I am predicting the next POTUS will be a democrat

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
Better get bananas gramps......

You just identified the 800 Lb. gorilla.......
He may have already done irreversible damage to the Republican's chances of winning in 2016. We know establishment Republicans will never let him win the nomination, and he has caused a large divide in the party already. If you would have told me Thursday morning that come Thursday night many Republicans on USMB would be bashing Fox News and Megyn Kelly I would have called you a jackass.
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
So, if it was a Trump/Clinton contest, it would be ****-test.

How the Hell could you pick on personality then.
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
So, if it was a Trump/Clinton contest, it would be ****-test.

How the Hell could you pick on personality then.

That may be the only good thing about most Presidential races being nothing more than a popularity contest. We'll probably never see that contest. :thup:
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.

The Republicans need to focus on what is in their control and what they suck at doing, picking a good candidate
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
I do not think trump will run third party - he has zero chance of winning.
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
I do not think trump will run third party - he has zero chance of winning.
I don't think he'll do it to win. He is the kind of man that has to have the last laugh no matter the cost.
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
I do not think trump will run third party - he has zero chance of winning.
If he feels disrespected by the Republican Party, he might do it. He is a vindictive egomaniac, even thought he has a log of things right.
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
I do not think trump will run third party - he has zero chance of winning.
I don't think he'll do it to win. He is the kind of man that has to have the last laugh no matter the cost.
I hope you are wrong,
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
I do not think trump will run third party - he has zero chance of winning.
I don't think he'll do it to win. He is the kind of man that has to have the last laugh no matter the cost.
I hope you are wrong,

At first I was saying that Trump wasn't even serious about running, but I may have been wrong. Not only does he seem more serious than last time, but Trump is all about Trump. He doesn't seem to care about damaging the Republican party or shooing a Democrat into the White House to stroke his own ego.
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
I do not think trump will run third party - he has zero chance of winning.
I don't think he'll do it to win. He is the kind of man that has to have the last laugh no matter the cost.
He had that chance last time and didn't take it. He will not this time either.
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
I do not think trump will run third party - he has zero chance of winning.
I don't think he'll do it to win. He is the kind of man that has to have the last laugh no matter the cost.
I hope you are wrong,

At first I was saying that Trump wasn't even serious about running, but I may have been wrong. Not only does he seem more serious than last time, but Trump is all about Trump. He doesn't seem to care about damaging the Republican party or shooing a Democrat into the White House to stroke his own ego.

Who the hell cares?

Any one that is intelligent, that is REALLY listening to what he is saying, will understand that it doesn't matter. If a person is an INTELLIGENT "democrat" or "republican" they would know that what he did at that last debate was the best and most patriotic thing any American could have ever done for this nation.

Frankly, NONE OF US should vote for anyone until this corrupt system is cleaned the fuck up. I think the guy is a bombastic jerk, I really do. But if the establishment hates him this much, if the card carrying partisans on both sides hate him THIS MUCH, then that should tell everyone something. The corruption has got to end.

Why doesn't the CFR media want him shooting off his mouth? Because he tells the truth. Eventually, it might sink into the thick skulls of these brain dead zombie partisans.

Trump’s Triumph: Billionaire Blowhard Exposes Fake Political System
Trump s Triumph Billionaire Blowhard Exposes Fake Political System
There it is, two glorious minutes of pure, unalloyed truth on national television. How often does that happen?

How often does a fatcat billionaire-insider appear on TV and announce that the whole system is a big-fat scam run by crooks and patsies?

Never, that’s when. But that’s what Trump did last night. And that’s why the clatter of ruthless miscreants who run the system behind the smokescreen of fake politicians are sharpening their knives right now before Manhattan’s rogue elephant does even more damage to their precious system.

Just think about what the man said. He not only explained that the whole system is rigged (Baier: “And when you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do.”…TRUMP: “You’d better believe it.”), he also said that the politicians will do whatever they’re told to do. (TRUMP: Well, …with Hillary Clinton, I said be at my wedding and she came to my wedding. You know why? She didn’t have a choice because I gave.”)

Doesn’t that confirm your darkest suspicions about the way the system really works, that money talks and that elections are just a way to get the sheeple to rubber-stamp a corrupt, fraudulent system?

Of course, it does.

So, let’s summarize: Moneybags capitalist loudmouth explains to 80 million dumbfounded Americans watching prime time TV, that the system is a total fraud, that the big money runs everything, and that even he thinks the system is broken.
Anyone that hates him for speaking the truth is living in cognitive dissonance.
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
I do not think trump will run third party - he has zero chance of winning.
I don't think he'll do it to win. He is the kind of man that has to have the last laugh no matter the cost.
He had that chance last time and didn't take it. He will not this time either.
He wasn't serious last time. He never even made it this far. He's playing for blood now. Collateral damage be damned
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
I've been calling for a (D) to win for 3 years now.

I just assumed it would be Female (D), but it looks like hill doesn't have it in her to win

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