I am pro-life!

Fathers suffer the same degree of mental anguish over an abortion as women.
Bullshit. How can you suffer the same degree of mental anguish and you are not the one going through the abortion? That's like claiming a man knows what if feels like to experience having a period. A man doesn't have the frame of reference to even begin having the same degree of mental anguish.
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Bullshit. How can you suffer the same degree of mental anguish and you are not the one going through the abortion? That's like claiming a man knows what if feels like to experience having a period. A man doesn't have the frame of reference to even begin having the same degree of mental anguish.
Are you stupid? Are you illiterate? Is your vocabulary weak? Or is it just your reading comprehension that's non-existent?
We are a representative democracy and the founders intended that the majority should rule

Republicans can not make up a majority so they are trying to change the game
you might be right if not for our constitution which makes us a constitutional republic,,

and I'm not a republican,,
We are a representative democracy and the founders intended that the majority should rule

Republicans can not make up a majority so they are trying to change the game
Uhhhhh, wait a second. You don't have to be a Democrat to vote for a Democrat and you don't have to be a Republican to vote for a Republican. You see now, this is the reason why the US never amounted to anything ----- the two-party system:banghead: Americans think in cliches and bar-room stupidity rather than in facts, reality, and individual issues. "Republicans are this" and "Democrats are that" is typical American idiocy.
He just stated that he is opposed to violence and murder ... and supports the protection of children. But your reply to him is "You also oppose individual liberty". What sort of person are you?
A person who supports individual liberty.

And in support of individual liberty, one must support limiting the authority of the state.

Supporting the power of the state to force women to give birth against their will is in opposition to individual liberty.

Supporting the power of the state to needlessly regulate firearms is in opposition to individual liberty.

Supporting the power of the state to enforce pointless, ineffective drug laws is in opposition to individual liberty.

To oppose something using the power of the state to enforce one's opposition is contrary to advocacy of individual liberty.
We are a representative democracy and the founders intended that the majority should rule

Republicans can not make up a majority so they are trying to change the game
Or more to the point – Republicans are exploiting in bad-faith the non-democratic components of Federal governance to establish Republican minority rule.
Or more to the point – Republicans are exploiting in bad-faith the non-democratic components of Federal governance to establish Republican minority rule.
Yup. Total up the populations represented by all GOP Senators and Congressman and you only come up with a little over 40% of the population and they have a far outsized control of the government as well as the Supreme Court
A person who supports individual liberty.

And in support of individual liberty, one must support limiting the authority of the state.

Supporting the power of the state to force women to give birth against their will is in opposition to individual liberty.

Supporting the power of the state to needlessly regulate firearms is in opposition to individual liberty.

Supporting the power of the state to enforce pointless, ineffective drug laws is in opposition to individual liberty.

To oppose something using the power of the state to enforce one's opposition is contrary to advocacy of individual liberty.
No, you are talking nonsense. The fundamental purpose of any government is meant to protect its citizens, not to leave them to a free-for-all where the biggest gun rules the neighbourhood. We all pay taxes with a legitimate purpose in mind and it is up to us to see that we are not abused by those who are in receipt of our tax money. But relieving them of their responsibility is counterproductive so I don't think you know what you are talking about.
I oppose abortion -- it is almost murder.

I support Welfare 100%. Children must be the priority. Families raising children must be a priority. Also, children must be protected from abuse within families!

I oppose guns -- they are used in 33,000 murders and suicides per year.

I oppose dangerous substances. Harmful drugs should stay illegal

I oppose cruel punishment -- even lifers have a right to humane treatment. In Canada and West Europe they are treated humanely.
You have mental issues don't you? Abortion is not murder. Nature commits most of the abortions and we do not hold funerals for the aborted zygotes and fetus's,

Welfare encourages the worse and most ignorant among us to breed the most and breed way to often. The world is already overpopulated...and sorry kids on welfare don't tend to be the ones growing up to be contributors in the next generation either. They tend to be the next level of welfare hos, druggies, and criminals.

Guns murder no one. 33,000 deaths attributed to guns, most are suicides. People have the right to end their lives

Criminals, violent ones, really should be killed off to protect everyone else.
No, you are talking nonsense. The fundamental purpose of any government is meant to protect its citizens, not to leave them to a free-for-all where the biggest gun rules the neighbourhood. We all pay taxes with a legitimate purpose in mind and it is up to us to see that we are not abused by those who are in receipt of our tax money. But relieving them of their responsibility is counterproductive so I don't think you know what you are talking about.
Our Government has failed at this then...
Bullshit. How can you suffer the same degree of mental anguish and you are not the one going through the abortion? That's like claiming a man knows what if feels like to experience having a period. A man doesn't have the frame of reference to even begin having the same degree of mental anguish.
Both genders suffer from periods. But many people are aware only of women's suffering.

I have read about a man who was hit on the head with a frying pan. He awakened handcuffed to a hospital bad. Since his gf sprained her arm when attacking him, he was the one considered the primary aggressor.

I have read about a man whose wife stabbed him and pierced his lung. He barely survived. She was not even arrested.

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