I am aligned with Black Lives Matter!

Once again, for those playing along, Incel Joe has some sort of bizarre fetish/obsession with Mormons. He thinks that expressing this obsession in vulgar and hateful ways somehow constitutes a valid support for any point he's trying to argue, or a refutation of any point of mine that he wishes to refute.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Not a bizarre interpretation at all...

You belong to a fucked up cult that taught for a very long time that black people were cursed by God with dark skin, while white people were "White and Delightsome". It's a truly fucked up view of the world, but it makes it easy to understand when a white cop shoots an innocent black person in the back, you immediately side with the cop.

Or you just might be a racist... I guess it would depend if you were born into your cult or you just joined it because two other racists in white shirts showed up at your door and you said, "Magic Underwear? That sounds awesome!!!"
Yes, Bob, your whacky cult is whacky...

Magic Underwear, golden plates, it's a target rich environment...

My favorite one was the Mormon Forger who made up the White Salamander Letters, and your church gave him millions of dollars to hide them.
Yes, Bob, your whacky cult is whacky...

Magic Underwear, golden plates, it's a target rich environment...

My favorite one was the Mormon Forger who made up the White Salamander Letters, and your church gave him millions of dollars to hide them.

Nothing about my religion is nearly as whacky as your bizarre obsession, lies, and delusions about it.
Nothing about my religion is nearly as whacky as your bizarre obsession, lies, and delusions about it.

Still waiting for you to point out ONE THING I'm wrong about.

Look, man, I get it.... when you are inside a religion or a cult, you don't get to see the bad parts because they don't tell you about them. I grew up Catholic, and really didn't get to hear about the Crusades and the Inquisitions until I got to college and heard about them from third parties.
Look, man, I get it.... when you are inside a religion or a cult, you don't get to see the bad parts because they don't tell you about them. I grew up Catholic, and really didn't get to hear about the Crusades and the Inquisitions until I got to college and heard about them from third parties.

So, what you are claiming here is that as an ignorant cretin who only “knows” about Mormonism what you have read from sites that disseminate hateful lies and distortions against it (which you go on to twist even further from any truth than what any of these sources claimed to begin with), you know things about my religion that I, having been a member all my life (nearly sixty years) and come from a family that has been in this religion for almost as long as it has existed, don't know?

Even for you, do you realize how batshit crazy your position is, here?
I am 100% against cops who enforce unconstitutional laws. If you are a cop and you arrest someone for running their business or having more than 3 families in a house for dinner or a father for having a catch with his daughter in the park, you are trash.

FOLLOWING ORDERS is not an excuse. The Nuremburg trials is the precendent for that. Nazis who were just following orders to commit genocide were rightfully executed.
You’re a domestic terrorist and should be arrested !!!
Take a few and look up William Oertwig, an old friend of mine. He was a cop...for years. Did some years locked up in FL because of "not following directive" Really good guy
So, what you are claiming here is that as an ignorant cretin who only “knows” about Mormonism what you have read from sites that disseminate hateful lies and distortions against it (which you go on to twist even further from any truth than what any of these sources claimed to begin with), you know things about my religion that I, having been a member all my life (nearly sixty years) and come from a family that has been in this religion for almost as long as it has existed, don't know?

Even for you, do you realize how batshit crazy your position is, here?

Well, let's look at that. Most of the anti-Mormon websites are run by- wait for it- Ex Mormons. People who have probably gotten just as much exposure to the teachings as you've had, but unlike you, they said "Wait a minute, that doesn't sound reasonable!"

Not that there's ever a world where "Magic Underwear" sounds sane.

And again, as much as you complain about my "lies", you really don't point out, "Hey, Joe, this is what you got wrong about Joseph Smith's Child Brides".

Now unlike other religions, where origins are steeped deep in legend and history, Mormonism is recent enough to be one of two things.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God, and everything in the Book of Mormon is true.


2) Joseph Smith was making it up to con less smart people out of money and fuck their daughters.

There really isn't a middle ground like, oh, let's say Catholicism, where you can claim that Jesus had it right, but the Popes kind of screwed the whole thing up.

Now, getting back to the point relevant to this thread. Mormon teachings are that dark skin is a curse from God. The Book of Mormon itself says that the Lamanites were cursed by God with dark skin for killing the Nephites, and were the ancestors of Native Americans. (Incidentally, absolutely NO archeological evidence supports this.)

BLM has done great things for rich, white, Democrats.
Well, let's look at that. Most of the anti-Mormon websites are run by- wait for it- Ex Mormons. People who have probably gotten just as much exposure to the teachings as you've had, but unlike you, they said "Wait a minute, that doesn't sound reasonable!"

Not that there's ever a world where "Magic Underwear" sounds sane.

And again, as much as you complain about my "lies", you really don't point out, "Hey, Joe, this is what you got wrong about Joseph Smith's Child Brides".

Now unlike other religions, where origins are steeped deep in legend and history, Mormonism is recent enough to be one of two things.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God, and everything in the Book of Mormon is true.


