I am a Danish school teacher

I am blinded by my nationalism? Here we go folks. A person that supposedly hates people who stereotype....stereotyping.

Your hate for this country blinds you.

What the hell is stopping you from getting the hell out of here anyway?

There's a big difference thinking somewhere else is better to live, and hating the country
Nothing brings out the vile hatred republicans have in their heart like hearing that a country is doing well without following reaganomics and trickle down theory.

Libturds are the source of all the hatred I see spewing into this forum.

Says the guy with the photo of the kid flipping the fuck off finger.
That's pretty fucking rich. The Dems do the hating eh? LMAO. Sure dude sure.
You asshole right wingers LOVE you some poor people. Show em some more love briarpatty. Call em some more names and shit. Share the love.

He's also the one who constantly calls people 'libtards.' All of his posts are full of hate and offensive name calling. He is one of the most hateful posters on this board.
Libturds are the source of all the hatred I see spewing into this forum.

Says the guy with the photo of the kid flipping the fuck off finger.
That's pretty fucking rich. The Dems do the hating eh? LMAO. Sure dude sure.
You asshole right wingers LOVE you some poor people. Show em some more love briarpatty. Call em some more names and shit. Share the love.

He's also the one who constantly calls people 'libtards.' All of his posts are full of hate and offensive name calling. He is one of the most hateful posters on this board.

I make no bones about the fact that I despise libturds. However, I'm not like most right-wingers, who foolishly believe libturds are capable of reason and decent behavior.
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Nothing brings out the vile hatred republicans have in their heart like hearing that a country is doing well without following reaganomics and trickle down theory.

Libturds are the source of all the hatred I see spewing into this forum.

Says the guy with the photo of the kid flipping the fuck off finger.
That's pretty fucking rich. The Dems do the hating eh? LMAO. Sure dude sure.
You asshole right wingers LOVE you some poor people. Show em some more love briarpatty. Call em some more names and shit. Share the love.

You sure are showing the love there, aren't you?

I don't hate or love poor people anymore than any other class of people. However, I do despise anyone who thinks they are entitled to a chunk of my paycheck. They can all go to hell.
Says the guy with the photo of the kid flipping the fuck off finger.
That's pretty fucking rich. The Dems do the hating eh? LMAO. Sure dude sure.
You asshole right wingers LOVE you some poor people. Show em some more love briarpatty. Call em some more names and shit. Share the love.

He's also the one who constantly calls people 'libtards.' All of his posts are full of hate and offensive name calling. He is one of the most hateful posters on this board.

I make no bones about the fact that I despise libturds. However, I'm not like most right-wingers, who believes libturds are capable of reason and decent behavior.

It's nice of you to help both of us make our points.
Location, location, location.

It depends much more on where your home is than how large it is, to me anyway. I'd give up a larger home with a garden to live in a small apartment if the location was far more appealing.

Who said Denmark was more appealing? The weather in Denmark sucks. I'll bet any Dane would trade his house in a microsecond if he could live in Miami Florida in a house that was 50% bigger.

Denmark does not appeal to me. However, there are many countries outside the US that do. Having a big house is not as appealing as where you live. That's the point. Don't be so literal.

I doubt that the price of real estate is affected by your personal likes or dislikes. However, you were implying that the high cost of real estate in Denmark was the result of high demand. Then you admitted that it's not a desirable place to live. So if "location" is the only thing that matters, then what is it about the location in Denmark that makes it expensive?

The correct answer is that it lies within the jurisdiction of the Danish government which taxes and regulates it and thereby drives up the price.

In no way should you assume a Dane wants to live in the US. There are other countries in the world that have a lot of sunshine without the social problems, crime, hurricanes, etc. that lovely Miami has to offer. LOL

I don't assume. I know. I knew plenty of Europeans who live in the states, and they always tell me how wonderful the U.S. because everything is so cheap compared to Europe. I'm currently working in Toronto, and all the Canadians there are always telling me how everything in Canada is so expensive compared to the U.S., and that's even before they apply the 13% HST tax.

The bottom line is that Americans are materially better off than the people living in almost every other country in the world.
He's also the one who constantly calls people 'libtards.' All of his posts are full of hate and offensive name calling. He is one of the most hateful posters on this board.

I make no bones about the fact that I despise libturds. However, I'm not like most right-wingers, who believes libturds are capable of reason and decent behavior.

It's nice of you to help both of us make our points.

What point was that?
That's a pretty good salary for teaching people to make just one kind of pastry.

