I am a Danish school teacher

We're trying to IMPROVE our country- mainly by changing greedy, stupid Pub policy, and end their bs propaganda that produces hater dupes like you...looking at other, happier countries could end your ugly American ignorance...

6. Scandinavians aren’t as happy as Americans

Liberals (and Scandinavians) love to claim that Scandinavian countries top various “happiness indexes.” They say that Scandinavians are so much happier and more content than Americans for a variety of reasons.

Let’s just ignore all the problems that come with trying to assign a number to “happiness.” Let’s ignore that there is no single definition for happiness. Let’s also ignore how easy it is for left-leaning organizations to manipulate these studies to show what they want to show. Let’s just forget all of that.

Instead, let’s look at suicide rates. Suicide rates are cold, hard numbers not subject to interpretation. You’re either dead by your own hand or not.

Every single Scandinavian country ranks higher than the United States in suicide rates. Every single country. Finland ranks 5th in the world for suicides per 100,000 people. By comparison, the United States ranks 18th.

Suicide rankings compared:

Finland: 5th in the world
Denmark: 11th in the world
Sweden: 12th in the world
Norway: 13th in the world
Iceland: 15th in the world
United States: 18th in the world
The Scandinavian Socialism Argument Debunked - The great liberal myth

Whose ignorance??

You're using facts, which is why it will be promptly ignored by those who are supporting Chris's propaganda.
First it's "Denmark/Austria/Wherever is homogenous, they don't have the immigrants we do". In the next breath it's "these immigrants are in Canada because they can't get into the U.S.".

Having it both ways: priceless.

Canada has lots of immigrants, but its percentage of minorities is still far smaller than ours. Canada is trying to grow its population, so it's easy to get a visa there. In the IT racket, there are lots of Indians and Asians, so I rub shoulders more than most Canadians do. However, most of the Canadian immigrants are highly educated people. They aren't the bottom of the barrel riff-raff who will work for slave wages.

Ah, so it's all about "which immigrants Numero Uno likes".

Classist asshole.

Of course it is, asshole. If Cuba emptied its prisons and put all the former inmates on boats headed for the United States, would you welcome them all in?
So far I think the arguements against Denmark is the weather and house size. Is that really it?

No I think the arguments are it's propaganda and total nonsense.

If he really believed Denmark was so great, he'd be going there.

What someone does has nothing to do with what something is or is not silly rabbit.

So weather and house size is really all then. :lol: Geez thats kinda light
Denmark is in just as much debt as all of the other countries who have entitlement programs.
You can't keep racking up the unpaid bills and expect any of them to not go down eventually.
Nothing brings out the vile hatred republicans have in their heart like hearing that a country is doing well without following reaganomics and trickle down theory.

and yet it's the left leaning posters continually posting hate.

Uh.... yyyyyyyyeeeeaaahhhh.....

That's total horseshit. A bunch of Obama dick sucking drones

What's stopping you from leaving then, asshole? It's easy as hell to get a Canadian visa. It's obvious you're blowing horseshit. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

BTW, the stories by you and the other Obama dick sucking drones concerning Canadians are about as credible as Harry Reid claiming his daughter's sale of Jewelry to his campaign was a legitimate expense.

Do America a favor, and move there, you subversive asshole! :cuckoo:

Your country,:badgrin: you little commie scumbag, you'll be the first one dispatched, if we can find you & pull you out of your spider hole when we come looking for subversives!

A former democrat politician killed three Jews in Kansas because of left wing propaganda and we see left wing anti-Semitism again in a simple post about Denmark. I rest my case that today's radical left is a hate filled neo-Nazi anti-American club.

And since you Nazis are so fond of the remarkable Denmark and their socialist policies...

Hey, Nazi - I'm not the one in love with a foreign country, you are.

Gather up all your liberal Nazi friends and take them with you!

well arent you one of a cadre of posters jerking off to denmark.. my question is, if its so awesome why not move there, i mean you can probably be as flaming gay as you want.

I agree, it should be progressive Nazi. Liberals are good people progressives are scum.

Not only are we filled with different peoples, dimocrap scum delight into separating us by class, by race and even by sex..... They're the most divisive scum to ever live. dimocrap scum love to knock the 1%ers, CEOs and small businessmen while stealing everybody's money in order to buy votes.

...If we can someday rid the world of the scum I call dimocraps (just read this thread and you'll know who I'm talking about) then maybe we can come together as a people and start providing for the common good and stop with the petty jealousies and class warfare.

Until then? It's just more mental masturbation from libturd morons who know less about economics and social structure than I do about Faster Than Light travel.

