I am Sick to Death of the Elites Dishing Crap to People of Faith

Ah the poor Christian snowflakes- now you want to lie that it was Atheists persecuting gays for the last 200 years in America.

After 200 years of Christians in America persecuting gays and lesbians- I mean actual persecution- you know jailing them, blacklisting them, passing laws to drive them out of professions, publishing their names and photo's to have them ostracized by their families and churches- after 200 years the Supreme Court said that Christian Conservatives couldn't do that any more.
So now you feel like you are the victims.

Because you are being asked to follow the exact same laws which say that a Jew has to serve a Christian.

muslims murder them continually. The old rooftop toss.

Feel free to show us all examples of Muslims throwing gays off rooftops here in America- 'continually'.

I will wait.
Christianity and islam...and Judaism...are religions, not nationalities.

And only one of those religions- as organized religions- has promoted the persecution of gays in America.

Which would that be?
Religions are not nationalities. They believe the relatively same tenets whether in Cairo or Birmingham.

And only one of those religions- as organized religions- has promoted the persecution of gays in America.

Which would that be?
Why if your number is true, and contraception would prevent many of them, do Religious People reject age appropriate education and free contraceptives to all women of child bearing age?

Some do, but most Christians in America do not. We oppose the use of these programs to indoctrinate our children with leftist filth and amorality.
(quote) Filth & amorality are not limited to any political party.
Pretty much they are. Only the left tries to legalize it .

Yeah- the Right does try to criminalize any actions that the Right doesn't deem acceptable- and such a list:
- prohibiting birth control
- controlling what we can read
- controlling what we can see
- controlling what we can hear
- even telling us what kind of sex is legal in the privacy of our bedrooms.

Yes- the Left does try to combat the Big Brother rules of the Right.
Well said. The Right also wants to have the law force you to obey a certain religion if you happen to be pregnant, regardless of whether you like it or picked it, wants to force you to discuss your "situation" with ideologically based "counselors," regardless of whether you wish to discuss it or not, wants to force you to experience invasive and unnecessary medical procedures, and wants to dictate to doctors what they have to say to you.
Well your cult wants to have a contract that banishes children from either a mother or father for life. When it comes to oppressive laws invading traditional enjoyments of personhood, what's the difference?

Yours is a cult proper since there is no gay gene. So why is your dogma allowed this perverse oppression of children?
Well your cult wants to have a contract that banishes children from either a mother or father for life. When it comes to oppressive laws invading traditional enjoyments of personhood, what's the difference?

Yours is a cult proper since there is no gay gene. So why is your dogma allowed this perverse oppression of children?

Still beating that dead horse

Well your cult wants to have a contract that banishes children from either a mother or father for life. When it comes to oppressive laws invading traditional enjoyments of personhood, what's the difference?

Yours is a cult proper since there is no gay gene. So why is your dogma allowed this perverse oppression of children?

Still beating that dead horse

Not a dead horse friend. As we speak there is a case pending in Michigan pondering that exact question & others of faith while considering whether or not to force Christian & other objectors to adopt kids to a marriage contract where in this case they will be banished from a father for life.

Dumont v Lyon. Google it.
Not a dead horse friend. As we speak there is a case pending in Michigan pondering that exact question & others of faith while considering whether or not to force Christian & other objectors to adopt kids to a marriage contract where in this case they will be banished from a father for life.

Dumont v Lyon. Google it.

Get over it

Same sex marriage is the law of the land and it is not going away.
In spite of your sides predictions of impending doom and immorality...Same sex marriages are quite successful and they make great parents

Why are Christians so hateful?
Why if your number is true, and contraception would prevent many of them, do Religious People reject age appropriate education and free contraceptives to all women of child bearing age?

Some do, but most Christians in America do not. We oppose the use of these programs to indoctrinate our children with leftist filth and amorality.
(quote) Filth & amorality are not limited to any political party.
Pretty much they are. Only the left tries to legalize it (like the murder of 60 million American babies.

And yet the Republican Party has failed to fund CHIP, showing once again they don't give one damn about babies, and their defense of the fetus is false pathos, and a means to getting the vote of Social Conservatives.

In fact, most of the callous conservatives who are now dominating threads on the USMB continue to claim millions of babies are murdered in the womb, to further the agenda of the Republican Party and to remake America into Amerika, that is, the party of the rich and corporations, in and for the rich and the corporations.

Disagree? Offer a rebuttal and explain how and why the new iteration of trickle down economics will work this time; why the Republicans don't support age appropriate human sexuality as part of a basic curriculum on health; why they support efforts to deny the free contraceptives to fertile women and encourage men to use condoms.
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Yes. Christians are no longer silent about gays persecuting them into forced-conversion to the church of LGBT etc depravities.

Ah the poor Christian snowflakes.

After 200 years of Christians in America persecuting gays and lesbians- I mean actual persecution- you know jailing them, blacklisting them, passing laws to drive them out of professions, publishing their names and photo's to have them ostracized by their families and churches- after 200 years the Supreme Court said that Christian Conservatives couldn't do that any more.

