I Am a Girl!!! XD

You know, aside from the fact that you TOLD us you were a woman when you came here, all you really needed to do was chance your avatar (as you have). Changing your handle really amounts to nothing.
Pothead2021 sounds like a dude. Dr. Wife sounds like a lady. I get it.


:banana: :smoke::banana:
Let me make myself perfectly clear here.

1. I don't give a rat's ass who likes me and who doesn't like me, but most everybody here will disagree with the people who say that I am unliked for the most part.

2. TNHarley, I still like you I just don't like the things that were coming out of your mouth and all I was asking you to do was please stop so you were the one who had a problem not me.

3. WillHaftawaite thank you very much for cleaning up this thread, even in what might seem to be a joking matter, I don't like people spreading rumors about me which might be seen as criminally questionable depending on the whole entire situation.

4. As for toobfreak, I know I didn't have to change my username, but I just wanted to because I like Dr. Who as well lol :D
Nobody really cares. I'm surprised (not), that you haven't figured that out yet, potterhead.
I always believed she was female because she said so and also alluded to several times. I don't post here as often as I read here but I recall finding her posts interesting. Just as I ALWAYS find Gracie's posts interesting! ;)
what is wyeho?

Meanwhile..I was just joking around TNHarley. Wrong time and place, I guess.
In internet land, going way back to say—1994—proclaiming oneself to be a female, online, almost certainly means would be "she" is actually a "he" and is likely a thirty year old "man" living in his parents' basement.

I remember the phenomenon going back farther than that, at least back to the early-to-mid 1980s on BBSes. I recall someone coining the term “televestite” to describe anyone on the BBSes who claimed to be female, but who was widely suspected of being male.

Back before the Internet was really a thing, as far as anyone outside of the military of academia was concerned, BBSes were generally populated by stereotypical nerds, very intelligent, very good with computers, but socially awkward and desperate for female companionship. Showing up on a BBS and claiming to be female was an easy way to attract a lot of attention.

Back in 1994, (perhaps it was even late 1993), a user showed up in a BBS-network claiming to be female, and complaining about the poor dating prospects in her area. Yes, she attracted a great deal of attention. As it happens, she was a genuine female, and of all the desperate nerds whose attention she attracted, I (of the most extreme examples of such a lonely, desperate nerd) was the one who succeeded in attracting her attention and convincing her to consider me as a possible romantic prospect.

She and I have been married, now, for about twenty-six and a half years.

I remember the phenomenon going back farther than that, at least back to the early-to-mid 1980s on BBSes. I recall someone coining the term “televestite” to describe anyone on the BBSes who claimed to be female, but who was widely suspected of being male.

Back before the Internet was really a thing, as far as anyone outside of the military of academia was concerned, BBSes were generally populated by stereotypical nerds, very intelligent, very good with computers, but socially awkward and desperate for female companionship. Showing up on a BBS and claiming to be female was an easy way to attract a lot of attention.

Back in 1994, (perhaps it was even late 1993), a user showed up in a BBS-network claiming to be female, and complaining about the poor dating prospects in her area. Yes, she attracted a great deal of attention. As it happens, she was a genuine female, and of all the desperate nerds whose attention she attracted, I (of the most extreme examples of such a lonely, desperate nerd) was the one who succeeded in attracting her attention and convincing her to consider me as a possible romantic prospect.

She and I have been married, now, for about twenty-six and a half years.

View attachment 527642

Is it also a true phenomenon that a playa like you calls themselves:

"of the most extreme examples of such a lonely, desperate nerd"


Asking for a friend?

. . . good luck with your new name and avi friend. . . the folks will still be the folks though. ;)

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