I am an atheist.

Uh....hey genius....that's exactly why it's utter nonsense! Duh, man. All of you magical thinkers suffer from the same, basic mental block .

You all also suffer the very childish affliction of taking criticism of your magical bullshit personally. Thus occurs because "Because I say so!" is all you will ever have to support your magical bullshit. Therefore, you take any criticism of these ideas as an insult of your own credibility and intellect.

And....you're right! It absolutely is. That's YOUR choice for hitching your mind to these ideas. Your credibility and intellect is rightfully ridiculed.

What you don't seem to understand is that the story of Pinocchio is about a marionette that became a real boy, but at the same time it is not about a marionette that became a real boy. If someone believed that it was about a puppet coming to life it would be a belief in magical bullshit but thats not what the story is about. What the story is actually about was never written down and is not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.


What you see in scripture, all that you see, magical bullshit, is not what I am talking about or suggesting. Thats not what scripture is about anymore than the story of Pinocchio is about magical bullshit. What scripture is actually about was never written down and is not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.


That you can't grasp that irrefutable truth demonstrates a lack of intelligence. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

Your belief that what amount to fairy tales could have infinite interpretations which are impossible to distinguish between what is true or false or right or wrong while posturing as an intellectual superior is just funny. Stupid but funny.

You should have paid attention in the first grade.

If you spend too much time on Pleasure Island those donkey ears are there to stay. (Piniocchio 3:14)

Capisce? Can I get a hee haw?

Yet, unlike Pinnochio, the Bible stories are interpreted in myriad ways. Ykur response to this? Your interpretation of each is correct, because you say so. And, as we know, there really is no way to tell if you are correct, or even if you are correct in your rather hilariously stupid assertion that the authors never meant any of it to be literal. You're just a hack with an opinion who thinks he is some authority. You aren't, it's all magical bullshit, and the fact is, much of it is immoral, evil bullshit.
Unlike other books, the Bible is a living book with multiple meanings surrounding every passage. However, those meaning do not contradict each other. Interpretation comes by way of the Holy Spirit.

That is just plain false.

One cannot conform to a literal interpretation of the law which forbids eating the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate without violating the deeper implications of the exact same law because the teaching that a person can be defiled or become holy by eating or abstaining from certain food is the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

This revelation is from the Spirit of truth.
Certainly, this was factual. The Hebrews were being set apart and were to be an illustration to the pagan nations of what righteousness and perfection were to be.

It is not factual that there are no contradictions in the bible. In fact the Bible is full of contradictions which were put there intentionally like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

And according to the Bible the Jews were set apart to be a light to the nations, not as an illustration, but to teach the nations the wisdom in the divine commands.

Thats what Jesus was arguing about with those orthodox religious authorities and "experts" of the law who wanted to keep the teaching of the law secret and hidden from the nations and even from other Jews.

Thats why he said , "No one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel." He was admonishing them for failing to comply with the will of God for the nations to understand the wisdom in the law and share in the promised exalted experience of life for compliance.

Thats why they reviled and despised him as a love thy enemy traitor and ultimately set the stage to have him killed.
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How can you even profess to know that its all magical bullshit if there is no way to discover what the truth is? Damn.
Uh....hey genius....that's exactly why it's utter nonsense! Duh, man. All of you magical thinkers suffer from the same, basic mental block .

You all also suffer the very childish affliction of taking criticism of your magical bullshit personally. Thus occurs because "Because I say so!" is all you will ever have to support your magical bullshit. Therefore, you take any criticism of these ideas as an insult of your own credibility and intellect.

And....you're right! It absolutely is. That's YOUR choice for hitching your mind to these ideas. Your credibility and intellect is rightfully ridiculed.

What you don't seem to understand is that the story of Pinocchio is about a marionette that became a real boy, but at the same time it is not about a marionette that became a real boy. If someone believed that it was about a puppet coming to life it would be a belief in magical bullshit but thats not what the story is about. What the story is actually about was never written down and is not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.


What you see in scripture, all that you see, magical bullshit, is not what I am talking about or suggesting. Thats not what scripture is about anymore than the story of Pinocchio is about magical bullshit. What scripture is actually about was never written down and is not directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.


That you can't grasp that irrefutable truth demonstrates a lack of intelligence. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

Your belief that what amount to fairy tales could have infinite interpretations which are impossible to distinguish between what is true or false or right or wrong while posturing as an intellectual superior is just funny. Stupid but funny.

You should have paid attention in the first grade.

If you spend too much time on Pleasure Island those donkey ears are there to stay. (Piniocchio 3:14)

Capisce? Can I get a hee haw?

Yet, unlike Pinnochio, the Bible stories are interpreted in myriad ways. Ykur response to this? Your interpretation of each is correct, because you say so. And, as we know, there really is no way to tell if you are correct, or even if you are correct in your rather hilariously stupid assertion that the authors never meant any of it to be literal. You're just a hack with an opinion who thinks he is some authority. You aren't, it's all magical bullshit, and the fact is, much of it is immoral, evil bullshit.
Unlike other books, the Bible is a living book with multiple meanings surrounding every passage. However, those meaning do not contradict each other. Interpretation comes by way of the Holy Spirit.
No, that is not true. The Holy Spirit does not guide the individual reader to interpret the Bible.

