“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."

Lol..torture? Firing a couple shots above the mans head?

Gotta love Allen West

Scumbag tortured a guy who hadn't worked with the insurgents. not to mention his men beat the guy up before the shooting.

Hey. We have regulations against this sort of thing, and we have them for a REASON.
Lol..torture? Firing a couple shots above the mans head?

Gotta love Allen West

Scumbag tortured a guy who hadn't worked with the insurgents. not to mention his men beat the guy up before the shooting.

Hey. We have regulations against this sort of thing, and we have them for a REASON.

Yeah the same islamonazis who shoot our soldiers who train them in the back..You're a joke sickly boy:slap:
Yeah the same islamonazis who shoot our soldiers who train them in the back..You're a joke sickly boy

If the people we are training are shooting us in the back, we probably shouldn't be there.

Not that his was the case with the guy Uncle Tom Tortured. This was just some innocent Iraqi policeman who paid the price for Uncle TOm's inability to lead.
Yeah the same islamonazis who shoot our soldiers who train them in the back..You're a joke sickly boy

If the people we are training are shooting us in the back, we probably shouldn't be there.

Not that his was the case with the guy Uncle Tom Tortured. This was just some innocent Iraqi policeman who paid the price for Uncle TOm's inability to lead.
I'm sure sickly white boy.He was some innocent islamonazi minding his own business killing the infidels:slap:

Apparently not knowing where West's gun was aimed, Hamoody cracked and gave information about the planned ambush on West's convoy, thwarting the attack.

West said there were no further ambushes on U.S. forces in Taji until he was relieved of his leadership post on October 4

"I know the method I used was not right, but I wanted to take care of my soldiers," West testified to a military courtroom of observers and some teary-eyed troops formerly under his command.

Asked if he would have act differently if under similar circumstances again, West testified, "If it's about the lives of my soldiers at stake, I'd go through hell with a gasoline can."

CNN.com - U.S. officer fined for harsh interrogation tactics - Dec. 13, 2003
Correlation does not equal causality. The information that this guy provided under torture did not help, because the guy didn't know anything.

That was the point.

That's why the Army threw this clown out. He was a danger to himself and others.
Correlation does not equal causality. The information that this guy provided under torture did not help, because the guy didn't know anything.

That was the point.

That's why the Army threw this clown out. He was a danger to himself and others.
Allen West is a hero. You're a "danger to this country" There's too many of you here. islamonazi apologist, who hate America:cuckoo:
Correlation does not equal causality. The information that this guy provided under torture did not help, because the guy didn't know anything.

That was the point.

That's why the Army threw this clown out. He was a danger to himself and others.
Allen West is a hero. You're a "danger to this country" There's too many of you here. islamonazi apologist, who hate America:cuckoo:
The Islamists are no more a danger to us than the Zionists. They are all serious troublemakers, not a one of which we need.

West, BTW, is a coward and that is why he was forced to resign.
Without war, and victory, there is no peace, and yes you're a dumb ass, islamonazi apologist. If all Jews were like you, there would be no Jews.

War doesn't bring peace. It just brings more war. You think you Zionists, who've been pretty much at war with your neighbors for 70 years, would get that.

Military prosecutors didn't save any American lives sickly boy, Allen West did. Traitors like this are more your type of hero..

Actually, the guy he tortured in violation of military regulations, had no information. He was an innocent Iraqi policeman who really didn't know anything about IED's.

Also, when you go into a country to "liberate" it (the people, not the oil) its' really, really bad form to torture the people who've enlisted to help you.

War brings peace it it is fought to its conclusion which should ALWAYS be the total destruction, demoralization, humiliation and capitulation of the enemy.

Wars fought for nation building, attempting to alter thousands of years of life style and unalterable customs is doomed to failure.

That is the lesson that should be learned and adhered to by any nation that foolishly engages in war without proper determination.
Without war, and victory, there is no peace, and yes you're a dumb ass, islamonazi apologist. If all Jews were like you, there would be no Jews.

War doesn't bring peace. It just brings more war. You think you Zionists, who've been pretty much at war with your neighbors for 70 years, would get that.

Military prosecutors didn't save any American lives sickly boy, Allen West did. Traitors like this are more your type of hero..

Actually, the guy he tortured in violation of military regulations, had no information. He was an innocent Iraqi policeman who really didn't know anything about IED's.

Also, when you go into a country to "liberate" it (the people, not the oil) its' really, really bad form to torture the people who've enlisted to help you.

War brings peace it it is fought to its conclusion which should ALWAYS be the total destruction, demoralization, humiliation and capitulation of the enemy.

