I am Anto9us

I say Hoo-wah a lot, Claire.

I don't THINK islands cry...

I think Freud's cigar is just a cigar, Damaged Eagle
Ah ha! So now you’re going to give me a book quote that I just read that used that exact analogy about Freudian associations when some things are in fact, just are - perfect! Unless you’re a mind reader that is… looking what you posted to DE and you don’t THINK islands cry eludes to you know it’s a definite possibility… either that or just good hey- I had to come back and edit to add in the mushroom part again and there should be a :) after that lol
it's possible that islands cry but that would make Simon and Garfunkel song wrong

I am missing MUSHROOMS
I say Hoo-wah a lot, Claire.

I don't THINK islands cry...

I think Freud's cigar is just a cigar, Damaged Eagle
What do you think about Bill Clinton's cigar?
Or Alexandria Ocasio Cortez' mustache?
Do you think Jenner is still male dressed in drag?
Do you think Milo will stay ex-gay or will go run for office as a Democrat when therapy fails and he needs to find a bigger stunt to publicize to troll liberals.

Will we see Jenner and Milo run as a split ticket?

What do you see happening in the political media circus to top the previous acts of nonsense?
What do you think about Bill Clinton's cigar?

It is full of marijuana, not tobacco - but he doesn't inhale.

Or Alexandria Ocasio Cortez' mustache?

The sea is very beautiful here,

Do you think Jenner is still male dressed in drag?


Do you think Milo will stay ex-gay or will go run for office as a Democrat when therapy fails and he needs to find a bigger stunt to publicize to troll liberals.

Stay ex-gay.

Will we see Jenner and Milo run as a split ticket?


What do you see happening in the political media circus to top the previous acts of nonsense?

AOC becomes male.
Welfare Queen - everybody is Diamond or Platinum - and I am still a Rookie!

Sock investigations will prove that everybody is everybody else.
I do wish I knew what everybody was talking about. :/
Hi Potterhead2021
1. One train of thought is following the rock song genre and throwing out oldie references. As for Rock and Simon and Garfunkel, I wrote a whole series www.rocktheearth.us as a musical protest campaign to save redwood forest wilderness and wildlife, that contains a Memorial Song to "Sound of Silence" to honor a young activist who died defending trees ten times his age

2. Another is messing with Anto9us for his user name, which digresses into Zen Koan banter of free association and interpreting whatever people post to psychoanalyze them as having Freudian, Mommy or Daddy issues, or a battle to see who is the bigger loser, psycho, or bored poster living in their mother's basement.

3. As for figuring out who's who, friend or foe, skye is actually one of the more outspoken posters I should have included in the list of best members to follow and introduce to you. Sorry skye and sarahgop. Potterhead2021 and Ziggy are both new to any board that actually lets Conservatives and Christians speak freely without getting banned as bigots. Ziggy ain't afraid to speak for herself. Potterhead2021 does not want to be mean, and still sees this place as a bit rough. skye sarahgop if you know of some good threads or posts, can you tag Ziggy or PM to our friendly Potterhead April and let her dive in deeper. She is nice, and they just don't teach Christians how to slap people back while remaining polite and proper. I had to learn that on my own here (practicing in the FZ).


Anto9us Which is your favorite song or band: NIN, Simon & Garfunkel, Billy Joel,
The Eagles?

If I can find a song I already spoofed to protest politics, I will ask G.T. or other musician/producers on here to get it recorded and dedicated to you!

I rewrote Hotel California as Liberal California. Other spoofs on NIN are against all politics, 2 are environmental protests against corporate destruction.

If those are too depressing, I also have
Old Time Rock and Roll rewritten as
Old Fashion Natural Laws,
and even a two stepping county song

Pick a song or genre.
Let's make some music
instead of just posting about it....
Emily - my favorite band is EAGLES - Desperado album is the ultimate...

You can check out any time you like - but you can never leave
Bingo Anto9us
Yay or Nay to this version:

WELCOME! to Liberal California
Liberal lyrics to Hotel California. What I have so far.
Please share with anyone who could help
with a recording that sounds like Don Henley. Then all it
needs is a few photo slides of lovely California and the Border....


Hanging out on the West Coast
We got the craziest laws
Defend Sanctuary Cities
While we ban plastic straws.

If you ask, you can have one.
If you don't, there's a fine.
Don't you hand out any plastic bags,
That's where we draw the line!

We wanted Hillary Clinton
To be the next President.
We'd secede from the Union,
But we can't pay our debts.

So we keep raising taxes
Putting folks on the streets.
If you don't move to Texas,
You'll be speaking Chinese!

WELCOME! To Liberal California!
Such a lovely place (can't afford the space)
Just renting a room costs too much if you were born here.
But commit a crime, and live off our dime!

Dirt piles on every corner
Got us put on the map.
No African countries
Could compete with our crap!

Hollywood politicians
Give out sweet sound advice -
Try getting past their mansion walls
When you're running from ICE!

WELCOME! To Liberal California!
Such a lovely place (can't afford the space)
Just renting a room costs too much if you were born here.
But commit a crime, and live off our dime!
Umm actually, just so you guys know Ziggy is no longer a member here.

I put this in April's thread also...
I'm gonna pull an April and invite Mark Zeus from outta nowhere to come join your thread and rock out Libertarian/Independent style.

Let me dig up my Bob Seger rewrite.
Hey if Liberals can rewrite history, we can take liberty with rock classics and let it roll right back if you wanna play that game...
Well she isn't banned she just decided she didn't want to come here anymore so I figured that was alright to mention.
little too tall
coulda used a few pounds

tight pants - points - hardly renown
Well she isn't banned she just decided she didn't want to come here anymore so I figured that was alright to mention.
Well I wanted to collaborate with her on her last msg that I was planning to reply to. I had conference mtgs all weekend.
Please let her know I like what she said and got more ideas out of it but didnt reply yet. Sorry!
Well I wanted to collaborate with her on her last msg that I was planning to reply to. I had conference mtgs all weekend.
Please let her know I like what she said and got more ideas out of it but didnt reply yet. Sorry!

Sorry I can't because I don't go on her one forum anymore and I was banned from the other.

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