I am pro-life!

Supporting the forcing of drug addicted whores to bring to term every pregnancy is not pro life. It is anti human civilization. The kids of drug addicted whores are massive societal liabilities. They prevent other kids in public schools from learning. They end up homeless, in drug gangs, or in prison. They are life long liabilities.

A sane civilization supports families. A family with mom and dad is the best way to raise kids. Everything distanced from that harms kids and society.

Then there is the issue of human overpopulation. Something is causing fires around the globe, and it is not "warming." Indeed, CA's warmest decade on record is still the 1890s. What is causing the fires is too many humans consuming too much fresh water from nature, which leaves plant life dry.

To oppose abortion is to oppose human civilization and support the mass extermination scenarios of human overpopulation continuing to worsen.

Subs get 97% of reality wrong. Abortion is a great example, all emotion, no logic or dynamic analysis....
I oppose abortion -- it is almost murder.

I support Welfare 100%. Children must be the priority. Families raising children must be a priority. Also, children must be protected from abuse within families!

I oppose guns -- they are used in 33,000 murders and suicides per year.

I oppose dangerous substances. Harmful drugs should stay illegal

I oppose cruel punishment -- even lifers have a right to humane treatment. In Canada and West Europe they are treated humanely.

You are "pro-life" huh?

Are you a vegetarian? Do you oppose executions? Do you oppose going to war? How about being pro-speed cameras to reduce the number of deaths on the roads? And pro-forcing big companies to have clean waste disposal with severe sanctions like decades in prison for those who don't????
I oppose abortion -- it is almost murder.

I support Welfare 100%. Children must be the priority. Families raising children must be a priority. Also, children must be protected from abuse within families!

I oppose guns -- they are used in 33,000 murders and suicides per year.

I oppose dangerous substances. Harmful drugs should stay illegal

I oppose cruel punishment -- even lifers have a right to humane treatment. In Canada and West Europe they are treated humanely.
Then don't get an abortion
Don't buy a gun
Don't do drugs and
Don't torture anyone.
I oppose abortion -- it is almost murder.

I support Welfare 100%. Children must be the priority. Families raising children must be a priority. Also, children must be protected from abuse within families!

I oppose guns -- they are used in 33,000 murders and suicides per year.

I oppose dangerous substances. Harmful drugs should stay illegal

I oppose cruel punishment -- even lifers have a right to humane treatment. In Canada and West Europe they are treated humanely.
Almost murder?

Kinda like someone trying to shoot someone dead and missing, so the judge says, "We will let you go, come back when you hit something?"
Supporting the forcing of drug addicted whores to bring to term every pregnancy is not pro life. It is anti human civilization.
Thank you.

The kids of drug addicted whores are massive societal liabilities. They prevent other kids in public schools from learning. They end up homeless, in drug gangs, or in prison. They are life long liabilities.
As an example, yes.
I oppose abortion -- it is almost murder.

I support Welfare 100%. Children must be the priority. Families raising children must be a priority. Also, children must be protected from abuse within families!

I oppose guns -- they are used in 33,000 murders and suicides per year.

I oppose dangerous substances. Harmful drugs should stay illegal

I oppose cruel punishment -- even lifers have a right to humane treatment. In Canada and West Europe they are treated humanely.

Abortion isn't your business. It's between the mother and the doctor that performs the procedure and that's it. If it's a religious thing then it's also between the mother and God. There are 7.5 billion people in the world and each of those people's indiidual personal lives and decisions aren't any of your concern and you aren qualified to interfer in them all or tell them what they should do.

Welfare is a good thing for the few that have fallen on hard times, it can help. But welfare isn't something to be taken advantage of. Welfare should only last 6 months, after that it should decrease by 25% till it's gone. Once it's gone a household shouldn't be able to apply again for 2 years. People need to learn the make better decisions in life and take care of themselves and be responsible.

Guns are not the problem, our society is. Switzerland has the lowest gun related crime in Europe but they also have mandatory gun ownership. But Switzerland also has incredibly high employment rates, incredibly high education rates, a good healthcare system, the country is financially stable, and they don't have an overly diverse society so people are comfortable with eachother without a lot of fighting. A gun is a inanimate object, our society is what misuses them. Guns aren't to blame.

I agree on hardcore drugs like heroine, meth, etc. Marijuana is fine, it's no worse than alcohol, maybe less so.

You should be against crime, not punishment. If someone doesn't want to go to prison they simply have to not commit crimes and obey the law. I have been a deputy for county sheriff's dept at a jail and was a transportation officer. I took inmates to hospitals, transfered to other agencies and taken them down state to the fish tank. Prison is not a nice place but it's a prison, it's punishment. And unless you have been or worked in one then trust me you have no idea what it's like. It's like the military, unless you lived it you do not know what you're talking about despite what you see on tv because they are unique unto themselves. They are fed, have beds, do activities, can work in programs, get education, get medical attention, and so on. They are better off in a lot of ways to homeless people. True everyone deserves a second chance but a large portion of inmates are career criminals that cant be a part of society. Again, if they hadn't broken the law and been criminals they wouldn't even be in prison. They decided to disobey the law and put themselves in prison.
Abortion isn't your business. It's between the mother and the doctor that performs the procedure and that's it. If it's a religious thing then it's also between the mother and God. There are 7.5 billion people in the world and each of those people's indiidual personal lives and decisions aren't any of your concern and you aren qualified to interfer in them all or tell them what they should do.

Welfare is a good thing for the few that have fallen on hard times, it can help. But welfare isn't something to be taken advantage of. Welfare should only last 6 months, after that it should decrease by 25% till it's gone. Once it's gone a household shouldn't be able to apply again for 2 years. People need to learn the make better decisions in life and take care of themselves and be responsible.

Guns are not the problem, our society is. Switzerland has the lowest gun related crime in Europe but they also have mandatory gun ownership. But Switzerland also has incredibly high employment rates, incredibly high education rates, a good healthcare system, the country is financially stable, and they don't have an overly diverse society so people are comfortable with eachother without a lot of fighting. A gun is a inanimate object, our society is what misuses them. Guns aren't to blame.

I agree on hardcore drugs like heroine, meth, etc. Marijuana is fine, it's no worse than alcohol, maybe less so.

You should be against crime, not punishment. If someone doesn't want to go to prison they simply have to not commit crimes and obey the law. I have been a deputy for county sheriff's dept at a jail and was a transportation officer. I took inmates to hospitals, transfered to other agencies and taken them down state to the fish tank. Prison is not a nice place but it's a prison, it's punishment. And unless you have been or worked in one then trust me you have no idea what it's like. It's like the military, unless you lived it you do not know what you're talking about despite what you see on tv because they are unique unto themselves. They are fed, have beds, do activities, can work in programs, get education, get medical attention, and so on. They are better off in a lot of ways to homeless people. True everyone deserves a second chance but a large portion of inmates are career criminals that cant be a part of society. Again, if they hadn't broken the law and been criminals they wouldn't even be in prison. They decided to disobey the law and put themselves in prison.
doesnt the baby have a say in it??
Prison is not a nice place but it's a prison, it's punishment. And unless you have been or worked in one then trust me you have no idea what it's like. It's like the military, unless you lived it you do not know what you're talking about despite what you see on tv because they are unique unto themselves. They are fed, have beds, do activities, can work in programs, get education, get medical attention, and so on.
I guess you are right. I have seen many documentaries on the subject, but that is not first-hand knowledge.

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