I am aligned with Black Lives Matter!

Wow. The core and essence of the right wing rolled into one post. And a Nazi cherry on top of the sundae! Well done.

^^ ^^ ^^ As usual, Funnelhead Jack criticizes people for defending Freedom and Liberty as promulgated under the Constitution and calls it NAZISM, while actually defending Nazi tactics of taking away human rights and liberty under the umbrella of "for the greater good of all" by USING jackbooted thuggery to blindly SUBMIT to the unjust will of the State under threat of FORCE.

Good one, Jack. A hypocrite like all leftists right down to your last corpuscle.

What is it with you idiots and tossing around the Nazi terms today? Did I miss a talking point distro email? None of you are smart enough to even know what context of saying something like that even is.
You and your ilk are nothing about freedom and liberty. Well you are..just for those just and white, righteous, gun toting Christians.
Everybody else can GFTs.
Wow. The core and essence of the right wing rolled into one post. And a Nazi cherry on top of the sundae! Well done.
What is it with you idiots and tossing around the Nazi terms today?

Jack, reach up your ass, grab your head, and try massaging your brain until a little common sense comes into it. Only a clueless fuckwad like you could BRING UP NAZIS, then bitch about it to others. :21:

You truly are a delight of itinerant stupidity.
I am being facetious. BLM are communists and are using the police issue as a way in. They dont truly give a shit about black lives.

The greater point I am making is that police should not enforce unconstitional laws.
Laws are already required to be Constitutional. " Unconstitutional laws" is a contradiction in terms. If it is unconstitutional it is not a law no matter who or what claims otherwise.
Wow. The core and essence of the right wing rolled into one post. And a Nazi cherry on top of the sundae! Well done.
What is it with you idiots and tossing around the Nazi terms today?

Jack, reach up your ass, grab your head, and try massaging your brain until a little common sense comes into it. Only a clueless fuckwad like you could BRING UP NAZIS, then bitch about it to others. :21:

You truly are a delight of itinerant stupidity.

Responding to the OP, fuckwit. Try and keep up. I know that's asking a lot from a Trump supporter but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Responding to the OP, fuckwit. Try and keep up.

First you bitch about your own comments then post a reply to me intended for the OP?

Did you drink some bad eggnog last night, Jack?

I'd have to jog backwards to try to keep up with you.

No. You just need a lesson in reading comprehension, Freaky. I didn't bring it up. The OP did.
I am 100% against cops who enforce unconstitutional laws. If you are a cop and you arrest someone for running their business or having more than 3 families in a house for dinner or a father for having a catch with his daughter in the park, you are trash.

FOLLOWING ORDERS is not an excuse. The Nuremburg trials is the precendent for that. Nazis who were just following orders to commit genocide were rightfully executed.


I only side with cops when they are against clear cut criminals. When they are against the American people, fuck them.
Responding to the OP, fuckwit. Try and keep up.

First you bitch about your own comments then post a reply to me intended for the OP?

Did you drink some bad eggnog last night, Jack?

I'd have to jog backwards to try to keep up with you.

No. You just need a lesson in reading comprehension, Freaky. I didn't bring it up. The OP did.

My comprehension is EXCELLENT Jack. The OP made a totally unrelated historical comparative. Then you brought it up applying it to me.

Now you pathetically try to backpedal your way out of it in self denial.

You're a sad case, Jack.
I am being facetious. BLM are communists and are using the police issue as a way in. They dont truly give a shit about black lives.

The greater point I am making is that police should not enforce unconstitional laws.
These police should be arresting the governors imposing their will and violating the Constitution.
I am being facetious. BLM are communists and are using the police issue as a way in. They dont truly give a shit about black lives.

The greater point I am making is that police should not enforce unconstitional laws.

