I am Sick to Death of the Elites Dishing Crap to People of Faith

Then again, you thought Hillary would win, too.
Like you did Gillespie? Moore? What goes around comes around, like the 100 lege seats this year in the states that flipped blue. Be pompous, and see where that gets you.
Will these future Dem leaders be crying their eyes out, as they have in the past?

Notice- this thread was started by a whiny contard Snowflake, crying his eyes out because people were being such meanies to 'people of faith' (i.e. Christians)
Obama was his president, too. Crying leaders lead people to cry.

Did Obama make you cry and that is why you didn't think America was great?
He blubbered like a little girl on national television. Big buckets of feminine tears running down his face. haha
Mobs are more of a Lefty thing, but thanks for dropping your nonsense from your previous post..

Except of course when they are your mobs....
We're the revolutionaries with pitchforks storming the castle

Your confusion in understandable. As a lib you can't grasp the idea of metaphors.

Your flailing is understandable. As a Conservative you don't understand that when you use a mob as a metaphor for what you want to do- that is indicating you approve of what mobs do.
Obama used them regularly, so why did you support him?

Obama used Conservative metaphors? Well he did try to reach out to you.
Please share a link to where he talked against violent protesting.
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

Stop living in the past. Today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Like in Europe where much of the discussion on this site, could lead to being arrested.

British Police Just Imprisoned A Man For Posting Mean Things About Muslims On Facebook

So we're elite if we're educated and informed and don't want religious zealots trying to make us a theocracy? :rofl:

Nope. And no one is trying to make US a theocracy.

That would be a rationalization of yours for your bigotry.

Ever hear of "dominionism"? The trash of the "religious" right are always into this and want to impose their shit brand of "Christianity" on the entire U.S. population. Why would any thinking human being want to follow the whims of the "leaders" of this group? They don't have one brain cell between them.
Ever hear of "dominionism"? The trash of the "religious" right are always into this and want to impose their shit brand of "Christianity" on the entire U.S. population. Why would any thinking human being want to follow the whims of the "leaders" of this group? They don't have one brain cell between them.

Or are you just jealous that your shitbrand church-of-the-sexually-depraved isn't overtaking and extinguishing Christian values as quickly as you'd like?
The haters and dividers, like jknowgood, simply could not accept Obama as President, whether it was color or party or philosophy or whatever.

The Alt Right and Far Right have been the greatest dividers in our history since 1860s.

They simply hate.
Personally, I hate weeping leaders. They're supposed to inspire and lead the people, not cry their eyes out for the world to see.
Grow up. The world, and the American people who elected him twice, well liked him.
They sure rejected his hand picked replacement. He bet his legacy on her and errthang. Not that he has a legacy to lose after one year of a dry-eyed leader.
You switch to Clinton now that I batted your Obama stuff away with both my eyes closed. Did you think Gillespie and Moore were going to win?
Obama was the crybaby. So was Bill. Funny, it seems like crying politicians is strictly a leftist male pastime.
So now white have pompous white males with no maturity or brains strutting around bragging that they have a male appendage instead. How is this better than actually experiencing human emotion?
Well I'm proud to be deplorable. My guy wants to make America great again. You guy wanted to transform America. So I'm good at not being a traitor.

Shame you don't think that America is great.

I do- sorry you are a traitor.
I'm not the one that blindly supported a man that wanted to transform a great America.

So you think America was great- until it wasn't.

See unlike you- I have always thought America was great.

Which is why I never bought into Trump's populist myth that America needed to be changed- to become great.
We can't be great if we are divided. Obama did a great job of that.

Shame you didn't think America was great.

Obama did- and wanted America to be greater.
Wanting to transform something, means you want to change it. His legacy will be putting men in girls locker rooms. Also dividing America like any person could wish he could do.
The haters and dividers, like jknowgood, simply could not accept Obama as President, whether it was color or party or philosophy or whatever.

The Alt Right and Far Right have been the greatest dividers in our history since 1860s.

They simply hate.
Personally, I hate weeping leaders. They're supposed to inspire and lead the people, not cry their eyes out for the world to see.
Grow up. The world, and the American people who elected him twice, well liked him.
They sure rejected his hand picked replacement. He bet his legacy on her and errthang.

Not that he has a legacy to lose after one year of a dry-eyed leader.
A "dry-eyed leader" who is a whore, a conman, and a liar, and who has no dignity or feeling for anything other than his own sick appetites.
Ever hear of "dominionism"? The trash of the "religious" right are always into this and want to impose their shit brand of "Christianity" on the entire U.S. population. Why would any thinking human being want to follow the whims of the "leaders" of this group? They don't have one brain cell between them.

