I am a Danish school teacher

I don't hear anyone wanting smaller homes here. EU homes and buildings seem to last longer than McMansions...lol.


It is not a matter of wanting smaller; it is a matter of what you can afford. Anywhere, you can get a much larger home for the same amount of money as a smaller one, depending on where you live. It is a matter of location. It's a simple concept. Do you live in Europe or the US?
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What is this Danish School teacher's name? Obviously, she's just a made up person. They couldn't even find a real person to mouth the shit they wanted her to say, so they just made one up. Take a look at the houses the Danes live in and you won't be impressed:


Note: The average American new home is 47% bigger than the average new home in Denmark. Imagine your house, and then whack off 1/3 of the square footage. Would you be happy living in what's left?

Location, location, location.

It depends much more on where your home is than how large it is, to me anyway. I'd give up a larger home with a garden to live in a small apartment if the location was far more appealing.

Who said Denmark was more appealing? The weather in Denmark sucks. I'll bet any Dane would trade his house in a microsecond if he could live in Miami Florida in a house that was 50% bigger.
Nothing brings out the vile hatred republicans have in their heart like hearing that a country is doing well without following reaganomics and trickle down theory.

Libturds are the source of all the hatred I see spewing into this forum.
I don't hear anyone wanting smaller homes here. EU homes and buildings seem to last longer than McMansions...lol.


It is not a matter of wanting smaller; it is a matter of what you can afford. Anywhere, you can get a much larger home for the same amount of money as a smaller one, depending on where you live. It is a matter of location. It's a simple concept. Do you live in Europe or the US?

Yep, if you live in a socialist country or a blue state, then you're going to pay a lot more. Location!
Almost makes you wonder why more Danes live in the US than Americans living in Denmark.

Is there a particular reason for that? Please, explain.
Yep, if you live in a socialist country or a blue state, then you're going to pay a lot more. Location!

So, the US must be the most socialist of countries, hence why people pay more than anywhere else, by a long way.

Oh, no, most of the money goes on corruption.

Americans pay double what Canada pays for administration, making up over 30% of what is actually paid for healthcare, and this doesn't include the corruption from other sources, like drug companies.
What is this Danish School teacher's name? Obviously, she's just a made up person. They couldn't even find a real person to mouth the shit they wanted her to say, so they just made one up. Take a look at the houses the Danes live in and you won't be impressed:


Note: The average American new home is 47% bigger than the average new home in Denmark. Imagine your house, and then whack off 1/3 of the square footage. Would you be happy living in what's left?

Location, location, location.

It depends much more on where your home is than how large it is, to me anyway. I'd give up a larger home with a garden to live in a small apartment if the location was far more appealing.

Who said Denmark was more appealing? The weather in Denmark sucks. I'll bet any Dane would trade his house in a microsecond if he could live in Miami Florida in a house that was 50% bigger.

Denmark does not appeal to me. However, there are many countries outside the US that do. Having a big house is not as appealing as where you live. That's the point. Don't be so literal.

In no way should you assume a Dane wants to live in the US. There are other countries in the world that have a lot of sunshine without the social problems, crime, hurricanes, etc. that lovely Miami has to offer. LOL
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Almost makes you wonder why more Danes live in the US than Americans living in Denmark.

Is there a particular reason for that? Please, explain.

Because Denmark is the size of a US small state and has a population of 5 million, not that many Americans would be able to go to Denmark.

Also, Danish people are generally highly educated and some will want a higher wage and may go live some years in the US.
Denmark does not appeal to me. However, there are many countries outside the US that do. Having a big house is not as appealing as where you live. That's the point. Don't be so literal.

In no way should you assume a Dane wants to live in the US. There are other countries in the world that have a lot of sunshine without the social problems, crime, hurricanes, etc. that lovely Miami has to offer. LOL

I've lived in 7 countries on three continents and the US certainly isn't the best place to live for me.
Does this happen in Denmark?

BBC News - Should drug firms make payments to doctors?

"Should drug firms make payments to doctors?"

"Gifts and payments to US doctors from drug firms are seen by some as encouraging unnecessary prescriptions. Do such transfers make any difference and will President Obama's healthcare reform help, by forcing companies to disclose them?"
Almost makes you wonder why more Danes live in the US than Americans living in Denmark.

