I am a Danish school teacher

The Danes are an apathetic people. They have given up everything for the government tit.
But are they happier? In fact, most of the people in the Nordic countries are happier than those living in the US. Contrary to the beliefs of conservatives, it's not wealth nor materialism, nor competition that makes people happy. Happiness comes from our association with family and friends, job satisfaction, and security not working 60 hours a week in hope of a promotion. All concepts totally alien to conservatives.

Conservatives have done a pretty good job of selling the American people on the idea that happiest comes from amassing wealth and without the opportunity to amass that wealth they can be neither productive nor happy with their work. Since most people never achieve any great wealth and never feel they really have the opportunity to do so, they are generally unhappy with their jobs and not very productive and that carries over into their personal lives.
How lovely for her. She's a civil servant who wants a "pleasant" life without any challenges. yawn.....

It sounds like a total nightmare to me.

I like competition, challenges, and hard work. I enjoy building and creating. And I love making a shit pile of money from doing what I enjoy. I can't imagine life without the risk of failure. I LOVE the chase. I'll take America any day. Thanks!

You are a businessman? You pay minimum wages? Or do you pay real wages?

Depends on the person and the job. I have men that work for me that make over $50 and hour. I also have inexperienced helpers that make $10.00 an hour. It's a simple equation - make yourself more valuable to the company and you get paid more.

OK, that I can understand in the present wage climate. The first wage I earned was 2.17 an hour, and I did a lot of overtime and earned $6500 that first year. My parents bought a large old house on a large lot in a small town for $6700 that year.

Note I said the present wage climate. Over half that $10 an hour will go for rent today in most places, and the rest will barely cover monthly bills, and will not leave enough for community college classes. Not blaming you, but the young people today have a far harder row to hoe than you or I did.
Lol, tin foiler. You misinformed dingbats aren't ruining my country. Nice try...

Your country,:badgrin: you little commie scumbag, you'll be the first one dispatched, if we can find you & pull you out of your spider hole when we come looking for subversives!

And, once again, we see a "Conservative" making physical threats against someone else on the board.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: what threat? I use a metaphor to show how much of a coward you are!
You are a businessman? You pay minimum wages? Or do you pay real wages?

Depends on the person and the job. I have men that work for me that make over $50 and hour. I also have inexperienced helpers that make $10.00 an hour. It's a simple equation - make yourself more valuable to the company and you get paid more.

OK, that I can understand in the present wage climate. The first wage I earned was 2.17 an hour, and I did a lot of overtime and earned $6500 that first year. My parents bought a large old house on a large lot in a small town for $6700 that year.

Note I said the present wage climate. Over half that $10 an hour will go for rent today in most places, and the rest will barely cover monthly bills, and will not leave enough for community college classes. Not blaming you, but the young people today have a far harder row to hoe than you or I did.

Then you're a LOT younger than you claim to be....my first job was minimum wage and I was getting around 80 cents an hour IIRC. I know for sure it was under a buck.

Curious...How many people live in Denmark? Compared to the 357 million in the US?

And since you Nazis are so fond of the remarkable Denmark and their socialist policies, consider this:

Your "Hero" and "Savior" Barrack Hussein Obama has spent nearly 1 BILLION dollars on a failed healthcare plan. Now, consider this. With that billion dollars, Every man, woman and child in the United States could have had Premium Health Insurance (paid) for the next 20 years. Every Man, Woman and child.

But no. You would rather leave such decisions to your "savior". He squanders hundreds of billions of dollars and you applaud him. Congratulations.
Depends on the person and the job. I have men that work for me that make over $50 and hour. I also have inexperienced helpers that make $10.00 an hour. It's a simple equation - make yourself more valuable to the company and you get paid more.

OK, that I can understand in the present wage climate. The first wage I earned was 2.17 an hour, and I did a lot of overtime and earned $6500 that first year. My parents bought a large old house on a large lot in a small town for $6700 that year.

Note I said the present wage climate. Over half that $10 an hour will go for rent today in most places, and the rest will barely cover monthly bills, and will not leave enough for community college classes. Not blaming you, but the young people today have a far harder row to hoe than you or I did.

Then you're a LOT younger than you claim to be....my first job was minimum wage and I was getting around 80 cents an hour IIRC. I know for sure it was under a buck.

Indeed. My First job - Dishwasher at Holiday Inn - paid me exactly $.80 per hour.

Methinks someone is lying. I'm 69 years old. I don't remember, but I "think" that a minimum wage of $2.17 an hour was in the middle to late 70s. By then, I had been to Vietnam and returned.

This is the epitomy of left wing stupid right here.

This stupid woman's first line is she is a school teacher making 61k per year, then says that education is free? How the fuck does she think she gets paid 61k per year to provide this service if it's free?

Somebody is paying for this idiot to teach for 61k per year. Yet she is so dumb she thinks she gets that money for free.

She said she gets healthcare, for free. Somebody is paying that bill, look no further than teachers that think they are providing something for free yet still demand 61k a year to do it. You aren't providing free if you demand being paid for it.

She claims we think the taxes are high, yet never told us how much of her 61k goes to providing all of this "free" stuff.

What exactly is the median wage in Denmark? And what is their tax rate to provide all of this "free" stuff? And what cars and houses are they allowed to purchase in this "free" paradise?

A one bedroom 250 square foot apartment and a piece of shit car is her level of understanding of what all of this "free' is gaining.

Yet she brags about how she makes 61k a year, for providing a service she thinks is "free".

She obviously isn't math teacher. Probably social justice or community organizer.
You are a businessman? You pay minimum wages? Or do you pay real wages?

Depends on the person and the job. I have men that work for me that make over $50 and hour. I also have inexperienced helpers that make $10.00 an hour. It's a simple equation - make yourself more valuable to the company and you get paid more.

