I am Sick to Death of the Elites Dishing Crap to People of Faith

Me and mine aren't the elite. We're the revolutionaries with pitchforks storming the castle.

You certainly are no elite. an uncontrolled mob with violent tendencies- maybe. You would be the guy at the back yelling for everyone to have the balls to charge.

I respect libs who just drop their bs at the first challenge, more than I respect those who stick to their guns as their bs is revealed for all to see.

I respect actual Conservatives.

I haven't seen one in this thread here- I have seen a lot of self proclaimed Conservatives who are whiny snowflakes.

lol!! You are funny.

You called people you don't like, a NAME.


I called whiny snowflakes a name.

Do I like whiny snowflakes? No.

But I call all of you that because of what you do- not because i don't like you.

And your brilliance continues, ever brighter.

You are what is known as a fucktard.

There, I called you a name.

The difference is that I was not lying.
Being somewhere on a number line doesn't mandate that the number line be finite. It can be infinite in both directions...and you can still land on the number 2. Time can continue infinitely in both directions. And you can still land on the present moment. There's nothing that mathematically negates infinite time or infinite numbers by experiencing a specific piece of that infinity.
I will get to the rest of this nonsense after dinner and spending some time with my wife.

You cannot count down from a finite number up to an infinite amount because there is no l;ast quantity. If I hired you to sheklk an infinite number of peanuts, guessw what, dude; you are NEVER getting paid.

The same holds in reverse. One cannot count to a finite number from an infinitely remote past because there is no beginning point to initi9ate the count down.

And so you cannot have an infinite flow of time from the past to the future. Time is finite and this is a necessity or the present could not exist.

Damn if you would just stop saying stupid shit things I wouldnt tell you that you are being a stupid shit.
JimBowie's arguments would turn a true believer into an atheist. JB is simply a pompous ass.
Being somewhere on a number line doesn't mandate that the number line be finite. It can be infinite in both directions...and you can still land on the number 2. Time can continue infinitely in both directions. And you can still land on the present moment. There's nothing that mathematically negates infinite time or infinite numbers by experiencing a specific piece of that infinity.
I will get to the rest of this nonsense after dinner and spending some time with my wife.

You cannot count down from a finite number up to an infinite amount because there is no l;ast quantity. If I hired you to sheklk an infinite number of peanuts, guessw what, dude; you are NEVER getting paid.

Nonsense. There are an infinite number of whole numbers. Yet we can use whole numbers all the time. Your foundational assumption that the use of any number means that numbers can't be infinite makes no sense and is demonstrably false. Nor does any of this prove anything in theism.

The same holds in reverse. One cannot count to a finite number from an infinitely remote past because there is no beginning point to initi9ate the count down.

And so you cannot have an infinite flow of time from the past to the future. Time is finite and this is a necessity or the present could not exist.

Nonsense. The present can exist with infinite time ahead and behind just like any whole number can exist with infinite whole numbers ahead and behind.
Being somewhere on a number line doesn't mandate that the number line be finite. It can be infinite in both directions...and you can still land on the number 2. Time can continue infinitely in both directions. And you can still land on the present moment. There's nothing that mathematically negates infinite time or infinite numbers by experiencing a specific piece of that infinity.
I will get to the rest of this nonsense after dinner and spending some time with my wife.

You cannot count down from a finite number up to an infinite amount because there is no l;ast quantity. If I hired you to sheklk an infinite number of peanuts, guessw what, dude; you are NEVER getting paid.

Nonsense. There are an infinite number of whole numbers. Yet we can use whole numbers all the time. Your foundational assumption that the use of any number means that numbers can't be infinite makes no sense and is demonstrably false. Nor does any of this prove anything in theism.

The same holds in reverse. One cannot count to a finite number from an infinitely remote past because there is no beginning point to initi9ate the count down.

And so you cannot have an infinite flow of time from the past to the future. Time is finite and this is a necessity or the present could not exist.

Nonsense. The present can exist with infinite time ahead and behind just like any whole number can exist with infinite whole numbers ahead and behind.
Depends what you mean by time. We know the universe has a clock that's ticking. For this world, time is finite.
What part of that was a lie? Mexican immigrants do bring drugs over, break laws. But there also some good people. Now Hillary called Trump supporters deplorable.
They were and are "deplorable."
Well I'm proud to be deplorable. My guy wants to make America great again. You guy wanted to transform America. So I'm good at not being a traitor.

Shame you don't think that America is great.

I do- sorry you are a traitor.
I'm not the one that blindly supported a man that wanted to transform a great America. You did, now it's time to make his failed presidency a bad memory. Go Trump!