Or are you just jealous that your shitbrand church-of-the-sexually-depraved isn't overtaking and extinguishing Christian values as quickly as you'd like?
Just what do you think are "Christian values"? Who decides them? Monkeys like jeffress and graham? Why don't you ask your monkeys to give up their guns and act like respectable human beings for a change? I'm tired of the shit-brand church-of-sexually-obsessed monkeys. The damage that you folks have inflicted on the Christian religion is enormous.
The sinners in the church are to be expected. In fact they're a requirement. The church is the teachings of infallible God to fallible men.

The difference between this & your cult of depravity is that fallible Christians strive daily not to falter to depravity. Your gang embraces depravity as a value.

This difference is fundamental.
Grow up. The world, and the American people who elected him twice, well liked him.
They sure rejected his hand picked replacement. He bet his legacy on her and errthang. Not that he has a legacy to lose after one year of a dry-eyed leader.
You switch to Clinton now that I batted your Obama stuff away with both my eyes closed. Did you think Gillespie and Moore were going to win?
Obama was the crybaby. So was Bill. Funny, it seems like crying politicians is strictly a leftist male pastime.
Too easy.

John Boehner crying youtube.conm - Yahoo Video Search Results
Do you think Obama led his followers to to break down and bawl their eyes out when Hillary got the hide ripped off of her?
Aba, your trolling becomes even more ineffective when you are drinking, as you have been for some hours now.
Any who admits to Christian dominionism is a person to avoid personally and socially in all situations, and as much as possible in your professional field.

They are toxic to faith, good manners, and common sense.
No one can really dictate what parts of a religion someone "should" follow, it doesn't work that way. That kind of stuff is an individual decision and right...

That's why many "on the right" (and center honestly) are not exactly "outraged" by the idea of a "Muslim ban" - Christian's have no real right to tell Muslims what part of their religion they "should" or "must" follow, only the government can really do that king of shit - and /our/ government cannot do that per say without running afoul of the Constitution. How do you compromise something like 9 year old child brides? Do we add pedophilia to the list of ideological beliefs that will forever be contested in the hearts and minds of this nation? Though, as an aside, I must admit, I would be deeply interested in reading the supreme court hearings on such a conflicting constitutional issue - religious belief (1st amendment) vs "freedom" of children from "harm" (minority protection case law) There might even be implications toward abortion inherent in findings the SCOTUS spit out of such a case...

Anyway, ultimately the "problem" I think many see with Islam in America is at what level the gov can dictate religious belief, because, of course, if American's do decide that the gov can dictate the "extent" of religious "followance" (as you've exampled in your statement ScienceRocks) then America is inherently at risk of being a theocracy (note my previous post in this thread) as "religious freedom" would not technically be protected any longer. It's intentionally getting stuck between a rock and a hard place, and ultimately its a no-win situation when you get down to it. We have enough trouble balancing gov interference/controls with Christian beliefs - and Christian's actually wrote the thing. To add in a religion that's Hell bent (pun intended) on religious world domination is a fools errand - regardless of the well-intention ed idea of being open to all religions. I just don't see a solution but to ask Muslims to give up their faith (to alter it or whatever) and honestly, for me personally, I see that as /wrong/ in and of itself... It is just not our place to tell folks what to believe; be they Christian or Muslim.
This is an old barb of mine, especially when these arrogant elites are completely ignorant about the things they think that they know about.

Okay, buddy, if you weren't brought up believing THIS story....


And instead someone just told you that yesterday, would you believe it?

Of course not. The only reason why you guys believe this nonsense is that it was drilled into you at an early age.
This is an old barb of mine, especially when these arrogant elites are completely ignorant about the things they think that they know about.

Well now, when you support a pathological liar for President, and a pedophile for the Senate, all the while playing the holier than thou card, you deserve nothing but contempt.
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

Stop living in the past. Today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Like in Europe where much of the discussion on this site, could lead to being arrested.

British Police Just Imprisoned A Man For Posting Mean Things About Muslims On Facebook

So we're elite if we're educated and informed and don't want religious zealots trying to make us a theocracy? :rofl:

Nope. And no one is trying to make US a theocracy.

That would be a rationalization of yours for your bigotry.

Ever hear of "dominionism"? The trash of the "religious" right are always into this and want to impose their shit brand of "Christianity" on the entire U.S. population. Why would any thinking human being want to follow the whims of the "leaders" of this group? They don't have one brain cell between them.

You got any link to any serious numbers on this supposed ism? Cause, I've never even seen any hard numbers on it.

Even those who are trying to inflate it's danger, talk shit about there being "prayer chapters" in every state.

