I Am A Yes Vote To DECERTIFY. Many Of My Colleagues In The Arizona Senate Want To Decertify

You know Mac, want this all to STOP? Then it is in YOUR BEST INTEREST to support voter ID. Know what else? Since you are now in a new party, if you think either the GOP or Dems are going to allow you to win anything under the current rules, you are smoking something.

Americans do not want this incessant election redo. The Left has done it multiple times, now the right is doing it. What Americans want is this crap to go away, and it really doesn't matter which side of the aisle they are on as regular citizens.

If we keep allowing this, elections are going to be fought over on, and on, and on. To make this go away, voter ID, done, over, forget about it. Unless of course, you want this uncertainty going forward, then you are not a solution, you are part of the problem!
Voter ID does fuck-all to stop the kind of election fraud which occurs.

All the pissing and moaning over Voter ID is a hoax.
Hopefully this will get the ball rolling and other states will follow.

---State Senator Wendy Rogers Speaks At AZ Trump Rally: “I Am A Yes Vote To DECERTIFY. Many Of My Colleagues In The Arizona Senate Want To Decertify.”---
I hope Wendy Rogers gets the mental health counseling she needs.
Voter ID does fuck-all to stop the kind of election fraud which occurs.

All the pissing and moaning over Voter ID is a hoax.
Is Vax ID a hoax too? Why do people need to sign up for a free state ID and carry a VAX card and show it to go in to a restaurant, but should never need to show an ID to go vote?
I really think it's benefiting that President Trump has not conceded the Big Steal. Keep pushing back against the results, even if it drags on.
I hope Wendy Rogers gets the mental health counseling she needs.
If you got mental health counseling, you'd be a much much much better poster.
Your elevator does not go to the top floor. You are one link shy of a chain. You have a screw loose. You are one egg short of a dozen.
This is the GOP's strategy going forward.

"We don't like the results, we'll say they're fraudulent, we refuse to certify".

That's exactly how this is playing out, right in front of us, in real time, in multiple states.
So, it was okay to push your dumb as narrative about the Trump Russia collusion hoax? That last through the term President Trump was in. Only to waste taxpayer money to find out it was all a hoax. The GOP has all right to call out fraudulent activity, dummy.
Did she concede?
Didn't she claim some weird thing like Russian Collusion and her and Obama and Biden and their buddies started an insurrection using The FBI and Nazi Pelosi's Power to start a bureaucratic COUP? One can pretend to concede while continuing to plot insurrection, treason and sedition.

And that is exactly what Moscow Mueller, Commie Comey, Moscow McCabe and Mueller did along with the help of their commie pinko friends who all were just following orders from Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and Quid Pro Joe.
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Didn't she claim some weird thing like Russian Collusion and her and Obama and Biden and their buddies started an insurrection using The FBI and Nazi Pelosi's Power to start a bureaucratic COUP? One can pretend to concede while continuing to plot insurrection and sedition.
Did she concede?

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