I am Sick to Death of the Elites Dishing Crap to People of Faith

Just what do you think are "Christian values"? Who decides them? Monkeys like jeffress and graham?
Default to Roman Catholic. But in the end the common denominator is the New Testament of the Bible
Only those chapters dealing with Jesus' life. The Gnostic Gospels might be of some help. One thing is for sure that no one should listen to what these idiots say because they don't know anything and talk total crap.

Not true. The words they say that reflect the Bible's teachings, all should hear. Those that are way out, no. This is why it's important for each parishioner to have their own Bible, read it at home when they can, and weigh its infallible words against the fallible words of their preacher/sect. Attrition will take care of the rest as people figure out what a human cult looks like and what God looks like.

LGBT is a cult. Plain and simple. They don't even try to hide their rejection of the Bible wholesale and indeed have declared war upon it.
I've read your wacked-out theories before and I know that you hate LGBTs, for some unknown reason, but no matter how hard you try, your assertion that being LGBT is a religion is still ludicrous, since being LGBT is not a "belief." The LGBTs I've known have been from several different religions, one is even a Sunday school teacher. And LGBTs are not members of some organization that could "declare war" on anything.
The so-called "religious" right is a cult, however, and their "preachers" talk useless shit and are only there to make the Catholic hierarchy look good. Moreover, the bible is neither infallible nor inerrant. Some numbskull thought those theories up after the Reformation.
This is an old barb of mine, especially when these arrogant elites are completely ignorant about the things they think that they know about.

So you think prayer is the answer to crazies killing people in church? I have no doubt it helped the victims families deal with their loss, but no, it didn't protect them from the murderer, and it won't protect the next batch of people ho are killed by someone who shouldn't have been allowed to have a gun.

and your answer is?

if you don't want to pray, don't. but if you EVER expect to have someone give you an ounce of respect for how you believe, give some respect whether you agree or not.

no prayers won't stop a gunman in as much as we know but we do know more laws won't either. so in a rush to make a point you said nothing at all, per your MO.
Then perhaps people of faith need to stop dishing crap. Religious people constantly use their faith as a weapon for politics and to push their views on others. The only reason why there is a discussion about abortion in this country is because of religious people using their faith a a political weapon.

Religious folks constant support morally bankrupt politicians who wouldn’t know what was in the Bible if it punched them dead in the face.

People of faith in this country only care about their own faith and no one else’s.

They’re the biggest hypocrites in the country.
so do gays, blacks, and almost any group of people you can come up with.

as for people of faith only caring about their own, well now that depends on what they have faith in now doesn't it?
Just what do you think are "Christian values"? Who decides them? Monkeys like jeffress and graham?
Default to Roman Catholic. But in the end the common denominator is the New Testament of the Bible
Only those chapters dealing with Jesus' life. The Gnostic Gospels might be of some help. One thing is for sure that no one should listen to what these idiots say because they don't know anything and talk total crap.

Not true. The words they say that reflect the Bible's teachings, all should hear. Those that are way out, no. This is why it's important for each parishioner to have their own Bible, read it at home when they can, and weigh its infallible words against the fallible words of their preacher/sect. Attrition will take care of the rest as people figure out what a human cult looks like and what God looks like.

LGBT is a cult. Plain and simple. They don't even try to hide their rejection of the Bible wholesale and indeed have declared war upon it.
I've read your wacked-out theories before and I know that you hate LGBTs, for some unknown reason, but no matter how hard you try, your assertion that being LGBT is a religion is still ludicrous, since being LGBT is not a "belief." The LGBTs I've known have been from several different religions, one is even a Sunday school teacher. And LGBTs are not members of some organization that could "declare war" on anything.
The so-called "religious" right is a cult, however, and their "preachers" talk useless shit and are only there to make the Catholic hierarchy look good. Moreover, the bible is neither infallible nor inerrant. Some numbskull thought those theories up after the Reformation.
What is humankind's purpose? How did the universe begin?
Notice- this thread was started by a whiny contard Snowflake, crying his eyes out because people were being such meanies to 'people of faith' (i.e. Christians)
Obama was his president, too. Crying leaders lead people to cry.

Did Obama make you cry and that is why you didn't think America was great?
He blubbered like a little girl on national television. Big buckets of feminine tears running down his face. haha
You have confused Former President Obama with former Speaker of the House Boehner.View attachment 166990View attachment 166991 View attachment 166993
He's fired.

See how they treat their whimpering walters? Where is Chucky these days?
He wasn't fired....he quit. Don't blame him...the GOP in Congress are a bunch of crooks.
Obama was his president, too. Crying leaders lead people to cry.

Did Obama make you cry and that is why you didn't think America was great?
He blubbered like a little girl on national television. Big buckets of feminine tears running down his face. haha
You have confused Former President Obama with former Speaker of the House Boehner.View attachment 166990View attachment 166991 View attachment 166993
He's fired.

See how they treat their whimpering walters? Where is Chucky these days?
He wasn't fired....he quit. Don't blame him...the GOP in Congress are a bunch of crooks.
Chucky still leading his people. Let's all have a group weep.
Just what do you think are "Christian values"? Who decides them? Monkeys like jeffress and graham?
Default to Roman Catholic. But in the end the common denominator is the New Testament of the Bible
Only those chapters dealing with Jesus' life. The Gnostic Gospels might be of some help. One thing is for sure that no one should listen to what these idiots say because they don't know anything and talk total crap.