So if you're trying to make America 'great again', that's prefaced on the idea that isn't great now. When was 'America Great' in your version of our history. Name the year.
Well I was born in 1970, the eighties were good, the nineties was good, mainly because of the dot com boom. I lived through that. True hatred in politics though I noticed with Clinton after the blow job. Really got hot with Bush, even though through most of his presidency the economy was good. The hatred was unreal. I think about half way through Bush's years we started to decline. Then came obama, the first black president instead of you liberals being happy of the accomplishment. You started hating even more, now that Trump is President. You need safe spaces. America will never be great again unless we unite as Americans. So In my lifetime, I'd say early 90's, seems Americans still supported each other. After Obama the divider, I hope Trump can bring us back as Americans.
What part of that was a lie? Mexican immigrants do bring drugs over, break laws. But there also some good people. Now Hillary called Trump supporters deplorable.
They were and are "deplorable."
Well I'm proud to be deplorable. My guy wants to make America great again. You guy wanted to transform America. So I'm good at not being a traitor.

Shame you don't think that America is great.

I do- sorry you are a traitor.
I'm not the one that blindly supported a man that wanted to transform a great America.

So you think America was great- until it wasn't.

See unlike you- I have always thought America was great.

Which is why I never bought into Trump's populist myth that America needed to be changed- to become great.
We can't be great if we are divided. Obama did a great job of that.
Me and mine aren't the elite. We're the revolutionaries with pitchforks storming the castle.

You certainly are no elite. an uncontrolled mob with violent tendencies- maybe. You would be the guy at the back yelling for everyone to have the balls to charge.

Mobs are more of a Lefty thing, but thanks for dropping your nonsense from your previous post..

Except of course when they are your mobs....
We're the revolutionaries with pitchforks storming the castle

Your confusion in understandable. As a lib you can't grasp the idea of metaphors.

Your flailing is understandable. As a Conservative you don't understand that when you use a mob as a metaphor for what you want to do- that is indicating you approve of what mobs do.
Obama used them regularly, so why did you support him?
The haters and dividers, like jknowgood, simply could not accept Obama as President, whether it was color or party or philosophy or whatever.

The Alt Right and Far Right have been the greatest dividers in our history since 1860s.

They simply hate.
The haters and dividers, like jknowgood, simply could not accept Obama as President, whether it was color or party or philosophy or whatever.

The Alt Right and Far Right have been the greatest dividers in our history since 1860s.

They simply hate.
Personally, I hate weeping leaders. They're supposed to inspire and lead the people, not cry their eyes out for the world to see.
You certainly are no elite. an uncontrolled mob with violent tendencies- maybe. You would be the guy at the back yelling for everyone to have the balls to charge.

Mobs are more of a Lefty thing, but thanks for dropping your nonsense from your previous post..

Except of course when they are your mobs....
We're the revolutionaries with pitchforks storming the castle

Your confusion in understandable. As a lib you can't grasp the idea of metaphors.

Your flailing is understandable. As a Conservative you don't understand that when you use a mob as a metaphor for what you want to do- that is indicating you approve of what mobs do.
Obama used them regularly, so why did you support him?

Obama used Conservative metaphors? Well he did try to reach out to you.
They were and are "deplorable."
Well I'm proud to be deplorable. My guy wants to make America great again. You guy wanted to transform America. So I'm good at not being a traitor.

Shame you don't think that America is great.

I do- sorry you are a traitor.
I'm not the one that blindly supported a man that wanted to transform a great America.

So you think America was great- until it wasn't.

See unlike you- I have always thought America was great.

Which is why I never bought into Trump's populist myth that America needed to be changed- to become great.
We can't be great if we are divided. Obama did a great job of that.

Shame you didn't think America was great.

Obama did- and wanted America to be greater.
(Note, couldn't watch the video as I'm in the midst of a windows reinstall and FireFox hates embedded vids on this site for some reason. In the meantime though, I'd like to comment on the general premise of the topic whilst I wait for installing Brave - which works perfectly for this site FYI )

TLDR I see many folks in this thread babbling about "theocracy," not even realizing that they themselves are practicing the same by /forcing/ their /beliefs/ upon others. Millenial's, you need to understand that certain ideological beliefs will /always/ be contested in this nation - and that is okay... You must understand the other side, respect its beliefs, and strive for compromise - because attempting to "wipe it out" or otherwise force your personal beliefs on others is /always/ going to be /wrong/. Live and let live, work together as best we can, and struggle back and forth perpetually on certain issues; this is the legacy, the requirement, of true freedom.


Back in the day, when I was growing up Bi in a Christian dominated city, some of the parents were serious asshats - I've been banned from local churches, parents (some of whom were community leaders) considered me a "evil" and "bad influence" and banned their children from being around me - as though my sexual preferences might be contagious or "rub off" on their precious children, I never cared particularly - being "stunted" in my emotions due to my syn makes such things laughable rather than hurtful. What I will say though, is that their kids didn't care; even the "religious" ones, the ones who believed in the teachings, even a priest to be (and yes he is indeed a priest today, 30+ years later.) Perhaps I am simply more likeable than many LGBTs, or perhaps it is my respect for others freedom of beliefs, or perhaps merely because a bi woman is not so repulsive? I cannot know the minds of the children/teens I grew up with, of course, but I can say that I personally was met with curiosity rather than disgust, with friendliness rather than hostility. Perhaps it is that supposedly unique experience that brought me to the "mental state" I am in, which allowed me to be a kind of bridge between opposite camps up here in my lifelong fight for SSM up here. I am still on friendly terms with the, now grown up, religious "leaders" of today - and still at odds with their parents, though they've stopped calling me a spawn of satan, it is clear they'd rather I, and my "activism," went away lest I "wreck" another generation ~rolls eyes~

