and local officials clearly were negligent in letting Hartfield slip through the cracks all these decades, there is nothing in the Constitution that provides him with any protection from being retried. Not the Sixth Amendment's guarantee of a speedy trial. Not the undisputed fact that key evidence in that long-ago trial — like the alleged murder weapon, for example — has disappeared. Not the fact that there is no proof that Hartfied, with an IQ testing far below standards for mental retardation, strategized to keep himself in prison for 30 years as a way of avoiding a retrial."

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