Not true. The words they say that reflect the Bible's teachings, all should hear. Those that are way out, no. This is why it's important for each parishioner to have their own Bible, read it at home when they can, and weigh its infallible words against the fallible words of their preacher/sect. Attrition will take care of the rest as people figure out what a human cult looks like and what God looks like.

LGBT is a cult. Plain and simple. They don't even try to hide their rejection of the Bible wholesale and indeed have declared war upon it.
I've read your wacked-out theories before and I know that you hate LGBTs, for some unknown reason, but no matter how hard you try, your assertion that being LGBT is a religion is still ludicrous, since being LGBT is not a "belief." The LGBTs I've known have been from several different religions, one is even a Sunday school teacher. And LGBTs are not members of some organization that could "declare war" on anything.
The so-called "religious" right is a cult, however, and their "preachers" talk useless shit and are only there to make the Catholic hierarchy look good. Moreover, the bible is neither infallible nor inerrant. Some numbskull thought those theories up after the Reformation.

Nothing disgraces organized religions as much as their treatment of gays
Jesus would be appalled
Nothing disgraces organized religions as much as their treatment of gays Jesus would be appalled
That sort of reminds me of this.....

Nothing disgraces organized religions as much as their treatment of gays Jesus would be appalled
That sort of reminds me of this.....


Society as a whole, has been much more tolerant of homosexuality than organized religions have

Religions have been petty, spiteful and intolerant of people that do no harm to society. I would like to see them campaign as hard against bigotry and racism as they do against homosexuality
Society as a whole, has been much more tolerant of homosexuality than organized religions have Religions have been petty, spiteful and intolerant of people that do no harm to society. I would like to see them campaign as hard against bigotry and racism as they do against homosexuality
What you say is true but only to a point, in my opinion. Those so-called christians who still foster the greatest hate for gays, come from the far right, aka; evangelicals, whom also are now in a political position to foster their theocracy on America. And yes, women and minorities (non-wasps) are also in their cross hairs. Mainstream Christianity is going to need to take a stand on this, one way or another.
Society as a whole, has been much more tolerant of homosexuality than organized religions have Religions have been petty, spiteful and intolerant of people that do no harm to society. I would like to see them campaign as hard against bigotry and racism as they do against homosexuality
What you say is true but only to a point, in my opinion. Those so-called christians who still foster the greatest hate for gays, come from the far right, aka; evangelicals, whom also are now in a political position to foster their theocracy on America. And yes, women and minorities (non-wasps) are also in their cross hairs. Mainstream Christianity is going to need to take a stand on this, one way or another.

They used to call themselves the silent majority

They are no longer silent as they spread anti-gay hatred and pressure government to accept their hatred
Yes. Christians are no longer silent about gays persecuting them into forced-conversion to the church of LGBT etc depravities.
Society as a whole, has been much more tolerant of homosexuality than organized religions have Religions have been petty, spiteful and intolerant of people that do no harm to society. I would like to see them campaign as hard against bigotry and racism as they do against homosexuality
What you say is true but only to a point, in my opinion. Those so-called christians who still foster the greatest hate for gays, come from the far right, aka; evangelicals, whom also are now in a political position to foster their theocracy on America. And yes, women and minorities (non-wasps) are also in their cross hairs. Mainstream Christianity is going to need to take a stand on this, one way or another.

They used to call themselves the silent majority

They are no longer silent as they spread anti-gay hatred and pressure government to accept their hatred
In America, the people are the government.

Could be a good time to stop looking to the government to take care of you.
Yes. Christians are no longer silent about gays persecuting them into forced-conversion to the church of LGBT etc depravities.
More bullshit, I see. Only the right-wing bozo "Christians" are pushing this bizarre persecution theory. Poor widdle things. You don't see members of the more sane Christian denominations doing this.
The LGBTs aren't doing anything to anybody, and they are not a religion.
Sheesh! Just leave them alone.
^^ Nope.

Leaving your cult alone is like leaving a pedophile alone in a daycare. No can do. You had a good run. Paybacks are gonna be a bitch. See y'all in court.

You aren't born that way. The flawed premise is about to go under the scanning electron microscope. Buckle up.
^^ Nope.

Leaving your cult alone is like leaving a pedophile alone in a daycare. No can do. You had a good run. Paybacks are gonna be a bitch. See y'all in court.

You aren't born that way. The flawed premise is about to go under the scanning electron microscope. Buckle up.

Forget how to use the reply button again Silhouette?
Yes. Christians are no longer silent about gays persecuting them into forced-conversion to the church of LGBT etc depravities.

Ah the poor Christian snowflakes.

After 200 years of Christians in America persecuting gays and lesbians- I mean actual persecution- you know jailing them, blacklisting them, passing laws to drive them out of professions, publishing their names and photo's to have them ostracized by their families and churches- after 200 years the Supreme Court said that Christian Conservatives couldn't do that any more.

So now you feel like you are the victims.

Because you are being asked to follow the exact same laws which say that a Jew has to serve a Christian.
Yes. Christians are no longer silent about gays persecuting them into forced-conversion to the church of LGBT etc depravities.

Ah the poor Christian snowflakes.

After 200 years of Christians in America persecuting gays and lesbians- I mean actual persecution- you know jailing them, blacklisting them, passing laws to drive them out of professions, publishing their names and photo's to have them ostracized by their families and churches- after 200 years the Supreme Court said that Christian Conservatives couldn't do that any more.

So now you feel like you are the victims.

Because you are being asked to follow the exact same laws which say that a Jew has to serve a Christian.
Atheists persecuted gays, too. muslims kill Christians, Jews, atheists, and gays. The old rooftop toss.

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