I am a Danish school teacher

that was just a guess


At 60.2%, Denmark last year had the highest top personal income tax rate among the 34 countries in the OECD, an organization of developed and emerging countries. And that 60.2% applied to income over roughly $55,000. That's a bigger bite than wealthy Californians face on their paychecks and other earned income.



That does not include sales taxes, taxes on fuel and just about everything else one could imagine. I think the Danes tax farts. Yes, a fart tax.
This is the epitomy of left wing stupid right here.

This stupid woman's first line is she is a school teacher making 61k per year, then says that education is free? How the fuck does she think she gets paid 61k per year to provide this service if it's free?

Somebody is paying for this idiot to teach for 61k per year. Yet she is so dumb she thinks she gets that money for free.

She said she gets healthcare, for free. Somebody is paying that bill, look no further than teachers that think they are providing something for free yet still demand 61k a year to do it. You aren't providing free if you demand being paid for it.

She claims we think the taxes are high, yet never told us how much of her 61k goes to providing all of this "free" stuff.

What exactly is the median wage in Denmark? And what is their tax rate to provide all of this "free" stuff? And what cars and houses are they allowed to purchase in this "free" paradise?

A one bedroom 250 square foot apartment and a piece of shit car is her level of understanding of what all of this "free' is gaining.

Yet she brags about how she makes 61k a year, for providing a service she thinks is "free".

She obviously isn't math teacher. Probably social justice or community organizer.
It's free to the individual and a cost to the tax payer. Taxes in Denmark are high, about twice what they are in the US and economic growth rate is less than the US but there are offsets. Government debt as a percent of GDP is 45% compared to 73% in the US, Unemployment is 4.3% compared to 6.7% in the US, educational rankings are consistently higher than the US, unemployment benefits are 90% of pay, average work week is 33 hours, 30 paid vacation days a year, and the best retirement income system in the world.
Sounds like a good deal.
Yes, but certainly not for everyone. If you're a conservative with strong political views and your dream is a 4 bedroom house in the suburb, 2 cars, and a riding lawn mower, you'll hate Denmark. Large homes are very expensive as is car ownership. Almost 40% of the people ride a bike to work. Compared to the US, the country is very liberal. For young people ready to learning a rather difficult language and immerse themselves in a culture very different from the US, it might be a good choice.

I spent 3 weeks in Denmark about 8 years ago, so things may be a bit different now.
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This! This they cannot fathom

This is where you are wrong. We get it. So when are you packing your bags and leaving for the paradise that is Denmark?

I mean, you like it. GO. Start standing on street corners, bumming quarters, pack your grip and hop a plane. You'll be happy and I promise you, the rest of America will be glad you're gone!

Bon Voyage!!!

The same time you are leaving to go be without govt interference and be truly self reliant in Alaska. So when you leaving?

Hey, Nazi - I'm not the one in love with a foreign country, you are. All I'm saying is that you obviously desire that particular lifestyle. It will never be like that here. Denmark has a population 1,000 times less than America. GO. Be happy in your socialist Utopia. I would hope that the entire nazi left wing party would emigrate there. You would be happy and America would be happy.


The "government interference" you speak of will be turned around once OBarry is gone. Shoot - maybe you could take him with you?
This! This they cannot fathom

What's the fathom? It's dumb and frankly, ignores things like the Austrians don't let a gazillion illegals flood their borders, they don't sit back and let nearly half the population pay no income taxes, 1/6 of the population isn't on food stamps, etc., etc. Austria is a small and fairly homogenous society, unlike America.

Educate your self just a bit.

Actually, Austria has a fairly large immigrant population, Turkish, who are about 6% of the overall population, and always growing. Whenever I went to renew my work visa, once a year, there were long lines of mostly Turkish people there to get visas also. There are Turkish neighborhoods and there is a problem of the Turkish population integrating into the larger Austrian culture. Of course, it is a small country and not as difficult to manage as the US, but the system works and could work in the US if people were not so resistant to it.

