I am a Danish school teacher


This is the epitomy of left wing stupid right here.

This stupid woman's first line is she is a school teacher making 61k per year, then says that education is free? How the fuck does she think she gets paid 61k per year to provide this service if it's free?

Somebody is paying for this idiot to teach for 61k per year. Yet she is so dumb she thinks she gets that money for free.

She said she gets healthcare, for free. Somebody is paying that bill, look no further than teachers that think they are providing something for free yet still demand 61k a year to do it. You aren't providing free if you demand being paid for it.

She claims we think the taxes are high, yet never told us how much of her 61k goes to providing all of this "free" stuff.

What exactly is the median wage in Denmark? And what is their tax rate to provide all of this "free" stuff? And what cars and houses are they allowed to purchase in this "free" paradise?

A one bedroom 250 square foot apartment and a piece of shit car is her level of understanding of what all of this "free' is gaining.

Yet she brags about how she makes 61k a year, for providing a service she thinks is "free".

She obviously isn't math teacher. Probably social justice or community organizer.
It's free to the individual and a cost to the tax payer. Taxes in Denmark are high, about twice what they are in the US and economic growth rate is less than the US but there are offsets. Government debt as a percent of GDP is 45% compared to 73% in the US, Unemployment is 4.3% compared to 6.7% in the US, educational rankings are consistently higher than the US, unemployment benefits are 90% of pay, average work week is 33 hours, 30 paid vacation days a year, and the best retirement income system in the world.
Sounds like a good deal.
They don't have a racist, race-based sloth underclass sucking up the love.
that was just a guess


At 60.2%, Denmark last year had the highest top personal income tax rate among the 34 countries in the OECD, an organization of developed and emerging countries. And that 60.2% applied to income over roughly $55,000. That's a bigger bite than wealthy Californians face on their paychecks and other earned income.



It's free to the individual and a cost to the tax payer. Taxes in Denmark are high, about twice what they are in the US and economic growth rate is less than the US but there are offsets. Government debt as a percent of GDP is 45% compared to 73% in the US, Unemployment is 4.3% compared to 6.7% in the US, educational rankings are consistently higher than the US, unemployment benefits are 90% of pay, average work week is 33 hours, 30 paid vacation days a year, and the best retirement income system in the world.
Sounds like a good deal.
They don't have a racist, race-based sloth underclass sucking up the love.
Non-Scandinavian ethnic minorities include:

Inuits (Greenlandic) from the territory of Greenland
Arabs (i.e. Palestinians, followed by Moroccans, Syrians, Lebanese, Yemenis, Egyptians, Iraqis and Jordanians)
Chileans (the most numerous of Latin American nationalities)

Demographics of Denmark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Danes are doing very well for themselves in a manner that torques the jaws of the Randian fruitloops on this board. We would do well to emulate some of their policies here.
UNIVERSITY is free in Denmark- and they pay you to go there...with limits I'm sure...

Ugly American hater dupes are always threatening people- link to any Dems doing it? Always glad we're not in the real world lol...violent dingbats when crossed lol...

someone pays for it Frankie.....nothing is free....
Sounds like a good deal.
They don't have a racist, race-based sloth underclass sucking up the love.
Non-Scandinavian ethnic minorities include:

Inuits (Greenlandic) from the territory of Greenland
Arabs (i.e. Palestinians, followed by Moroccans, Syrians, Lebanese, Yemenis, Egyptians, Iraqis and Jordanians)
Chileans (the most numerous of Latin American nationalities)

Demographics of Denmark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
if 90% of the people in Denmark are Danes....what would the percentage of those others be?...
The Danes are doing very well for themselves in a manner that torques the jaws of the Randian fruitloops on this board. We would do well to emulate some of their policies here.

its a lot easier to take care of 5.6 million people in a small area who are mostly on the same page as compared to 320 million in an area the size of this Country with hardly anyone on the same page....and as long as the Far Right and Left are doing what they can to keep everyone separated not much will change....
You won the cosmic lottery, woppie do. what is it Demark is noted for? I am drawing a blank here. Anders Behring Breivik? Opps, even he was some other nationality that did SOMETHING.

