I am Sick to Death of the Elites Dishing Crap to People of Faith

There are sound reasons to believe in a Creator, and this is why the Greek rationalists like Plato and Socrates went to monotheism.

Not really. The 'First Mover' argument has enormous flaws. Most of which were ignored.

I dont know what version of the First Cause argument you are familiar with, but it has no 'flaws' that stand up to scrutiny.

When applied to monotheism? Truck sized holes.

There's absolutely nothing in the 'first cause' argument that requires that the 'first cause' be sentient, intelligent, good, care about humans, be aware of humans, have awareness, be singular, or even exist after moving first.

Monotheists assume all of that. Every attribution past 'moving first' is arbitrary assumption based on their local culture. The Japanese attribute it to a moving spear dipped in the water, the Christians to 7 days and men made of dirt, the Aboriginees of dream time, the Maya of a world made of bones of previous ages or by the Maize twins.

Its all arbitrary. None of it is backed by the 'first cause' argument. Nor has any rational application to monotheism. Or polytheism for that matter.

The flow of Time cannot be infinite or we would not be here in the present and this is well known mathematical fact. Therefore there must be a first cause as the flow of time is initialized.

That's a nonsense argument, like saying that there can't be infinite numbers because the number 2 exists. Nor does it have a thing to do with the arbitrary attributes that theists imagine for their 'gods'.

Lol, there was some flawed thinking among ancient philosophers, but not a sinificant amount when you consider what they started with.

We would not have science today were it not for the philosophers establishing 'natural philosophy'.

I'm saying that the assumptions they began with lends itself to diving explanations for natural events. They imagined that there were two sets of laws....one for the earth and the world we live in. And one for the heavens.

That's obviously nonsense. But it all but begs those accepting such assumptions to embrace the divine. When the *actual* natural laws don't.
No they don't
All abortions are privately funded

The majority of women in this country that have abortions are Christians
Then they have also murdered not only a human being, but their own child. Do you find comfort in numbers?

It is a woman's choice
Give her options other than abortion and you will see the numbers decline

But our Conservatives block access to birth control, oppose funding for maternity care, oppose paid maternity leave, oppose public funding for childcare and children's health services

Then they complain when women choose abortion
Why would you lay total blame and responsibility on women for killing her own child? The patriarch, notice, walks away with clean hands. Such bigots, don't you agree?
She's not "killing her child." She has decided not to continue a pregnancy. Stop with the stupid BS and allow people to choose their own religion.
Murder is wrong wether you believe in God or not.

Murder is the ILLEGAL taking of life; abortion within the ruling of R v. W is not murder.
On my commute to work I pass probably 10 churches all with their Christmas greetings up, often with other messages from the bible. I pass a large outdoor exhortation to acknowledge Jesus or your going to hell.

I don't pass a single sign calling for people to discriminate against Christians. I don't pass a single message telling people to reject Jesus.

As an Atheist- I have no problem with the daily "pro-Jesus" messages I am bombarded with.

I don't start snowflake victim threads about how mean people are to me just because I don't believe in their god(s). I don't start snowflake victim threads about what a victim I am because I constantly have certain people of certain faiths trying to tell me how I should think and what I should believe.

I leave that to snowflakes like Jimmie and his fellow travelers.
As an Atheist, what is it that you do believe?

As an atheist....I believe in:

All tax cuts pay for themselves
They've told you that you must pay for their abortions, though.

No they haven't

Public funding of abortions has been banned for decades
Yeah, that’s funny. PP doesn’t do abortions. Hilarious.

My "thoughts and prayers" are with those aborted babies

Makes you feel better doesn't it?
Yeah to bad you didn't pray before Obama was born. Just think if abortion was legal back then, more than likely, there would've never been an Obama!

<sob> But.....But.....What about OBAMA?
I know abortion was illegal when he was born. Saved his life.
On my commute to work I pass probably 10 churches all with their Christmas greetings up, often with other messages from the bible. I pass a large outdoor exhortation to acknowledge Jesus or your going to hell.