Ur ignorance and arrogance are embarrassment for Americans...no wonder we r losing our international panache..

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I am blinded by my nationalism? Here we go folks. A person that supposedly hates people who stereotype....stereotyping.

Your hate for this country blinds you.

What the hell is stopping you from getting the hell out of here anyway?

There's a big difference thinking somewhere else is better to live, and hating the country

If you truly believed another place was a better place to live, then you would be living there. The fact that you live here indicates you prefer living here.
If you truly believed another place was a better place to live, then you would be living there. The fact that you live here indicates you prefer living here.

That's a great argument. Except I never said where I live. :cuckoo: Also, people don't always live where they'd prefer to live. When I get to live in all 225 countries, or however many there, are, then maybe I'll be able to say where I'd prefer to live.
If you truly believed another place was a better place to live, then you would be living there. The fact that you live here indicates you prefer living here.

That's a great argument. Except I never said where I live. :cuckoo: Also, people don't always live where they'd prefer to live. When I get to live in all 225 countries, or however many there, are, then maybe I'll be able to say where I'd prefer to live.

Yes, actually, people do live where they prefer to live.
Yes, actually, people do live where they prefer to live.

I'd prefer to live in a $20 million mansion. Is it going to happen?

How many people actually live where they'd prefer to live? Most people live in a place they would leave if they won the lottery. I'm sure Bill Gates lives where he'd prefer to live though.
Maybe, being like Denmark would be a good thing. Maybe not. :dunno:

But it's all mental masturbation because it will NEVER happen.

For one thing, Denmark is full of Danes.

America is full of African Americans, Italian American, German Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Asian Americans, etc, etc.

Not only are we filled with different peoples, dimocrap scum delight into separating us by class, by race and even by sex..... They're the most divisive scum to ever live. dimocrap scum love to knock the 1%ers, CEOs and small businessmen while stealing everybody's money in order to buy votes.

Danes also have an innate work ethic unknown to most Americans. You give many Americans the chance to sit home and get fat on the government dole and, guess what?

They're gonna do it. The Danes (and the Germans and most other Teutons) have a work ethic that is off the charts.

If we can someday rid the world of the scum I call dimocraps (just read this thread and you'll know who I'm talking about) then maybe we can come together as a people and start providing for the common good and stop with the petty jealousies and class warfare.

Until then? It's just more mental masturbation from libturd morons who know less about economics and social structure than I do about Faster Than Light travel.

Actually, that's wrong. I know more about FTL travel than the average libturd knows about..... Anything.

dimocraps are just simply stupid
I don't hear anyone wanting smaller homes here. EU homes and buildings seem to last longer than McMansions...lol.


It is not a matter of wanting smaller; it is a matter of what you can afford. Anywhere, you can get a much larger home for the same amount of money as a smaller one, depending on where you live. It is a matter of location. It's a simple concept. Do you live in Europe or the US?

Yep, if you live in a socialist country or a blue state, then you're going to pay a lot more. Location!

Ah...the return of the "ugly American"...Biggest is best and screw all the rest....How can u pretend to LOVE America when u despise half of it's population and it's prez? And u certainly don't embody the tolerance and open heart that r true American values...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Maybe, being like Denmark would be a good thing. Maybe not. :dunno:

But it's all mental masturbation because it will NEVER happen.

For one thing, Denmark is full of Danes.

America is full of African Americans, Italian American, German Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Asian Americans, etc, etc.

Not only are we filled with different peoples, dimocrap scum delight into separating us by class, by race and even by sex..... They're the most divisive scum to ever live. dimocrap scum love to knock the 1%ers, CEOs and small businessmen while stealing everybody's money in order to buy votes.

Danes also have an innate work ethic unknown to most Americans. You give many Americans the chance to sit home and get fat on the government dole and, guess what?

They're gonna do it. The Danes (and the Germans and most other Teutons) have a work ethic that is off the charts.

If we can someday rid the world of the scum I call dimocraps (just read this thread and you'll know who I'm talking about) then maybe we can come together as a people and start providing for the common good and stop with the petty jealousies and class warfare.

Until then? It's just more mental masturbation from libturd morons who know less about economics and social structure than I do about Faster Than Light travel.

Actually, that's wrong. I know more about FTL travel than the average libturd knows about..... Anything.

dimocraps are just simply stupid

It is not a matter of wanting smaller; it is a matter of what you can afford. Anywhere, you can get a much larger home for the same amount of money as a smaller one, depending on where you live. It is a matter of location. It's a simple concept. Do you live in Europe or the US?

