I am a Danish school teacher

It's basically impossible to move to the EU unless you marry one or are worth millions- always a stupid argument...beside, we're running the USA for the foreseeable future, so YOU love it or leave it, Pub dupes. Or read something lol...
You see, Chris, she is more than welcome to return to her Danish dream, but leave the American dream alone. Why is it others think they have a right to change what our founding fathers knew was great, when they themselves would not want us to change their way of life in their country, if it is indeed so fine and wonderful. How dare others that believe differently than what this great country's very foundation stands for, try to change it? If it is indeed so much greener elsewhere, then I am certain those places would welcome you with open arms and welcome you to help keep their very existence as it is. When you become a citizen of this great United States you are schooled thoroughly on what our foundation is and you agree to help uphold it. It offers opportunity to all that are just willing to put in the hard work for self determination. Not determination by others. And if you are here on visa's, et al? Remember you are a guest in our house. Guests are welcome, intruders are not.
You won the cosmic lottery, woppie do. what is it Demark is noted for? I am drawing a blank here. Anders Behring Breivik? Opps, even he was some other nationality that did SOMETHING.
While the US was sacrificing it's best and bravest to free the world from Nazi occupation the Danes were enjoying life by collaborating with the Nazi occupation. They never apologized until a lame proclamation issued in 2003.

Saved a lot of Jews....what the heck could they do..ay caramba.:eusa_whistle:
You won the cosmic lottery, woppie do. what is it Demark is noted for? I am drawing a blank here. Anders Behring Breivik? Opps, even he was some other nationality that did SOMETHING.

Democracy since the 900's, dingbat ugly Amerrican. wiki:

The culture of Denmark has a rich intellectual and artistic heritage. The astronomical discoveries of Tycho Brahe (1546–1601), Ludwig A. Colding's (1815–1888) neglected articulation of the principle of conservation of energy, and the brilliant contributions to atomic physics of Niels Bohr (1885–1962); in this century Lene Vestergaard Hau (1959–) in quantum physics involving the stopping of light, advances in nano-technology, and contributions to the understanding of Bose-Einstein Condensates, demonstrate the range and endurance of Danish scientific achievement. The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875), the philosophical essays of Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855), the short stories of Karen Blixen, penname Isak Dinesen, (1885–1962), the plays of Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754), the modern authors such as Herman Bang and Nobel laureate Henrik Pontoppidan and the dense, aphoristic poetry of Piet Hein (1905–1996), have earned international recognition, as have the symphonies of Carl Nielsen (1865–1931). From the mid-1990s, Danish films have attracted international attention, especially those associated with Dogme 95 like those of Lars Von Trier. Indeed, the country has always had a strong tradition of movie making and Carl Theodor Dreyer is recognised as having been one of the world's greatest film directors.

Culture and the arts thrive as a result of the proportionately high amount of government funding they receive, much of which is administered by local authorities so as to involve citizens directly.[1] Thanks to a system of grants, Danish artists are able to devote themselves to their work while museums, theatres, and the film institute receive national support.[2]

Copenhagen, the capital, is home to many famous sites and attractions, including Tivoli Gardens, Amalienborg Palace (home of the Danish monarchy), Christiansborg Palace, Copenhagen Cathedral, Rosenborg Castle, Opera House, Frederik's Church (Marble Church), Thorvaldsens Museum, Rundetårn, Nyhavn and the Little Mermaid sculpture.[3]
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While the US was sacrificing it's best and bravest to free the world from Nazi occupation the Danes were enjoying life by collaborating with the Nazi occupation. They never apologized until a lame proclamation issued in 2003.

Saved a lot of Jews....what the heck could they do..ay caramba.:eusa_whistle:

A former democrat politician killed three Jews in Kansas because of left wing propaganda and we see left wing anti-Semitism again in a simple post about Denmark. I rest my case that today's radical left is a hate filled neo-Nazi anti-American club.
Yes Denmark IS a happy place, but surprisingly it is not do to its social policies (though they certainly contribute) no, the primary reason is trust. The Danes trust their neighbors and fellow citizens to act properly.