2) Joseph Smith was making it up to con less smart people out of money and fuck their daughters.

There really isn't a middle ground like, oh, let's say Catholicism, where you can claim that Jesus had it right, but the Popes kind of screwed the whole thing up.

Now, getting back to the point relevant to this thread. Mormon teachings are that dark skin is a curse from God. The Book of Mormon itself says that the Lamanites were cursed by God with dark skin for killing the Nephites, and were the ancestors of Native Americans. (Incidentally, absolutely NO archeological evidence supports this.)

If any of what you jus posted was intended to refute the point that you are either lying, or batshit crazy, or both, then it's major fail on your part. You pretty much proved what you were trying to refute.

Your bizarre obsession about my religion, and your insane delusions about it, are far whackier than any truth about it, or even most of the insane claims from any of the sources on which you've based your delusions.
Wow. The core and essence of the right wing rolled into one post. And a Nazi cherry on top of the sundae! Well done.

^^ ^^ ^^ As usual, Funnelhead Jack criticizes people for defending Freedom and Liberty as promulgated under the Constitution and calls it NAZISM, while actually defending Nazi tactics of taking away human rights and liberty under the umbrella of "for the greater good of all" by USING jackbooted thuggery to blindly SUBMIT to the unjust will of the State under threat of FORCE.

Good one, Jack. A hypocrite like all leftists right down to your last corpuscle.

What is it with you idiots and tossing around the Nazi terms today? Did I miss a talking point distro email? None of you are smart enough to even know what context of saying something like that even is.
You and your ilk are nothing about freedom and liberty. Well you are..just for those just and white, righteous, gun toting Christians.
Everybody else can GFTs.

you mean this terrorist black lives matter?

blm dallas: fry em like bacon

blm looters

blm terrorized. diners

If any of what you jus posted was intended to refute the point that you are either lying, or batshit crazy, or both, then it's major fail on your part. You pretty much proved what you were trying to refute.

Your bizarre obsession about my religion, and your insane delusions about it, are far whackier than any truth about it, or even most of the insane claims from any of the sources on which you've based your delusions.

You're deflecting, buddy.

Now, if I had said something like "Mormons eat Babies", then you could point to your teachings and say, "that's totally wrong, Mormons don't eat babies".

But I said Mormons believe dark skin is a curse from God. That's actually in Mormon scriptures written by Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. And I can't 100% fault them, the inferiority of people of color was the prevailing train of scientific and social thought in 1840. So were whacko theories that the Mound Building Civilization must have been from the Old World because there's no way Native Americans could have built something that advanced. America in 1840 was as racist as all get out.... that's the whole point I'm trying to make. We are still paying for that to this very day.

Now, here's the deal. Scientific and Social Science can correct itself. You get more data, you realize people putting together theories were racists, you posit new theories that are more accurate, you pass sensible laws.

Religion, on the other hand, can't do that. God doesn't change his mind. If God Told Joseph Smith in 1840 that Dark Skin is the Curse of Ham, and Native Americans were turned dark because they had slaughtered the Nephites who built the mound cities, then some later Prophet can't come back and say, "Hey, I just had a chat with God, he was just kidding about that stuff!"

God didn't change his mind about letting black people have full membership in LDS, LDS was just afraid that in 1978, the Government was going to yank their tax exemptions if they didn't.

I don't put this criticism entirely on Mormons, I am equally critical of the Catholic Church for suddenly claiming in 1962 at Vatican 2 that the Jews didn't kill Jesus after saying they did for 1900 years, because everyone felt really bad about the Holocaust.

But I will defer to your further attempts to deflect. Have at it.
Now, if I had said something like "Mormons eat Babies", then you could point to your teachings and say, "that's totally wrong, Mormons don't eat babies".

But I said Mormons believe dark skin is a curse from God. That's actually in Mormon scriptures written by Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. And I can't 100% fault them, the inferiority of people of color was the prevailing train of scientific and social thought in 1840.

No, Incel Joe, Mormons do not actually believe any such thing. You're twisting a bit of our scripture to mean what you want it to mean, with no regard to what it actually means in the context that it was given. To be fair, many in the church made pretty much the same error, for much of our history, but it's still incorrect. As you observed, in what for you is an extremely rare instance of near-truth, is that the American culture of the time was quite racist, and most Americans were absolutely convinced that black people were seriously inferior to whites. I think it can be understood how many would take the narrow instance described in our scriptures, and misinterpret it into the broader incorrect principle that you attribute to us. Joseph Smith, himself, held and openly expressed views—quite radical for his time—to the effect that black people ought to be seen and treated as equal to whites.; He openly opposed slavery, and other abuses and mistreatment of black people.

So were whacko theories that the Mound Building Civilization must have been from the Old World because there's no way Native Americans could have built something that advanced.

