I am a Danish school teacher

What points? [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION]


It's the typical progressive response find the one country that works with the system (ignoring of course the rather extraordinary circumstances of WHY it works) and flog it as the model for everything else. Denmark works because it is small. Smaller than our biggest cities, thus the infrastructure is small and easy to maintain. Thus requiring LESS GOVERNMENT.

Good point but you also ignore that every comparison to anything else will always be "different" somehow. That doesnt seem like a legit complaint but if you compare twins there will still be differences. Congrats on stating the obvious I guess

They use Oil. So? They promote Green. So? Their birth rate declined...I'm 30 years past worrying about being born. What you just did was point out negatives while pretending the US doesnt have its own negatives. Or ignoring ours to make some sort of point you neglect to plainly say.

Finally the population is 97% DANE. That is a huge consideration. The next largest ethnic group are the inuit. followed by the Faroese and Germans. The rest are so small as to be statistically irrelevant.

Again, If they were completely flipped to the opposite that still has nothing to do with what we are talking about at all.

The Danes are unique in the world in that they have more exports than imports for everything but food. They are following along in the traditions of the free cities of the Hanseatic League. Good for them to be able to do so, but they are an exception to the rule. Not a model.

Everyone is different than someone else. Again saying that some place doesnt match the US point by point is a point everyone already knows.

What are you getting at? We are different than the Danish?

I see it passes right over your head. Those things make Denmark UNIQUE. No other country in the world can do what Denmark is doing. It's as simple as that.
I agree we should be more like denmark.

We should not have military bases all over the world. We shouldn't be building roads bridges schools hospitals etc in other countries we should not be spending billions in disaster relief around the world every year we should instead keep all our money and toys here at home to make our country better and let every other country on the planet fend for themselves.

It's the typical progressive response find the one country that works with the system (ignoring of course the rather extraordinary circumstances of WHY it works) and flog it as the model for everything else. Denmark works because it is small. Smaller than our biggest cities, thus the infrastructure is small and easy to maintain. Thus requiring LESS GOVERNMENT.

Good point but you also ignore that every comparison to anything else will always be "different" somehow. That doesnt seem like a legit complaint but if you compare twins there will still be differences. Congrats on stating the obvious I guess

They use Oil. So? They promote Green. So? Their birth rate declined...I'm 30 years past worrying about being born. What you just did was point out negatives while pretending the US doesnt have its own negatives. Or ignoring ours to make some sort of point you neglect to plainly say.

Again, If they were completely flipped to the opposite that still has nothing to do with what we are talking about at all.

The Danes are unique in the world in that they have more exports than imports for everything but food. They are following along in the traditions of the free cities of the Hanseatic League. Good for them to be able to do so, but they are an exception to the rule. Not a model.

Everyone is different than someone else. Again saying that some place doesnt match the US point by point is a point everyone already knows.

What are you getting at? We are different than the Danish?

I see it passes right over your head. Those things make Denmark UNIQUE. No other country in the world can do what Denmark is doing. It's as simple as that.

I see your point. Denmark is unique and not like other places and that rule applies for everywhere else also.

As far as no one else being able to do what Denmark is doing now that is where we differ. I believe another area can and make adjustments that address the differences :D

See? It wont be exactly like Denmark because nowhere but Denmark can be Denmark but we can learn from them. Or go your route and say we cant...thats cool too I guess :eusa_shifty:

It's the typical progressive response find the one country that works with the system (ignoring of course the rather extraordinary circumstances of WHY it works) and flog it as the model for everything else. Denmark works because it is small. Smaller than our biggest cities, thus the infrastructure is small and easy to maintain. Thus requiring LESS GOVERNMENT.

Interestingly, considering how the Danes love to promote their green lifestyle they are the third largest producer of oil in Europe. That goes a hell of a long way towards paying all those "free" programs, don't ya think? Also their birth rate has declined. There will be fewer Danes 10 years from now than there are today.

Finally the population is 97% DANE. That is a huge consideration. The next largest ethnic group are the inuit. followed by the Faroese and Germans. The rest are so small as to be statistically irrelevant.

The Danes are unique in the world in that they have more exports than imports for everything but food. They are following along in the traditions of the free cities of the Hanseatic League. Good for them to be able to do so, but they are an exception to the rule. Not a model.
The uniqueness of European states is slowly disappearing. In a hundred years, I would expect Europe will become the United States of Europe. I made a trip to Europe recently and was amazed at how similar the cities were becoming. My first trip to Europe was in the 1960's. When I traveled between countries, everything changed radically, language, currency, signs, retail stores, and customs.

