I am sick of every "cotton picking" apology!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Okay a little levity in the title, but seriously. Why apologize when you really didn't mean to do anything wrong?

CNN's Rick Sanchez quickly apologized on his Rick's List program on Monday after inadvertently labeling Barack Obama the "cotton-picking president of the United States." Sanchez used the racially-tinged term in response to the President recently addressing the significant percentage of American population who believe he is Muslim or was born outside the U.S. [audio available here]

The anchor raised President Obama's recent comment about his birth certificate with correspondent Jessica Yellin 21 minutes into the 3 pm Eastern hour. Yellin explained that "this is the first time he's talked about it since the polls showing how many Americans believe him to be Muslim came out" and that "you get the sense that he's been sort of through this. He wants to set the record straight, but he really does seem to accept that he's not going to convince everyone, and he's not going to spend a lot of time and energy on something that's not going to change."

Sanchez replied to Yellin full of frustration: "I'm just sitting here just shaking my head. He is the cotton-picking president of the United States!" He continued with another slighter gaffe: "If the president of the United States doesn't have enough of a bully pulpit to convince people of a lie- that a lie is a lie, I should say, then- you know, where are we? What kind of planet are we living on? What the hell is going on here?"

Rick Sanchez Apologizes After Labeling Obama the 'Cotton-Picking President' | NewsBusters.org

Now, were I a lefty where everything is measured on political gain, and Sanchez were a tea party member, I would scream to the heavens this is an example of tea party racism, when I KNEW IT WASN'T TRUE.

However, I am not a leftist, and Sanchez is most certainly NOT a tea party member.

Sanchez is a leftist asshole and a douchebag to boot (language, I try to avoid normally, but when the boot fits, and it sure does on Sanchez.)

However, it's pretty obvious he didn't mean any racist aspurgions on Obama.

Cotton picking is just a term.

"If I had a dime for every cotton picking time, I had to call Bill Clinton a liar, blah blah blah."

"George Bush is the cotton picking president."

Come on. He didn't mean this in a racist way. Anyone with a dose of common sense would know that.

Why apologize if you did nothing wrong? Only in this politically correct society would we have to do anything like that. If common sense ruled the day, as it should, everyone would take a chill pill, and stop looking for racism where there be none.

We're getting waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to PC, I'd lost my job before apologizing, of course that's easy to say sitting here in a Tee and gym shorts but still,lol.

you DO realize that one of the major jobs forced upon slaves in the south WAS picking cotton,

right?... :doubt:
Some history on the term.

It began life in the late 1700s and differs from the 19th century Dixie term, 'cottonpicker', in that the latter was derogatory and racist, whereas 'cotton-picking' referred directly to the difficulty and harshness of gathering the crop. This didn't extend to the specific expression 'keep your cotton-picking hands off of me'. This no doubt alludes to the horny, calloused (and usually black) hands that picked cotton.

Where memory doesn't play tricks is when recalling the works of the sainted Bugs Bunny. While not originating the term, Bugs can claim to have done more to fix it into the language than the rest of rabbitkind, especially in its most often used form 'Wait just a cotton-picking minute'.​

Just a gaffe. My grandma uses the phrase whenever she's fed up with something. I don't use it because...um, it's what old people say. :lol:

Have fun with the anti-PC rantings.
My Parents picked cotton on the farm and it's just a saying, if we are to embrace a black man for being President, we need to be allowed to treat him like "one of the boys", don't tell me to watch my tongue while YOU call Bush a monkey and I gotta apologize for saying "cotton pickin".
We're getting waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to PC, I'd lost my job before apologizing, of course that's easy to say sitting here in a Tee and gym shorts but still,lol.


I mean I have NO LOVE for Rick DUI Sanchez, but still there was nothing to apologize for.

He OBVIOUSLY didn't mean to imply "cotton picker" or any nonsense like that.

Cotton picking is just something you say when you are annoyed at a situation.

"I am sick of these cotton picking KIDS not cleaning up their room, blah blah blah."

It's not meant as a race thing.

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you DO realize that one of the major jobs forced upon slaves in the south WAS picking cotton,

right?... :doubt:

OF COURSE, I realize that.

But do you honestly think Sanchez meant it in that context or in the context of saying (if George Bush was still president), "that cotton picking president just got us into Iraq!"

