I am Sick to Death of the Elites Dishing Crap to People of Faith

Your "logic" only works IF you are a member of a brand of religion that holds this view. Moreover, nature aborts pregnancies, as well.
Mind your own business and other people will mind their's.
The birthrate is doing just fine. As a matter of fact, the world is over-populated. Or is your comment a racial thing?
Explain to the class which part of the definition is faulty. The human or the being part.
Your "logic" only works IF you are a member of a brand of religion that holds this view. Moreover, nature aborts pregnancies, as well.
Mind your own business and other people will mind their's.
The birthrate is doing just fine. As a matter of fact, the world is over-populated. Or is your comment a racial thing?
Explain to the class which part of the definition is faulty. The human or the being part.
Both. The "human" part is faulty in that it equates the byproduct of human conception as fully "human" even if is merely a fertilized egg. It is a "being" only with respect to its existence as a zygote, fetus. It is not a "human being" yet. Potentiality is not to be equated with actuality. We are not all participants in your craziness and your crazy "religion."
OK, it's not a human fetus. Is it a goat fetus? A nothing fetus?

Existence is existence. That's what makes it a being.
Break an Eagle egg and see how the left see a fetus.
To believe that a woman can conceive and abort anything other than a human is scientifically obnoxious.
Potential human. Stop with the ding-dong stuff. I'm not answering anymore. Take your BS elsewhere. Go listen to a Jeffress tape or some other white male bullshit "man of God." Women of all religions and those who are atheist will settle this our own way.
Explain to the class which part of the definition is faulty. The human or the being part.
Explain to the class which part of the definition is faulty. The human or the being part.
Both. The "human" part is faulty in that it equates the byproduct of human conception as fully "human" even if is merely a fertilized egg. It is a "being" only with respect to its existence as a zygote, fetus. It is not a "human being" yet. Potentiality is not to be equated with actuality. We are not all participants in your craziness and your crazy "religion."
OK, it's not a human fetus. Is it a goat fetus? A nothing fetus?

Existence is existence. That's what makes it a being.
Break an Eagle egg and see how the left see a fetus.
To believe that a woman can conceive and abort anything other than a human is scientifically obnoxious.
Potential human. Stop with the ding-dong stuff. I'm not answering anymore. Take your BS elsewhere. Go listen to a Jeffress tape or some other white male bullshit "man of God." Women of all religions and those who are atheist will settle this our own way.
You can go to prison for murdering a HUMAN if that fetus is wanted by the mother and you caused its death.

Shows how F’d up society is by valuing a human life on the whim of a mother.
Explain to the class which part of the definition is faulty. The human or the being part.
Explain to the class which part of the definition is faulty. The human or the being part.
Both. The "human" part is faulty in that it equates the byproduct of human conception as fully "human" even if is merely a fertilized egg. It is a "being" only with respect to its existence as a zygote, fetus. It is not a "human being" yet. Potentiality is not to be equated with actuality. We are not all participants in your craziness and your crazy "religion."
OK, it's not a human fetus. Is it a goat fetus? A nothing fetus?

Existence is existence. That's what makes it a being.
Break an Eagle egg and see how the left see a fetus.
To believe that a woman can conceive and abort anything other than a human is scientifically obnoxious.
Potential human. Stop with the ding-dong stuff. I'm not answering anymore. Take your BS elsewhere. Go listen to a Jeffress tape or some other white male bullshit "man of God." Women of all religions and those who are atheist will settle this our own way.
Like a child is a potential president. But not if you kill it first.
This is an old barb of mine, especially when these arrogant elites are completely ignorant about the things they think that they know about.

So you think prayer is the answer to crazies killing people in church? I have no doubt it helped the victims families deal with their loss, but no, it didn't protect them from the murderer, and it won't protect the next batch of people ho are killed by someone who shouldn't have been allowed to have a gun.

It's pure idiocy in the 21st century to believe in the mythology of primitive people, but if that's what floats your boat, go for it.