So now you feel like you are the victims.

Because you are being asked to follow the exact same laws which say that a Jew has to serve a Christian.
Atheists persecuted gays, too. muslims kill Christians, Jews, atheists, and gays. The old rooftop toss.

Ah the poor Christian snowflakes- now you want to lie that it was Atheists persecuting gays for the last 200 years in America.

After 200 years of Christians in America persecuting gays and lesbians- I mean actual persecution- you know jailing them, blacklisting them, passing laws to drive them out of professions, publishing their names and photo's to have them ostracized by their families and churches- after 200 years the Supreme Court said that Christian Conservatives couldn't do that any more.
So now you feel like you are the victims.

Because you are being asked to follow the exact same laws which say that a Jew has to serve a Christian.
Atheists never persecuted gays? That your position?

muslims murder them continually. The old rooftop toss.
Muslims aren't atheists, fool.
Not a dead horse friend. As we speak there is a case pending in Michigan pondering that exact question & others of faith while considering whether or not to force Christian & other objectors to adopt kids to a marriage contract where in this case they will be banished from a father for life.

Dumont v Lyon. Google it.

Get over it

Same sex marriage is the law of the land and it is not going away.
In spite of your sides predictions of impending doom and immorality...Same sex marriages are quite successful and they make great parents

Why are Christians so hateful?
However, we should not condemn all Christians for this anti-LGBT garbage. Retired Episcopalian Archbishop John Shelby Spong, More Light Presbyterians, Welcoming Congregations, Metropolitan Community Churches, Unitarian-Universalist congregations, and many more having been fighting the spread of hate toward LGBTs. The problem with the haters is that they have usurped the name "Christian" and publicly identified it with their nonsense.
Not a dead horse friend. As we speak there is a case pending in Michigan pondering that exact question & others of faith while considering whether or not to force Christian & other objectors to adopt kids to a marriage contract where in this case they will be banished from a father for life.

Dumont v Lyon. Google it.

Get over it

Same sex marriage is the law of the land and it is not going away.
In spite of your sides predictions of impending doom and immorality...Same sex marriages are quite successful and they make great parents

Why are Christians so hateful?
However, we should not condemn all Christians for this anti-LGBT garbage. Retired Episcopalian Archbishop John Shelby Spong, More Light Presbyterians, Welcoming Congregations, Metropolitan Community Churches, Unitarian-Universalist congregations, and many more having been fighting the spread of hate toward LGBTs. The problem with the haters is that they have usurped the name "Christian" and publicly identified it with their nonsense.

What amuses me about these so called "Christians" is their willingness to look the other way on other transgressions but are outraged over two people who love each other and want to form a lifetime commitment
Not a dead horse friend. As we speak there is a case pending in Michigan pondering that exact question & others of faith while considering whether or not to force Christian & other objectors to adopt kids to a marriage contract where in this case they will be banished from a father for life.

Dumont v Lyon. Google it.

What amuses me about these so called "Christians" is their willingness to look the other way on other transgressions but are outraged over two people who love each other and want to form a lifetime commitment

It's just that when those two people form a contract of lifetime commitment, they create a contract that banishes children involved for life from either a mother or father. Not a very loving thing to do. In Obergefell 2015, the Court used as its third tier of rationale, that children and child-rearing are intrinsic to the whole concept of marriage. Then they gave no more mention of the importance of both mothers and fathers in their lives. Without citation and children having no unique representation as to their interests in the contract, the sweep of five pens made mothers or father irrelevant in their lives as a matter of legal bind.

The Infancy Doctrine, deep, long and established law, says that in such civil matters of import involving children and contracts, having counsel to represent their interests is a mandate, not a suggestion. The law was broken in Obergefell. So it isn't a done deal, this inflicted hurt upon children collective. And, there is nothing loving about banishing a child from either a mother or father for life.

The outrage isn't about two or more people in love getting married (yes, once one sex kink/sex lifestyle gets rights, they all do...see the 14th Amendment for details). The outrage is what that arrangement does to children the Court said are intrinsically involved.
Not a dead horse friend. As we speak there is a case pending in Michigan pondering that exact question & others of faith while considering whether or not to force Christian & other objectors to adopt kids to a marriage contract where in this case they will be banished from a father for life.

Dumont v Lyon. Google it.

What amuses me about these so called "Christians" is their willingness to look the other way on other transgressions but are outraged over two people who love each other and want to form a lifetime commitment

It's just that when those two people form a contract of lifetime commitment, they create a contract that banishes children involved for life from either a mother or father. Not a very loving thing to do. In Obergefell 2015, the Court used as its third tier of rationale, that children and child-rearing are intrinsic to the whole concept of marriage. Then they gave no more mention of the importance of both mothers and fathers in their lives. Without citation and children having no unique representation as to their interests in the contract, the sweep of five pens made mothers or father irrelevant in their lives as a matter of legal bind.