He OBVIOUSLY didn't mean it in a racist way as COMMON SENSE would tell you.

If I had done it, I would have caught myself and said, "Hey you know what I meant," rather than apologize for an INNOCENT expression.
Some history on the term.

It began life in the late 1700s and differs from the 19th century Dixie term, 'cottonpicker', in that the latter was derogatory and racist, whereas 'cotton-picking' referred directly to the difficulty and harshness of gathering the crop. This didn't extend to the specific expression 'keep your cotton-picking hands off of me'. This no doubt alludes to the horny, calloused (and usually black) hands that picked cotton.

Where memory doesn't play tricks is when recalling the works of the sainted Bugs Bunny. While not originating the term, Bugs can claim to have done more to fix it into the language than the rest of rabbitkind, especially in its most often used form 'Wait just a cotton-picking minute'.
Just a gaffe. My grandma uses the phrase whenever she's fed up with something. I don't use it because...um, it's what old people say. :lol:

Have fun with the anti-PC rantings.

Well, unfortunately, I AM OLD. :lol::lol::lol:

I hit the big 5-0 next year and we said "cotton picking."

But if someone had said, "he's the cotton picking president" about Dubya or Bubba (Bill Clinton), NO ONE would have thought anything racist.

It's just a far more polite way of saying "he's the mother f***ing president."

Now, "cotton picking" will become a taboo term?

My Parents picked cotton on the farm and it's just a saying, if we are to embrace a black man for being President, we need to be allowed to treat him like "one of the boys", don't tell me to watch my tongue while YOU call Bush a monkey and I gotta apologize for saying "cotton pickin".

Yeah, that is true!

Bush was called a monkey openly, but we have to apologize for cotton picking now? Something is seriously screwed up here.

Okay a little levity in the title, but seriously. Why apologize when you really didn't mean to do anything wrong?

CNN's Rick Sanchez quickly apologized on his Rick's List program on Monday after inadvertently labeling Barack Obama the "cotton-picking president of the United States." Sanchez used the racially-tinged term in response to the President recently addressing the significant percentage of American population who believe he is Muslim or was born outside the U.S. [audio available here]

The anchor raised President Obama's recent comment about his birth certificate with correspondent Jessica Yellin 21 minutes into the 3 pm Eastern hour. Yellin explained that "this is the first time he's talked about it since the polls showing how many Americans believe him to be Muslim came out" and that "you get the sense that he's been sort of through this. He wants to set the record straight, but he really does seem to accept that he's not going to convince everyone, and he's not going to spend a lot of time and energy on something that's not going to change."

Sanchez replied to Yellin full of frustration: "I'm just sitting here just shaking my head. He is the cotton-picking president of the United States!" He continued with another slighter gaffe: "If the president of the United States doesn't have enough of a bully pulpit to convince people of a lie- that a lie is a lie, I should say, then- you know, where are we? What kind of planet are we living on? What the hell is going on here?"

Rick Sanchez Apologizes After Labeling Obama the 'Cotton-Picking President' | NewsBusters.org

Now, were I a lefty where everything is measured on political gain, and Sanchez were a tea party member, I would scream to the heavens this is an example of tea party racism, when I KNEW IT WASN'T TRUE.

However, I am not a leftist, and Sanchez is most certainly NOT a tea party member.

Sanchez is a leftist asshole and a douchebag to boot (language, I try to avoid normally, but when the boot fits, and it sure does on Sanchez.)

However, it's pretty obvious he didn't mean any racist aspurgions on Obama.

Cotton picking is just a term.

"If I had a dime for every cotton picking time, I had to call Bill Clinton a liar, blah blah blah."

"George Bush is the cotton picking president."

Come on. He didn't mean this in a racist way. Anyone with a dose of common sense would know that.

Why apologize if you did nothing wrong? Only in this politically correct society would we have to do anything like that. If common sense ruled the day, as it should, everyone would take a chill pill, and stop looking for racism where there be none.


Silly. He should not have to apologize for using a common idiom...
What's funny is...I used the term on one of the CON$ on this board not too long ago and they responded that I was being racist.

Funniest thing about it is, I'm black and their white.

Now watch them talk about how sensitive Dems are for being greatly offended by the word.



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