I am a Danish school teacher

Actually, plenty of them would.

Depends on the person. But people seem to prefer Australia, for the weather, or Canada for the better life style (also the same with Australia).

Canada does not have a better lifestyle. I have been working in Toronto for the last six months, and all the Canadians here are constantly complaining about all the taxes they pay and how the price of everything is far higher than in the United States. I can attest to the validity of their complaints from personal experience. Most of the people I work with would move to the United States if they could.

All the Europeans I have met who have traveled to the U.S. marvel at how cheap everything is and how big the houses are. They make no bones about the fact that they would prefer to live in the United States if it wasn't for family/job/visa issues.

I find this post amazing. It never occurred to me that someone with the emotional maturity of Finger-boy is actually old enough to work.

I worked for a Canadian company for many years, with Canadians running the show. Although they were always coming to the States and thus had excellent views of both cultures, not one had any desire to emigrate here; they were always happy to get home to Canada.

Me, I'd be a Canadian in a heartbeat. It'd be nice to think I was part of a country wasn't continually poking around in everybody else's business. And this is in no way a new impression; when I was vagabonding in Europe in the '70s it was well known that if you wanted a successful hitchhiking or just to be treated without suspicion, you put a maple leaf flag on your stuff and tried to pass for Canadian. You certainly didn't walk around with stars and stripes.

New Zealand appeals too, but unlike Canada I've never been there.
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Danish culture is just fine, happiest country on Earth. Helped US out with refugees from our idiotic Pub wars...
Do America a favor, and move there, you subversive asshole! :cuckoo:

Your country,:badgrin: you little commie scumbag, you'll be the first one dispatched, if we can find you & pull you out of your spider hole when we come looking for subversives!

Shut up, stupid. Your standard M.O. whenever anybody takes issue with your trolling:


It's noisy, but that's all it is. Grow up.
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What things are better in Canada? Certainly, not the weather. 99% of all people prefer to have better material circumstances than they currently enjoy. I've never heard of anyone turning down a pay raise, have you? The only thing that keeps the people I work with in Canada from moving to the U.S. is the difficulty of getting a visa.

Though I have known plenty of people who have quit jobs and taken another job that has lower wages and a better life style.

People want the money, but they want the life too. I've known people too stressed to function as a proper human being, in fact I quit my last job because I was getting more tired every week and never recovered one week to the next. It just wasn't worth it. The money was good, but I want something else.

I didn't say "other jobs." I said "a pay increase." I used that phrase specifically so you couldn't bring in other issues like increased responsibilities, stress or job satisfaction. No one ever turned down a pay increase for doing the same work. That's because people prefer making more money to making less money.

And Seal Team 6 could take over your capital city and disband your leftist government in 2 hours.

And that says what about your values, macho boy?

For the past decade, social scientists and pollsters have given elaborate questionnaires to hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Two of the largest studies that rank the happiness of countries around the world are the World Map of Happiness from the University of Leiscester and the World Database of Happiness from Ruut Veenhoven of Erasmus University Rotterdam. All the happiness surveys ask people basically the same question: How happy are you?

But if you mine all the databases of universities and research centers, you'll find that the happiest place on earth is Denmark.

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

Happy...happy gay.

-- Exactly. Drowning in a self-imposed swamp of testosterone. :eusa_hand:
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So far I think the arguements against Denmark is the weather and house size. Is that really it?
Depends on the person. But people seem to prefer Australia, for the weather, or Canada for the better life style (also the same with Australia).

Canada does not have a better lifestyle. I have been working in Toronto for the last six months, and all the Canadians here are constantly complaining about all the taxes they pay and how the price of everything is far higher than in the United States. I can attest to the validity of their complaints from personal experience. Most of the people I work with would move to the United States if they could.

All the Europeans I have met who have traveled to the U.S. marvel at how cheap everything is and how big the houses are. They make no bones about the fact that they would prefer to live in the United States if it wasn't for family/job/visa issues.