Is there a particular reason for that? Please, explain.

Because Denmark is the size of a US small state and has a population of 5 million, not that many Americans would be able to go to Denmark.

Also, Danish people are generally highly educated and some will want a higher wage and may go live some years in the US.

Well, that does not make much sense. There are far less actual Danes. Just due to population and size of the country. However, there are less Americans emigrating to Denmark than the other way around.

What that actually means in all practical senses is there are far more opportunities here than any where else. At least that is the way it use to be.

You lived in other countries and you did not find America was the best? You most likely have money and when you have money, virtually any place is great.

Describe what made those other places better than here.
Nothing brings out the vile hatred republicans have in their heart like hearing that a country is doing well without following reaganomics and trickle down theory.

Libturds are the source of all the hatred I see spewing into this forum.

Says the guy with the photo of the kid flipping the fuck off finger.
That's pretty fucking rich. The Dems do the hating eh? LMAO. Sure dude sure.
You asshole right wingers LOVE you some poor people. Show em some more love briarpatty. Call em some more names and shit. Share the love.
Almost makes you wonder why more Danes live in the US than Americans living in Denmark.

Is there a particular reason for that? Please, explain.

Because Denmark is the size of a US small state and has a population of 5 million, not that many Americans would be able to go to Denmark.

Also, Danish people are generally highly educated and some will want a higher wage and may go live some years in the US.

Well, that does not make much sense. There are far less actual Danes. Just due to population and size of the country. However, there are less Americans emigrating to Denmark than the other way around.

What that actually means in all practical senses is there are far more opportunities here than any where else. At least that is the way it use to be.

You lived in other countries and you did not find America was the best? You most likely have money and when you have money, virtually any place is great.

Describe what made those other places better than here.

Danes are immigrating to America? Have you got any stats on this? Actually, I looked it up. According to the Homeland Security site, with stats on immigration by country, in 2012, 492 Danes immigrated to the US. Wow. What a flood of people trying to escape Denmark! Far more could, if they wanted.

As far as Americans immigrating to Denmark, I don't have any statistics, but there will be limits on immigration to Denmark, so the number is not likely to be high.

I don't have 'money,' and have lived in 5 countries outside the US. The US is not my first choice in where to live, though I am an American. America is not the best country in the world. That's a myth Americans like to believe.
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Because Denmark is the size of a US small state and has a population of 5 million, not that many Americans would be able to go to Denmark.

Also, Danish people are generally highly educated and some will want a higher wage and may go live some years in the US.

Well, that does not make much sense. There are far less actual Danes. Just due to population and size of the country. However, there are less Americans emigrating to Denmark than the other way around.

What that actually means in all practical senses is there are far more opportunities here than any where else. At least that is the way it use to be.

You lived in other countries and you did not find America was the best? You most likely have money and when you have money, virtually any place is great.

Describe what made those other places better than here.

Danes are immigrating to America? Have you got any stats on this?

I don't have 'money,' and have lived in 5 countries outside the US. The US is not my first choice in where to live, though I am an American. America is not the best country in the world. That's a myth Americans like to believe.

Where did you live? Did you move back here? If so, why?

We get it. You are an elitist liberal. Which means you have disdain for America. Describe in detail what made these 5 countries better, other than you partying with like minded American hating socialists.

I have visited 20 countries and no place is as good as this one. Not close really.
Well, that does not make much sense. There are far less actual Danes. Just due to population and size of the country. However, there are less Americans emigrating to Denmark than the other way around.

What that actually means in all practical senses is there are far more opportunities here than any where else. At least that is the way it use to be.

You lived in other countries and you did not find America was the best? You most likely have money and when you have money, virtually any place is great.

Describe what made those other places better than here.

Danes are immigrating to America? Have you got any stats on this?

I don't have 'money,' and have lived in 5 countries outside the US. The US is not my first choice in where to live, though I am an American. America is not the best country in the world. That's a myth Americans like to believe.

Where did you live? Did you move back here? If so, why?

We get it. You are an elitist liberal. Which means you have disdain for America. Describe in detail what made these 5 countries better, other than you partying with like minded American hating socialists.

I have visited 20 countries and no place is as good as this one. Not close really.