Actually, that's wrong. I know more about FTL travel than the average libturd knows about..... Anything.

dimocraps are just simply stupid

And of course the winner of the Irony award:
Libturds are the source of all the hatred I see spewing into this forum.

Say bye-bye to your credibility, partisan hack. :bye1:
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No need for this info right??

Whats the point of this long story? If you say "You dont understand" then I'll know it wasnt a point there in the first place

Had you read it and had comprehension skills you would see how it points out the negatives in their society .... but as usual you are either incapable of comprehending what you read or being able to fully rationalize it even if you do understand it....

But don't worry, I already know you are special!!

I did read it and I figured that was the point. Denmark like every other place in the world isnt perfect. Congrats.

Now what does that mean overall? I'm suspecting nothing since utopia doesnt exist
Canada has lots of immigrants, but its percentage of minorities is still far smaller than ours. Canada is trying to grow its population, so it's easy to get a visa there. In the IT racket, there are lots of Indians and Asians, so I rub shoulders more than most Canadians do. However, most of the Canadian immigrants are highly educated people. They aren't the bottom of the barrel riff-raff who will work for slave wages.

Ah, so it's all about "which immigrants Numero Uno likes".

Classist asshole.

Of course it is, asshole. If Cuba emptied its prisons and put all the former inmates on boats headed for the United States, would you welcome them all in?

Nothing brings out the vile hatred republicans have in their heart like hearing that a country is doing well without following reaganomics and trickle down theory.

and yet it's the left leaning posters continually posting hate.

Uh.... yyyyyyyyeeeeaaahhhh.....

Not only are we filled with different peoples, dimocrap scum delight into separating us by class, by race and even by sex..... They're the most divisive scum to ever live. dimocrap scum love to knock the 1%ers, CEOs and small businessmen while stealing everybody's money in order to buy votes.

...If we can someday rid the world of the scum I call dimocraps (just read this thread and you'll know who I'm talking about) then maybe we can come together as a people and start providing for the common good and stop with the petty jealousies and class warfare.

Until then? It's just more mental masturbation from libturd morons who know less about economics and social structure than I do about Faster Than Light travel.

Actually, that's wrong. I know more about FTL travel than the average libturd knows about..... Anything.

dimocraps are just simply stupid

And of course the winner of the Irony award:
Libturds are the source of all the hatred I see spewing into this forum.

Say bye-bye to your credibility, partisan hack. :bye1:

Avatar will simply call their hatred love and proclaim its goodness
and yet it's the left leaning posters continually posting hate.

Uh.... yyyyyyyyeeeeaaahhhh.....

And of course the winner of the Irony award:
Libturds are the source of all the hatred I see spewing into this forum.

Say bye-bye to your credibility, partisan hack. :bye1:

Avatar will simply call their hatred love and proclaim its goodness

I guess that's why Avatar's avatar has its eyes closed. :lalala:
and yet it's the left leaning posters continually posting hate.

Uh.... yyyyyyyyeeeeaaahhhh.....

And of course the winner of the Irony award:
Libturds are the source of all the hatred I see spewing into this forum.

Say bye-bye to your credibility, partisan hack. :bye1:

Avatar will simply call their hatred love and proclaim its goodness

No. I'm just going to point out that you have no room to talk about hate since this thread is dripping in hate from left posters.
Canada does not have a better lifestyle. I have been working in Toronto for the last six months, and all the Canadians here are constantly complaining about all the taxes they pay and how the price of everything is far higher than in the United States. I can attest to the validity of their complaints from personal experience. Most of the people I work with would move to the United States if they could.

All the Europeans I have met who have traveled to the U.S. marvel at how cheap everything is and how big the houses are. They make no bones about the fact that they would prefer to live in the United States if it wasn't for family/job/visa issues.

Maybe this is the sort of person you hang out with then. I'm struggling to find one person I know who has even contemplated moving to the US from Western Europe. I know quite a few who have gone to Canada or Australia though.

But the point I have made before, and will make again is, what is best for one, isn't best for another.
People who like the money making side of things will like the US.
People who like other things in life, will like elsewhere.

Here in SW Florida, if you want to meet a lot Foreigners, go to Harley Dealer. Every one of them passes through there at one point or another; buying T-Shirts and souvenirs. And if they can get what they call a 'prospectus' (A catalog) they've hit the motherlode as afr as they're concerned.

Also, I met DOZENS and DOZENS of them in my Insurance Agency on a professional level. You need insurance if you're gonna buy or lease a car and I was the man to see.

I know what I'm talking about.

One of my wife's closest friends from childhood moved to Australia many years ago.