Democracy since the 900's, dingbat ugly Amerrican. wiki:

The culture of Denmark has a rich intellectual and artistic heritage. The astronomical discoveries of Tycho Brahe (1546–1601), Ludwig A. Colding's (1815–1888) neglected articulation of the principle of conservation of energy, and the brilliant contributions to atomic physics of Niels Bohr (1885–1962); in this century Lene Vestergaard Hau (1959–) in quantum physics involving the stopping of light, advances in nano-technology, and contributions to the understanding of Bose-Einstein Condensates, demonstrate the range and endurance of Danish scientific achievement. The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875), the philosophical essays of Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855), the short stories of Karen Blixen, penname Isak Dinesen, (1885–1962), the plays of Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754), the modern authors such as Herman Bang and Nobel laureate Henrik Pontoppidan and the dense, aphoristic poetry of Piet Hein (1905–1996), have earned international recognition, as have the symphonies of Carl Nielsen (1865–1931). From the mid-1990s, Danish films have attracted international attention, especially those associated with Dogme 95 like those of Lars Von Trier. Indeed, the country has always had a strong tradition of movie making and Carl Theodor Dreyer is recognised as having been one of the world's greatest film directors.

Culture and the arts thrive as a result of the proportionately high amount of government funding they receive, much of which is administered by local authorities so as to involve citizens directly.[1] Thanks to a system of grants, Danish artists are able to devote themselves to their work while museums, theatres, and the film institute receive national support.[2]

Copenhagen, the capital, is home to many famous sites and attractions, including Tivoli Gardens, Amalienborg Palace (home of the Danish monarchy), Christiansborg Palace, Copenhagen Cathedral, Rosenborg Castle, Opera House, Frederik's Church (Marble Church), Thorvaldsens Museum, Rundetårn, Nyhavn and the Little Mermaid sculpture.[3]

Denmark has a virtual homogeneous population which is smaller than that of at least 8 US Metropolitan Statistical Areas.
Denmark imports ALL of it's consumable natural resources. The country cannot even generate its own electricity without buying fuel from another country.
Of course with a population of just over 5 million, it is easy to control the people with government funded goodies.
Those goodies come at a price. Very high taxes.
There's the trade off.
One thing, it is virtually impossible to implement a socialist womb to tomb system identical or even remotely similar to the Danes, for the 310 million people here in the US.
The cost to administer such a system would bankrupt the country.
Too bad we don't invest in our own people, our own country the way many others do.

Ha! Considering all the foreign aid we give away and all the resources spent on illegal immigrants, I am shocked you had the nerve to post that comment.
Here's my take on your premise.
I will agree under the following conditions.
1. Reduce foreign aid by 75%
2. Reduce our non domestic military presence by 50%.
3. Take the troops now serving in Europe and Asia and place them on our borders at our seaports.
4.Enforce all laws and regulations on social programs to the letter. Get all the gamers of the system off the programs. Take that money and spend it on those truly in need.
5. Because we have reduced the need for many federal employees, fire them. Take the money saved on labor and spend it on education and job training.
The Danes are an apathetic people. They have given up everything for the government tit.

The business journal Bloomberg Businessweek point out that the country of Denmark has a minimum pay rate of the equivalent of about $20 an hour, but its business climate is sufficiently healthy for the World Bank to ranked it as the easiest place in Europe to do business in 2011, 2012, and 2013. Denmark is also "among the leading countries in income equality and national happiness." Denmark also had a lower unemployment rate (6.8%) and higher labor participation rate (64.4%) than the United States (7.4%, 63.6% as of September 2013) where the minimum wage is far lower ($7.25).

Minimum wage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ahh...It's real easy to publicize the average GROSS earnings.
The question is what are the Danes average NET earnings?
See, no one wants to discuss the subject of the worker in a socialist country as it relates to how much of their earnings they get to keep.
Yes Denmark IS a happy place, but surprisingly it is not do to its social policies (though they certainly contribute) no, the primary reason is trust. The Danes trust their neighbors and fellow citizens to act properly.

