I am an atheist.

Uh....hey genius....that's exactly why it's utter nonsense! Duh, man. All of you magical thinkers suffer from the same, basic mental block .

You all also suffer the very childish affliction of taking criticism of your magical bullshit personally. Thus occurs because "Because I say so!" is all you will ever have to support your magical bullshit. Therefore, you take any criticism of these ideas as an insult of your own credibility and intellect.

And....you're right! It absolutely is. That's YOUR choice for hitching your mind to these ideas. Your credibility and intellect is rightfully ridiculed.

What you don't seem to understand is that the story of Pinocchio is about a marionette that became a real boy, but at the same time it is not about a marionette that became a real boy. If someone believed that it was about a puppet coming to life it would be a belief in magical bullshit but thats not what the story is about. What the story is actually about was never written down and is not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.


What you see in scripture, all that you see, magical bullshit, is not what I am talking about or suggesting. Thats not what scripture is about anymore than the story of Pinocchio is about magical bullshit. What scripture is actually about was never written down and is not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.


That you can't grasp that irrefutable truth demonstrates a lack of intelligence. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

Your belief that what amount to fairy tales could have infinite interpretations which are impossible to distinguish between what is true or false or right or wrong while posturing as an intellectual superior is just funny. Stupid but funny.

You should have paid attention in the first grade.

If you spend too much time on Pleasure Island those donkey ears are there to stay. (Piniocchio 3:14)

Capisce? Can I get a hee haw?

Yet, unlike Pinnochio, the Bible stories are interpreted in myriad ways. Ykur response to this? Your interpretation of each is correct, because you say so. And, as we know, there really is no way to tell if you are correct, or even if you are correct in your rather hilariously stupid assertion that the authors never meant any of it to be literal. You're just a hack with an opinion who thinks he is some authority. You aren't, it's all magical bullshit, and the fact is, much of it is immoral, evil bullshit.
Unlike other books, the Bible is a living book with multiple meanings surrounding every passage. However, those meaning do not contradict each other. Interpretation comes by way of the Holy Spirit.
No, that is not true. The Holy Spirit does not guide the individual reader to interpret the Bible.

1 Corinthians 2:14

But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. <SNIP>

And since the Holy Spirit is the author of the Bible, you cannot understand it without the help of it's author.
So why has the "Holy Spirit" led so many different people to interpret the Bible so differently? The Catholics don't interpret the bible like the Lutherans, who don't interpret the Bible Like the Calvinists, who don't interpret the bible like the Baptists, etc. And just to completely mind-fuck everyone, Traditional Baptists don't interpret the Bible the same Southern Baptists! What. The. Actual. Fuck?!?! It seems your Holy Spirit isn't a very consistent guide. And every denomination insists that they, and they alone, know the "appropriate" understanding of "God's Word". See, for all of the problems that taking a literal approach to the bible brings with it, this is the problem that taking an interpretive approach to any part of the Bible that is not Eschatology (Prophesy) creates. Anyone with half a brain, and enough charisma, can decide that "x" in the bible actually means "y", and can make the same claim that the other 33 THOUSAND Christian Denominations have made - that the Holy Spirit "led them to this truth". And voila; a new denomination is born. And who would tell them they're wrong? Clearly the Holy Spirit likes confusion, and diversity, as it keeps interpreting the bible differently for everyone who reads it - 33 thousand different interpretations.

Or is the more likely explanation that there is no "Holy Spirit", and it is just the imagination, and charisma of a successful snake oil salesman who saw an opportunity, and took full advantage of it?
I never said that I knew what the authors were thinking, I know what they were teaching.
I have seen some embarrassing dodges in my day, and this one is definitely up there with the most embarrassing. I think we're done here.

dodges? right. lol. I corrected you.. You want to quit now? Don't you want to learn the fate of the talking serpent ? Aren't you having fun?


How many of you are there?
Yes, that was an embarrassing dodge. Really, truly a perfect example of both intellectual dishonesty and stupidty at the same time.
How can you even profess to know that its all magical bullshit if there is no way to discover what the truth is? Damn.
Uh....hey genius....that's exactly why it's utter nonsense! Duh, man. All of you magical thinkers suffer from the same, basic mental block .

You all also suffer the very childish affliction of taking criticism of your magical bullshit personally. Thus occurs because "Because I say so!" is all you will ever have to support your magical bullshit. Therefore, you take any criticism of these ideas as an insult of your own credibility and intellect.

And....you're right! It absolutely is. That's YOUR choice for hitching your mind to these ideas. Your credibility and intellect is rightfully ridiculed.