She was a typical liberal.... Professional College student (daddy was an FBI Agent), went to College for 12-13 years here and finally got her degree in some kind of nuclear X-ray bullshit :dunno:. Then promptly moved to Australia to get away from.... Whatever.

She ended up married to one of the All Blacks. A guy you SERIOUSLY didn't want to trifle with. :eek:

She brought him here on vacation and he marveled at how well the average American lived. Couldn't believe it. And he was an elite athlete.

He also couldn't get enough Ketchup. They didn't have it in Australia or New Zealand. Maybe they do now but they didn't then.

He put it on everything. We laughed at him (politely of course). He put it on scrambled eggs, steaks, roast, chicken, pork......

One other thing.... We were watching an American Football game and he asked us which side we were for, we told him we were 'rooting for the Browns'

Well, in Australia, 'rooting' has a whole different definition than it does here.

He got a laugh in on us. :)

I remember him telling us how the two of them saved money to buy an Easter Ham because the cost of it would be over $120. And this was back in 1980!!!!

How everything there cost more than everything here.

While Australia isn't all that bad..... At all. They're really close to us in lifestyle, but.......

They're still not.

Nobody lives as good as American Citizens. Nobody. Maybe Kuwaitis. Maybe Saudi Nationals. Maybe the Swiss. But nobody in any substantial Country does. I'm talking big Countries, not little flea-bites on the ass of the world..... Nobody gets close to us.

Her friend moved back here a few years ago. She divorced the Football player, or he divorced her.... I'd put money on her divorcing him.

But she regrets missing out on all the things she could have been doing instead of wasting her time in Australia.

I have also know several Australian Citizens who lived here on work visas. Not a one of them ever wanted to go back.

Not a one. None. Zero.

But they had to because their Visa ran out... Or something to do with their Visa..... But they had to. They had no choice.

I clearly remember a grown man and his beautiful wife crying like babies when they were forced to leave this Country after five years of living here.

I know some other people who are here on work Visas. A British couple who own their own business. They can stay as long as they own and operate their business, but they have a son graduating from High School this year and he CAN'T stay.

They don't know what to do. Neither does he. They absolutely refuse to move back to Britain. Even if it means their son has to go back without them. They won't move.

They have a daughter not too far behind him that will be forced to move as well when she graduates and turns 18

So you know what?

Save your bullshit for somebody that's buying it. I'm not. And neither is anybody else that knows anything about anything.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.
Avatar will simply call their hatred love and proclaim its goodness

I guess that's why Avatar's avatar has its eyes closed. :lalala:

No left wing hate, eh?

You guys prove me right more and more everyday.

What you said was, and I quote,
it's the left leaning posters continually posting hate.

I posted a bunch of examples directly contradicting that.

Want me to go get the rest of 'em?

Dishonesty -- it's what's for dinner.
Almost makes you wonder why more Danes live in the US than Americans living in Denmark.

Is there a particular reason for that? Please, explain.

Because Denmark is the size of a US small state and has a population of 5 million, not that many Americans would be able to go to Denmark.

Also, Danish people are generally highly educated and some will want a higher wage and may go live some years in the US.
Those who do not achieve Danish citizenship by birth (or by Adoption) can only receive Danish citizenship through decree of law. If your not Danish becoming a citizens is very difficult.

Even obtaining permanent residence status is difficult. In order to obtain a permanent residence permit in Denmark you must have resided legally in Denmark for the past five years and must have held a residence permit for the entire period according to the terms of the Aliens Act.

Countries with generous social welfare benefits are usually pretty picky as to who is eligible. If your a tourist, you might be able to take advantage of some of the healthcare benefits but that's about it. If you're permitted to work in the country, then you'll get some of the worker benefits. If you're illegally in the country and arrested even for a minor violation, unlike the US, you'll very likely get deported.
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Denmark: Potemkin Village

Mises Daily: Thursday, February 28, 2002 by Per Henrik Hansen
In the 1700s, the courtesans of Queen Catherine of Russia gave her tours along the Volga river where she witnessed a happy and thriving bourgeoisie living in clean and prosperous villages. But this was all a show to cover disease, poverty, and misery that lay just behind the facade that had been erected for her benefit.

This is the origin of the phrase Potemkin Village, a place where a politically generated appearance covers a less impressive underside.

Europe is today filled with Potemkin Villages, none as successful as Denmark. Denmark is often cited as an exemplary country within the EU, with an economic system that others should seek to emulate. In the comparisons of GDP per capita, Denmark ranks consistently in the top ten worldwide, and often in the top five.

