I am Sick to Death of the Elites Dishing Crap to People of Faith

Atheists persecuted gays, too. muslims kill Christians, Jews, atheists, and gays. The old rooftop toss.

Ah the poor Christian snowflakes- now you want to lie that it was Atheists persecuting gays for the last 200 years in America.

After 200 years of Christians in America persecuting gays and lesbians- I mean actual persecution- you know jailing them, blacklisting them, passing laws to drive them out of professions, publishing their names and photo's to have them ostracized by their families and churches- after 200 years the Supreme Court said that Christian Conservatives couldn't do that any more.
So now you feel like you are the victims.

Because you are being asked to follow the exact same laws which say that a Jew has to serve a Christian.

muslims murder them continually. The old rooftop toss.

Feel free to show us all examples of Muslims throwing gays off rooftops here in America- 'continually'.

I will wait.
Christianity and islam...and Judaism...are religions, not nationalities.

And only one of those religions- as organized religions- has promoted the persecution of gays in America.

Which would that be?
Religions are not nationalities. They believe the relatively same tenets whether in Cairo or Birmingham.

Your concern for homos is darling, though. How do you feel about heteros?
Society as a whole, has been much more tolerant of homosexuality than organized religions have Religions have been petty, spiteful and intolerant of people that do no harm to society. I would like to see them campaign as hard against bigotry and racism as they do against homosexuality
What you say is true but only to a point, in my opinion. Those so-called christians who still foster the greatest hate for gays, come from the far right, aka; evangelicals, whom also are now in a political position to foster their theocracy on America. And yes, women and minorities (non-wasps) are also in their cross hairs. Mainstream Christianity is going to need to take a stand on this, one way or another.

They used to call themselves the silent majority

They are no longer silent as they spread anti-gay hatred and pressure government to accept their hatred
In America, the people are the government.

Could be a good time to stop looking to the government to take care of you.
No shit Sherlock

A government of the people, by the people and FOR the people
So when you say the people pressured the government, to whom were you referring, Einstein?
All atheists persecute gays? That your position?

All Christians?

Absolutely not. Not all Christians were for the persecution of gays in America for the last 200 years.

The difference between atheists and Muslims and Christians is that Christians- acting together- actively promoted policies of discrimination against gays in America.

Certainly there are bigoted atheists and Muslims in America- but they never banded together to pass laws against homosexuals like organized groups of Christians did in America.
All Christians banded together to pass laws against homos in America?
Yes. Sodomy was illegal.

Some things are just WRONG.
All atheists persecute gays? That your position?

All Christians?

Absolutely not. Not all Christians were for the persecution of gays in America for the last 200 years.

The difference between atheists and Muslims and Christians is that Christians- acting together- actively promoted policies of discrimination against gays in America.

Certainly there are bigoted atheists and Muslims in America- but they never banded together to pass laws against homosexuals like organized groups of Christians did in America.
All Christians banded together to pass laws against homos in America?
Yes. Sodomy was illegal.

Some things are just WRONG.
Like sodomy lol.

It's not a Christian, muslim, Jewish, or Buddhist call to make. They don't make their rules.
Which is funny because I am so sick of Republicans pretending to be people of faith. No one of faith would cut children’s Healthcare or school lunches or daycare.
Only monsters would do such a thing.
No person of faith would have kids they couldn't afford to take care of
(quote) this is just not true. many have more children than they can take care of. as for the one issue abortion voter, no one ever said you had to have one.
Why if your number is true, and contraception would prevent many of them, do Religious People reject age appropriate education and free contraceptives to all women of child bearing age?

Some do, but most Christians in America do not. We oppose the use of these programs to indoctrinate our children with leftist filth and amorality.
(quote) Filth & amorality are not limited to any political party.
Why if your number is true, and contraception would prevent many of them, do Religious People reject age appropriate education and free contraceptives to all women of child bearing age?

Some do, but most Christians in America do not. We oppose the use of these programs to indoctrinate our children with leftist filth and amorality.
(quote) Filth & amorality are not limited to any political party.
Pretty much they are. Only the left tries to legalize it (like the murder of 60 million American babies.
And this thread is a perfect example of such. They come out of the woodwork...
I was not trying for entertainment, but to illustrate why the elites are losing a sense of what regular people in America think and want; they no longer share our values.
the elites are losing a sense of what regular people in America think and want
They never did share the values of the unwashed masses. They have always been two steps ahead, historically, by the very nature of what they are.. What has changed is that the unwashed masses no longer respect things like education, expertise, or well-reasoned argument. Now every fool who can read a blog thinks he is just as qualified to opine on any complicated subject as is any expert in that field.
the elites are losing a sense of what regular people in America think and want
They never did share the values of the unwashed masses. They have always been two steps ahead, historically, by the very nature of what they are.. What has changed is that the unwashed masses no longer respect things like education, expertise, or well-reasoned argument. Now every fool who can read a blog thinks he is just as qualified to opine on any complicated subject as is any expert in that field.
That's how they ended up with Hillary. Do you think they've learned their lesson?
the elites are losing a sense of what regular people in America think and want
They never did share the values of the unwashed masses. They have always been two steps ahead, historically, by the very nature of what they are.. What has changed is that the unwashed masses no longer respect things like education, expertise, or well-reasoned argument. Now every fool who can read a blog thinks he is just as qualified to opine on any complicated subject as is any expert in that field.
That's how they ended up with Hillary. Do you think they've learned their lesson?

Would someone please give this guy some attention? His Hillary Tourette's Syndrome is flaring up again, and attention from strangers to reward him for his efforts is the only thing that will calm him down.
Why if your number is true, and contraception would prevent many of them, do Religious People reject age appropriate education and free contraceptives to all women of child bearing age?

Some do, but most Christians in America do not. We oppose the use of these programs to indoctrinate our children with leftist filth and amorality.
(quote) Filth & amorality are not limited to any political party.
Pretty much they are. Only the left tries to legalize it .

Yeah- the Right does try to criminalize any actions that the Right doesn't deem acceptable- and such a list:
- prohibiting birth control
- controlling what we can read
- controlling what we can see
- controlling what we can hear
- even telling us what kind of sex is legal in the privacy of our bedrooms.

Yes- the Left does try to combat the Big Brother rules of the Right.
All atheists persecute gays? That your position?

All Christians?

Absolutely not. Not all Christians were for the persecution of gays in America for the last 200 years.

The difference between atheists and Muslims and Christians is that Christians- acting together- actively promoted policies of discrimination against gays in America.

Certainly there are bigoted atheists and Muslims in America- but they never banded together to pass laws against homosexuals like organized groups of Christians did in America.
All Christians banded together to pass laws against homos in America?
Yes. Sodomy was illegal.

Some things are just WRONG.

Because Christian Conservatives believe that they should be able to have Big Brother enforce their morality in America's bedrooms.

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