WTF, is that? Two people in a living room, praying? Or one guy living in his mother's basement claiming online that he is a group of people in several states, praying?
This is an old barb of mine, especially when these arrogant elites are completely ignorant about the things they think that they know about.

Well now, when you support a pathological liar for President, and a pedophile for the Senate, all the while playing the holier than thou card, you deserve nothing but contempt.

Ingram is clueless

People don't mock the "thoughts and prayers" response because they hate religion

They mock it because it is shallow and condescending and does nothing to address the problem of mass killing
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

Stop living in the past. Today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Like in Europe where much of the discussion on this site, could lead to being arrested.

British Police Just Imprisoned A Man For Posting Mean Things About Muslims On Facebook

So we're elite if we're educated and informed and don't want religious zealots trying to make us a theocracy? :rofl:

Nope. And no one is trying to make US a theocracy.

That would be a rationalization of yours for your bigotry.

Ever hear of "dominionism"? The trash of the "religious" right are always into this and want to impose their shit brand of "Christianity" on the entire U.S. population. Why would any thinking human being want to follow the whims of the "leaders" of this group? They don't have one brain cell between them.

You got any link to any serious numbers on this supposed ism? Cause, I've never even seen any hard numbers on it.

Even those who are trying to inflate it's danger, talk shit about there being "prayer chapters" in every state.

WTF, is that? Two people in a living room, praying? Or one guy living in his mother's basement claiming online that he is a group of people in several states, praying?
Google Rushdoony. Look up "dominionism." Listen to crap like Jeffress and Graham. Look up Hagee and Bill Gothard. These punks are anti-American and they are relentless in their sick desire to dominate the American People.
Stop living in the past. Today, you and yours are the elite that want to silence or kill your enemies.

Like in Europe where much of the discussion on this site, could lead to being arrested.

British Police Just Imprisoned A Man For Posting Mean Things About Muslims On Facebook

So we're elite if we're educated and informed and don't want religious zealots trying to make us a theocracy? :rofl:

Nope. And no one is trying to make US a theocracy.

That would be a rationalization of yours for your bigotry.

Ever hear of "dominionism"? The trash of the "religious" right are always into this and want to impose their shit brand of "Christianity" on the entire U.S. population. Why would any thinking human being want to follow the whims of the "leaders" of this group? They don't have one brain cell between them.

You got any link to any serious numbers on this supposed ism? Cause, I've never even seen any hard numbers on it.

Even those who are trying to inflate it's danger, talk shit about there being "prayer chapters" in every state.

WTF, is that? Two people in a living room, praying? Or one guy living in his mother's basement claiming online that he is a group of people in several states, praying?
Google Rushdoony. Look up "dominionism." Listen to crap like Jeffress and Graham. Look up Hagee and Bill Gothard. These punks are anti-American and they are relentless in their sick desire to dominate the American People.

So, you've got no idea of numbers either.

Anytime you read up on these guys, normally they start out talking about some guy you never heard of saying some crazy shit, normally some dead guy.

Then they start talking how this other guy, doesn't say the same shit, but somehow, they know that he is thinking that same shit.

Dominionism's primary effect, is to give a thin veil of excuse to the Left's anti-Christian bigotry.
So we're elite if we're educated and informed and don't want religious zealots trying to make us a theocracy? :rofl:

Nope. And no one is trying to make US a theocracy.

That would be a rationalization of yours for your bigotry.

Ever hear of "dominionism"? The trash of the "religious" right are always into this and want to impose their shit brand of "Christianity" on the entire U.S. population. Why would any thinking human being want to follow the whims of the "leaders" of this group? They don't have one brain cell between them.

You got any link to any serious numbers on this supposed ism? Cause, I've never even seen any hard numbers on it.

Even those who are trying to inflate it's danger, talk shit about there being "prayer chapters" in every state.

WTF, is that? Two people in a living room, praying? Or one guy living in his mother's basement claiming online that he is a group of people in several states, praying?
Google Rushdoony. Look up "dominionism." Listen to crap like Jeffress and Graham. Look up Hagee and Bill Gothard. These punks are anti-American and they are relentless in their sick desire to dominate the American People.

So, you've got no idea of numbers either.

Anytime you read up on these guys, normally they start out talking about some guy you never heard of saying some crazy shit, normally some dead guy.

Then they start talking how this other guy, doesn't say the same shit, but somehow, they know that he is thinking that same shit.

Dominionism's primary effect, is to give a thin veil of excuse to the Left's anti-Christian bigotry.
Many people whom you describe as being members of "the Left," are themselves Christians. The "Christians" whom you defend are imposters.

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