Denmark's economic data for 2001 appear impressive:

Slow but balanced growth of 1.1 percent, down from 3.2 percent in 2000. Denmark has had higher growth than many other EU countries since the mid-1990s.
An inflation rate of 2.3 percent. The inflation rate has not been above 3 percent since 1994 and not above 4 percent at all in the 1990s.
The long-term interest rate (10-year) has shown a steady decline from a level in 1990 of more than 10 per cent to today's of just around 5 percent.
The short-term interest rate (3-month) likewise has shown a steady and even bigger decline over the period. From 12 per cent in 1990 to just around 3.5 percent today.
An unemployment rate that is relatively low and falling. The rate is now officially 5.2 percent, down from 12.2 percent in 1993.
A budget surplus of 1.9 percent of GDP. It is the 5th year in a row that the budget has been in surplus.
A fairly large surplus on the current account of 3.4 percent of GDP. Denmark has had a surplus on the current account continuously in the 1990s, except for 1998.
The Danish public debt as a percentage of the GDP has fallen for several years and is now approximately 45 percent instead of close to 80 percent in the early 1990s.
The Danish foreign public debt as a percentage of the GDP is also falling and is now approximately 15 percent instead of almost 40 percent in the early 1990s.
Denmark is the least corrupt country in the world according to surveys that measure such things.
Denmark also claims to have a population with a very robust work ethic, which is probably true. All of this looks very good, at least on the surface.

But let us look at some other economic statistics that are not mentioned nearly as often.

Denmark has an entire population of 5,350,000 people. Of them, 1,150,000 are below 18 years old. Of the remaining 4,200,000 people, 2,214,000 people receive government transfer payments (not counting 260,000 students that receive public scholarships of $550 per month).

When you recalculate these 2,214,000 people, of whom some receive only part-time government transfers, into people who live full-time on transfer income, the total becomes 1,590,000 people living off transfer payments.

Out of these 1,590,000 people, 710,000 are pensioners and the remaining approximately 900,000 are working-age people. Most of them cannot be found in the unemployment statistics. They are on other kinds of public transfer programs of which there exist ten different types.

There are approximately 1,900,000 people working in the private sector and 840,000 working in the public sector or publicly owned companies. (The reason the numbers do not add up to 4.2 million is because not all are full time workers.)

We can conclude from this that of the people in the working age of 18 to 66, more than one quarter live passively on government transfers (full time). For every 100 persons employed full time in 1999, there were 33 working-age people receiving support. Adding pensioners, the total number was 61 people on full time transfer income for each 100 full time employed persons. (The pensioners are financed by a pay-as-you-go pension scheme). And out of those who are employed, 31.5 percent work for the government.

All of this, of course, needs to be financed. Denmark has therefore for many years had a very high and continuously increasing tax level.

In 2002, the lowest marginal income tax level is 44.31 percent, then it increases to 49.77 percent and 63.33 percent. Forty percent of the working people pay the top marginal tax rate of 63.33 percent, which applies to all income over $33,000.

There are very few tax deductions available, and the tax value of the tax deductions is continuously being reduced.

A sales tax of 25 percent hits just about everything.

The capital gains tax is 59.7 percent for a private person in the high income tax bracket, unless you hold your investment for more than 3 years. It then falls to 44.8 percent.

There are additional taxes on "sinful" and "luxury" products likes cigarettes, alcohol, candy, soft drinks, electronic goods, and other luxuries.

For cars, there is a 180 percent special tax on top of the sales tax of 25 percent. Then there is a registration fee and a weight fee to be paid twice per year for the privilege of using the roads. The price of gasoline is nearly three times as high as it is in the US.

Denmark imposes many new green taxes. These are the taxes that have increased most substantially during the 1990s. These taxes hit heating, electricity, water, and gasoline.

Real estate, which is already heavily taxed, has been the target of new taxes throughout the 1990s. In addition, the tax value of deductions have been continuously reduced.

With Denmark, as with all of Europe, your perception of its economic status depends on which statistics you are looking at. Also, your judgement of its economic status depends on your preferences (is stability alone to be valued, or is freedom also important?) and your time horizon (does it matter that all these taxes make Denmark far less prosperous than it otherwise would be?).

Danish politicians proudly proclaims that Denmark is the most egalitarian country in the world. They may be right. The obsession with equality delivers a crushing, daily blow to anyone with a new idea or the inkling to cultivate an ability that surpasses the norm. Young people have virtually no chance to improve their lot in life, to take risks, to make it big through innovation and entrepreneurship.

