I am Proud of my President

Obama has been president for one day...and I'm sick and tired of being hasseled by THE MAN!!!
With all due respect listening to a teenager say she's "worried" about what's going to happen(since of course I teach 18-21 year olds) makes me think "who truly gives a damn what you think." Teenagers bring energy, but your opinions on things, especially since hormones drive your thoughts, are at best irrelevant

You pathetic twat.And you teach? what a fucking travesty.

Roomy, I couldn't agree with you more. What a fucking rotten piece of shit maggot bdgtr is for saying that. Maybe that sentiment ought to find it's way back to the administration of the school that puss sack is teaching at. They might be interested in reading that.
Roomy, I couldn't agree with you more. What a fucking rotten piece of shit maggot bdgtr is for saying that. Maybe that sentiment ought to find it's way back to the administration of the school that puss sack is teaching at. They might be interested in reading that.

Wow, another mature response. So, for the slow and ignorant let me spell this out.

We, as a society don't think that 17-18 year olds can a 1 beer responsibly but I'm supposed to stop and listen to their projections of an Obama administration also when they don't even comprehend(like most adults) the issues?

You only are defending this because you agree with her point, not because you spend your life listening to what comes out the mouth of a teenager.

Give me a fucking break here, I'm just the only being honest. The concept of college is to nurture the energy they have and help them find out what they think by providing them with all relevant information hence the reason you take 2 years of General Education. God, why is this so hard for you people to understand? This isn't insulting to a teenager, this is how life works
Wow, another mature response. So, for the slow and ignorant let me spell this out.

We, as a society don't think that 17-18 year olds can a 1 beer responsibly but I'm supposed to stop and listen to their projections of an Obama administration also when they don't even comprehend(like most adults) the issues?

You only are defending this because you agree with her point, not because you spend your life listening to what comes out the mouth of a teenager.

Give me a fucking break here, I'm just the only being honest. The concept of college is to nurture the energy they have and help them find out what they think by providing them with all relevant information hence the reason you take 2 years of General Education. God, why is this so hard for you people to understand? This isn't insulting to a teenager, this is how life works

Now let me spell it out for you jack ass, what you're saying, pure and simple is, 17-18 year olds aren't capable of knowing shit. Well that's just fucked up. I'd really hate to be a student in your class. You must never ask them a question, because hey, they've got not fucking clue what the hell they're talking about right? You must just grade their test papers all F's without even looking at the answers.

What's going on here is you are a fine example of why kids do fail in school, because with teachers like you in there that think they all are dumber than dirt and incapable of intelligent summation or calculation, they don't even have a chance. You should NOT be teaching.... ANYONE! You're an arrogant, liberal turd that should be kicked to the curb and a restraining order put on you to not go anywhere near a school or kids.
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Now let me spell it out for you jack ass, what you're saying, pure and simple is, 17-18 year olds aren't capable of knowing shit. Well that's just fucked up. I'd really hate to be a student in your class. You must never ask them a question, because hey, they've got not fucking clue what the hell they're talking about right? You must just grade their test papers all F's without even looking at the answers.

What's going on here is you are a fine example of why kids do fail in school, because with teachers like you in there that think they all are dumber than dirt and incapable of intelligent summation or calculation, they don't even have a chance. You should NOT be teaching.... ANYONE! You're an arrogant, liberal turd that should be kicked to the curb and a restraining order put on you to not go anywhere near a school or kids.

You're right and I'm wrong. I have 2 Master's degrees in 2 aspects of Education and History and I'm currently working on a P.h.d but I should listen the the fascist asshole and not to my collegues and bosses who have been doing this for decades.

You're hilarious and completely ignorant at the same time. :clap2::clap2:
That is such bullshit and I laugh everytime I hear someone say that. With the Patriot Act no President has ever enacted more gov't intrusion into your life yet Obama is going to make it more? Completely full of shit but keep trying to scare people

Would you like to take a crack at the question I didn't get an answer to? How, SPECIFICALLY, has the Patriot Act intruded into your life and/or impeded you from exercising any freedoms?
You're right and I'm wrong. I have 2 Master's degrees in 2 aspects of Education and History and I'm currently working on a P.h.d but I should listen the the fascist asshole and not to my collegues and bosses who have been doing this for decades.

You're hilarious and completely ignorant at the same time. :clap2::clap2:

You would think after two Masters and working on a Ph. D. that you would be able to spell, punctuate, and you would know the proper way to say "Ph. D." Now I know why the education system is so fucked, because people like you are capable of passing.

Everyone in this thread is right: you have no business teaching. Your argument is because we won't let kids drink, we shouldn't listen to their opinions? I wasn't aware that a person had to be able to drink to have an opinion. You're an idiot.
Would you like to take a crack at the question I didn't get an answer to? How, SPECIFICALLY, has the Patriot Act intruded into your life and/or impeded you from exercising any freedoms?

First off, neither you nor I have an idea if our phones have been tapped without an Constitutional warrant which prior to the Patriot Act would've NEVER happened.