When I speak on deeply emotional issues such as religion, I cannot help but to notice a disturbing trend in the younger generation (say 18-30 range, millennial's) where they have zero ability to comprehend what "belief" truly is. For them, they believe something - that abortion is not murder for example, and that is the extent of their abilities. Where a Christian can comprehend that non-believers exist, can understand that a person might not see abortion as murder, the Millennial's are unable to fathom it. In their minds they are right and everyone else is wrong; homosexuality is not a sin, it's the individuals choice; and there is no punishment, no heaven or hell, no damning eternal consequences. They cannot step outside their own /individual/ personal beliefs and see someone else's /individual/ personal belief is just as /true/ to that other person as their own is. They seem to have missed some lessons about respect, about individualism, about what faith /truly/ is. To them faith is a made up story, its fake news of the highest order, it's "nothing" and basically anyone who "believes" in it is either a liar or stupid. Such a rigid ideology is no more "valid" than their own claims of the "falsehood" of religion in the end. Just as they "truly believe" it is fake, religious folks "truly believe" it is not. To bicker about such a thing is foolish.

I wish that Millenial's would learn the true values of faith and realize that it is a "natural" human condition, to believe in "something" so fully that one "knows" it is "true" regardless of what others may believe. Millenial's are under the false impression that they can somehow "convince" everyone that God is not real, that abortion isn't murder, that homosexuality is okay - it's never going to be "true" to the faithful. However, the faithful, most of them, can compromise on a great many things, and they have to make "America" work. Millenial's need to learn that they will not always get what they want; no every religious person is not going to "like" gay folks, not going to want them around their kids, not going to vote for their causes; just like not every white person is going to "like" black folks, or Mexican's - or vis versa as well - in fact, I've actually met more black folks who openly hate white people than I have white folks who hate black people. The part I think Millenial's need to realize is that this is 'okay' - just as it's 'okay' for pro-choicer's to "believe" that abortion is not murder. Perhaps these types are not "nice" in your book, and that's fine, you don't /have/ to "like" them either...
You certainly are no elite. an uncontrolled mob with violent tendencies- maybe. You would be the guy at the back yelling for everyone to have the balls to charge.

I respect libs who just drop their bs at the first challenge, more than I respect those who stick to their guns as their bs is revealed for all to see.

I respect actual Conservatives.

I haven't seen one in this thread here- I have seen a lot of self proclaimed Conservatives who are whiny snowflakes.

lol!! You are funny.

You called people you don't like, a NAME.


I called whiny snowflakes a name.

Do I like whiny snowflakes? No.

But I call all of you that because of what you do- not because i don't like you.

And your brilliance continues, ever brighter.

You are what is known as a fucktard.

There, I called you a name.

The difference is that I was not lying.

LOL the difference is that you think that anyone that doesn't toe your thin line is a fucktard.

But you haters got to hate, hate, hate.
So you think America was great- until it wasn't.

See unlike you- I have always thought America was great.

Which is why I never bought into Trump's populist myth that America needed to be changed- to become great.
Then why change it? Hope and...what was it, again?

Why would you not want a great nation to become greater?

Why do you think America was not great?
I would.

It lost it's juice under Obama. Hence, Trump and #MAGA.

So for 8 years you thought America was not great.

But now you are on board again.....

Rather a fair weather 'patriot'
Yes. Do it upsets you?

No surprise to me at all. When the next Democrat is elected President suddenly you will no longer think of America as great.

You will just go the direction your contard leaders blow you.
Then why change it? Hope and...what was it, again?

Why would you not want a great nation to become greater?

Why do you think America was not great?
I would.

It lost it's juice under Obama. Hence, Trump and #MAGA.

So for 8 years you thought America was not great.

But now you are on board again.....

Rather a fair weather 'patriot'
Yes. Do it upsets you?

No surprise to me at all. When the next Democrat is elected President suddenly you will no longer think of America as great.

You will just go the direction your contard leaders blow you.
Then again, you thought Hillary would win, too.
The haters and dividers, like jknowgood, simply could not accept Obama as President, whether it was color or party or philosophy or whatever.

The Alt Right and Far Right have been the greatest dividers in our history since 1860s.

They simply hate.
Personally, I hate weeping leaders. They're supposed to inspire and lead the people, not cry their eyes out for the world to see.
Grow up. The world, and the American people who elected him twice, well liked him.
And you demonstrate that you fail to understand metaphors, AGAIN.

Todays atheism is not based on fact and reason but in denial of comprehension of what the facts are about just about anything.

I am not a atheist, sure I fuck with people on this board, but I am not. I don't see nothing wrong with not believing in something and it is a matter of a lack of evidence that drives them to belief as they do.

The problem jim is we don't have the facts. I've always been a christian since I was very young but that is a choice one takes in life and doesn't really have a lot to do with thought...Atheism just choose to want more "evidence" one way or the other before saying that this is so.

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