I am a mess right now.

I am not a very emotional person and I pride myself on my ability to keep things together, but bawling my eyes out at the moment. I hate this feeling.
I know that pain, mdk. I had to put my Toby Cat to sleep about 17 years ago. I was totally undone. My bible study teacher called me long distance and I just poured out my heart about how upset I was. He said I don't understand this! Your entire family disowns you years ago and you weren't moved at all. Your cat dies and your falling apart! (he was not an animal lover)

I told him my cat was always there for me, the best friend a person could hope for, and a great comfort. There is nothing like having the perfect cat. God gave me that cat!!!

Shortly after my husband felt so bad he got me two cats to replace Toby but even though they looked like Toby they were not Toby and I never bonded with either of them. I felt bad about that for them. I did keep them and took good care of them but it was never the same relationship I had with my Toby cat. Eventually the cats died (one of old age, the other one was kidnapped by a wicked neighbor who had it in for me - I prayed that guy out of the neighborhood).

So one day I found a skinny homeless cat in a church parking lot. I took her home and she was a perfect cat for me. Then I found a kitten in the middle of a highway and rescued it. Both cats have been perfect cats and we have bonded like a little family. I also rescued another one afterward too but that one moved on to another family.

When you are ready that day will come for you too but right now you'll have to go through that grieving process and I'll be keeping you in my prayers for comfort because this is a difficult time for you.

I'm sending you a hug.
About five minutes ago I had to make one of the saddest decisions a pet owner can make, I made an appointment at the vet to have more cat put to sleep. My heart is breaking. :crybaby:
I had to say goodbye to the 2 feral kitties that were my own rescued cat's mother and aunt when I moved. It has been 6 months and it is still heartbreaking to me. Fortunately one of the neighbors back there is feeding them. Still it hurts.

My own cat just had his 3rd birthday. He is young, robust, and happy and should live another 15 to 20 years. So I don't need to face the loss of him until then.

Sorry about your grief.

You're going to need a new kitty to take the place in your heart of the older one.

Once someone loves a cat, and the cat loves you back, you become a cat person for the rest of your life.

Sorry you are sad....hope this make you feel better

About five minutes ago I had to make one of the saddest decisions a pet owner can make, I made an appointment at the vet to have more cat put to sleep. My heart is breaking. :crybaby:
Ooooh....so sorry! Mylo died a few months ago. I didn't put her down, I let her die naturally at home.

Either way it's horrible and hard to deal with, and there's always guilt attached. Prayers for you and your family.
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About five minutes ago I had to make one of the saddest decisions a pet owner can make, I made an appointment at the vet to have more cat put to sleep. My heart is breaking. :crybaby:

My three best kitties are in labeled boxes four feet deep at the top of the box. Been five years plus since the last one and still hurts. I always look them right in the eyes and pet them to the end. Hope you have pictures and a nice frame. :itsok:
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About five minutes ago I had to make one of the saddest decisions a pet owner can make, I made an appointment at the vet to have more cat put to sleep. My heart is breaking. :crybaby:

For me it was always something that needed done but not today.

My last experience has me gun shy to get another pet.

I am not that tough....
About five minutes ago I had to make one of the saddest decisions a pet owner can make, I made an appointment at the vet to have more cat put to sleep. My heart is breaking. :crybaby:

Sorry to hear about the loss of your cat. I hope you will find comfort for your sorrow.
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About five minutes ago I had to make one of the saddest decisions a pet owner can make, I made an appointment at the vet to have more cat put to sleep. My heart is breaking. :crybaby:

So sorry, mdk! :( It is better to put the animal out of it's misery than let it suffer, so you are doing the right thing. It is the MOST unselfish thing.
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