I am Sick to Death of the Elites Dishing Crap to People of Faith

Nope. And no one is trying to make US a theocracy.

That would be a rationalization of yours for your bigotry.

Ever hear of "dominionism"? The trash of the "religious" right are always into this and want to impose their shit brand of "Christianity" on the entire U.S. population. Why would any thinking human being want to follow the whims of the "leaders" of this group? They don't have one brain cell between them.

You got any link to any serious numbers on this supposed ism? Cause, I've never even seen any hard numbers on it.

Even those who are trying to inflate it's danger, talk shit about there being "prayer chapters" in every state.

WTF, is that? Two people in a living room, praying? Or one guy living in his mother's basement claiming online that he is a group of people in several states, praying?
Google Rushdoony. Look up "dominionism." Listen to crap like Jeffress and Graham. Look up Hagee and Bill Gothard. These punks are anti-American and they are relentless in their sick desire to dominate the American People.

So, you've got no idea of numbers either.

Anytime you read up on these guys, normally they start out talking about some guy you never heard of saying some crazy shit, normally some dead guy.

Then they start talking how this other guy, doesn't say the same shit, but somehow, they know that he is thinking that same shit.

Dominionism's primary effect, is to give a thin veil of excuse to the Left's anti-Christian bigotry.
Many people whom you describe as being members of "the Left," are themselves Christians. The "Christians" whom you defend are imposters.

The alliance between practicing Christians, even Christian churches and an ideological movement intrinsically hostile to Christianity, and full of bigotry against Christians, is a very interesting situation.

But, that does not refute my points Dominionism being a tiny, tiny fringe, at best, nor that Dominionism's primary effect, is to give a thin veil of excuse to the Left's anti-Christian bigotry.

AND, I note that you do not have any numbers to refute this.
Personally, I hate weeping leaders. They're supposed to inspire and lead the people, not cry their eyes out for the world to see.
Grow up. The world, and the American people who elected him twice, well liked him.
They sure rejected his hand picked replacement. He bet his legacy on her and errthang. Not that he has a legacy to lose after one year of a dry-eyed leader.
You switch to Clinton now that I batted your Obama stuff away with both my eyes closed. Did you think Gillespie and Moore were going to win?
Obama was the crybaby. So was Bill. Funny, it seems like crying politicians is strictly a leftist male pastime.
So now white have pompous white males with no maturity or brains strutting around bragging that they have a male appendage instead. How is this better than actually experiencing human emotion?
Many leftists are led by crying men. They follow because overemotional tantrums are in their makeup.

Don't forget that your enemies will send dick-bragging men to kick your butts. Crying leaders will not help you.
The haters and dividers, like jknowgood, simply could not accept Obama as President, whether it was color or party or philosophy or whatever.

The Alt Right and Far Right have been the greatest dividers in our history since 1860s.

They simply hate.
Personally, I hate weeping leaders. They're supposed to inspire and lead the people, not cry their eyes out for the world to see.
Grow up. The world, and the American people who elected him twice, well liked him.
They sure rejected his hand picked replacement. He bet his legacy on her and errthang.

Not that he has a legacy to lose after one year of a dry-eyed leader.
A "dry-eyed leader" who is a whore, a conman, and a liar, and who has no dignity or feeling for anything other than his own sick appetites.
One thing he's not is a weeping woman.
They were and are "deplorable."
Well I'm proud to be deplorable. My guy wants to make America great again. You guy wanted to transform America. So I'm good at not being a traitor.

Shame you don't think that America is great.

I do- sorry you are a traitor.
I'm not the one that blindly supported a man that wanted to transform a great America. You did, now it's time to make his failed presidency a bad memory. Go Trump!

So if you're trying to make America 'great again', that's prefaced on the idea that isn't great now. When was 'America Great' in your version of our history. Name the year.
Well I was born in 1970, the eighties were good, the nineties was good, mainly because of the dot com boom. I lived through that. True hatred in politics though I noticed with Clinton after the blow job. Really got hot with Bush, even though through most of his presidency the economy was good. The hatred was unreal. I think about half way through Bush's years we started to decline. Then came obama, the first black president instead of you liberals being happy of the accomplishment. You started hating even more, now that Trump is President. You need safe spaces. America will never be great again unless we unite as Americans. So In my lifetime, I'd say early 90's, seems Americans still supported each other. After Obama the divider, I hope Trump can bring us back as Americans.

So the 80s were when America was 'great' specifically?
Well I'm proud to be deplorable. My guy wants to make America great again. You guy wanted to transform America. So I'm good at not being a traitor.

Shame you don't think that America is great.

I do- sorry you are a traitor.
I'm not the one that blindly supported a man that wanted to transform a great America. You did, now it's time to make his failed presidency a bad memory. Go Trump!

So if you're trying to make America 'great again', that's prefaced on the idea that isn't great now. When was 'America Great' in your version of our history. Name the year.
Well I was born in 1970, the eighties were good, the nineties was good, mainly because of the dot com boom. I lived through that. True hatred in politics though I noticed with Clinton after the blow job. Really got hot with Bush, even though through most of his presidency the economy was good. The hatred was unreal. I think about half way through Bush's years we started to decline. Then came obama, the first black president instead of you liberals being happy of the accomplishment. You started hating even more, now that Trump is President. You need safe spaces. America will never be great again unless we unite as Americans. So In my lifetime, I'd say early 90's, seems Americans still supported each other. After Obama the divider, I hope Trump can bring us back as Americans.