There are sound reasons to believe in a Creator, and this is why the Greek rationalists like Plato and Socrates went to monotheism.

Not really. The 'First Mover' argument has enormous flaws. Most of which were ignored.

Plus, the Greeks based their beliefs in the divine on fundamental errors in how the universe worked. Their bifurcation of the celestial and terrestrial with two separate set of laws that govern them was grossly inaccurate. And lends itself well to divine explanations to natural events.

That is not mythology, dude, but then again you libs will even classify science as conspiracy theory so I guess expecting much from you guys is completely misplaced anyway, lol.

Theology isn't a science. And even by the logic of religion, religious belief is almost certainly false.
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

Stop living in the past. Today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Stop living in other countries. today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack

Planned Parenthood shooter ‘happy’ with his attack
I've never had an atheist knock on my door and tell me not to believe in god
They've told you that you must pay for their abortions, though.

No they haven't

Public funding of abortions has been banned for decades
Yeah, that’s funny. PP doesn’t do abortions. Hilarious.

My "thoughts and prayers" are with those aborted babies

Makes you feel better doesn't it?

You lack any track record of believing what you say.

All those aborted babies

My thoughts and prayers are with them

Now we don't have to do anything about it....right?
roflmao, and yet it is you atheistic secularists that have compiled the biggest body count since the beginning of time.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot the list goes on into the hundreds of millions of innocent people.

Study the French Revolution sometime, butboy, and focus on the 'Reign of Terror'.

That is the only way you secular shit4brains have of getting people to play within your rules as you have abandoned using religion to help you.

So when you dirt bags run things it is never "Do this or go to hell' it is 'Do this or lose your house, your freedom or your life." instead.

It seems you have forgotten the Crusades and Inquisitions
Abortion buries them in body count.
Not bringing a zygote/fetus to term is not killing, though.
If it will live and become a viable human being, it is murder.
It is a potential human being, not an actual one. In any event, I think that a woman who shares your beliefs will not have an abortion. People holding other religious beliefs might. That is their choice.
It's a human, with new ultrasounds and science will soon prove it.
They've told you that you must pay for their abortions, though.

No they haven't

Public funding of abortions has been banned for decades
Yeah, that’s funny. PP doesn’t do abortions. Hilarious.

My "thoughts and prayers" are with those aborted babies

Makes you feel better doesn't it?

You lack any track record of believing what you say.

All those aborted babies

My thoughts and prayers are with them

Now we don't have to do anything about it....right?
Stop trying to shove your mythical faith on everyone.
The public funds the providers. The abortions are free.

No they don't
All abortions are privately funded

The majority of women in this country that have abortions are Christians
Then they have also murdered not only a human being, but their own child. Do you find comfort in numbers?

It is a woman's choice
Give her options other than abortion and you will see the numbers decline

But our Conservatives block access to birth control, oppose funding for maternity care, oppose paid maternity leave, oppose public funding for childcare and children's health services

Then they complain when women choose abortion
Why would you lay total blame and responsibility on women for killing her own child? The patriarch, notice, walks away with clean hands. Such bigots, don't you agree?
She's not "killing her child." She has decided not to continue a pregnancy. Stop with the stupid BS and allow people to choose their own religion.
Murder is wrong wether you believe in God or not.
It is a being, because it is alive. It is human because a woman cannot conceive anything else. Therefore, it is a human being.
Your "logic" only works IF you are a member of a brand of religion that holds this view. Moreover, nature aborts pregnancies, as well.
Mind your own business and other people will mind their's.
Well, they are wrong on both counts.

White Christians will be back on the rebound once the economy is impacted by robotics. Then hand made items for barter will return to prominence and the inherent advantage of having kids in terms of economics for the family unit will spur more white babies.

unfortunately, most white people would rather have a second car than a second child and this is pathetic. In earlier times where kids could work the farm this was an advantage in having more healthy educated kids.

When this returns so will the birth rate.