Well, it's part of, or used to be part of, the American ethos... people came here to escape the shackles of intrusive and overreaching government, not establish just a new form of that which they sought to escape. So to that I say, if that's what one wants, move to Denmark, or wherever. There is a reason America has accomplished so much in so little time, and it isn't because of collectivism.
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This is where you are wrong. We get it. So when are you packing your bags and leaving for the paradise that is Denmark?

I mean, you like it. GO. Start standing on street corners, bumming quarters, pack your grip and hop a plane. You'll be happy and I promise you, the rest of America will be glad you're gone!

Bon Voyage!!!

The same time you are leaving to go be without govt interference and be truly self reliant in Alaska. So when you leaving?

Hey, Nazi - I'm not the one in love with a foreign country, you are.


All I'm saying is that you obviously desire that particular lifestyle. It will never be like that here. Denmark has a population 1,000 times less than America. GO. Be happy in your socialist Utopia. I would hope that the entire nazi left wing party would emigrate there. You would be happy and America would be happy.


The "government interference" you speak of will be turned around once OBarry is gone. Shoot - maybe you could take him with you?

Sure, when are you going to Alaska to really be responsible for yourself and get away from Govt? When?
The same time you are leaving to go be without govt interference and be truly self reliant in Alaska. So when you leaving?

Hey, Nazi - I'm not the one in love with a foreign country, you are.


All I'm saying is that you obviously desire that particular lifestyle. It will never be like that here. Denmark has a population 1,000 times less than America. GO. Be happy in your socialist Utopia. I would hope that the entire nazi left wing party would emigrate there. You would be happy and America would be happy.


The "government interference" you speak of will be turned around once OBarry is gone. Shoot - maybe you could take him with you?

Sure, when are you going to Alaska to really be responsible for yourself and get away from Govt? When?

Stop being such a cementhead... one can be self-reliant anywhere.. it doesn't necessarily involve living like a hermit in a cave.

Geeze Louisse.
I wonder why the population of Alaska is so small and the amount of "rugged individuals" on the right is so high in places where you dont truely fend for yourself.

I would imagine the weather is the main factor. Remoteness of most locations is the other.
Another non sequitur from the resident flaming libs
It's free to the individual and a cost to the tax payer. Taxes in Denmark are high, about twice what they are in the US and economic growth rate is less than the US but there are offsets. Government debt as a percent of GDP is 45% compared to 73% in the US, Unemployment is 4.3% compared to 6.7% in the US, educational rankings are consistently higher than the US, unemployment benefits are 90% of pay, average work week is 33 hours, 30 paid vacation days a year, and the best retirement income system in the world.

The average work week is 33 hrs and these people only work 11 months minus holidays per year?
How the hell does anything get done?

Poor conservative. So used to the 40 hour work week 52 weeks a year the employer tells us we need that he doesnt understand how anything could possibly get done without humping all year long for a paycheck :lol:

He's so broken that all the kings horses and men couldnt help him
Yes. In the liberal vocabulary, the term "productivity" is an obscenity.
Hey, Nazi - I'm not the one in love with a foreign country, you are.


All I'm saying is that you obviously desire that particular lifestyle. It will never be like that here. Denmark has a population 1,000 times less than America. GO. Be happy in your socialist Utopia. I would hope that the entire nazi left wing party would emigrate there. You would be happy and America would be happy.


The "government interference" you speak of will be turned around once OBarry is gone. Shoot - maybe you could take him with you?

Sure, when are you going to Alaska to really be responsible for yourself and get away from Govt? When?

Stop being such a cementhead... one can be self-reliant anywhere.. it doesn't necessarily involve living like a hermit in a cave.

Geeze Louisse.

Really? So why is this fucktard telling me to move somewhere else? These rules dont apply to both sides? :badgrin:
UNIVERSITY is free in Denmark- and they pay you to go there...with limits I'm sure...

Ugly American hater dupes are always threatening people- link to any Dems doing it? Always glad we're not in the real world lol...violent dingbats when crossed lol...

someone pays for it Frankie.....nothing is free....