Quarantine is not unconstitutional. You must be very young-----you do not remember when Tuberculosis
was an active PUBLIC HEALTH problem and------people were actually being forcibly placed in "sanitariums" uhm...... you missed Bette Davis in "Jezebel"
only infected people were put in hospitals,, in this case its healthy people being told what to do,,

big difference if you ask me,,

wrong again-----in the TB era (perhaps you forgot) there was the ROUTINE chest xray for a multitude of jobs and the Ppd skin test for school kids etc etc ---and OBLIGATORY vaccination of children (not related to TB---but another PUBIC HEALTH imposition) It is
OF COURSE a reality that the specific requirements change according to the specific public health threat--but they ARE IMPOSED. I am so old that I remember
SIGNS POSTED ON DOORS TO HOUSES -----regarding the presence of Scarlett fever therein. And then there was the LEGALLY imposed tracing of various venereal
diseases. ------sometimes recalcitrant "ladies of the night" named as a "contact" by a male who came up with CLAP was actually escorted in cuffs to the public health facility
I am being facetious. BLM are communists and are using the police issue as a way in. They dont truly give a shit about black lives.

The greater point I am making is that police should not enforce unconstitional laws.

Quarantine is not unconstitutional. You must be very young-----you do not remember when Tuberculosis
was an active PUBLIC HEALTH problem and------people were actually being forcibly placed in "sanitariums" uhm...... you missed Bette Davis in "Jezebel"
only infected people were put in hospitals,, in this case its healthy people being told what to do,,

big difference if you ask me,,

wrong again-----in the TB era (perhaps you forgot) there was the ROUTINE chest xray for a multitude of jobs and the Ppd skin test for school kids etc etc ---and OBLIGATORY vaccination of children (not related to TB---but another PUBIC HEALTH imposition) It is
OF COURSE a reality that the specific requirements change according to the specific public health threat--but they ARE IMPOSED. I am so old that I remember
SIGNS POSTED ON DOORS TO HOUSES -----regarding the presence of Scarlett fever therein. And then there was the LEGALLY imposed tracing of various venereal
diseases. ------sometimes recalcitrant "ladies of the night" named as a "contact" by a male who came up with CLAP was actually escorted in cuffs to the public health facility
sure would like to see proof they were locking people up that werent sick,,,

even so what we have today is a 100% compliance regardless of contact or infection,,
They arrested the owner of a gym in Jersey for letting people work out...for the fucking flu as an excuse.

The Chinese Communist Party are laughing in their bat soup.
I am being facetious. BLM are communists and are using the police issue as a way in. They dont truly give a shit about black lives.

The greater point I am making is that police should not enforce unconstitional laws.

Quarantine is not unconstitutional. You must be very young-----you do not remember when Tuberculosis
was an active PUBLIC HEALTH problem and------people were actually being forcibly placed in "sanitariums" uhm...... you missed Bette Davis in "Jezebel"
only infected people were put in hospitals,, in this case its healthy people being told what to do,,

big difference if you ask me,,

wrong again-----in the TB era (perhaps you forgot) there was the ROUTINE chest xray for a multitude of jobs and the Ppd skin test for school kids etc etc ---and OBLIGATORY vaccination of children (not related to TB---but another PUBIC HEALTH imposition) It is
OF COURSE a reality that the specific requirements change according to the specific public health threat--but they ARE IMPOSED. I am so old that I remember
SIGNS POSTED ON DOORS TO HOUSES -----regarding the presence of Scarlett fever therein. And then there was the LEGALLY imposed tracing of various venereal
diseases. ------sometimes recalcitrant "ladies of the night" named as a "contact" by a male who came up with CLAP was actually escorted in cuffs to the public health facility
sure would like to see proof they were locking people up that werent sick,,,

even so what we have today is a 100% compliance regardless of contact or infection,,

back then we had a demand for 100% compliance on VACCINATION for all school kids-----parents who refused risked losing their kids. What do you call sick-----women can carry CLAP without even knowing about it. It is far more symptomatic in men---which is why the policy was "NAME YOUR CONTACTS"----women who has no symptoms or signs could be arrested if they ignored demands to SHOW UP
Indeed. There is a big difference between being against cops, when they go after genuine criminals who unjustly cause harm to others, and being against cops abusing their power and violating the rights of law-abiding citizens.