What you don't seem to understand is that the story of Pinocchio is about a marionette that became a real boy, but at the same time it is not about a marionette that became a real boy. If someone believed that it was about a puppet coming to life it would be a belief in magical bullshit but thats not what the story is about. What the story is actually about was never written down and is not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.


What you see in scripture, all that you see, magical bullshit, is not what I am talking about or suggesting. Thats not what scripture is about anymore than the story of Pinocchio is about magical bullshit. What scripture is actually about was never written down and is not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.


That you can't grasp that irrefutable truth demonstrates a lack of intelligence. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

Your belief that what amount to fairy tales could have infinite interpretations which are impossible to distinguish between what is true or false or right or wrong while posturing as an intellectual superior is just funny. Stupid but funny.

You should have paid attention in the first grade.

If you spend too much time on Pleasure Island those donkey ears are there to stay. (Piniocchio 3:14)

Capisce? Can I get a hee haw?

Yet, unlike Pinnochio, the Bible stories are interpreted in myriad ways. Ykur response to this? Your interpretation of each is correct, because you say so. And, as we know, there really is no way to tell if you are correct, or even if you are correct in your rather hilariously stupid assertion that the authors never meant any of it to be literal. You're just a hack with an opinion who thinks he is some authority. You aren't, it's all magical bullshit, and the fact is, much of it is immoral, evil bullshit.
Unlike other books, the Bible is a living book with multiple meanings surrounding every passage. However, those meaning do not contradict each other. Interpretation comes by way of the Holy Spirit.
What a waste of time and load of shit. What version of the Bible? Old Testament too? Imagine if you studied science as a kid instead of religion. We’d be to mars already.

You hand your kid all those holy books I’ll get my kid into science.
Without Christ there is no way to win the fight against evil, just like without the law there is no light, only darkness and confusion.

there is no rational correlation for the above or that light is preceded by anything. there simply is not a christ. the metaphysical axioms are inviolable, the outcome is purely the exertion of the individual involved.
Without Christ there is no way to win the fight against evil, just like without the law there is no light, only darkness and confusion.

there is no rational correlation for the above or that light is preceded by anything. there simply is not a christ. the metaphysical axioms are inviolable, the outcome is purely the exertion of the individual involved.

Light in scripture is a word that has several implied meanings in addition to the obvious literal meaning..

Divine law was given as a light to the nations.

Without light, the outcome of any exertion is disaster..
Light in scripture is a word that has several implied meanings in addition to the obvious literal meaning..

Divine law was given as a light to the nations.

Divine law was given as a light to the nations.

is there an etching in stone of "divine law " not written by an individual ... is there another source than your book or without the desert books there is no light ...

the other beings on this planet seem to do just fine knowing the laws without reading a single page.

the light shines for whoever bothers to see it ... and is not a sinner, so I am in agreement with you on that.
Light in scripture is a word that has several implied meanings in addition to the obvious literal meaning..

Divine law was given as a light to the nations.

Divine law was given as a light to the nations.

is there an etching in stone of "divine law " not written by an individual ... is there another source than your book or without the desert books there is no light ...

the other beings on this planet seem to do just fine knowing the laws without reading a single page.

the light shines for whoever bothers to see it ... and is not a sinner, so I am in agreement with you on that.
I suppose that you are right. I was living a kosher life before I ever read the bible.

Many atheists conform to the teaching of kosher law and have tasted its benefits without even knowing it and then dismiss the entirety of scripture as magical bullshit.

Many professed believers fail to heed its instruction and are suffering the consequences without knowing it and then dismiss scientific facts as the deceptions of the devil.

Many unbelievers would prefer suffering and a difficult life vigilantly standing guard over the sanity of their own minds rather than a smooth and easy life acquired by adopting the vile teachings and imitating the degrading practices of unclean creatures that do not ruminate and act nuckin futz.

Many believers would prefer suffering confusion and a difficult life rather than to admit even the smallest of truths.

Things are worse than they seem. You need to find the hidden door that the angels pulled Lot through, pronto Tonto.

This is not a drill.

Whatever a person believes or doesn't believe and whether they can even read or not, straight, narrow, and difficult is the way that leads to eternal life and few are they who find it.
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If you are hungry, I will offer you food.
If you are thirsty, I will offer water.
If you are cold, I will offer warmth.
If you are in need, ask and I will give.
If you are in trouble, ask and I will help.

I do not do this things in hope of being rewarded, or out of fear of being punished. I do these things, because I know them to be right. I set my own standards, and I, alone, enforce them...

...I am an atheist.
how foolish you learned these things by being in contact of all people aswell God lives inside you

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