When I worked in Austria, a higher salary accommodated the higher taxes. I paid about 40% of my salary in taxes, but was paid a higher salary than in the States, so I took home pretty much the same as in the States, but I had universal health care, amazing mass transport (didn't need a car), and other benefits (if I'd stayed there, after working for 10 years, I'd have qualified for retirement benefits too). I didn't mind paying the high tax at all.

And you left Austria why?
This reminds me of the cranky Yankees that have moved to the Southern US to escape the high taxes, harsh winters and high unemployment only to realize their precious government intrusiveness and redundant services are missing. They immediately start bitching about "we miss this and we want that"....I tell them "hey genius, I 95 has northbound lanes. Use them."
The same time you are leaving to go be without govt interference and be truly self reliant in Alaska. So when you leaving?

Hey, Nazi - I'm not the one in love with a foreign country, you are.


All I'm saying is that you obviously desire that particular lifestyle. It will never be like that here. Denmark has a population 1,000 times less than America. GO. Be happy in your socialist Utopia. I would hope that the entire nazi left wing party would emigrate there. You would be happy and America would be happy.


The "government interference" you speak of will be turned around once OBarry is gone. Shoot - maybe you could take him with you?

Sure, when are you going to Alaska to really be responsible for yourself and get away from Govt? When?

Aw, you guys with your "straw man" nonsense. Look, the United States will NEVER be the way you want it. It will NEVER happen. So, knowing that, why would you want to stay? I mean, to you liberal nazi's, the grass is ALWAYS greener somewhere else.

Life is too short. Hell, why not go somewhere where you don't have to bitch and moan about a situation that will not change? Gather up all your liberal Nazi friends and take them with you! YOU will be happy (until you have to pay their taxes) and the people of the United States will be happier.

Shoot -it's a win-win for everyone!
Too bad we don't invest in our own people, our own country the way many others do.

I think we could manage the same thing, but by city or state, and by free enterprise.
Trying to impose it federally is what creates the backlogged bureaucracy and headaches
over political bickering about funding and regulation for that many diverse groups of people!

If we REWARD citizens, businesses, schools and charities for organizing local management of resources, yes, we could have cities with millions of people educated to be self-governing.

Instead, we are doing the opposite, we are increasing the tax burden putting MORE on federal government and taxpayers; instead of reducing the federal burden and shifting OWNERSHIP of management back to the people and states to INVEST LOCALLY.

Sure, when are you going to Alaska to really be responsible for yourself and get away from Govt? When?

Stop being such a cementhead... one can be self-reliant anywhere.. it doesn't necessarily involve living like a hermit in a cave.

Geeze Louisse.

Really? So why is this fucktard telling me to move somewhere else? These rules dont apply to both sides? :badgrin:

well arent you one of a cadre of posters jerking off to denmark.. my question is, if its so awesome why not move there, i mean you can probably be as flaming gay as you want.
This! This they cannot fathom

What's the fathom? It's dumb and frankly, ignores things like the Austrians don't let a gazillion illegals flood their borders, they don't sit back and let nearly half the population pay no income taxes, 1/6 of the population isn't on food stamps, etc., etc. Austria is a small and fairly homogenous society, unlike America.

Educate your self just a bit.

Actually, Austria has a fairly large immigrant population, Turkish, who are about 6% of the overall population, and always growing. Whenever I went to renew my work visa, once a year, there were long lines of mostly Turkish people there to get visas also. There are Turkish neighborhoods and there is a problem of the Turkish population integrating into the larger Austrian culture. Of course, it is a small country and not as difficult to manage as the US, but the system works and could work in the US if people were not so resistant to it.

Resistance is futile. You will comply..
THAT is the system under you wish to live?
"Manage"...Yes these small socialist countries have "managed populations"...
No thanks.
This! This they cannot fathom

What's the fathom? It's dumb and frankly, ignores things like the Austrians don't let a gazillion illegals flood their borders, they don't sit back and let nearly half the population pay no income taxes, 1/6 of the population isn't on food stamps, etc., etc. Austria is a small and fairly homogenous society, unlike America.