"The 8 ingredients in the Danish recipe for happiness:

Denmark holds the highest level of trust in the world (Danes happily leave their babies in strollers outside shops and cafés while running errands), and the high level of social security reduces concerns and anxiety for the Danes. Wealth also explains why some countries are happier than other, and furthermore Danes enjoy a high level of freedom through free university education and gay rights. Work in Denmark is characterized by autonomy and flexibility, and allows for time with family and friends through a world class work-life balance. Furthermore, Denmark has a well-developed democracy with a high level of political participation, good governance and a low level of corruption, and finally a strong civil society ensures high quality social relationships among the citizens, which is a major determinant for happiness."

Danish Happiness, explained - Happiness Research Institute

Excellent analysis. Now, what can we do in our culture to start down that path?

Which political group is doing things that might help us with this goal? The one advocating for even more tax breaks for billionaires? The one insisting that higher education be only for the children of the wealthy? The one that insists that any minimum wage is unneccessary? The one that states that environmental issues are not real?

If we want a real successful culture, we have to learn to emulate what is successful in other cultures. And not cling blindly to our failures. Such as the present health care system. ACA a slight improvement, but only slight. And our for profit criminal system and war on drugs are prime examples of failures.
Holy shit.....
One of the reasons why these small countries enjoy the kind of advantages you seek is because of their homogeneous populations.
Multiculturalism and diversity are largely nonexistent.
If any member of a racial or cultural minority resides in one of these countries, they are assimilated to the native culture and speak the language of that country. Otherwise they find themselves ostracized.
When there is a mono-cultured society, the people buy into the customs and social mores of society. This ensures compliance with acceptable behavior.
Unless you desire to see the US become similar to Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Japan or any other nation with a driven focus on their culture and the existence of a homogeneous population, your utopia will never occur here.
For the past decade, social scientists and pollsters have given elaborate questionnaires to hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Two of the largest studies that rank the happiness of countries around the world are the World Map of Happiness from the University of Leiscester and the World Database of Happiness from Ruut Veenhoven of Erasmus University Rotterdam. All the happiness surveys ask people basically the same question: How happy are you?

But if you mine all the databases of universities and research centers, you'll find that the happiest place on earth is Denmark.

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

If you like Denmark then MOVE there.
Are there a lot of illegal Mexicans, Guatemalans, etc etc entering their borders? No eh?

The things the morons on the left conveniently leave out in order to make their warped points.

Ignorant as hell. Every single left wing hack.
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OK, that I can understand in the present wage climate. The first wage I earned was 2.17 an hour, and I did a lot of overtime and earned $6500 that first year. My parents bought a large old house on a large lot in a small town for $6700 that year.

Note I said the present wage climate. Over half that $10 an hour will go for rent today in most places, and the rest will barely cover monthly bills, and will not leave enough for community college classes. Not blaming you, but the young people today have a far harder row to hoe than you or I did.

Then you're a LOT younger than you claim to be....my first job was minimum wage and I was getting around 80 cents an hour IIRC. I know for sure it was under a buck.

Indeed. My First job - Dishwasher at Holiday Inn - paid me exactly $.80 per hour.

Methinks someone is lying. I'm 69 years old. I don't remember, but I "think" that a minimum wage of $2.17 an hour was in the middle to late 70s. By then, I had been to Vietnam and returned.
In 1956 the federal min wage was increased to $1.00 per hour. 1961 $1.15. 1963 $1.25
1967, $1.40. 1968 $1.60. 1974 $2.00 1975 $2.10. 1977 $2.30
And the rest
Jan 1, 1978

$2.65 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Jan 1, 1979

$2.90 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Jan 1, 1980

$3.10 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Jan 1, 1981

$3.35 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Apr 1, 19904

$3.80 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Apr 1, 1991

$4.25 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Oct 1, 1996

$4.75 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Sep 1, 19975

$5.15 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Jul 24, 2007

$5.85 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Jul 24, 2008

$6.55 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Jul 24, 2009

$7.25 for all covered, nonexempt workers
Source....US Dept of Labor

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