Besides all that, Hispanics are white too, lol.
The birthrate is doing just fine. As a matter of fact, the world is over-populated. Or is your comment a racial thing?
Explain to the class which part of the definition is faulty. The human or the being part.
It is a being, because it is alive. It is human because a woman cannot conceive anything else. Therefore, it is a human being.
Your "logic" only works IF you are a member of a brand of religion that holds this view. Moreover, nature aborts pregnancies, as well.
Mind your own business and other people will mind their's.
Well, they are wrong on both counts.

White Christians will be back on the rebound once the economy is impacted by robotics. Then hand made items for barter will return to prominence and the inherent advantage of having kids in terms of economics for the family unit will spur more white babies.

unfortunately, most white people would rather have a second car than a second child and this is pathetic. In earlier times where kids could work the farm this was an advantage in having more healthy educated kids.

When this returns so will the birth rate.

Besides all that, Hispanics are white too, lol.
The birthrate is doing just fine. As a matter of fact, the world is over-populated. Or is your comment a racial thing?
Explain to the class which part of the definition is faulty. The human or the being part.
Both. The "human" part is faulty in that it equates the byproduct of human conception as fully "human" even if is merely a fertilized egg. It is a "being" only with respect to its existence as a zygote, fetus. It is not a "human being" yet. Potentiality is not to be equated with actuality. We are not all participants in your craziness and your crazy "religion."
OK, it's not a human fetus. Is it a goat fetus? A nothing fetus?

Existence is existence. That's what makes it a being.
Break an Eagle egg and see how the left see a fetus.
Winner, nailed it on the spot!
There are sound reasons to believe in a Creator, and this is why the Greek rationalists like Plato and Socrates went to monotheism.

Not really. The 'First Mover' argument has enormous flaws. Most of which were ignored.

I dont know what version of the First Cause argument you are familiar with, but it has no 'flaws' that stand up to scrutiny.

The flow of Time cannot be infinite or we would not be here in the present and this is well known mathematical fact. Therefore there must be a first cause as the flow of time is initialized.

Plus, the Greeks based their beliefs in the divine on fundamental errors in how the universe worked. Their bifurcation of the celestial and terrestrial with two separate set of laws that govern them was grossly inaccurate. And lends itself well to divine explanations to natural events.

Lol, there was some flawed thinking among ancient philosophers, but not a sinificant amount when you consider what they started with.

We would not have science today were it not for the philosophers establishing 'natural philosophy'.

That is not mythology, dude, but then again you libs will even classify science as conspiracy theory so I guess expecting much from you guys is completely misplaced anyway, lol.

Theology isn't a science. And even by the logic of religion, religious belief is almost certainly false.
roflmao, please work on your reading skills, genius. I didnt say that.

You have a strong tendency to read something and get the meaning from it that you prefer instead of what the author meant.

Of course theology is not science, duh. And Plato and Aristotle were not myth makers either. They were philosophers.
Yes, atheists being the worst offenders.

I've never had an atheist knock on my door and tell me not to believe in god
They've told you that you must pay for their abortions, though.

No they haven't

Public funding of abortions has been banned for decades
Yeah, that’s funny. PP doesn’t do abortions. Hilarious.

My "thoughts and prayers" are with those aborted babies

Makes you feel better doesn't it?
Yeah to bad you didn't pray before Obama was born. Just think if abortion was legal back then, more than likely, there would've never been an Obama!
On my commute to work I pass probably 10 churches all with their Christmas greetings up, often with other messages from the bible. I pass a large outdoor exhortation to acknowledge Jesus or your going to hell.

I don't pass a single sign calling for people to discriminate against Christians. I don't pass a single message telling people to reject Jesus.

As an Atheist- I have no problem with the daily "pro-Jesus" messages I am bombarded with.

I don't start snowflake victim threads about how mean people are to me just because I don't believe in their god(s). I don't start snowflake victim threads about what a victim I am because I constantly have certain people of certain faiths trying to tell me how I should think and what I should believe.

I leave that to snowflakes like Jimmie and his fellow travelers.
On my commute to work I pass probably 10 churches all with their Christmas greetings up, often with other messages from the bible. I pass a large outdoor exhortation to acknowledge Jesus or your going to hell.

