I am Proud of my President

Because he is brilliant instead of stupid, He cares about the American people instead of the bottom line of Haliburton and he was actually elected by the people instead of cheated into office.
hey moron, American people own Haliburton
You're right and I'm wrong. I have 2 Master's degrees in 2 aspects of Education and History and I'm currently working on a P.h.d but I should listen the the fascist asshole and not to my collegues and bosses who have been doing this for decades.

You're hilarious and completely ignorant at the same time. :clap2::clap2:

Because, of course, pieces of paper show how intelligent someone is.
Would you like to take a crack at the question I didn't get an answer to? How, SPECIFICALLY, has the Patriot Act intruded into your life and/or impeded you from exercising any freedoms?

no one knows
First off, neither you nor I have an idea if our phones have been tapped without an Constitutional warrant which prior to the Patriot Act would've NEVER happened.

Yeah, of course. Cause governments never broken the law before

Secondly, my best friends mother, who is like a mother to me, was forced to leave after being here for 21 years cause she lost he job as a teacher due to the fact that her distant relatives in Iran had some ties to some terrorist organization. Since she had no job, and still hadn't received citizenship in 21 years(cause she's Iranian), she had to leave and go back leaving her son and daughter here. Now I'm not sure when/if I'll see her again

What the hell does that have to do with the Patriot act?

3rd - Anytime we try to discuss the Constitution now we must include the fact that it can be stepped ALL OVER if the President/Congress feels like it. Did you not see the interview with Russell Tice who was actually apart of the NSA and said, "that things were done illegally."

It always could be. You have this weird idea that government officials cant be corrupt and that laws somehow prevent people from doing bad things. I dont know where you got this idea, but it's wrong. However, this still doesnt answer his question.

Amazing that Conservatives SCREAM for less government except for illegal searches, no Gays getting married, and nobody can get an Abortion. You are hilarious

Amazing that you dont know a damn thing about conservatives when you claim to be so smart. It's also amazing that you dont know anything about law, socialogy, biology, or any other subject either.
Ouch! JSanders has told me I shouldn't teach and I'm an idiot yet is a fascist that would make Atilla the Hun proud. Personally I'm glad you think I'm an idiot cause I'd be real scared if you actually thought I was smart.

Keep enjoying the spankings the Gators give Arkansas. Oh, and by the way, Arkansas is a fantastic University:lol::lol:

Also amazing that you dont know what a fascist is.
Because he is brilliant instead of stupid, He cares about the American people instead of the bottom line of Haliburton and he was actually elected by the people instead of cheated into office.

There are very few Presidents who havent been elected by the People. The most recent being President Ford. What that has to do with anything is beyond me.

I dont need government to "care" about me. I do quite fine on my own. Im not a little child.

Im not sure why you seem to think Americans are little children.
There are very few Presidents who havent been elected by the People. The most recent being President Ford. What that has to do with anything is beyond me.

I dont need government to "care" about me. I do quite fine on my own. Im not a little child.

Im not sure why you seem to think Americans are little children.

No, the most recent was George Bush in 2000.

He was elected by the Supreme Court.
No, the most recent was George Bush in 2000.

He was elected by the Supreme Court.

He had more votes. Even if the Supreme Court had allowed Gore's technique for counting Bush still would have won. Al Gore never one a single solitary count. I know you like to ignore this. But it doesnt change the reality of what happened.
Wrong Chris but that is a habit of yours you really ought to consider giving up but that would require you to look at actual facts insted of half baked conspiracy theories. All the supreme court did in 2000 was tell the dems they couldn't cherry pick counties for the recount they could either count all of them or none of them.
Because he is brilliant instead of stupid, He cares about the American people instead of the bottom line of Haliburton and he was actually elected by the people instead of cheated into office.

Obama wouldn't be where he is if ACORN had not have stolen the caucuses for him in the primary.
He had more votes. Even if the Supreme Court had allowed Gore's technique for counting Bush still would have won. Al Gore never one a single solitary count. I know you like to ignore this. But it doesnt change the reality of what happened.

You said Gerald Ford was the last president not elected by the people. Bush wasn't elected by the people in 2000. Gore was. Gore got 400,000 more votes than Bush.
You said Gerald Ford was the last president not elected by the people. Bush wasn't elected by the people in 2000. Gore was. Gore got 400,000 more votes than Bush.

Put down the glass....Do it now.....Slowly, Step away from the Koolade... DO IT NOW !:cuckoo:
You said Gerald Ford was the last president not elected by the people. Bush wasn't elected by the people in 2000. Gore was. Gore got 400,000 more votes than Bush.
but he didnt win the election, Bush did
'Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around... when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen'...

