I am no longer the "real conservative" I became 3 weeks ago

Here’s the problem with those who have a problem with BLM.

Far too many white simply refuse to engage in good faith dialogue with blacks with regard to the black perspective and that which blacks consider to be at issue.

So you're going to judge all white people based on some. You're going to oppress the whole to punish the part. I notice that in replying to my post you didn't bother to actually address the point I made. You just jumped in and started complaining about white people.

You know Clayton, you're a real piece of shit. You're a racist fuck head who gets bitch slapped over and over again because you can't get it through your head that making asinine responses to every thoughtful argument that destroys your point makes you the idiot. You're not clever. You're not finding some kind of deep, secret wisdom. You're not wearing magic fucking clothes that only special people can see, you're just prancing around like a goddamned fool. Go kill yourself already you waste of oxygen.
I don't think all cops are bad. We have great people who do vital work as cops. They save lives and risk their lives while doing it. I DO think there is a major problem with corrupt cops. Their actions are leading to people dying. Usually these people are black and seemingly being viewed as cattle that these corrupt cops can treat however they feel. This is an issue. Minorities are viewed in a negative light. Corrupt cops exist. Not all cops are evil people. Some are. Innocent people are dying and their are racism plays a part in it. Black lives matter
I can't associate with people who don't understand what "Black Lives Matter" means


The guy in your cartoon that thinks all lives matter...why is it his job to but the fire out?

Stated differently, could it possibly be that whatever level of dissatisfaction some Black folks experience might be due to something other than endemic racism? Or is Whitey always to blame?

I argue it's the former. In other words, put your own damn fire out.
I don't think all cops are bad. We have great people who do vital work as cops. They save lives and risk their lives while doing it. I DO think there is a major problem with corrupt cops. Their actions are leading to people dying. Usually these people are black and seemingly being viewed as cattle that these corrupt cops can treat however they feel. This is an issue. Minorities are viewed in a negative light. Corrupt cops exist. Not all cops are evil people. Some are. Innocent people are dying and their are racism plays a part in it. Black lives matter
While I agree with much of your post I would take exception with some things. I don't believe most of these incidents involve corrupt or racist cops. Just as an example Tamir Rice in Cleveland. People don't seem to realize that when shot he was reaching into his waist band and pulling out what looked like a 45 cal. Don't get me wrong I was as horrified as anyone at the thought of a 14 yr old being shot dead. I also have to put myself in the position of the officer who pulls up and immediately has some one pull a 45 on him. I was born in the area where he was killed and know officers that know the officer who fired. By all accounts he is neither corrupt nor racist and was horrified to find out it was a kid with a fake gun.

Some of these incidents have been blatant and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but the vast majority involve split second decisions in high intensity situations. The media and those who seem to want to capitalize on these events almost immediately jump on the racist, corrupt cop bandwagon before any facts are in and that does no one any good.

I also question the idea that it is usually minorities that suffer. The study that kicked much of this debate off stated that blacks were 21 times more likely to be shot by police. The study has been ripped to shreds by peer review thoroughly and repeatedly. Cherry picking stats does not help anything. Sadly it all comes back to the immpossibilty of having a rational discussion in this country, you're either with us or against us is the cry from all sides.

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