So the 80s were when America was 'great' specifically?
80's into the 90's. Just going by what I have lived. What I remember of the 70's was recession.
Just what do you think are "Christian values"? Who decides them? Monkeys like jeffress and graham?
Default to Roman Catholic. But in the end the common denominator is the New Testament of the Bible
Only those chapters dealing with Jesus' life. The Gnostic Gospels might be of some help. One thing is for sure that no one should listen to what these idiots say because they don't know anything and talk total crap.
This is an old barb of mine, especially when these arrogant elites are completely ignorant about the things they think that they know about.

Well now, when you support a pathological liar for President, and a pedophile for the Senate, all the while playing the holier than thou card, you deserve nothing but contempt.

Just checked CNN. The pervert in the White House is now opening his cabinet meetings with "prayer." We have reached a new height in hilarity here.
LGBT is a cult. So properly your troop is up to that. Conservatives merely want their faith base to continue to exist. Your dogma demands that morality must be stamped completely out of society at any cost. You are trying to make our country a theocracy of the church of the depraved.

I feel the same way about evangelicals.
Even more so.
This is an old barb of mine, especially when these arrogant elites are completely ignorant about the things they think that they know about.

Well now, when you support a pathological liar for President, and a pedophile for the Senate, all the while playing the holier than thou card, you deserve nothing but contempt.

Just checked CNN. The pervert in the White House is now opening his cabinet meetings with "prayer." We have reached a new height in hilarity here.

trampanzees are so easily led.
No one of faith would cut children’s Healthcare or school lunches or daycare.
Only monsters would do such a thing
You don't have the RIGHT to steal from one neighbor and give his money to another neighbor. That's THEFT.

You can justify ANY government theft as "letting children starve."

Some of us don't accept your lies.
Like you did Gillespie? Moore? What goes around comes around, like the 100 lege seats this year in the states that flipped blue. Be pompous, and see where that gets you.
Will these future Dem leaders be crying their eyes out, as they have in the past?

Notice- this thread was started by a whiny contard Snowflake, crying his eyes out because people were being such meanies to 'people of faith' (i.e. Christians)
Obama was his president, too. Crying leaders lead people to cry.

Did Obama make you cry and that is why you didn't think America was great?
He blubbered like a little girl on national television. Big buckets of feminine tears running down his face. haha
You have confused Former President Obama with former Speaker of the House Boehner.
No one of faith would cut children’s Healthcare or school lunches or daycare.
Only monsters would do such a thing
You don't have the RIGHT to steal from one neighbor and give his money to another neighbor. That's THEFT.

You can justify ANY government theft as "letting children starve."

Some of us don't accept your lies.

Taxation is not theft

Even the Bible tells you so
Will these future Dem leaders be crying their eyes out, as they have in the past?

Notice- this thread was started by a whiny contard Snowflake, crying his eyes out because people were being such meanies to 'people of faith' (i.e. Christians)
Obama was his president, too. Crying leaders lead people to cry.

Did Obama make you cry and that is why you didn't think America was great?
He blubbered like a little girl on national television. Big buckets of feminine tears running down his face. haha
You have confused Former President Obama with former Speaker of the House Boehner.View attachment 166990View attachment 166991 View attachment 166993
He's fired.

See how they treat their whimpering walters? Where is Chucky these days?
Just what do you think are "Christian values"? Who decides them? Monkeys like jeffress and graham?
Default to Roman Catholic. But in the end the common denominator is the New Testament of the Bible
Only those chapters dealing with Jesus' life. The Gnostic Gospels might be of some help. One thing is for sure that no one should listen to what these idiots say because they don't know anything and talk total crap.

Not true. The words they say that reflect the Bible's teachings, all should hear. Those that are way out, no. This is why it's important for each parishioner to have their own Bible, read it at home when they can, and weigh its infallible words against the fallible words of their preacher/sect. Attrition will take care of the rest as people figure out what a human cult looks like and what God looks like.

LGBT is a cult. Plain and simple. They don't even try to hide their rejection of the Bible wholesale and indeed have declared war upon it.
Just what do you think are "Christian values"? Who decides them? Monkeys like jeffress and graham?
Default to Roman Catholic. But in the end the common denominator is the New Testament of the Bible
Only those chapters dealing with Jesus' life. The Gnostic Gospels might be of some help. One thing is for sure that no one should listen to what these idiots say because they don't know anything and talk total crap.

Not true. The words they say that reflect the Bible's teachings, all should hear. Those that are way out, no. This is why it's important for each parishioner to have their own Bible, read it at home when they can, and weigh its infallible words against the fallible words of their preacher/sect. Attrition will take care of the rest as people figure out what a human cult looks like and what God looks like.

LGBT is a cult. Plain and simple. They don't even try to hide their rejection of the Bible wholesale and indeed have declared war upon it.

Religion is a cult....always has been

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