That's your problem. There are nice places in the States, but, overall, it is not the place I would choose to live in permanentaly. It's too bad you are so blinded by nationalism that you are not able to appreciate the qualities of other countries. One reason the US loses appeal is small minded people like you. I don't say the countries I've lived and worked in are better than the US, but they are not necessarily worse, just have other qualities. I lived and worked in them because I wanted to experience the world as more than just a 'visitor', a tourist. I've traveled to over 40 countries, including the ones I've lived in, and I've visited many of those countries several times. I don't happen to think the US is the only place to live, and I'm not an elitist: in fact, I don't see how that concept figures: if you like a place, that's where you want to be. Suggesting that is elitisim illustrates a lot of ignorance.
Danes are immigrating to America? Have you got any stats on this?

I don't have 'money,' and have lived in 5 countries outside the US. The US is not my first choice in where to live, though I am an American. America is not the best country in the world. That's a myth Americans like to believe.

Where did you live? Did you move back here? If so, why?

We get it. You are an elitist liberal. Which means you have disdain for America. Describe in detail what made these 5 countries better, other than you partying with like minded American hating socialists.

I have visited 20 countries and no place is as good as this one. Not close really.

That's your problem. There are nice places in the States, but, overall, it is not the place I would choose to live in permanentaly. It's too bad you are so blinded by nationalism that you are not able to appreciate the qualities of other countries. One reason the US loses appeal is small minded people like you. I don't say the countries I've lived and worked in are better than the US, but they are not necessarily worse, just have other qualities. I lived and worked in them because I wanted to experience the world as more than just a 'visitor', a tourist. I've traveled to over 40 countries, including the ones I've lived in, and I've visited many of those countries several times. I don't happen to think the US is the only place to live, and I'm not an elitist: in fact, I don't see how that concept figures: if you like a place, that's where you want to be. Suggesting that is elitisim illustrates a lot of ignorance.

I am blinded by my nationalism? Here we go folks. A person that supposedly hates people who stereotype....stereotyping.

Your hate for this country blinds you.

What the hell is stopping you from getting the hell out of here anyway?
Where did you live? Did you move back here? If so, why?

We get it. You are an elitist liberal. Which means you have disdain for America. Describe in detail what made these 5 countries better, other than you partying with like minded American hating socialists.

I have visited 20 countries and no place is as good as this one. Not close really.

Where I lived and where I am I will only say if it is relevant, due to the attacks that do happen quite a lot.

No, I'm not elitist, and most liberals would probably say I'm not one.

I don't hate the US either. I don't like the US govt, or most govts in the world, or at least the ones I know about.
However some govts are better than others. I do like the Swiss system, I like the German system and think this is better for a larger country and would love to see the US govt run on a PR type system. The US govt is corrupt and the reasons why are down to the dems and reps having a monopoly on government.

What makes some of these countries better?

Let's just take some countries I know about. i'm going to just talk generally about some countries.

Countries which are more relaxed. US big cities make you feel on guard, this is similar to say La Paz, Lima and other cities in Latin America, or other places where crime is a problem. Even in New York which has experienced a decline in crime, it still makes me feel a little on edge.
I remember going from Vancouver to Seattle and feeling the difference in my brain, it was a little shocking.

Most other first world countries's cities don't feel like that.

Away from the big cities it can be a lot better.

Sometimes though it is just that, a feeling. You like the way of life, most countries are more relaxed than the US, they take making money less seriously and put more effort into society, rather than just money.

Now, if you like money, and making money is your thing, then sure, the US can probably be a great place.
Also, many people who grow up in a country are comfortable in that country, simple as. So they feel their own country is the best. However, some people grow up and for various reasons don't like their own country, things grate them, things get on their nerves.

For me, the first time leaving and living abroad was a great experience, however coming back made me see the country in a completely different light. I'm a traveler, and explorer, I feel alive. I don't begrudge people who like to stay in their own country and think it's the best. "the best" for one is not "the best" for another, clearly.

Also, I'm not a socialist.
The only way you could say I am a socialist is I believe (because of what I see) that healthcare, the police, and certain other essential services, work better outside of the capitalist system. However, I actually believe in capitalism for most things. Is that a socialist?

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