And that's just plain bullshit. We never believed any such thing, and we never claimed any such thing. I don't think even the most bizarre anti-LDS sites make that claim, nor anything that leads to it. You're just pulling it out of your ass.
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No, Incel Joe, Mormons do not actually believe any such thing. You're twisting a bit of our scripture to mean what you want it to mean, with no regard to what it actually means in the context that it was given. To be fair, many in the church made pretty much the same error, for much of our history, but it's still incorrect.

Uh, guy, we aren't talking about "many in the Church". Your Church is lead by a "Prophets" who are in direct communication with God. Did God get it wrong when he told racist stuff to Smith and Young and all the guys who followed?

Or were they just dudes, reflecting the racism of their time?

YOu dodge around what is actually IN the texts of your scriptures, and they really aren't open to interpretation.

Ham was cursed with dark skin because he saw Noah's nakedness.

The Lamanites were cursed with dark skin .

2 Nephi, chapter 5

5:21 And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.
5:22 And thus saith the Lord God: I will cause that they shall be loathsome unto thy people, save they shall repent of their iniquities.

As you observed, in what for you is an extremely rare instance of near-truth, is that the American culture of the time was quite racist, and most Americans were absolutely convinced that black people were seriously inferior to whites. I think it can be understood how many would take the narrow instance described in our scriptures, and misinterpret it into the broader incorrect principle that you attribute to us.

Except, again, your scriptures supposedly come DIRECTLY FROM GOD. Did God get it wrong? Or was he just breaking it to you gently? The problem was, of course, that you guys kept doing it, even after everyone else kind of admitted it was wrong. You only admitted black people to the priesthood AFTER 1978 and the US Government was threatening your tax exemption. Just like you only stopped doing the Polygamy when you were told you couldn't get Utah into the union until you did.

Again, blaming the racism of 18th century Mormon is a tacit admission that they were just making stuff up.

Of course, I would be remiss if I pointed out other religions weren't guilty of this sort of stuff.. You want to see some tap-dancing, talk to a Fundy Christian about the verses regarding slavery or witch burning.

Joseph Smith, himself, held and openly expressed views—quite radical for his time—to the effect that black people ought to be seen and treated as equal to whites.; He openly opposed slavery, and other abuses and mistreatment of black people.

Actually, not really. Smith was for abolitionism when he was in New York and Ohio, Free states where Slavery wasn't popular. When he moved his cult to Missouri, he was pro-slavery. When Brigham Young took the show on the road to Utah, Utah was a slave territory.

Here, let me help you out.

In 1847, the Mormon pioneers arrived with African slaves, which was the first time African slavery was in the area.[1] Mormons arrived in the middle of the Mexican–American War and ignored the Mexican ban on slavery. Instead, slavery was recognized by custom, naturally coming from the Mormon view on blacks.[17] Like many Christians of the day, Mormons believed in the Curse of Cain and Curse of Ham. Early Mormon leaders taught that God decreed that blacks should be "servants of servants" and that governments did not have the power to reverse God's decree.[18] Three slaves arrived in the first company of pioneers, but more arrived in later companies.[19]

On February 4, 1852, Utah passed the Act in Relation to Service, which officially legalized slavery in Utah territory. Like in other slave states, slaves tried to escape, were sold or donated,[25] wanted their freedoms and were often treated similar to the slaves in other states.[26]

And that's just plain bullshit. We never believed any such thing, and we never claimed any such thing. I don't think even the most bizarre anti-LDS sites make that claim, nor anything that leads to it. You're just pulling it out of your ass.

The Smithsonian says differently.

“Mormonism sprang from the mounds,” wrote Roger Kennedy, former director of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Even before the Book of Mormon was published, Mormonism was linked to the Moundbuilder civilizations of North America. One man who claimed to have heard a reading of the lost 116 pages said “It was a description of the mounds about the country and similar to the ‘Book of Mormon.’” In 1843, Joseph Smith apparently alluded to the 116 pages when he said the Book of Mormon spoke about sacred burial places. Several authors have placed the Book of Mormon among other 19th century books about the origins of the Moundbuilders. At one time, there were over a million ancient earth mounds in North America; approximately 100,000 remain today. Many of these mounds are located in the territory from western New York through western Missouri where early Mormon history took place. Three specific mounds figure prominently in LDS history: Zelph’s mound in Illinois, the Kinderhook mound, also in Illinois, from which the six brass plates were taken, and Enon mound in Ohio. Until the early Saints leveled them to build homes and farms, Indian mounds dominated Nauvoo. Joseph Smith purchased one and resorted to it from time to time. Less well known are the mounds located just north of Nauvoo that have recently been discovered and preserved. The connections between Mormonism and the mounds of North America have yet to be fully explored.

Now, yes, today's Mormons have to admit that the BoM isn't describing the Mound building civilizations of North America but try to lay claim to other civilizations of MesoAmerica... But that doesn't really fly, either.

Much like the book of Mormon talks about Elephants and Horses in the New World, which would have been extinct long before the Nephites arrived.

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