Wars fought for nation building, attempting to alter thousands of years of life style and unalterable customs is doomed to failure.

That is the lesson that should be learned and adhered to by any nation that foolishly engages in war without proper determination.
War brings peace it it is fought to its conclusion which should ALWAYS be the total destruction, demoralization, humiliation and capitulation of the enemy.

And when has this ever been accomplished?
JoeB131, your repeated reference to Colonel Alan West as an "Uncle Tom" made me look up the definition of the term in Wikipedia.

Here is the definition of "Uncle Tom":

"A person who is slavish and excessively subservient to perceived authority figures, particularly a black person who behaves in a subservient manner to white people; or any person perceived to be complicit in the oppression of their own group".

That is the absolutely perfect definition of President Barak Obama.
Hate to tell you, but if West was as good a leader as some on this board claim, he wouldn't have been forced to resign, he would have been advanced to a general's rank.

And..............just because someone has served, doesn't mean they are better or smarter than anyone else. I served over 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and can tell you there were quite a few Captains (equivalent Navy rank to Colonel) that were very poor leaders. I remember one in particular on my first ship who had to micromanage everything, while not really doing anything. He was later relieved of his command because during a really heavy fog, he got nervous and took the helm from the watch and promptly ran over a buoy.

No, I don't really think much of Adam West as either a military man or a human being.
World War II.

except it didn't really happen there. Italy switch sides and Japan was allowed to surrender with her government intact and the Emperor still in office. So really, it was only germany that meets the conditions you laid out. And even then, we quickly rebuilt Germany- some of that "nation building" you guys on the right whine about - as a bulwark against the Soviets, who we would fight off and on for the next 40 years.
World War II.

except it didn't really happen there. Italy switch sides and Japan was allowed to surrender with her government intact and the Emperor still in office. So really, it was only germany that meets the conditions you laid out. And even then, we quickly rebuilt Germany- some of that "nation building" you guys on the right whine about - as a bulwark against the Soviets, who we would fight off and on for the next 40 years.

If you think that Japan was not totally demoralized after the nukes were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, you are wrong. The fact that the Emperor was allowed to remain office speaks of the magnanimity of the United States, not the lack of humiliating defeat of Japan.

The utter victory is getting your enemy switch sides and become your friend/ally.
World War II.

except it didn't really happen there. Italy switch sides and Japan was allowed to surrender with her government intact and the Emperor still in office. So really, it was only germany that meets the conditions you laid out. And even then, we quickly rebuilt Germany- some of that "nation building" you guys on the right whine about - as a bulwark against the Soviets, who we would fight off and on for the next 40 years.

If you think that Japan was not totally demoralized after the nukes were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, you are wrong. The fact that the Emperor was allowed to remain office speaks of the magnanimity of the United States, not the lack of humiliating defeat of Japan.

The utter victory is getting your enemy switch sides and become your friend/ally.

He's an blithering idiot, and the only country he wants totally destroyed is Israel:cuckoo:
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World War II.

except it didn't really happen there. Italy switch sides and Japan was allowed to surrender with her government intact and the Emperor still in office. So really, it was only germany that meets the conditions you laid out. And even then, we quickly rebuilt Germany- some of that "nation building" you guys on the right whine about - as a bulwark against the Soviets, who we would fight off and on for the next 40 years.
Japan's government was not left intact. It was reformed from the top down as a constitutional republic with elected office holders. The emperor was made into a figure head. You couldn't have gotten that more wrong.
which is why the Army threw him out, after he abused a prisoner who hadn't done anything.

why do you continue to post more :bsflag: after more :bsflag: ??

that prisoner was the enemy, he should have had a .45ACP injected into his head!! :up:
World War II.

except it didn't really happen there. Italy switch sides and Japan was allowed to surrender with her government intact and the Emperor still in office. So really, it was only germany that meets the conditions you laid out. And even then, we quickly rebuilt Germany- some of that "nation building" you guys on the right whine about - as a bulwark against the Soviets, who we would fight off and on for the next 40 years.
Japan's government was not left intact. It was reformed from the top down as a constitutional republic with elected office holders. The emperor was made into a figure head. You couldn't have gotten that more wrong.

Like i said the guy is a friken moron, who thinks he knows something

Occupation and Reconstruction of Japan, 1945–52
After the defeat of Japan in World War II, the United States led the Allies in the occupation and rehabilitation of the Japanese state. Between 1945 and 1952, the U.S. occupying forces, led by General Douglas A. MacArthur, enacted widespread military, political, economic, and social reforms

Occupation and Reconstruction of Japan, 1945–52 - 1945–1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

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