Translation. Mormon Bob is perfectly fine with the abuse the police inflict on the darkies... but he gets upset when they tell white and delightsome people to follow a simple masking rule.

We need a system of laws and enforcement, to protect us from actual criminals, but we also have to be very careful not to allow this system to become the very hazard to us against which it is supposed to protect us

Hey, guy, I worry a lot more about getting Covid from some asshole who doesn't follow proper protocols than I do from some kid who was playing with a toy in the park and gets shot.

Hell hath no fury like white people slightly inconvenienced.
Translation: Incel Joe thinks everything is about race, and if it isn't, he tries to make it about race anyway, just so that he can then accuse someone else of racism, when he's just made it clear who the real racist is.

He also is so unimaginably stupid and gullible, that he's scared to death of an overhyped flu bug, and ignorantly believes that other people wearing rags over their faces will protect him from it. What a pussy! It's no wonder he's still single at his age.

Translation. Mormon Bob is perfectly fine with the abuse the police inflict on the darkies... but he gets upset when they tell white and delightsome people to follow a simple masking rule.

Hey, guy, I worry a lot more about getting Covid from some asshole who doesn't follow proper protocols than I do from some kid who was playing with a toy in the park and gets shot.
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I am being facetious. BLM are communists and are using the police issue as a way in. They dont truly give a shit about black lives.

The greater point I am making is that police should not enforce unconstitional laws.
Laws are already required to be Constitutional. " Unconstitutional laws" is a contradiction in terms. If it is unconstitutional it is not a law no matter who or what claims otherwise.
Well then, our whole damn government is unconstitutional.
Translation: Incel Joe thinks everything is about race, and if it isn't, he tries to make it about race anyway, just so that he can then accuse someone else of racism, when he's just made it clear who the real racist is.

He also is so unimaginably stupid and gullible, that he's scared to death of an overhyped flu bug, and ignorantly believes that other people wearing rags over their faces will protect him from it. What a pussy! It's no wonder he's still single at his age.

Again, you belong to a cult that didn't let black people join until 1978.

Not that they were lining up around the block to do so.

And who said I was single? I just never married.... Why buy a cow when the milk is free?

So let me get this straight, the guy who thinks he is protected from Evil by underwear with a few symbols drawn on it doesn't believe that masking works, even though scientists have proven it does?


I'm just curious how this works, Mormon Bob.
Once again, for those playing along, Incel Joe has some sort of bizarre fetish/obsession with Mormons. He thinks that expressing this obsession in vulgar and hateful ways somehow constitutes a valid support for any point he's trying to argue, or a refutation of any point of mine that he wishes to refute.

Again, you belong to a cult that didn't let black people join until 1978.

Not that they were lining up around the block to do so.

And who said I was single? I just never married.... Why buy a cow when the milk is free?

So let me get this straight, the guy who thinks he is protected from Evil by underwear with a few symbols drawn on it doesn't believe that masking works, even though scientists have proven it does?
Once again, for those playing along, Incel Joe has some sort of bizarre fetish/obsession with Mormons. He thinks that expressing this obsession in vulgar and hateful ways somehow constitutes a valid support for any point he's trying to argue, or a refutation of any point of mine that he wishes to refute.

Not a bizarre interpretation at all...

You belong to a fucked up cult that taught for a very long time that black people were cursed by God with dark skin, while white people were "White and Delightsome". It's a truly fucked up view of the world, but it makes it easy to understand when a white cop shoots an innocent black person in the back, you immediately side with the cop.

Or you just might be a racist... I guess it would depend if you were born into your cult or you just joined it because two other racists in white shirts showed up at your door and you said, "Magic Underwear? That sounds awesome!!!"

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