I am Sick to Death of the Elites Dishing Crap to People of Faith

And they all hate America.

Actually its you- you hate all Americans.
Not all. Just leftists.
God said to hate what is evil.

Jesus said to love your neighbor- and to love your enemy. Guess your god missed that note.
Enemies are not necessarily evil. Leftists are evil.

No the evil is all within your heart. Satan is strong with you.
Hilarious, baby butcher.
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

Stop living in the past. Today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Stop living in other countries. today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack

Me and mine aren't the elite. We're the revolutionaries with pitchforks storming the castle.
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

Stop living in the past. Today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Stop living in other countries. today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack

Me and mine aren't the elite. We're the revolutionaries with pitchforks storming the castle.

You certainly are no elite. an uncontrolled mob with violent tendencies- maybe. You would be the guy at the back yelling for everyone to have the balls to charge.
Which is funny because I am so sick of Republicans pretending to be people of faith. No one of faith would cut children’s Healthcare or school lunches or daycare.
Only monsters would do such a thing.
No, Nimrod, only monsters would kill 20 million babies.
No, only monsters would watch the born starve. Do nothing to help them or their mothers.

If Republicans are so against abortion, then make it easy for women to keep the born.

Only Republicans won't.


Because they don't give a sh!t about the born or the poor.

It's all getting the mean spirited ignorant to vote. They don't see babies as a blessing. To them, babies are a punishment.
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

Stop living in the past. Today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Stop living in other countries. today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack

Me and mine aren't the elite. We're the revolutionaries with pitchforks storming the castle.


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Poor little hatefilled snowflake.

You can't post without lying to promote your whiny hatred.
Then why did Hillary call almost half of America deplorable?
Then why did Trump lie about Mexicans?
He didn't, he claimed some of them commit crimes. Which is true.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
What part of that was a lie? Mexican immigrants do bring drugs over, break laws. But there also some good people. Now Hillary called Trump supporters deplorable.
They were and are "deplorable."
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

Stop living in the past. Today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Stop living in other countries. today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack

Me and mine aren't the elite. We're the revolutionaries with pitchforks storming the castle.

You certainly are no elite. an uncontrolled mob with violent tendencies- maybe. You would be the guy at the back yelling for everyone to have the balls to charge.

Mobs are more of a Lefty thing, but thanks for dropping your nonsense from your previous post.

I respect libs who just drop their bs at the first challenge, more than I respect those who stick to their guns as their bs is revealed for all to see.
Then why did Hillary call almost half of America deplorable?
Then why did Trump lie about Mexicans?
He didn't, he claimed some of them commit crimes. Which is true.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
What part of that was a lie? Mexican immigrants do bring drugs over, break laws. But there also some good people. Now Hillary called Trump supporters deplorable.
They were and are "deplorable."
Well I'm proud to be deplorable. My guy wants to make America great again. You guy wanted to transform America. So I'm good at not being a traitor.
She's not "killing her child." She has decided not to continue a pregnancy. Stop with the stupid BS and allow people to choose their own religion.
Murder is wrong wether you believe in God or not.

Murder is the ILLEGAL taking of life; abortion within the ruling of R v. W is not murder.
Science soon will prove that it's a baby in the womb. .

How will science 'prove that it's a baby in the womb'- exactly?
They are already proving it. They know that a baby reacts to different noises. New ultrasounds also can prove it further. Like weatherman stated earlier. So if someone got an eagle egg and busted it open. You wouldn't care? I mean it's not an eagle.
So...advocating torturing them with ultrasound?
Murder is wrong wether you believe in God or not.

Murder is the ILLEGAL taking of life; abortion within the ruling of R v. W is not murder.
Science soon will prove that it's a baby in the womb. .

How will science 'prove that it's a baby in the womb'- exactly?
They are already proving it. They know that a baby reacts to different noises. New ultrasounds also can prove it further. Like weatherman stated earlier. So if someone got an eagle egg and busted it open. You wouldn't care? I mean it's not an eagle.
So...advocating torturing them with ultrasound?
So if they are being tortured and you know it. Your admitting to it being a human being?
Then why did Trump lie about Mexicans?
He didn't, he claimed some of them commit crimes. Which is true.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
What part of that was a lie? Mexican immigrants do bring drugs over, break laws. But there also some good people. Now Hillary called Trump supporters deplorable.
They were and are "deplorable."
Well I'm proud to be deplorable. My guy wants to make America great again. You guy wanted to transform America. So I'm good at not being a traitor.

Shame you don't think that America is great.