I find this post amazing. It never occurred to me that someone with the emotional maturity of Finger-boy is actually old enough to work.

I worked for a Canadian company for many years, with Canadians running the show. Although they were always coming to the States and thus had excellent views of both cultures, not one had any desire to emigrate here; they were always happy to get home to Canada.

Me, I'd be a Canadian in a heartbeat. It'd be nice to think I was part of a country wasn't continually poking around in everybody else's business. And this is in no way a new impression; when I was vagabonding in Europe in the '70s it was well known that if you wanted a successful hitchhiking or just to be treated without suspicion, you put a maple leaf flag on your stuff and tried to pass for Canadian. You certainly didn't walk around with stars and stripes.

New Zealand appeals too, but unlike Canada I've never been there.

What's stopping you from leaving then, asshole? It's easy as hell to get a Canadian visa. It's obvious you're blowing horseshit. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

BTW, the stories by you and the other Obama dick sucking drones concerning Canadians are about as credible as Harry Reid claiming his daughter's sale of Jewelry to his campaign was a legitimate expense.
What's the fathom? It's dumb and frankly, ignores things like the Austrians don't let a gazillion illegals flood their borders, they don't sit back and let nearly half the population pay no income taxes, 1/6 of the population isn't on food stamps, etc., etc. Austria is a small and fairly homogenous society, unlike America.

Educate your self just a bit.

Actually, Austria has a fairly large immigrant population, Turkish, who are about 6% of the overall population, and always growing. Whenever I went to renew my work visa, once a year, there were long lines of mostly Turkish people there to get visas also. There are Turkish neighborhoods and there is a problem of the Turkish population integrating into the larger Austrian culture. Of course, it is a small country and not as difficult to manage as the US, but the system works and could work in the US if people were not so resistant to it.

Well, it's part of, or used to be part of, the American ethos... people came here to escape the shackles of intrusive and overreaching government, not establish just a new form of that which they sought to escape. So to that I say, if that's what one wants, move to Denmark, or wherever. There is a reason America has accomplished so much in so little time, and it isn't because of collectivism.

No it's basically because you bought the whole school textbook propaganda. Hook, line and sinker.
Canada does not have a better lifestyle. I have been working in Toronto for the last six months, and all the Canadians here are constantly complaining about all the taxes they pay and how the price of everything is far higher than in the United States. I can attest to the validity of their complaints from personal experience. Most of the people I work with would move to the United States if they could.

All the Europeans I have met who have traveled to the U.S. marvel at how cheap everything is and how big the houses are. They make no bones about the fact that they would prefer to live in the United States if it wasn't for family/job/visa issues.

Maybe this is the sort of person you hang out with then. I'm struggling to find one person I know who has even contemplated moving to the US from Western Europe. I know quite a few who have gone to Canada or Australia though. But the point I have made before, and will make again is, what is best for one, isn't best for another.
People who like the money making side of things will like the US.
People who like other things in life, will like elsewhere.

Over the past 11 years, I have lived and worked in very international environments in 4 different countries, and some years earlier, I lived in yet another country. Two of these countries were in Europe. I don't believe I have ever met someone who expressed a desire to move to the US. Visit it, yes. Immigrate there no, except perhaps if someone quite poor expressed that idea, like a cab driver. But, I can't remember any specific instance of such. I can't imagine who these people are that Bripat has met who are expressing a desire to immigrate to the US. Sounds like tall tales to me. Most people I meet are not very pleased with the US. They certainly do not express a preference to the US over their own homeland.

I've worked with a lot of Canadians. One company, an overseas company, had probably, as it's largest group of employes, Canadians. I never head of or directly heard one of them express a desire to live in the US. On the contrary, they were generally rather cricitical of the US. Of all the Canadians I've met online, not one has ever expressed a desire to live in the US, and, again, they were more critical than not about the American lifestyle.

That's total horseshit. A bunch of Obama dick sucking drones all saying how they never met any Canadian who ever wanted to leave the People's Republic of Canada is about as credible as your messiah's claims about healthcare.