"The 8 ingredients in the Danish recipe for happiness:

Denmark holds the highest level of trust in the world (Danes happily leave their babies in strollers outside shops and cafés while running errands), and the high level of social security reduces concerns and anxiety for the Danes. Wealth also explains why some countries are happier than other, and furthermore Danes enjoy a high level of freedom through free university education and gay rights. Work in Denmark is characterized by autonomy and flexibility, and allows for time with family and friends through a world class work-life balance. Furthermore, Denmark has a well-developed democracy with a high level of political participation, good governance and a low level of corruption, and finally a strong civil society ensures high quality social relationships among the citizens, which is a major determinant for happiness."

Danish Happiness, explained - Happiness Research Institute
Lol, tin foiler. You misinformed dingbats aren't ruining my country. Nice try...

Your country,:badgrin: you little commie scumbag, you'll be the first one dispatched, if we can find you & pull you out of your spider hole when we come looking for subversives!

And, once again, we see a "Conservative" making physical threats against someone else on the board.
They are the perfect example of what DIVERSITY leads to....the SUICIDE of the Danish people and culture, which has been around for centuries....taken away without a gunshot, but many, many, many beheadings!

The influx of foreign nationals with no interest in becoming part of Danish society and culture is going to lead to the downfall of the tiny country.
All western European socialist nations liberalized their immigration laws to boost their lagging population growth rates are now having tremendous problems as most of the immigrant populations are young poor and unemployed. In France, Paris has suburbs loaded with foreign nationals mainly from the Middle East and North Africa. France's labor laws that make it virtually impossible to fire a worker, plus the limited skill levels of many immigrants, make it difficult for them to find work. Another issue facing these immigrants is their refusal to learn the language of the nation in which they've chosen to live. Not having a grasp of the native tongue is looked upon as insulting to many natives of these countries.
I have no idea why a person would want to move to a country in which they have no hope of gainful employment, cannot speak the language and are perpetually pissed off that the people native to the country will refuse to kowtow to the culture of the immigrants.
For the past decade, social scientists and pollsters have given elaborate questionnaires to hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Two of the largest studies that rank the happiness of countries around the world are the World Map of Happiness from the University of Leiscester and the World Database of Happiness from Ruut Veenhoven of Erasmus University Rotterdam. All the happiness surveys ask people basically the same question: How happy are you?

But if you mine all the databases of universities and research centers, you'll find that the happiest place on earth is Denmark.

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

I bet the Danes stay as far from those Muslim ghettos as possible lest they find themselves extremely UN happy.
How lovely for her. She's a civil servant who wants a "pleasant" life without any challenges. yawn.....

It sounds like a total nightmare to me.

I like competition, challenges, and hard work. I enjoy building and creating. And I love making a shit pile of money from doing what I enjoy. I can't imagine life without the risk of failure. I LOVE the chase. I'll take America any day. Thanks!
Yes Denmark IS a happy place, but surprisingly it is not do to its social policies (though they certainly contribute) no, the primary reason is trust. The Danes trust their neighbors and fellow citizens to act properly.

"The 8 ingredients in the Danish recipe for happiness:

Denmark holds the highest level of trust in the world (Danes happily leave their babies in strollers outside shops and cafés while running errands), and the high level of social security reduces concerns and anxiety for the Danes. Wealth also explains why some countries are happier than other, and furthermore Danes enjoy a high level of freedom through free university education and gay rights. Work in Denmark is characterized by autonomy and flexibility, and allows for time with family and friends through a world class work-life balance. Furthermore, Denmark has a well-developed democracy with a high level of political participation, good governance and a low level of corruption, and finally a strong civil society ensures high quality social relationships among the citizens, which is a major determinant for happiness."

Danish Happiness, explained - Happiness Research Institute

Excellent analysis. Now, what can we do in our culture to start down that path?