I do- sorry you are a traitor.
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

Stop living in the past. Today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Stop living in other countries. today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack

Me and mine aren't the elite. We're the revolutionaries with pitchforks storming the castle.

You certainly are no elite. an uncontrolled mob with violent tendencies- maybe. You would be the guy at the back yelling for everyone to have the balls to charge.

Mobs are more of a Lefty thing, but thanks for dropping your nonsense from your previous post..

Except of course when they are your mobs....
We're the revolutionaries with pitchforks storming the castle
And some Trump supporters are deplorable- well to me.

Maybe you don't find Steve McGarret's racist rants here at USMB deplorable
Are you pro Palestainian in this conflict with the Israeli Jews? You may have more in common than you think.

Wow- you just drove off the cliff of misdirection.

Do you find Steve McGarret's racist and anti-semitic rants deplorable- or do you agree with him?
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

Stop living in the past. Today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Stop living in other countries. today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack

Me and mine aren't the elite. We're the revolutionaries with pitchforks storming the castle.

You certainly are no elite. an uncontrolled mob with violent tendencies- maybe. You would be the guy at the back yelling for everyone to have the balls to charge.

I respect libs who just drop their bs at the first challenge, more than I respect those who stick to their guns as their bs is revealed for all to see.

I respect actual Conservatives.

I haven't seen one in this thread here- I have seen a lot of self proclaimed Conservatives who are whiny snowflakes.
He didn't, he claimed some of them commit crimes. Which is true.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
What part of that was a lie? Mexican immigrants do bring drugs over, break laws. But there also some good people. Now Hillary called Trump supporters deplorable.
They were and are "deplorable."
Well I'm proud to be deplorable. My guy wants to make America great again. You guy wanted to transform America. So I'm good at not being a traitor.

Shame you don't think that America is great.

I do- sorry you are a traitor.
I'm not the one that blindly supported a man that wanted to transform a great America. You did, now it's time to make his failed presidency a bad memory. Go Trump!
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
What part of that was a lie? Mexican immigrants do bring drugs over, break laws. But there also some good people. Now Hillary called Trump supporters deplorable.
They were and are "deplorable."
Well I'm proud to be deplorable. My guy wants to make America great again. You guy wanted to transform America. So I'm good at not being a traitor.

Shame you don't think that America is great.

I do- sorry you are a traitor.
I'm not the one that blindly supported a man that wanted to transform a great America. You did, now it's time to make his failed presidency a bad memory. Go Trump!

So if you're trying to make America 'great again', that's prefaced on the idea that isn't great now. When was 'America Great' in your version of our history. Name the year.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
What part of that was a lie? Mexican immigrants do bring drugs over, break laws. But there also some good people. Now Hillary called Trump supporters deplorable.
They were and are "deplorable."
Well I'm proud to be deplorable. My guy wants to make America great again. You guy wanted to transform America. So I'm good at not being a traitor.

Shame you don't think that America is great.

I do- sorry you are a traitor.
I'm not the one that blindly supported a man that wanted to transform a great America. You did, now it's time to make his failed presidency a bad memory. Go Trump!
we supported an American man who worked to improve America. Now you people blindly supported a whore who is out to destroy our nation. You figure out. Go ahead. Support your whore/dictator. See how you and rest of us end up when the whore is done.
What part of that was a lie? Mexican immigrants do bring drugs over, break laws. But there also some good people. Now Hillary called Trump supporters deplorable.
They were and are "deplorable."
Well I'm proud to be deplorable. My guy wants to make America great again. You guy wanted to transform America. So I'm good at not being a traitor.

Shame you don't think that America is great.

I do- sorry you are a traitor.
I'm not the one that blindly supported a man that wanted to transform a great America. You did, now it's time to make his failed presidency a bad memory. Go Trump!
we supported an American man who worked to improve America. Now you people blindly supported a whore who is out to destroy our nation. You figure out. Go ahead. Support your whore/dictator. See how you and rest of us end up when the whore is done.
Aren't you the one who thought killing people is just grand?
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
What part of that was a lie? Mexican immigrants do bring drugs over, break laws. But there also some good people. Now Hillary called Trump supporters deplorable.
They were and are "deplorable."
Well I'm proud to be deplorable. My guy wants to make America great again. You guy wanted to transform America. So I'm good at not being a traitor.

Shame you don't think that America is great.

I do- sorry you are a traitor.
I'm not the one that blindly supported a man that wanted to transform a great America.

So you think America was great- until it wasn't.

See unlike you- I have always thought America was great.

Which is why I never bought into Trump's populist myth that America needed to be changed- to become great.

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