People who were born and raised in Canada may not want to leave because of family ties, but I work in a building with a lot of immigrants from various parts of the world. They all say they would prefer to live in the U.S. They are in Canada only because it was easier to get an immigration visa there.
No need for this info right??

Whats the point of this long story? If you say "You dont understand" then I'll know it wasnt a point there in the first place

Had you read it and had comprehension skills you would see how it points out the negatives in their society .... but as usual you are either incapable of comprehending what you read or being able to fully rationalize it even if you do understand it....

But don't worry, I already know you are special!!
Maybe this is the sort of person you hang out with then. I'm struggling to find one person I know who has even contemplated moving to the US from Western Europe. I know quite a few who have gone to Canada or Australia though. But the point I have made before, and will make again is, what is best for one, isn't best for another.
People who like the money making side of things will like the US.
People who like other things in life, will like elsewhere.

Over the past 11 years, I have lived and worked in very international environments in 4 different countries, and some years earlier, I lived in yet another country. Two of these countries were in Europe. I don't believe I have ever met someone who expressed a desire to move to the US. Visit it, yes. Immigrate there no, except perhaps if someone quite poor expressed that idea, like a cab driver. But, I can't remember any specific instance of such. I can't imagine who these people are that Bripat has met who are expressing a desire to immigrate to the US. Sounds like tall tales to me. Most people I meet are not very pleased with the US. They certainly do not express a preference to the US over their own homeland.

I've worked with a lot of Canadians. One company, an overseas company, had probably, as it's largest group of employes, Canadians. I never head of or directly heard one of them express a desire to live in the US. On the contrary, they were generally rather cricitical of the US. Of all the Canadians I've met online, not one has ever expressed a desire to live in the US, and, again, they were more critical than not about the American lifestyle.

That's total horseshit. A bunch of Obama dick sucking drones all saying how they never met any Canadian who ever wanted to leave the People's Republic of Canada is about as credible as your messiah's claims about healthcare.

People who were born and raised in Canada may not want to leave because of family ties, but I work in a building with a lot of immigrants from various parts of the world. They all say they would prefer to live in the U.S. They are in Canada only because it was easier to get an immigration visa there.

First it's "Denmark/Austria/Wherever is homogenous, they don't have the immigrants we do". In the next breath it's "these immigrants are in Canada because they can't get into the U.S.".

Having it both ways: priceless.
Over the past 11 years, I have lived and worked in very international environments in 4 different countries, and some years earlier, I lived in yet another country. Two of these countries were in Europe. I don't believe I have ever met someone who expressed a desire to move to the US. Visit it, yes. Immigrate there no, except perhaps if someone quite poor expressed that idea, like a cab driver. But, I can't remember any specific instance of such. I can't imagine who these people are that Bripat has met who are expressing a desire to immigrate to the US. Sounds like tall tales to me. Most people I meet are not very pleased with the US. They certainly do not express a preference to the US over their own homeland.

I've worked with a lot of Canadians. One company, an overseas company, had probably, as it's largest group of employes, Canadians. I never head of or directly heard one of them express a desire to live in the US. On the contrary, they were generally rather cricitical of the US. Of all the Canadians I've met online, not one has ever expressed a desire to live in the US, and, again, they were more critical than not about the American lifestyle.

That's total horseshit. A bunch of Obama dick sucking drones all saying how they never met any Canadian who ever wanted to leave the People's Republic of Canada is about as credible as your messiah's claims about healthcare.

People who were born and raised in Canada may not want to leave because of family ties, but I work in a building with a lot of immigrants from various parts of the world. They all say they would prefer to live in the U.S. They are in Canada only because it was easier to get an immigration visa there.

First it's "Denmark/Austria/Wherever is homogenous, they don't have the immigrants we do". In the next breath it's "these immigrants are in Canada because they can't get into the U.S.".

Having it both ways: priceless.

