I am really down guys, any positive sentiments would be appreciated.

Don't feel like the lone Ranger...
I just lost my best friend a month ago and I still expect to see him walking up my driveway with a couple of beers in his hand for us to share... it was sudden and not expected... I saw him the day before he died.... and I'm heartbroken over it.... we have been friends for over 35 years....
I just try and stay busy so I don't think about him but I took his dog in and that poor girl is missing him too..... and that makes it hard for me to move on....

how kind of you to take his dog. that animal needs consistency right now & you can help each other.
Just too miuch going on for one man. Too many years of battlling and I tried to deal with it the best I could, dealt with so much and didn't break. Thus, I'm trained for this through experience, truly, however this is an entirely different ball of wax. That is all, thank you for your time.
Has the glitter worn off with the guy. He's grown a pot belly or lost some of his hair? What is the real problem? Are you unable to comply with the covenant of marriage you made for better or worse? What is the real problem?
Has the glitter worn off with the guy. He's grown a pot belly or lost some of his hair? What is the real problem? Are you unable to comply with the covenant of marriage you made for better or worse? What is the real problem?
I look in my 30s,.I dont drink and Im still in giod enough shape to jog etc. Life isn't all about such issues, there are greater issues to address.
I look in my 30s,.I dont drink and Im still in giod enough shape to jog etc. Life isn't all about such issues, there are greater issues to address.

if you are miserable now - will you be less so if the marriage stays intact?

that bandaid hurts like hell, because it's apparently being pulled off very slowly.
Well, the years of abuse from my wife which is going to lead to divorce, 18 years of my life down the drain. I foolishly let my.drivers license expire so if I move, it is going to cost me much more. Now my dog is struggling and I spend as much on him as myself for food, he needs back leg wheels probably. He has been very close to my side today as he always is when he senses I am down. It is all too much, in a system that people don't realize is far more abusive than they could imagine.
So your old lady sucks, you're too lazy to renew your license, and your
dog is sick,

1 Divorce her
2. Pay attention to your shit, and do it when you are supposed to.
3. Dogs are great, but its just a dog. Put it out of it's misery, and get another one.
4. Quit whining. I'll be happy to swap problems with you.
I look in my 30s,.I dont drink and Im still in giod enough shape to jog etc. Life isn't all about such issues, there are greater issues to address.
I don't agree w/ the person who said divorce is good or whatever

Divorce is never good and in Malachi it says God hates it

Thatsaid, Catholics can divorce, they just cant remarry, unless they remarry the spouse

assuming the marriage they had really was a valid marriage
When I have problems that seem insurmountable, I remember a small quote I heard a long time ago.................

"How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time".

The way I solve problems that seem insurmountable is to see what are some of the "nibbles" I can take now (small parts of the problem that I can solve quickly), and see where it leads me. After doing that for a bit, I start to see the problem shrink, until it becomes something that I can solve and get over.

When it comes to dealing with others, I remember another little quote...................

"Do you want to be happy, or do you want to be right?"

I know that sometimes I can have both, but quite often I have to choose between the two. When I choose being happy, it usually works out, even if the road there can be a bit tough.

As far as spending time with someone who keeps me in a constant state of melancholy? I will choose to leave so that I can be happy. Getting divorced was a good thing for me, because I got tired of being in a constant funk worrying about if I was doing the right thing in her eyes. Being by myself afforded me a lot of freedom and a lot more chances to be happy. Getting divorced is a bit of a mess, and it can be tough going for a bit, but the relief and freedoms that come with it after the process is done are pretty great. And, one of the side benefits of becoming single again was that I now knew some of the things that didn't work for me in relationships, so in later ones, I was able to choose someone who was a better fit.
Sometimes an individual in an abusive relationship feels noble for enduring the abuse. Look at me. I am sticking it out. But, I still want your pity for enduring.

Worse, that individual might point to religion. I'm being holy. That other person is the sinner. God will love me more if I suffer in His name. Gee. That almost makes me Jesus.

Actually, the worst excuse of all is what I call the hole digger defense. Your marriage is shit, you are out of excuses. Like the guy digging a hole. It's not only filling with water, but about to cave in. The only intelligent thing to do is stop digging. But the hole digger, ahhh. The hole digger says "Stop! What do you mean stop? Do you know how long I've been digging this hole? I have a lot invested in digging this hole. " Realistically, the hole is filling with water. It's about to cave in. Where did you think this hole would end up? You have no idea but you certainly don't want to have wasted your time digging a fucking hole that's filling with water, about to cave in. But you did just that. Time to stop digging.
I don't agree w/ the person who said divorce is good or whatever

Divorce is never good and in Malachi it says God hates it

Thatsaid, Catholics can divorce, they just cant remarry, unless they remarry the spouse

assuming the marriage they had really was a valid marriage
Divorce is not good.....it's great
Don't feel like the lone Ranger...
I just lost my best friend a month ago and I still expect to see him walking up my driveway with a couple of beers in his hand for us to share... it was sudden and not expected... I saw him the day before he died.... and I'm heartbroken over it.... we have been friends for over 35 years....
I just try and stay busy so I don't think about him but I took his dog in and that poor girl is missing him too..... and that makes it hard for me to move on....
Your friend would want you to be happy.
I don't agree w/ the person who said divorce is good or whatever

Divorce is never good and in Malachi it says God hates it

Thatsaid, Catholics can divorce, they just cant remarry, unless they remarry the spouse

assuming the marriage they had really was a valid marriage
Catholics, like Mormons married in their Temples, can get civil divorces. The church can't stop that. But, the part about remarrying isn't as simple as you stated. Catholics can get civil married again with someone else, just not through the Church. Mormons, the same way. They can get civil married again, just not sealed in the Temple again. Now, both can go through the process of church annulments. But, those are more difficult. Marie Osmond was married in her Temple but later divorced to that man. Then, she got a civil marriage and that lasted decades before she divorced her second husband. Then, she remarried her first husband a few years ago and their Temple "sealing marriage for time and all eternity" was still in tact.

Most marriages end because the "glitter" has fallen off the picture. The physical attraction isn't there anymore and no real love developed. That's when adultery usually starts. Then, money problems follow or vice versa. The concept of "for better or worse" is never understood by one or both. Of course, there are the valid reasons for divorce such as; physical and emotional abuse. Those are valid with God. A woman should not have to endure that kind of abuse. And, a man should not have to endure frying pans hurled at him.
sorry to hear this..

Was he in the Marines with you? (I seem to recall you were in the Marines, like my father was)
Yes he was in the Marine Corps. with me... and when I moved to this town he found a home to buy and followed me here....
every week hes on here talking about how bad his life is,, at some point he just needss to get over it and move on,,

everybodys life sucks in one way or another,,
Like your misuse of commas. It sucks I tell ya,,

Well, the years of abuse from my wife which is going to lead to divorce, 18 years of my life down the drain. I foolishly let my.drivers license expire so if I move, it is going to cost me much more. Now my dog is struggling and I spend as much on him as myself for food, he needs back leg wheels probably. He has been very close to my side today as he always is when he senses I am down. It is all too much, in a system that people don't realize is far more abusive than they could imagine.
Wife got divorced, twice. Then she found a good one. She came out of it with two great kids. After many child custody suits everything turned out good.

Doggoes with wheels. Its ok. Rod almost had that and its really common in the wiener dog world. We adapted. You will too.

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