I don't pass a single sign calling for people to discriminate against Christians. I don't pass a single message telling people to reject Jesus.

As an Atheist- I have no problem with the daily "pro-Jesus" messages I am bombarded with.

I don't start snowflake victim threads about how mean people are to me just because I don't believe in their god(s). I don't start snowflake victim threads about what a victim I am because I constantly have certain people of certain faiths trying to tell me how I should think and what I should believe.

I leave that to snowflakes like Jimmie and his fellow travelers.
As an Atheist, what is it that you do believe?
I've never had an atheist knock on my door and tell me not to believe in god
They've told you that you must pay for their abortions, though.

No they haven't

Public funding of abortions has been banned for decades
Yeah, that’s funny. PP doesn’t do abortions. Hilarious.

My "thoughts and prayers" are with those aborted babies

Makes you feel better doesn't it?
Yeah to bad you didn't pray before Obama was born. Just think if abortion was legal back then, more than likely, there would've never been an Obama!

Just think if abortion was legal back then, more than likely, there would've never been a jknowgood!
On my commute to work I pass probably 10 churches all with their Christmas greetings up, often with other messages from the bible. I pass a large outdoor exhortation to acknowledge Jesus or your going to hell.

I don't pass a single sign calling for people to discriminate against Christians. I don't pass a single message telling people to reject Jesus.

As an Atheist- I have no problem with the daily "pro-Jesus" messages I am bombarded with.

I don't start snowflake victim threads about how mean people are to me just because I don't believe in their god(s). I don't start snowflake victim threads about what a victim I am because I constantly have certain people of certain faiths trying to tell me how I should think and what I should believe.

I leave that to snowflakes like Jimmie and his fellow travelers.
As an Atheist, what is it that you do believe?

What I don't believe is in any fairy in the sky. What I do believe is frankly none of your business.
On my commute to work I pass probably 10 churches all with their Christmas greetings up, often with other messages from the bible. I pass a large outdoor exhortation to acknowledge Jesus or your going to hell.

I don't pass a single sign calling for people to discriminate against Christians. I don't pass a single message telling people to reject Jesus.

As an Atheist- I have no problem with the daily "pro-Jesus" messages I am bombarded with.

I don't start snowflake victim threads about how mean people are to me just because I don't believe in their god(s). I don't start snowflake victim threads about what a victim I am because I constantly have certain people of certain faiths trying to tell me how I should think and what I should believe.

I leave that to snowflakes like Jimmie and his fellow travelers.
As an Atheist, what is it that you do believe?

What I don't believe is in any fairy in the sky. What I do believe is frankly none of your business.
Nothing personal. I'm always interested in other ideas. Most internet Atheists don't seem to have any.
They've told you that you must pay for their abortions, though.

No they haven't

Public funding of abortions has been banned for decades
Yeah, that’s funny. PP doesn’t do abortions. Hilarious.

My "thoughts and prayers" are with those aborted babies

Makes you feel better doesn't it?
Yeah to bad you didn't pray before Obama was born. Just think if abortion was legal back then, more than likely, there would've never been an Obama!

Just think if abortion was legal back then, more than likely, there would've never been a jknowgood!
Nope not a chance, my mom is totally against abortion. We do know Obama's mom didn't want him, reason is why her parents raised him.
I've never had an atheist knock on my door and tell me not to believe in god
They've told you that you must pay for their abortions, though.

No they haven't

Public funding of abortions has been banned for decades
Yeah, that’s funny. PP doesn’t do abortions. Hilarious.

My "thoughts and prayers" are with those aborted babies

Makes you feel better doesn't it?
Yeah to bad you didn't pray before Obama was born. Just think if abortion was legal back then, more than likely, there would've never been an Obama!

<sob> But.....But.....What about OBAMA?

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Yeah to bad you didn't pray before Obama was born. Just think if abortion was legal back then, more than likely, there would've never been an Obama!

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