I don't pass a single sign calling for people to discriminate against Christians. I don't pass a single message telling people to reject Jesus.

As an Atheist- I have no problem with the daily "pro-Jesus" messages I am bombarded with.

I don't start snowflake victim threads about how mean people are to me just because I don't believe in their god(s). I don't start snowflake victim threads about what a victim I am because I constantly have certain people of certain faiths trying to tell me how I should think and what I should believe.

I leave that to snowflakes like Jimmie and his fellow travelers.
As an Atheist, what is it that you do believe?

As an atheist....I believe in:

All tax cuts pay for themselves
And Hillary.

Never forget.
Then they have also murdered not only a human being, but their own child. Do you find comfort in numbers?

It is a woman's choice
Give her options other than abortion and you will see the numbers decline

But our Conservatives block access to birth control, oppose funding for maternity care, oppose paid maternity leave, oppose public funding for childcare and children's health services

Then they complain when women choose abortion
Why would you lay total blame and responsibility on women for killing her own child? The patriarch, notice, walks away with clean hands. Such bigots, don't you agree?
She's not "killing her child." She has decided not to continue a pregnancy. Stop with the stupid BS and allow people to choose their own religion.
Murder is wrong wether you believe in God or not.

Murder is the ILLEGAL taking of life; abortion within the ruling of R v. W is not murder.
Like when you take the life of a wanted human fetus - it’s murder.
Then they have also murdered not only a human being, but their own child. Do you find comfort in numbers?

It is a woman's choice
Give her options other than abortion and you will see the numbers decline

But our Conservatives block access to birth control, oppose funding for maternity care, oppose paid maternity leave, oppose public funding for childcare and children's health services

Then they complain when women choose abortion
Why would you lay total blame and responsibility on women for killing her own child? The patriarch, notice, walks away with clean hands. Such bigots, don't you agree?
She's not "killing her child." She has decided not to continue a pregnancy. Stop with the stupid BS and allow people to choose their own religion.
Murder is wrong wether you believe in God or not.

Murder is the ILLEGAL taking of life; abortion within the ruling of R v. W is not murder.
Science soon will prove that it's a baby in the womb. Then abortion supporters will be looked back on as the slave owners are today. Sorry but true.
I will say no more about the ideologically-motivated "debate" about terminating a pregnancy. However, I will say that I don't understand the right-wing movement against using modern technology to avoid unwanted conception and thereby limit the problem of unwanted pregnancies in the first place, which people have wanted to do from ancient times onward. Humans are tool users. We invent tools, including pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, and even engineering marvels like the Hoover Dam, to suit our needs and solve problems. Why does anyone want to prevent the availability of contraceptives if they are so adamantly against the willful termination of a pregnancy? What is the real motivation of these people? The universal availability of existent technology would go so far to eliminate their problem. There is something really wrong with these people and their underlying motivations really need to be examined.
I dont know what version of the First Cause argument you are familiar with, but it has no 'flaws' that stand up to scrutiny.

When applied to monotheism? Truck sized holes.

There's absolutely nothing in the 'first cause' argument that requires that the 'first cause' be sentient, intelligent, good, care about humans, be aware of humans, have awareness, be singular, or even exist after moving first.

roflmao, simply because the First Cause argument does not prove EVERYTHING about monotheism does not mean it fails to prove anything in regards to monotheism. In fact it does not prove monotheism, but merely the concept of a Creator of the flow of Time.

That is how real reason works in contrast to ideological thinking; things rationally move one step at a time and not in whole sheaths of assumption.

Its all arbitrary. None of it is backed by the 'first cause' argument. Nor has any rational application to monotheism. Or polytheism for that matter.

It proves that time is not eternal and something else must be. This is the Creator, not randomness or the Flying Spagheti Monster, lol.

The flow of Time cannot be infinite or we would not be here in the present and this is well known mathematical fact. Therefore there must be a first cause as the flow of time is initialized.

That's a nonsense argument, like saying that there can't be infinite numbers because the number 2 exists. Nor does it have a thing to do with the arbitrary attributes that theists imagine for their 'gods'.