Canada has lots of immigrants, but its percentage of minorities is still far smaller than ours. Canada is trying to grow its population, so it's easy to get a visa there. In the IT racket, there are lots of Indians and Asians, so I rub shoulders more than most Canadians do. However, most of the Canadian immigrants are highly educated people. They aren't the bottom of the barrel riff-raff who will work for slave wages.
We're trying to IMPROVE our country- mainly by changing greedy, stupid Pub policy, and end their bs propaganda that produces hater dupes like you...looking at other, happier countries could end your ugly American ignorance...

And how do you improve the country by taking power away from individuals and giving it to bureaucrats and politicians?

5 years of your policies has been making this nation much worse than before. If this is the improvement you're offering, I'll pass. I can do better without you.
Pubs have been practicing class warfare for thirty years, ruining the nonrich and the country, Pub dupe. You know nothing about me, you have about 4 hater talking points to cover everything lol....see sig pp1.

How do you wage class warfare by denying that we have classes and advocating that everyone is entitled to the same treatment no matter how much they make?
Nothing brings out the vile hatred republicans have in their heart like hearing that a country is doing well without following reaganomics and trickle down theory.

and yet it's the left leaning posters continually posting hate.
That's total horseshit. A bunch of Obama dick sucking drones all saying how they never met any Canadian who ever wanted to leave the People's Republic of Canada is about as credible as your messiah's claims about healthcare.

People who were born and raised in Canada may not want to leave because of family ties, but I work in a building with a lot of immigrants from various parts of the world. They all say they would prefer to live in the U.S. They are in Canada only because it was easier to get an immigration visa there.

First it's "Denmark/Austria/Wherever is homogenous, they don't have the immigrants we do". In the next breath it's "these immigrants are in Canada because they can't get into the U.S.".

Having it both ways: priceless.

Canada has lots of immigrants, but its percentage of minorities is still far smaller than ours. Canada is trying to grow its population, so it's easy to get a visa there. In the IT racket, there are lots of Indians and Asians, so I rub shoulders more than most Canadians do. However, most of the Canadian immigrants are highly educated people. They aren't the bottom of the barrel riff-raff who will work for slave wages.

Ah, so it's all about "which immigrants Numero Uno likes".

Classist asshole.
We're trying to IMPROVE our country- mainly by changing greedy, stupid Pub policy, and end their bs propaganda that produces hater dupes like you...looking at other, happier countries could end your ugly American ignorance...

6. Scandinavians aren’t as happy as Americans

Liberals (and Scandinavians) love to claim that Scandinavian countries top various “happiness indexes.” They say that Scandinavians are so much happier and more content than Americans for a variety of reasons.

Let’s just ignore all the problems that come with trying to assign a number to “happiness.” Let’s ignore that there is no single definition for happiness. Let’s also ignore how easy it is for left-leaning organizations to manipulate these studies to show what they want to show. Let’s just forget all of that.

Instead, let’s look at suicide rates. Suicide rates are cold, hard numbers not subject to interpretation. You’re either dead by your own hand or not.

Every single Scandinavian country ranks higher than the United States in suicide rates. Every single country. Finland ranks 5th in the world for suicides per 100,000 people. By comparison, the United States ranks 18th.

Suicide rankings compared:

Finland: 5th in the world
Denmark: 11th in the world
Sweden: 12th in the world
Norway: 13th in the world
Iceland: 15th in the world
United States: 18th in the world
The Scandinavian Socialism Argument Debunked - The great liberal myth

Whose ignorance??
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Nothing brings out the vile hatred republicans have in their heart like hearing that a country is doing well without following reaganomics and trickle down theory.

Libturds are the source of all the hatred I see spewing into this forum.

Says the guy with the photo of the kid flipping the fuck off finger.
That's pretty fucking rich. The Dems do the hating eh? LMAO. Sure dude sure.
You asshole right wingers LOVE you some poor people. Show em some more love briarpatty. Call em some more names and shit. Share the love.

I think you just made his point with your response.

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