The Infancy Doctrine, deep, long and established law, says that in such civil matters of import involving children and contracts, having counsel to represent their interests is a mandate, not a suggestion. The law was broken in Obergefell. So it isn't a done deal, this inflicted hurt upon children collective. And, there is nothing loving about banishing a child from either a mother or father for life.

The outrage isn't about two or more people in love getting married (yes, once one sex kink/sex lifestyle gets rights, they all do...see the 14th Amendment for details). The outrage is what that arrangement does to children the Court said are intrinsically involved.

Children of same sex marriages love their parents

All you need to know
Not a dead horse friend. As we speak there is a case pending in Michigan pondering that exact question & others of faith while considering whether or not to force Christian & other objectors to adopt kids to a marriage contract where in this case they will be banished from a father for life.

Dumont v Lyon. Google it.
You sick little liar....that lawsuit is the ACLU suing to overturn a law that allows the State to use religious criteria to reject LGBT adoption. If you are so sure about your religious convictions, then you shouldn't have to walk around being a shameless little liar to promote them.

And the ACLU will win that lawsuit, as the law is immoral, unethical, and is nothing but a case of catering our laws to the neuroses and fetishes of religious fuckheads
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Why if your number is true, and contraception would prevent many of them, do Religious People reject age appropriate education and free contraceptives to all women of child bearing age?

Some do, but most Christians in America do not. We oppose the use of these programs to indoctrinate our children with leftist filth and amorality.
(quote) Filth & amorality are not limited to any political party.
Pretty much they are. Only the left tries to legalize it (like the murder of 60 million American babies.

And yet the Republican Party has failed to fund CHIP, showing once again they don't give one damn about babies, and their defense of the fetus is false pathos, and a means to getting the vote of Social Conservatives.

In fact, most of the callous conservatives who are now dominating threads on the USMB continue to claim millions of babies are murdered in the womb, to further the agenda of the Republican Party and to remake America into Amerika, that is, the party of the rich and corporations, in and for the rich and the corporations.

Disagree? Offer a rebuttal and explain how and why the new iteration of trickle down economics will work this time; why the Republicans don't support age appropriate human sexuality as part of a basic curriculum on health; why they support efforts to deny the free contraceptives to fertile women and encourage men to use condoms.
There are better and more effective ways to defend and nourish children other than throwing money at them.

Protecting their life in the womb is the first consideration of all.
Children of same sex marriages love their parents

All you need to know

I know this dog who loves his owner who beats him. Also, presumably this boy "loves his parents" too. So, what's your point? I think this kid would do better in life if he had a father around in marriage in addition to a mother. Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy.... By the age of eight, he began transitioning. ...The hormone-suppressant, implanted in his upper left arm, will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair. The California boy 11 who is undergoing hormone blocking treatment Daily Mail Online

Why if your number is true, and contraception would prevent many of them, do Religious People reject age appropriate education and free contraceptives to all women of child bearing age?

Some do, but most Christians in America do not. We oppose the use of these programs to indoctrinate our children with leftist filth and amorality.
(quote) Filth & amorality are not limited to any political party.
Pretty much they are. Only the left tries to legalize it (like the murder of 60 million American babies.

And yet the Republican Party has failed to fund CHIP, showing once again they don't give one damn about babies, and their defense of the fetus is false pathos, and a means to getting the vote of Social Conservatives.

In fact, most of the callous conservatives who are now dominating threads on the USMB continue to claim millions of babies are murdered in the womb, to further the agenda of the Republican Party and to remake America into Amerika, that is, the party of the rich and corporations, in and for the rich and the corporations.

Disagree? Offer a rebuttal and explain how and why the new iteration of trickle down economics will work this time; why the Republicans don't support age appropriate human sexuality as part of a basic curriculum on health; why they support efforts to deny the free contraceptives to fertile women and encourage men to use condoms.

There are better and more effective ways to defend and nourish children other than throwing money at them.

Protecting their life in the womb is the first consideration of all.

Your first paragraph is an idiot-gram, tell us what you really thing.

Your second is not pragmatic nor does it reflect reality.
This is an old barb of mine, especially when these arrogant elites are completely ignorant about the things they think that they know about.

It's only going to get worse. A lot worse. Better get used to it, and get your bolthole ready. The day will come when Christians will have to disappear or die. If you are not prepared and able to live in wilderness conditions, you will not fare well in the brave new world. Think about it. When the Mark of the Beast is implemented, you will not be able to buy or sell anything. If you are not self sufficient when this happens, you will die.
This is an old barb of mine, especially when these arrogant elites are completely ignorant about the things they think that they know about.

It's only going to get worse. A lot worse. Better get used to it, and get your bolthole ready. The day will come when Christians will have to disappear or die. If you are not prepared and able to live in wilderness conditions, you will not fare well in the brave new world. Think about it. When the Mark of the Beast is implemented, you will not be able to buy or sell anything. If you are not self sufficient when this happens, you will die.

My thoughts and prayers are with you

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