Immigration to Denmark is difficult and to some cities it's almost impossible.

That is all true, (my wife and I have a nice flat in Paris, we travel to Europe frequently) however, it doesn't address the points I made.
When you say exception to the rule, what do you mean?
The uniqueness of European states is slowly disappearing. In a hundred years, I would expect Europe will become the United States of Europe. I made a trip to Europe recently and was amazed at how similar the cities were becoming. My first trip to Europe was in the 1960's. When I traveled between countries, everything changed radically, language, currency, signs, retail stores, and customs.

Immigration to Denmark is difficult and to some cities it's almost impossible.

That is all true, (my wife and I have a nice flat in Paris, we travel to Europe frequently) however, it doesn't address the points I made.
When you say exception to the rule, what do you mean?

Socialism, like they enjoy in Denmark, can only exist in certain very special circumstances. They are a country of 5 million packed into an area the size of a large city, they produce 235 million barrels of oil PER DAY, the majority of what they produce is high tech and services the oil industry or is exported out to help other oil companies and high tech manufacturing.

Show me another country in the world like that.
This is the epitomy of left wing stupid right here.

This stupid woman's first line is she is a school teacher making 61k per year, then says that education is free? How the fuck does she think she gets paid 61k per year to provide this service if it's free?

Somebody is paying for this idiot to teach for 61k per year. Yet she is so dumb she thinks she gets that money for free.

She said she gets healthcare, for free. Somebody is paying that bill, look no further than teachers that think they are providing something for free yet still demand 61k a year to do it. You aren't providing free if you demand being paid for it.

She claims we think the taxes are high, yet never told us how much of her 61k goes to providing all of this "free" stuff.

What exactly is the median wage in Denmark? And what is their tax rate to provide all of this "free" stuff? And what cars and houses are they allowed to purchase in this "free" paradise?

A one bedroom 250 square foot apartment and a piece of shit car is her level of understanding of what all of this "free' is gaining.

Yet she brags about how she makes 61k a year, for providing a service she thinks is "free".

She obviously isn't math teacher. Probably social justice or community organizer.
It's free to the individual and a cost to the tax payer. Taxes in Denmark are high, about twice what they are in the US and economic growth rate is less than the US but there are offsets. Government debt as a percent of GDP is 45% compared to 73% in the US, Unemployment is 4.3% compared to 6.7% in the US, educational rankings are consistently higher than the US, unemployment benefits are 90% of pay, average work week is 33 hours, 30 paid vacation days a year, and the best retirement income system in the world.

The average work week is 33 hrs and these people only work 11 months minus holidays per year?
How the hell does anything get done?
Obviously, they get it done. They have a better quality of life than most countries, including ours.
I agree we should be more like denmark.

We should not have military bases all over the world. We shouldn't be building roads bridges schools hospitals etc in other countries we should not be spending billions in disaster relief around the world every year we should instead keep all our money and toys here at home to make our country better and let every other country on the planet fend for themselves.

some things we should copy...

we should rigorously enforce our borders like Denmark is now attempting to do...

we should limit muslim immigration like Denmark is now attempting to do...

we should rigorously enforce citizenship requirements and require assimilation into our culture like Denmark is now attempting to do...

if lefties can do that in Denmark....why can't lefties also do that here in the U.S.....?
I agree we should be more like denmark.

We should not have military bases all over the world. We shouldn't be building roads bridges schools hospitals etc in other countries we should not be spending billions in disaster relief around the world every year we should instead keep all our money and toys here at home to make our country better and let every other country on the planet fend for themselves.

some things we should copy...

we should rigorously enforce our borders like Denmark is now attempting to do...

we should limit muslim immigration like Denmark is now attempting to do...

we should rigorously enforce citizenship requirements and require assimilation into our culture like Denmark is now attempting to do...

if lefties can do that in Denmark....why can't lefties also do that here in the U.S.....?

Hey ASSHOLE! If you love Denmark so much then MOVE THERE :badgrin:
I agree we should be more like denmark.

We should not have military bases all over the world. We shouldn't be building roads bridges schools hospitals etc in other countries we should not be spending billions in disaster relief around the world every year we should instead keep all our money and toys here at home to make our country better and let every other country on the planet fend for themselves.

some things we should copy...

we should rigorously enforce our borders like Denmark is now attempting to do...

we should limit muslim immigration like Denmark is now attempting to do...

we should rigorously enforce citizenship requirements and require assimilation into our culture like Denmark is now attempting to do...

if lefties can do that in Denmark....why can't lefties also do that here in the U.S.....?