Excellent and hard work are not rewarded by a system that systematically levels the population into a huge homogenous middle class, whose standard of living advances only incrementally and in ways that flout economic priorities. A total tax level that approaches 70 percent is a relentless and debilitating reminder that this country desires no personal economic achievement and no accumulation of wealth.

And yet many people seem to be happy with this system, somewhat like the masses of Huxley's Brave New World. Of course it sets up a dynamic that harms everyone in the long run, but people don't seem to understand or care about this. Equality and stability are regarded as more important than progress and freedom.

A heritage of honesty and hard work are marvelous tools for papering over the failures of welfarism and subtle servitude. With the right attitude, even a prison population can settle into a comfortable and egalitarian existence, one that might even impress Queen Catherine passing by on a boat. But lacking energy, enterprise, entrepreneurship, and freedom, such systems of economic control exact a huge toll with the passage of time.

I don't know, doesn't exactly sound like what I want ...

....you just described the same Doom N Gloom the U.S. is heading into Dr.....

LMAO It's total bullshit, an online fiction with an agenda. Too funny. Denmark -- North Korea. No difference, right? LMAO
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Canada does not have a better lifestyle. I have been working in Toronto for the last six months, and all the Canadians here are constantly complaining about all the taxes they pay and how the price of everything is far higher than in the United States. I can attest to the validity of their complaints from personal experience. Most of the people I work with would move to the United States if they could.

All the Europeans I have met who have traveled to the U.S. marvel at how cheap everything is and how big the houses are. They make no bones about the fact that they would prefer to live in the United States if it wasn't for family/job/visa issues.

I find this post amazing. It never occurred to me that someone with the emotional maturity of Finger-boy is actually old enough to work.

I worked for a Canadian company for many years, with Canadians running the show. Although they were always coming to the States and thus had excellent views of both cultures, not one had any desire to emigrate here; they were always happy to get home to Canada.

Me, I'd be a Canadian in a heartbeat. It'd be nice to think I was part of a country wasn't continually poking around in everybody else's business. And this is in no way a new impression; when I was vagabonding in Europe in the '70s it was well known that if you wanted a successful hitchhiking or just to be treated without suspicion, you put a maple leaf flag on your stuff and tried to pass for Canadian. You certainly didn't walk around with stars and stripes.

New Zealand appeals too, but unlike Canada I've never been there.

What's stopping you from leaving then, asshole? It's easy as hell to get a Canadian visa. It's obvious you're blowing horseshit. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

BTW, the stories by you and the other Obama dick sucking drones concerning Canadians are about as credible as Harry Reid claiming his daughter's sale of Jewelry to his campaign was a legitimate expense.

No it isn't. It is not 'easy' to get a Canadian visa. What is it with you, you just make it up as you go along? And I don't know about anyone else, but I have worked and socialized with a great many Canadians over the past ten years, and not one has expressed any desire to live in the US. In fact, just the opposite: they express scorn for the US culture and US politics. Your depiction of Canadians is not at all what anyone else is experiencing, and that includes the Canadians we meet online.
I find this post amazing. It never occurred to me that someone with the emotional maturity of Finger-boy is actually old enough to work.

I worked for a Canadian company for many years, with Canadians running the show. Although they were always coming to the States and thus had excellent views of both cultures, not one had any desire to emigrate here; they were always happy to get home to Canada.

Me, I'd be a Canadian in a heartbeat. It'd be nice to think I was part of a country wasn't continually poking around in everybody else's business. And this is in no way a new impression; when I was vagabonding in Europe in the '70s it was well known that if you wanted a successful hitchhiking or just to be treated without suspicion, you put a maple leaf flag on your stuff and tried to pass for Canadian. You certainly didn't walk around with stars and stripes.

New Zealand appeals too, but unlike Canada I've never been there.

What's stopping you from leaving then, asshole? It's easy as hell to get a Canadian visa. It's obvious you're blowing horseshit. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

BTW, the stories by you and the other Obama dick sucking drones concerning Canadians are about as credible as Harry Reid claiming his daughter's sale of Jewelry to his campaign was a legitimate expense.

No it isn't. It is not 'easy' to get a Canadian visa. What is it with you, you just make it up as you go along? And I don't know about anyone else, but I have worked and socialized with a great many Canadians over the past ten years, and not one has expressed any desire to live in the US. In fact, just the opposite: they express scorn for the US culture and US politics. Your depiction of Canadians is not at all what anyone else is experiencing, and that includes the Canadians we meet online.

--- which makes no sense if you think about it... I can't imagine why Canadians or other foreigners wouldn't jump through hoops at the chance to be called "Obama sucking drones" and "libtards", can you?

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