I am shocked...how about you?

This guys death is only being magnified because the left needs to spin it against TRUMP. In other words no matter how TRUMP responds the left will attack him over it.

The guys not a US citizen and not the first journalist to be killed.
A journalist murdered by a strongman dictator’s assassins. A wet dream of yours and of every conservative.

The left trying to turn this into Benghazi isn't going to work.
Benghazi was a scheme to hurt Hillary's poll numbers. In this case, a team of state assassins murdered a dissenting journalist. Admit it, your nipples are hard right now.

Benghazi was a scheme?

Tell that to Stevens....oh wait you can't he's dead along with the others you fucking asshole.
The scheme was your abuse of his death. You pissed all over his grave for some political gain. Most republicans would have even fucked his corpse to bring down Hillary’s poll numbers a little more if it would help.

No it wasnt and you blabbering about it won't make it so. It's not like you're ever right about anything else.

Now as Deltex so eloquently stated...GFY
A journalist murdered by a strongman dictator’s assassins. A wet dream of yours and of every conservative.

The left trying to turn this into Benghazi isn't going to work.
Benghazi was a scheme to hurt Hillary's poll numbers. In this case, a team of state assassins murdered a dissenting journalist. Admit it, your nipples are hard right now.

Benghazi was a scheme?

Tell that to Stevens....oh wait you can't he's dead along with the others you fucking asshole.
The scheme was your abuse of his death. You pissed all over his grave for some political gain. Most republicans would have even fucked his corpse to bring down Hillary’s poll numbers a little more if it would help.

No it wasnt and you blabbering about it won't make it so. It's not like you're ever right about anything else.

Now as Deltex so eloquently stated...GFY
Your majority leader admitted as much. As soon as the election was over your superiors completely dropped the Benghazi farce because it had the effect on you lemmings that they hoped for and didn’t need it anymore. Pathetic.
This guys death is only being magnified because the left needs to spin it against TRUMP. In other words no matter how TRUMP responds the left will attack him over it.

The guys not a US citizen and not the first journalist to be killed.
A journalist murdered by a strongman dictator’s assassins. A wet dream of yours and of every conservative.

The left trying to turn this into Benghazi isn't going to work.
Benghazi was a scheme to hurt Hillary's poll numbers. In this case, a team of state assassins murdered a dissenting journalist. Admit it, your nipples are hard right now.
Yeah...those Lybian ragheads really gave a shit about Hillary. GFY.
Stop trying to exonerate the terrorists that actually attacked in Benghazi.

You mean killary and obutwipe?
A journalist murdered by a strongman dictator’s assassins. A wet dream of yours and of every conservative.

The left trying to turn this into Benghazi isn't going to work.
Benghazi was a scheme to hurt Hillary's poll numbers. In this case, a team of state assassins murdered a dissenting journalist. Admit it, your nipples are hard right now.
Yeah...those Lybian ragheads really gave a shit about Hillary. GFY.
Stop trying to exonerate the terrorists that actually attacked in Benghazi.

You mean killary and obutwipe?

They were in Benghazi?! Yell to your mom upstairs so she can call the cops! This is yuuuge!
The left trying to turn this into Benghazi isn't going to work.
Benghazi was a scheme to hurt Hillary's poll numbers. In this case, a team of state assassins murdered a dissenting journalist. Admit it, your nipples are hard right now.
Yeah...those Lybian ragheads really gave a shit about Hillary. GFY.
Stop trying to exonerate the terrorists that actually attacked in Benghazi.

You mean killary and obutwipe?

They were in Benghazi?! Yell to your mom upstairs so she can call the cops! This is yuuuge!

Still proving how stupid you are. Your bottles ready.
The left trying to turn this into Benghazi isn't going to work.
Benghazi was a scheme to hurt Hillary's poll numbers. In this case, a team of state assassins murdered a dissenting journalist. Admit it, your nipples are hard right now.
Yeah...no one died in Benghazi.. GFY.
Benghazi was never about the people who died, you inbred piece of trash. You wanted to hurt Hillary's poll numbers, and it worked. After November 8, 2016, you mutants completely dropped any pursuit of whatever you were pretending to care about in Benghazi.
Benghazi was about an Obama abject failure of duty and his attempt to cover up that failure. And then an attempt to cover up the coverup.
This thread appears to be about another group of Muslims acting typically like Muslims.
8 investigations later and no failure of duty or cover up found. Yet your majority leader admitted it was all about the poll numbers and your dotard President said to stop caring now that the election is over.
You’re referring to the legal aspect. No law was found to have been broken. Separate issue.
Doesn’t change a thing about an abject failure of duty and a bevy of conflicting lies in an attempt to coverup the failure.
Obama and his crew failed this country and lied to cover their political asses.
Since 9/11, the muslim world has had over 30,000 sectarian suicide bombings, slaughtering each other. Islam is so incapable of peacefully existing, that when there are no unbelievers to kill, they butcher each other. I would assume that from those totals, less than two decades of muslim vs. muslim violence must have a body count in the hundreds of thousands. Just like today's American liberalism, Islam is an exercise in mindless violence for the sake of mindless violence.
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