Which political group is doing things that might help us with this goal? The one advocating for even more tax breaks for billionaires? The one insisting that higher education be only for the children of the wealthy? The one that insists that any minimum wage is unneccessary? The one that states that environmental issues are not real?

If we want a real successful culture, we have to learn to emulate what is successful in other cultures. And not cling blindly to our failures. Such as the present health care system. ACA a slight improvement, but only slight. And our for profit criminal system and war on drugs are prime examples of failures.
Lol, tin foiler. You misinformed dingbats aren't ruining my country. Nice try...

Your country,:badgrin: you little commie scumbag, you'll be the first one dispatched, if we can find you & pull you out of your spider hole when we come looking for subversives!

And, once again, we see a "Conservative" making physical threats against someone else on the board.
When they don't have an argument, they threaten or insult.
It's rumored that the Denmark government makes a ton of money off international Copenhagen tourists who prey on blonde Danish child prostitutes in order to pay the salaries of liberal teachers.
How lovely for her. She's a civil servant who wants a "pleasant" life without any challenges. yawn.....

It sounds like a total nightmare to me.

I like competition, challenges, and hard work. I enjoy building and creating. And I love making a shit pile of money from doing what I enjoy. I can't imagine life without the risk of failure. I LOVE the chase. I'll take America any day. Thanks!

You are a businessman? You pay minimum wages? Or do you pay real wages?
Yes Denmark IS a happy place, but surprisingly it is not do to its social policies (though they certainly contribute) no, the primary reason is trust. The Danes trust their neighbors and fellow citizens to act properly.

"The 8 ingredients in the Danish recipe for happiness:

Denmark holds the highest level of trust in the world (Danes happily leave their babies in strollers outside shops and cafés while running errands), and the high level of social security reduces concerns and anxiety for the Danes. Wealth also explains why some countries are happier than other, and furthermore Danes enjoy a high level of freedom through free university education and gay rights. Work in Denmark is characterized by autonomy and flexibility, and allows for time with family and friends through a world class work-life balance. Furthermore, Denmark has a well-developed democracy with a high level of political participation, good governance and a low level of corruption, and finally a strong civil society ensures high quality social relationships among the citizens, which is a major determinant for happiness."

Danish Happiness, explained - Happiness Research Institute

Excellent analysis. Now, what can we do in our culture to start down that path?

Which political group is doing things that might help us with this goal? The one advocating for even more tax breaks for billionaires? The one insisting that higher education be only for the children of the wealthy? The one that insists that any minimum wage is unneccessary? The one that states that environmental issues are not real?

If we want a real successful culture, we have to learn to emulate what is successful in other cultures. And not cling blindly to our failures. Such as the present health care system. ACA a slight improvement, but only slight. And our for profit criminal system and war on drugs are prime examples of failures.

The progressives aren't. That much I guarantee you. So far the true conservatives are doing the most work towards that goal. I'm not talking the kind of conservative you refer to. I am talking about those who feel that big government is the enemy. Who believe that individual rights and responsibilities trump those of the collective.

Collectivism unchained is every bit as bad as capitalism unchecked. The best governments are those that are small, relatively weak, and have strong controls against government corruption (one of the other aspects that makes the Danes happy) and have a healthy mix of collectivist AND capitalistic ideals. The problems arise when one ideology is allowed to run rampant over the other.
She kind of looks like a school teacher;

How lovely for her. She's a civil servant who wants a "pleasant" life without any challenges. yawn.....

It sounds like a total nightmare to me.

I like competition, challenges, and hard work. I enjoy building and creating. And I love making a shit pile of money from doing what I enjoy. I can't imagine life without the risk of failure. I LOVE the chase. I'll take America any day. Thanks!

You are a businessman? You pay minimum wages? Or do you pay real wages?

Depends on the person and the job. I have men that work for me that make over $50 an hour. I also have inexperienced helpers that make $10.00 an hour. It's a simple equation - make yourself more valuable to the company and you get paid more.
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