Yep, if you live in a socialist country or a blue state, then you're going to pay a lot more. Location!

Ah...the return of the "ugly American"...Biggest is best and screw all the rest....How can u pretend to LOVE America when u despise half of it's population and it's prez? And u certainly don't embody the tolerance and open heart that r true American values...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I'd prefer to live in a $20 million mansion. Is it going to happen?

How many people actually live where they'd prefer to live? Most people live in a place they would leave if they won the lottery. I'm sure Bill Gates lives where he'd prefer to live though.

Bill Gates lives in a huge mansion he built on Lake Washington in Seattle. People go by in boats all the time hoping to get a glimpse of him or his family. He lives there because it is close to Microsoft. I imagine if someday he 'retires' he may move elsewhere, hoping to get out of the spotlight. Who knows.
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Maybe, being like Denmark would be a good thing. Maybe not. :dunno:

But it's all mental masturbation because it will NEVER happen.

For one thing, Denmark is full of Danes.

America is full of African Americans, Italian American, German Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Asian Americans, etc, etc.

Not only are we filled with different peoples, dimocrap scum delight into separating us by class, by race and even by sex..... They're the most divisive scum to ever live. dimocrap scum love to knock the 1%ers, CEOs and small businessmen while stealing everybody's money in order to buy votes.

Danes also have an innate work ethic unknown to most Americans. You give many Americans the chance to sit home and get fat on the government dole and, guess what?

They're gonna do it. The Danes (and the Germans and most other Teutons) have a work ethic that is off the charts.

If we can someday rid the world of the scum I call dimocraps (just read this thread and you'll know who I'm talking about) then maybe we can come together as a people and start providing for the common good and stop with the petty jealousies and class warfare.

Until then? It's just more mental masturbation from libturd morons who know less about economics and social structure than I do about Faster Than Light travel.

Actually, that's wrong. I know more about FTL travel than the average libturd knows about..... Anything.

dimocraps are just simply stupid

Yes, the US is different.

However the problems in the US are not because the US is made of of the people it's made up of. It's because of the corrupt govt and the way problems are never solved, just the politicians get their game to play and make it rich.
Get over it you arent the only one who is allowed to complain about the way things are AND stay here.

For the last time Nazi - if YOU leave - I have no complaints! :D

So, I can take from your last statement that you LOVE Denmark - just not enough to leave the good old USA.....would just rather sit and complain about this country. Got it.

My work here is done. :eusa_boohoo: :dance: :eusa_boohoo:

Why don't you leave then to escape people like me? Lazy? Bullshittjng?

I say you aren't the only personallowdd to complain and stay and you translate to mean I have an emotion tied to a Denmark and I never mentioned emotion or Denmark? How retarded are you?

Guess what you and I have complaints.
Yes, actually, people do live where they prefer to live.

I'd prefer to live in a $20 million mansion. Is it going to happen?

How many people actually live where they'd prefer to live? Most people live in a place they would leave if they won the lottery. I'm sure Bill Gates lives where he'd prefer to live though.

No one is talking about what people would do if they were fabulously wealthy. We're talking about what people can actually do with the resources they have. It doesn't take much to travel to another country, as many illegal aliens can easily attest. The reason many people don't live overseas is because they can't make any money overseas. Yeah, I'd love to live in Rio de Janeiro if I was wealthy, but given the fact that I have to earn a living, the USA is the best place for me to be. People who want to have a higher standard of living want to live in the United States because that's where they can get it.
Yes, actually, people do live where they prefer to live.

I'd prefer to live in a $20 million mansion. Is it going to happen?

How many people actually live where they'd prefer to live? Most people live in a place they would leave if they won the lottery. I'm sure Bill Gates lives where he'd prefer to live though.

No one is talking about what people would do if they were fabulously wealthy. We're talking about what people can actually do with the resources they have. It doesn't take much to travel to another country, as many illegal aliens can easily attest. The reason many people don't live overseas is because they can't make any money overseas. Yeah, I'd love to live in Rio de Janeiro if I was wealthy, but given the fact that I have to earn a living, the USA is the best place for me to be. People who want to have a higher standard of living want to live in the United States because that's where they can get it.
This is where the single minded and erroneous thinking comes in that the US is so much better than anywhere else. MILLIONS of people, by choice, migrate to countries all over the world, in great numbers. It is not everyone's dream to live in the US. People who want an higher standard of living want to live in a multitude of countries, not just the US.

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