ROFLMAO! No it is not at all like saying there cant be infinite numbers because the number 2 exists! OMG, you are a flipping idiot.


Do you seriously think that there is enough time to, say, count to infinity? or to take an infinite number of spoons and wash them all down to 3, 2, 1, none left?

You are once again outing yourself as an idiot.

That's obviously nonsense. But it all but begs those accepting such assumptions to embrace the divine. When the *actual* natural laws don't.

Actual natural laws say ZERO about a Creator, nor should it. And believing that other evidence and Reason suggests that there is a Creator is certainly more rational than to suppose it all happened by accident, lol.
It is a woman's choice
Give her options other than abortion and you will see the numbers decline

But our Conservatives block access to birth control, oppose funding for maternity care, oppose paid maternity leave, oppose public funding for childcare and children's health services

Then they complain when women choose abortion
Why would you lay total blame and responsibility on women for killing her own child? The patriarch, notice, walks away with clean hands. Such bigots, don't you agree?
She's not "killing her child." She has decided not to continue a pregnancy. Stop with the stupid BS and allow people to choose their own religion.
Murder is wrong wether you believe in God or not.

Murder is the ILLEGAL taking of life; abortion within the ruling of R v. W is not murder.
Science soon will prove that it's a baby in the womb. Then abortion supporters will be looked back on as the slave owners are today. Sorry but true.
Fact is we have this debate because no can say for certainty one way or the other.

So you and I side with life, they side with death.
Murder is the ILLEGAL taking of life; abortion within the ruling of R v. W is not murder.
The law that says abortion is murder is the same 'higher law' that the Nazis were tried by at the Nuremburg trials.

You might want to think about that.
No they haven't

Public funding of abortions has been banned for decades
Yeah, that’s funny. PP doesn’t do abortions. Hilarious.

My "thoughts and prayers" are with those aborted babies

Makes you feel better doesn't it?
Yeah to bad you didn't pray before Obama was born. Just think if abortion was legal back then, more than likely, there would've never been an Obama!

Just think if abortion was legal back then, more than likely, there would've never been a jknowgood!
Nope not a chance, my mom is totally against abortion. We do know Obama's mom didn't want him, reason is why her parents raised him.

Poor little snowflake.

President Obama's mother raised him - and so did his grandparents.

That is like saying that President Trump's parents would have aborted him- just because they sent him away to boarding school.
It is a woman's choice
Give her options other than abortion and you will see the numbers decline

But our Conservatives block access to birth control, oppose funding for maternity care, oppose paid maternity leave, oppose public funding for childcare and children's health services

Then they complain when women choose abortion
Why would you lay total blame and responsibility on women for killing her own child? The patriarch, notice, walks away with clean hands. Such bigots, don't you agree?
She's not "killing her child." She has decided not to continue a pregnancy. Stop with the stupid BS and allow people to choose their own religion.
Murder is wrong wether you believe in God or not.

Murder is the ILLEGAL taking of life; abortion within the ruling of R v. W is not murder.
Science soon will prove that it's a baby in the womb. .

How will science 'prove that it's a baby in the womb'- exactly?
Yeah to bad you didn't pray before Obama was born. Just think if abortion was legal back then, more than likely, there would've never been an Obama!
We don't need to hear about why your moma couldn't get an abortion.
Why would you lay total blame and responsibility on women for killing her own child? The patriarch, notice, walks away with clean hands. Such bigots, don't you agree?
She's not "killing her child." She has decided not to continue a pregnancy. Stop with the stupid BS and allow people to choose their own religion.
Murder is wrong wether you believe in God or not.

Murder is the ILLEGAL taking of life; abortion within the ruling of R v. W is not murder.
Science soon will prove that it's a baby in the womb. .

How will science 'prove that it's a baby in the womb'- exactly?
How will it prove it’s not?

Why do you error on the side of death instead of on the side of life?
On my commute to work I pass probably 10 churches all with their Christmas greetings up, often with other messages from the bible. I pass a large outdoor exhortation to acknowledge Jesus or your going to hell.