Hey ASSHOLE! If you love Denmark so much then MOVE THERE :badgrin:

did that freak out your libturd sensibilities....? :D
some things we should copy...

we should rigorously enforce our borders like Denmark is now attempting to do...

we should limit muslim immigration like Denmark is now attempting to do...

we should rigorously enforce citizenship requirements and require assimilation into our culture like Denmark is now attempting to do...

if lefties can do that in Denmark....why can't lefties also do that here in the U.S.....?

Hey ASSHOLE! If you love Denmark so much then MOVE THERE :badgrin:

did that freak out your libturd sensibilities....? :D

What doesn't? Most of them spend 24/7 in a hyper-extended mood of anxiety over mostly nothing... it's what they do.

It must suck... I wonder what percentage of them are in therapy and/or on mood altering drugs? I'm guessing probably at least 75%.
ACTUALLY, 3.7% of the population are muslim. And they're very similar to the rest of Scandinavia, and more like all the other modern countries than the USA, and population and size has nothing to do with it., It's a per capita thing. Neither does the homogenity unless you're a racist... - it's how recently they got there- fleeing Pub wars in the ME...

Most EU countries give over 10x as much in foreign aid per capita than we do- and most of ours is military...lot of work to do here.
some things we should copy...

we should rigorously enforce our borders like Denmark is now attempting to do...

we should limit muslim immigration like Denmark is now attempting to do...

we should rigorously enforce citizenship requirements and require assimilation into our culture like Denmark is now attempting to do...

if lefties can do that in Denmark....why can't lefties also do that here in the U.S.....?

Hey ASSHOLE! If you love Denmark so much then MOVE THERE :badgrin:

did that freak out your libturd sensibilities....? :D

I guess sarcasm wasnt noted then...
Hey ASSHOLE! If you love Denmark so much then MOVE THERE :badgrin:

did that freak out your libturd sensibilities....? :D

What doesn't? Most of them spend 24/7 in a hyper-extended mood of anxiety over mostly nothing... it's what they do.

It must suck... I wonder what percentage of them are in therapy and/or on mood altering drugs? I'm guessing probably at least 75%.

Hahahaha....I said the same thing the Republicans were yelling and you described it as a hyper-extended mood of anxiety over mostly nothing... and I couldnt agree with you more :lol:
Same to you. The US will never be the way you want it so why not leave.

Do you see how this works yet?

Sorry, I don't. The United States has given me a wonderful life. I have few complaints other than your Nazi party - and you all will be silenced with the next election cycle.

You have complaints!? Then Leave idiot

You're not talking to a "side" oh great creator of strawmen. You are talking to me. Care to talk about what I say or fight more strawmen? I can guess which you prefer...

Or could it be that you (and your party) can only be happy when you are bitching?

No Like you I have complaints too. So when you leaving?

Does the idea of paying 62% taxes not make you queasy? Hell, apparently they LOVE paying taxes in Denmark, you would have to get used to that...but since you are all for "big government" - it would be manageable for you, I'm sure.

So, when are you leaving? :eusa_whistle:

Right after you since you have complaints. Get it yet? I bet you dont...thats why short buses exist

Nazi - my "complaints" are with people like you. However, I understand that America is the land of "freedom" (or at least it used to be). Piss ants - like yourself - are attempting to make America into a Nazi Regime. THAT"S my complaint.

So, again. if you hate this country as much as you assholes claim that thou do - please feel free to leave. NOW. You'll solve two problems. You'll get away from this oppressive country and you'll get away from REAL Americans - you know - those folks that you despise (and that despise you)

So again:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=PVrEwCa8nSA]"Well...................Bye." - YouTube[/ame]
Get over it you arent the only one who is allowed to complain about the way things are AND stay here.
Get over it you arent the only one who is allowed to complain about the way things are AND stay here.

For the last time Nazi - if YOU leave - I have no complaints! :D

So, I can take from your last statement that you LOVE Denmark - just not enough to leave the good old USA.....would just rather sit and complain about this country. Got it.

My work here is done. :eusa_boohoo: :dance: :eusa_boohoo:
We're trying to IMPROVE our country- mainly by changing greedy, stupid Pub policy, and end their bs propaganda that produces hater dupes like you...looking at other, happier countries could end your ugly American ignorance...
We're trying to IMPROVE our country- mainly by changing greedy, stupid Pub policy, and end their bs propaganda that produces hater dupes like you...looking at other, happier countries could end your ugly American ignorance...

No, class warfare has never done anybody any good. You are a bull in a china shop. You hate the fact that people can afford china so your solution is destroy it.

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