1 Corinthians 2:14

But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. <SNIP>

And since the Holy Spirit is the author of the Bible, you cannot understand it without the help of it's author.
Its all magical bullshit. Because you said so... right
Correct! And there's no way to tell if I am right or wrong. Dang....it has taken you how long to finally get this???

lol...No way of telling if you are wrong?? you can believe that if it makes you feel better

It must be extremely bizarre living in a fantasy world where there is no way of grasping the teaching of a children's fairy tale, no way of distinguishing between true or false, right or wrong.

No way of telling if you are wrong??
That's right, no way at all. That's why you have been unable to even attempt it, despite weeks of crybabying.
Attempt what? What is it that you would like for me to do? Attempt to prove that a talking snake isn't a metaphor for a particular type of person or people even though it talks and is described in great detail?

lol...thats your job.

I would rather feed the pigeons...
No way of telling if you are wrong??
That's right, no way at all. That's why you have been unable to even attempt it, despite weeks of crybabying.
Attempt what? What is it that you would like for me to do? Attempt to prove that a talking snake isn't a metaphor for a particular type of person or people even though it talks and is described in great detail?

lol...thats your job.

I would rather feed the pigeons...
That's not very specific, professor. So...the snake is personified? Whoah, that's deep!

Now, you are sure the author didnt believe that magical stuff? You...asked him?
No way of telling if you are wrong??
That's right, no way at all. That's why you have been unable to even attempt it, despite weeks of crybabying.
Attempt what? What is it that you would like for me to do? Attempt to prove that a talking snake isn't a metaphor for a particular type of person or people even though it talks and is described in great detail?

lol...thats your job.

I would rather feed the pigeons...
That's not very specific, professor. So...the snake is personified? Whoah, that's deep!

Now, you are sure the author didnt believe that magical stuff? You...asked him?

My! What big eyes you have there Grandma!


When I first read the story of the talking serpent in the garden of Eden, during my brief stint in religious instruction, I noticed within a fraction of a second that it was a metaphor for a type of person like in every other fairytale or fable with mythological creatures that I ever read or was read to me when I was younger. I was in the second grade and I didn't need any proof. I was fortunate enough to be learning how to understand fairy tales fables etc. in public elementary school..

Whats taking you so long?

You need proof that the author of what amounts to a children's story didn't believe in talking serpents? You think I have to prove you wrong that he actually believed that serpents could talk? A guy who just came from egypt where pharoah who disputed with Moses wore a serpent on his head and coincidentally could talk? lol..

Don't you even have enough sense to be embarrassed?

No way of telling if you are wrong??
That's right, no way at all. That's why you have been unable to even attempt it, despite weeks of crybabying.
Attempt what? What is it that you would like for me to do? Attempt to prove that a talking snake isn't a metaphor for a particular type of person or people even though it talks and is described in great detail?

lol...thats your job.

I would rather feed the pigeons...
That's not very specific, professor. So...the snake is personified? Whoah, that's deep!

Now, you are sure the author didnt believe that magical stuff? You...asked him?

My! What big eyes you have there Grandma!


When I first read the story of the talking serpent in the garden of Eden, during my brief stint in religious instruction, I noticed within a fraction of a second that it was a metaphor for a type of person like in every other fairytale or fable with mythological creatures that I ever read or was read to me when I was younger. I was in the second grade and I didn't need any proof. I was fortunate enough to be learning how to understand fairy tales fables etc. in public elementary school..

Whats taking you so long?

You need proof that the author of what amounts to a children's story didn't believe in talking serpents? You think I have to prove you wrong that he actually believed that serpents could talk? A guy who just came from egypt where pharoah who disputed with Moses wore a serpent on his head and coincidentally could talk? lol..

Don't you even have enough sense to be embarrassed?

So your amazing powers of perception told you the snake was personified? Wow, way to put that 9th grade English class to good use!

Now, let me get this straight...you are, indeed, a magical thinker who argues for theism. But you also somehow know, using your amazing powers gifted to you by ....you, that the bible's authors didnt actually believe any of what they erote.

Do I have that right?

Oh, and I notice your personal interpretations of bible tales get more vague whenever they are scrutinized. Funny how that works. Yet...they are the only correct ones! Of course.
Again, you're conflating law with morality.
No, you did that, right here.
Societal norms are the laws the society agrees to.
The hermit's morals will be shown not to be valid as they will not assist his survival, they are a poor choice for his situation. However, the neighbouring village with the same morals will flourish. Until it doesn't, of course, with the coming of germs and steel.
Again, you're conflating law with morality. They are not the same thing. By your logic, because it is the "community norm", abortion is perfectly moral. However, there are clearly many individuals who would insist otherwise.
If there are many individuals who disagree, it is not a community norm.
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Out of curiosity, where are you from? Because there is certainly no such "norm" in any town, or city that I have lived in in the US.
That is why you have trouble with norms varying with communities. Check out my location, it's not a secret.
You don't go from the initial state which is no expansion of slavery and cease importing
Absolutely. Tolerating slavery for votes. Though I don't see there the prohibition of slavery in new territories.
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the teaching that a person can be defiled or become holy by eating or abstaining from certain food is the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

This revelation is from the Spirit of truth.
Ah. The Spirit is incomprehensible. Fair enough.

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