I don't pass a single sign calling for people to discriminate against Christians. I don't pass a single message telling people to reject Jesus.

As an Atheist- I have no problem with the daily "pro-Jesus" messages I am bombarded with.

I don't start snowflake victim threads about how mean people are to me just because I don't believe in their god(s). I don't start snowflake victim threads about what a victim I am because I constantly have certain people of certain faiths trying to tell me how I should think and what I should believe.

I leave that to snowflakes like Jimmie and his fellow travelers.
As an Atheist, what is it that you do believe?

What I don't believe is in any fairy in the sky. What I do believe is frankly none of your business.
Nothing personal. I'm always interested in other ideas. Most internet Atheists don't seem to have any.

I have notice that most internet Christians don't have any 'other ideas'- just regurgitate whatever they have been told by whatever preacher/web site they listen to.
Liberals are against hate......except 2/3 of Dem voters hate Christians and 1/2 hate hate white people
I dont know what version of the First Cause argument you are familiar with, but it has no 'flaws' that stand up to scrutiny.

When applied to monotheism? Truck sized holes.

There's absolutely nothing in the 'first cause' argument that requires that the 'first cause' be sentient, intelligent, good, care about humans, be aware of humans, have awareness, be singular, or even exist after moving first.

roflmao, simply because the First Cause argument does not prove EVERYTHING about monotheism does not mean it fails to prove anything in regards to monotheism. In fact it does not prove monotheism, but merely the concept of a Creator of the flow of Time.

It doesn't prove *anything* in theism. There's no reason that a first cause even exist after 'causing'. And the 'first cause' is the beating heart of the theist argument....despite it proving nothing about theism or any attribute they attribute to any of their gods. There's nothing in the first mover argument that ever establishes that your version of 'god' was the first mover. It could have come after.

Worse, the logic of religion virtually mandates that theistic thought is false. Almost all theistic systems are mutually exclusive. It can't be Jesus AND Zeus. Or Allah and Amaterasu. Which means that if one religion is right, all the others must be delusional and false. Yet virtually all faiths use the same processes: religious texts, faith and prayer. Processes that per the logic of religion almost always produce FALSE and delusional results.

And that's the best cause scenario. There's nothing that mandates that *any* religion got it right.

Theism is some weak, weak tea.

It proves that time is not eternal and something else must be. This is the Creator, not randomness or the Flying Spagheti Monster, lol.

Nope. There is not a single attribute proven or disproven by the 'first mover' argument. The flying spaghetti monster is just as plausible as Amaterasu, Shiva, Jesus or Zeus when using it. Or nothing at all....as once the first mover moved....there's no need for it to exist any longer.

There's also nothing in the 'first mover' argument that mandates that ONLY the first mover be made out of whatever supernatural matter that the first mover is made out of. The universe itself could be made out of the same material. Once you posit that such material exists, there's nothing to prohibit anything or everything from being made out of it.

You're falling into the same intellectual trap as the Greeks; imagining two separate system of rules, one for earth and the other for the divine. When empirical evidence overwhelmingly suggests its the same rules for everything.

ROFLMAO! No it is not at all like saying there cant be infinite numbers because the number 2 exists! OMG, you are a flipping idiot.

Can we ever have a conversation without you randomly spewing insults for no particular reason?

Being somewhere on a number line doesn't mandate that the number line be finite. It can be infinite in both directions...and you can still land on the number 2. Time can continue infinitely in both directions. And you can still land on the present moment. There's nothing that mathematically negates infinite time or infinite numbers by experiencing a specific piece of that infinity.
She's not "killing her child." She has decided not to continue a pregnancy. Stop with the stupid BS and allow people to choose their own religion.
Murder is wrong wether you believe in God or not.

Murder is the ILLEGAL taking of life; abortion within the ruling of R v. W is not murder.
Science soon will prove that it's a baby in the womb. .

How will science 'prove that it's a baby in the womb'- exactly?
How will it prove it’s not?

He made the claim that science would provide the proof- not me.

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