Secondly, my best friends mother, who is like a mother to me, was forced to leave after being here for 21 years cause she lost he job as a teacher due to the fact that her distant relatives in Iran had some ties to some terrorist organization. Since she had no job, and still hadn't received citizenship in 21 years(cause she's Iranian), she had to leave and go back leaving her son and daughter here. Now I'm not sure when/if I'll see her again

3rd - Anytime we try to discuss the Constitution now we must include the fact that it can be stepped ALL OVER if the President/Congress feels like it. Did you not see the interview with Russell Tice who was actually apart of the NSA and said, "that things were done illegally."

Amazing that Conservatives SCREAM for less government except for illegal searches, no Gays getting married, and nobody can get an Abortion. You are hilarious
You would think after two Masters and working on a Ph. D. that you would be able to spell, punctuate, and you would know the proper way to say "Ph. D." Now I know why the education system is so fucked, because people like you are capable of passing.

Everyone in this thread is right: you have no business teaching. Your argument is because we won't let kids drink, we shouldn't listen to their opinions? I wasn't aware that a person had to be able to drink to have an opinion. You're an idiot.

Ouch! JSanders has told me I shouldn't teach and I'm an idiot yet is a fascist that would make Atilla the Hun proud. Personally I'm glad you think I'm an idiot cause I'd be real scared if you actually thought I was smart.

Keep enjoying the spankings the Gators give Arkansas. Oh, and by the way, Arkansas is a fantastic University:lol::lol:
Ouch! JSanders has told me I shouldn't teach and I'm an idiot yet is a fascist that would make Atilla the Hun proud. Personally I'm glad you think I'm an idiot cause I'd be real scared if you actually thought I was smart.

Me? A fascist? You must not read my posts.

Keep enjoying the spankings the Gators give Arkansas. Oh, and by the way, Arkansas is a fantastic University:lol::lol:

Nice way to change the subject. But: News - Sam M. Walton College of Business

In August, the Walton College once again placed in a tie for 24th among the nation's top public undergraduate business schools, according to the U.S. News & World Report 2009 America's Best Colleges. It was ranked in a tie for 43th place in both public and private business schools. In the same rankings, the Walton College supply chain management/logistics specialty, which is housed in the marketing department, was ranked 15th among both public and private business schools and 11th among public business schools.

You're right, it is a fantastic university!

Not to mention that area it's located in. No. 7: Fayetteville, Ark. - Kiplinger.com
Me? A fascist? You must not read my posts.

Nice way to change the subject. But: News - Sam M. Walton College of Business

You're right, it is a fantastic university!

Not to mention that area it's located in. No. 7: Fayetteville, Ark. - Kiplinger.com

Wow, so your business school ranks 24th and that means you have a good University? :lol::lol::lol::lol: Way to pick one program out. Hey Mr. I'm so damn intelligent, try the REAL rankings

National Universities Rankings - Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report

Where is Arkansas again? #125 :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Fantastic
Wow, so your business school ranks 24th and that means you have a good University? :lol::lol::lol::lol: Way to pick one program out. Hey Mr. I'm so damn intelligent, try the REAL rankings

National Universities Rankings - Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report

Where is Arkansas again? #125 :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Fantastic

I'm in the business school, and thus, it's all I give a shit about. You really shouldn't try to compare the educational value of Florida versus Arkansas with me. It's pretty clear that Florida's schools aren't up to par if they allow people with your intelligence level to graduate, twice.

Considering the source of funding comparing the two schools, I'd say Arkansas's not doing too bad overall. We don't even have a state lottery to fund higher education until it is put into place later this year. Florida's universities have been operating on such funds for years.

Arkansas is not only ranked in the top schools (yes, #125 is "ranked", we are also #63 in public universities overall), it is also moving up rather quickly. With a $300 million donation from Walmart Stores, Inc. and large donations from other private donors, the school is undergoing massive changes to the curriculum and facilities. So, sure, Florida may be ranked higher, but if you can get a degree there, it's clear anyone can.
You're right and I'm wrong. I have 2 Master's degrees in 2 aspects of Education and History and I'm currently working on a P.h.d but I should listen the the fascist asshole and not to my collegues and bosses who have been doing this for decades.

You're hilarious and completely ignorant at the same time. :clap2::clap2:

I love it that teachers are given degrees in teaching, but not the subjects they actually are teaching.

Do you teach your students to teach?

And colleges don't exist to provide them with relevant information. Relevant according to whom? According to self-satisfied little pricks like yourself. Which is why our universities spew out backwards thinking libtards, who can't spell kindergarten spelling words.
How can anyone possibly say that they are "proud" of a President who has been in office for a total of 3 DAYS?

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How can anyone possibly say that they'rer "proud" of a President who has been in office for a total of 3 DAYS?


Because he is brilliant instead of stupid, He cares about the American people instead of the bottom line of Haliburton and he was actually elected by the people instead of cheated into office.

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