OK, that I can understand in the present wage climate. The first wage I earned was 2.17 an hour, and I did a lot of overtime and earned $6500 that first year. My parents bought a large old house on a large lot in a small town for $6700 that year.

Note I said the present wage climate. Over half that $10 an hour will go for rent today in most places, and the rest will barely cover monthly bills, and will not leave enough for community college classes. Not blaming you, but the young people today have a far harder row to hoe than you or I did.

The people that I have working for me that are earning $10 an hour are usually younger - in their late teens or early 20's. They have no experience. So we pay them less until they learn more. It's a fair deal for both parties.

After three months the least we pay anyone is $12.50 an hour - that's $100 a day.
While that is not a fantastic wage, it is a helluva lot better than minimum wage. We get almost all of our new people (when we need them) through employee referrals.

PS - my first "wage" job at age 15 paid me $2.10 an hour. I worked in a restaurant busing tables and washing dishes - it was a very hard job! At the same time I had a paper route that I delivered at 5:30 am every morning. I would ride my bike to the station- stuff the papers with the ads- then deliver them. When I averaged the hourly wage for the paper route it was about $5.00 an hour ( I cleared about $35 a week for about an hour day) - more than double the "wage" job. That is when I decided I needed to be an entrepreneur....:thup:
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Your country,:badgrin: you little commie scumbag, you'll be the first one dispatched, if we can find you & pull you out of your spider hole when we come looking for subversives!

And, once again, we see a "Conservative" making physical threats against someone else on the board.
When they don't have an argument, they threaten or insult.

a good handful of your buddies do that too Junkie right here in this forum....yea i know i was shocked too.....
For the past decade, social scientists and pollsters have given elaborate questionnaires to hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Two of the largest studies that rank the happiness of countries around the world are the World Map of Happiness from the University of Leiscester and the World Database of Happiness from Ruut Veenhoven of Erasmus University Rotterdam. All the happiness surveys ask people basically the same question: How happy are you?

But if you mine all the databases of universities and research centers, you'll find that the happiest place on earth is Denmark.

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News
Happy...happy gay.
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UNIVERSITY is free in Denmark- and they pay you to go there...with limits I'm sure...

Ugly American hater dupes are always threatening people- link to any Dems doing it? Always glad we're not in the real world lol...violent dingbats when crossed lol...
UNIVERSITY is free in Denmark- and they pay you to go there...with limits I'm sure...

Ugly American hater dupes are always threatening people- link to any Dems doing it? Always glad we're not in the real world lol...violent dingbats when crossed lol...

Nothing is free. Democrat pseudo-liberal zombies have no clue. Dangerously ignorant.
Put them on boats and send them all back to Denmark.
. You wouldn't understand, not being able to see past the end of your nose lol...It's called investing in the people and the country, ugly American hater dupe

This is the epitomy of left wing stupid right here.

This stupid woman's first line is she is a school teacher making 61k per year, then says that education is free? How the fuck does she think she gets paid 61k per year to provide this service if it's free?

Somebody is paying for this idiot to teach for 61k per year. Yet she is so dumb she thinks she gets that money for free.

She said she gets healthcare, for free. Somebody is paying that bill, look no further than teachers that think they are providing something for free yet still demand 61k a year to do it. You aren't providing free if you demand being paid for it.

She claims we think the taxes are high, yet never told us how much of her 61k goes to providing all of this "free" stuff.

What exactly is the median wage in Denmark? And what is their tax rate to provide all of this "free" stuff? And what cars and houses are they allowed to purchase in this "free" paradise?

A one bedroom 250 square foot apartment and a piece of shit car is her level of understanding of what all of this "free' is gaining.

Yet she brags about how she makes 61k a year, for providing a service she thinks is "free".

She obviously isn't math teacher. Probably social justice or community organizer.
It's free to the individual and a cost to the tax payer. Taxes in Denmark are high, about twice what they are in the US and economic growth rate is less than the US but there are offsets. Government debt as a percent of GDP is 45% compared to 73% in the US, Unemployment is 4.3% compared to 6.7% in the US, educational rankings are consistently higher than the US, unemployment benefits are 90% of pay, average work week is 33 hours, 30 paid vacation days a year, and the best retirement income system in the world.
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This is the epitomy of left wing stupid right here.

This stupid woman's first line is she is a school teacher making 61k per year, then says that education is free? How the fuck does she think she gets paid 61k per year to provide this service if it's free?

Somebody is paying for this idiot to teach for 61k per year. Yet she is so dumb she thinks she gets that money for free.

She said she gets healthcare, for free. Somebody is paying that bill, look no further than teachers that think they are providing something for free yet still demand 61k a year to do it. You aren't providing free if you demand being paid for it.

She claims we think the taxes are high, yet never told us how much of her 61k goes to providing all of this "free" stuff.

What exactly is the median wage in Denmark? And what is their tax rate to provide all of this "free" stuff? And what cars and houses are they allowed to purchase in this "free" paradise?

A one bedroom 250 square foot apartment and a piece of shit car is her level of understanding of what all of this "free' is gaining.

Yet she brags about how she makes 61k a year, for providing a service she thinks is "free".

She obviously isn't math teacher. Probably social justice or community organizer.
It's free to the individual and a cost to the tax payer. Taxes in Denmark are high, about twice what they are in the US and economic growth rate is less than the US but there are offsets. Government debt as a percent of GDP is 45% compared to 73% in the US, Unemployment is 4.3% compared to 6.7% in the US, educational rankings are consistently higher than the US, unemployment benefits are 90% of pay, average work week is 33 hours, 30 paid vacation days a year, and the best retirement income system in the world.
Sounds like a good deal.

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