See, it is a prayer and today it came to pass.The reverand Joseph Lowery is a famous civil rights worker.Christ, I feel like a remedial school teacher.

That "Prayer" showed him to be a race baiter along the lines of Al Sharpton. Why was everything in the "prayer" positive toward every race except white. You seem to think that by disagreeing with a clearly racist speech, the white's are fulfilling what he said. I take it for exactly what it was...an insult to anyone white. I thought Obama was going to keep race out of the issues.
Put down the glass....Do it now.....Slowly, Step away from the Koolade... DO IT NOW !:cuckoo:

In the 2000 election Gore received 50,999,897 votes, and Bush received 50,456,002 votes.

Gore got 440,000 more votes than Bush.
You said Gerald Ford was the last president not elected by the people. Bush wasn't elected by the people in 2000. Gore was. Gore got 400,000 more votes than Bush.

Um, i really hate to break this to you. But the President of the United States is elected through the electoral college. And Bush won.
Um, i really hate to break this to you. But the President of the United States is elected through the electoral college. And Bush won.

Thanks for proving my point.

The post I was responding to said that Gerald Ford was the last president not elected by the people.

Bush was not elected by the people in 2000.
Did anyone hear that Rev speak after and he was talkin some bullshit with colors

Yellow be mellow
let the red get ahead
let the white embrace whats right

WHAT kind of bullshit is that

as if white people are the only ones that discriminate....does that moron not realize that Obama is President because of the white vote also?

don't forget the muslim vote.

Where is the history behind discrimination against whites? Do you understand the roots of what are ancestors did to those of African decent. Read about the civil war or retake 11th grade. Even well before the civil war took place, Europe practiced slavery for many years. Not to allude to stereotypes, but it is absolutely despicable when I here n-i-g double guh er spoken out of the mouth of some racist fundamentalist Christian. I thought we were more intelligent than that? Returning to my point of origin, racism against blacks and other minorities by white people has been occurring for centuries. Sure there have been a multitude of times where black people have shot white people because 'just because they were white' and possibly perceived as a threat. White has been the obvious majority in this country and has governed what African- Americans have the rights to do. Do you know about separate but equal? Just because a Black president finally takes office and is throwing Bush and his posse out does not make it appropriate to say "that Rev" was saying bullshit. He has been in this country for an astounding amount of years compared to you, so I would not consider his references "Bull Shit". Do you realize the amplitude of this past inauguration? To be in this country for that long and finally have a black president? It was historic. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave, and whether or not Obamas vote is from white people, black people, indian people,asian people, arab people, mexican people, Muslim people, Christian people, Buddhist people, purple people, etc. He is our President.
Did anyone hear that Rev speak after and he was talkin some bullshit with colors

Yellow be mellow
let the red get ahead
let the white embrace whats right

WHAT kind of bullshit is that

as if white people are the only ones that discriminate....does that moron not realize that Obama is President because of the white vote also?

don't forget the muslim vote.

Where is the history behind discrimination against whites? Do you understand the roots of what are ancestors did to those of African decent. Read about the civil war or retake 11th grade. Even well before the civil war took place, Europe practiced slavery for many years. Not to allude to stereotypes, but it is absolutely despicable when I here n-i-g double guh er spoken out of the mouth of some racist fundamentalist Christian. I thought we were more intelligent than that? Returning to my point of origin, racism against blacks and other minorities by white people has been occurring for centuries. Sure there have been a multitude of times where black people have shot white people because 'just because they were white' and possibly perceived as a threat. White has been the obvious majority in this country and has governed what African- Americans have the rights to do. Do you know about separate but equal? Just because a Black president finally takes office and is throwing Bush and his posse out does not make it appropriate to say "that Rev" was saying bullshit. He has been in this country for an astounding amount of years compared to you, so I would not consider his references "Bull Shit". Do you realize the amplitude of this past inauguration? To be in this country for that long and finally have a black president? It was historic. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave, and whether or not Obamas vote is from white people, black people, indian people,asian people, arab people, mexican people, Muslim people, Christian people, Buddhist people, purple people, etc. He is our President.
and dont you understand that what that "minister" said was extreemly RACIST
you also forget that many of those Africans were SOLD into slavery by OTHER Africans
and that fact that if Obama hadnt got a substantial percentage of the white vote, he wouldnt have won

sheeeeesh, way to keep the racist shit stiring

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