Educate your self just a bit.

It doesnt ignore any of that fuck face. If your complaint is that it doesnt cover everything from every angle then congrats you have nothing.

And of course we have a lib poster who's argument has run oit of gas and true to form has whipped out the insult card.
You lost. You're done.

Sure, when are you going to Alaska to really be responsible for yourself and get away from Govt? When?

Stop being such a cementhead... one can be self-reliant anywhere.. it doesn't necessarily involve living like a hermit in a cave.

Geeze Louisse.

Really? So why is this fucktard telling me to move somewhere else? These rules dont apply to both sides? :badgrin:

Oh, I don't mind you telling me to move somewhere else. Doesn't bother me in the least. I ALREADY live in paradise. I'm an AMERICAN. I have lived and worked all over the world - never been to that paradise that is Denmark, though.

Anyway, I ALWAYS came back to America. LOVE IT!!! I was born here, Mother and Father were born here, My Grandparents were born here and my Great Grandparents were brought here as slaves.

Again - wouldn't live anywhere else. Apparently, though, you seem so unhappy here...poor fella....wouldn't you and yours thrive somewhere else? Why not give it a try?
This! This they cannot fathom

This is where you are wrong. We get it. So when are you packing your bags and leaving for the paradise that is Denmark?

I mean, you like it. GO. Start standing on street corners, bumming quarters, pack your grip and hop a plane. You'll be happy and I promise you, the rest of America will be glad you're gone!

Bon Voyage!!!

The same time you are leaving to go be without govt interference and be truly self reliant in Alaska. So when you leaving?

Another non sequitur. Seasoned with a bit of straw man.
You'll not be permitted to use your own narrative to derail the thread
Then you're a LOT younger than you claim to be....my first job was minimum wage and I was getting around 80 cents an hour IIRC. I know for sure it was under a buck.

Indeed. My First job - Dishwasher at Holiday Inn - paid me exactly $.80 per hour.

Methinks someone is lying. I'm 69 years old. I don't remember, but I "think" that a minimum wage of $2.17 an hour was in the middle to late 70s. By then, I had been to Vietnam and returned.
In 1956 the federal min wage was increased to $1.00 per hour. 1961 $1.15. 1963 $1.25
1967, $1.40. 1968 $1.60. 1974 $2.00 1975 $2.10. 1977 $2.30
And the rest
Jan 1, 1978

$2.65 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Jan 1, 1979

$2.90 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Jan 1, 1980

$3.10 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Jan 1, 1981

$3.35 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Apr 1, 19904

$3.80 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Apr 1, 1991

$4.25 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Oct 1, 1996

$4.75 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Sep 1, 19975

$5.15 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Jul 24, 2007

$5.85 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Jul 24, 2008

$6.55 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Jul 24, 2009

$7.25 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Source....US Dept of Labor

So, yet again, we see that olfraud is a liar. Color me unsurprised.
Hey, Nazi - I'm not the one in love with a foreign country, you are.


All I'm saying is that you obviously desire that particular lifestyle. It will never be like that here. Denmark has a population 1,000 times less than America. GO. Be happy in your socialist Utopia. I would hope that the entire nazi left wing party would emigrate there. You would be happy and America would be happy.


The "government interference" you speak of will be turned around once OBarry is gone. Shoot - maybe you could take him with you?

Sure, when are you going to Alaska to really be responsible for yourself and get away from Govt? When?

Aw, you guys with your "straw man" nonsense. Look, the United States will NEVER be the way you want it. It will NEVER happen. So, knowing that, why would you want to stay? I mean, to you liberal nazi's, the grass is ALWAYS greener somewhere else.

Life is too short. Hell, why not go somewhere where you don't have to bitch and moan about a situation that will not change? Gather up all your liberal Nazi friends and take them with you! YOU will be happy (until you have to pay their taxes) and the people of the United States will be happier.

Shoot -it's a win-win for everyone!

Same to you. The US will never be the way you want it so why not leave.

Do you see how this works yet?

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