"I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself." Ronald Reagan, President of the United States.

As November draws neigh, the libs are getting really desperate.
And Meathead is too dumb to write a rebuttal to reality. There is no doubt that the shit will hit the fan if the Republican's take The Congress and immediately pass a tax cut.
And Meathead is too dumb to write a rebuttal to reality. There is no doubt that the shit will hit the fan if the Republican's take The Congress and immediately pass a tax cut.
The OP compares a senile jackass to a thoroughbred racehorse in desperation. That is in fact reality.
At some point the printing presses need to be shut down and people come to realize the role of government is not to provide a person a lifestyle but to insure a level playing field, health, national security, and opportunity to realize the benefits of one’s talents and hard work. Regretfully, government both on the federal, and state side, has evolved into becoming a self perpetuating machine focused on furthering their own self interests at taxpayer expense. Both parties are focused on power, delivering the bacon, with a blind eye toward addressing the core issue that you can not spend or tax yourself into prosperity. Regretfully the notion that we can continue to barrow and spend rules the day, until of course when no one wishes to underwrite Americas debt.
Hard choices need to be made which neither party has the courage to make. Milton Friedman warned the country, regretfully no one was listening.
And Meathead is too dumb to write a rebuttal to reality. There is no doubt that the shit will hit the fan if the Republican's take The Congress and immediately pass a tax cut.
This is how dangerously stupid fuck sticks like Turd Catcher are.

They believe that government STEALING money out of the economy and wasting it on shit no one wants leads to "progress".

The SHTF when that fucking potato was allowed to assume the office of POTUS thanks to massive voter fraud at the direction of the globalist elite and the economy has been shitting the bed ever since.

Oxygen thieves like Turd Catcher have never exerted themselves to actually EARN a single fucking brass Chuck E Cheese token. They don't pay taxes, like most of the population at this point, they get more money from the treasury than they contribute. These bed wetters are terrified at the possibility they might have to sustain their own food bill, let alone rent/utilities and travel expenses.

Their attitude that "the jews" or 1%, or "the Rich" or the Kulaks or the "bourgeoises"(insert bed wetter terms for prosperous people)

Whatever term the bed wetters use to demonize everyone who has a dollar more than they do some how OWE THEM shit proves that marxist global collectivism is a repulsive political philosophy founded in envy and hatred. Turd Catcher is indeed an adherent to that "mentality" and deserves all the ridicule and contempt every individual capable of critical thinking can respond with.

If it wasn't for sniveling traitors like this cum dumpster there never would have been a hitler, lenin, stalin, mao, pol pot Et Al....

Then this malignant piece of shit has the gall to question any one else's intellect? They only exist because we are a Christian society and forgive those who trespass up to a point. I'd prefer Turd Catcher was sucked out of the womb and flushed down a Planned Unparenthood toilet.

I am not joking about that in the most remote way either. I'd rather have taste buds in my ass crack than share oxygen in a room with some demented faggot like Turd Catcher.


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