I am Sick to Death of the Elites Dishing Crap to People of Faith

Not a dead horse friend. As we speak there is a case pending in Michigan pondering that exact question & others of faith while considering whether or not to force Christian & other objectors to adopt kids to a marriage contract where in this case they will be banished from a father for life.

Dumont v Lyon. Google it.

What amuses me about these so called "Christians" is their willingness to look the other way on other transgressions but are outraged over two people who love each other and want to form a lifetime commitment

It's just that when those two people form a contract of lifetime commitment, they create a contract that banishes children involved for life from either a mother or father. Not a very loving thing to do. In Obergefell 2015, the Court used as its third tier of rationale, that children and child-rearing are intrinsic to the whole concept of marriage. Then they gave no more mention of the importance of both mothers and fathers in their lives. Without citation and children having no unique representation as to their interests in the contract, the sweep of five pens made mothers or father irrelevant in their lives as a matter of legal bind.

The Infancy Doctrine, deep, long and established law, says that in such civil matters of import involving children and contracts, having counsel to represent their interests is a mandate, not a suggestion. The law was broken in Obergefell. So it isn't a done deal, this inflicted hurt upon children collective. And, there is nothing loving about banishing a child from either a mother or father for life.

The outrage isn't about two or more people in love getting married (yes, once one sex kink/sex lifestyle gets rights, they all do...see the 14th Amendment for details). The outrage is what that arrangement does to children the Court said are intrinsically involved.

Children of same sex marriages love their parents

All you need to know

Children who are abused love their parents. Children of drug dealers, criminals, murderers also love their parents. Saying that children love their parents is no support of anything.
Not a dead horse friend. As we speak there is a case pending in Michigan pondering that exact question & others of faith while considering whether or not to force Christian & other objectors to adopt kids to a marriage contract where in this case they will be banished from a father for life.

Dumont v Lyon. Google it.

What amuses me about these so called "Christians" is their willingness to look the other way on other transgressions but are outraged over two people who love each other and want to form a lifetime commitment

It's just that when those two people form a contract of lifetime commitment, they create a contract that banishes children involved for life from either a mother or father. Not a very loving thing to do. In Obergefell 2015, the Court used as its third tier of rationale, that children and child-rearing are intrinsic to the whole concept of marriage. Then they gave no more mention of the importance of both mothers and fathers in their lives. Without citation and children having no unique representation as to their interests in the contract, the sweep of five pens made mothers or father irrelevant in their lives as a matter of legal bind.

The Infancy Doctrine, deep, long and established law, says that in such civil matters of import involving children and contracts, having counsel to represent their interests is a mandate, not a suggestion. The law was broken in Obergefell. So it isn't a done deal, this inflicted hurt upon children collective. And, there is nothing loving about banishing a child from either a mother or father for life.

The outrage isn't about two or more people in love getting married (yes, once one sex kink/sex lifestyle gets rights, they all do...see the 14th Amendment for details). The outrage is what that arrangement does to children the Court said are intrinsically involved.

Children of same sex marriages love their parents

All you need to know

Children who are abused love their parents. Children of drug dealers, criminals, murderers also love their parents. Saying that children love their parents is no support of anything.

Think of those parents who are drug dealers, criminals...

Silhouette would rather have children with abusive heterosexual parents than loving gay parents
Well your cult wants to have a contract t
I belong to no cult- I am not a Christian or a jew or a Muslim.

But we do have marriage contracts in America- which do not prohibit anything about who any future imaginary children will have as parents.
Not a dead horse friend. As we speak there is a case pending in Michigan pondering that exact question & others of faith while considering whether or not to force Christian & other objectors to adopt kids to a marriage contract where in this case they will be banished from a father for life.

Dumont v Lyon. Google it.

Of course Dumont doesn't raise any of the theories of your bizarre cult.

Dumont will not change Michigan adoption laws- luckily Michigan actually prefers that the children abandoned by their parents be adopted by a parent or parents who want the kids to be their forever family.

Dumont is exclusively about whether religious organizations can prevent children up for adoption, from having gay parents.

It has nothing to do with gay marriage- and everything to do with allowing religious organizations to reject otherwise qualified parents- based upon the religious organizations biases- so they could for instance reject parents for being gay, or for being Jewish.
Not a dead horse friend. As we speak there is a case pending in Michigan pondering that exact question & others of faith while considering whether or not to force Christian & other objectors to adopt kids to a marriage contract where in this case they will be banished from a father for life.

Dumont v Lyon. Google it.

Get over it

Same sex marriage is the law of the land and it is not going away.
In spite of your sides predictions of impending doom and immorality...Same sex marriages are quite successful and they make great parents

Why are Christians so hateful?
However, we should not condemn all Christians for this anti-LGBT garbage. Retired Episcopalian Archbishop John Shelby Spong, More Light Presbyterians, Welcoming Congregations, Metropolitan Community Churches, Unitarian-Universalist congregations, and many more having been fighting the spread of hate toward LGBTs. The problem with the haters is that they have usurped the name "Christian" and publicly identified it with their nonsense.

Of course not- most Christians are not buying into all of this 'hate the gays' crap coming from the Religious Right.
Not a dead horse friend. As we speak there is a case pending in Michigan pondering that exact question & others of faith while considering whether or not to force Christian & other objectors to adopt kids to a marriage contract where in this case they will be banished from a father for life.

Dumont v Lyon. Google it.

What amuses me about these so called "Christians" is their willingness to look the other way on other transgressions but are outraged over two people who love each other and want to form a lifetime commitment

It's just that when those two people form a contract of lifetime commitment, they create a contract that banishes.

Repeating your same made up nonsense doesn't magically make it true.

A marriage contract is between two persons- and does not include any imaginary possible future children.
Why if your number is true, and contraception would prevent many of them, do Religious People reject age appropriate education and free contraceptives to all women of child bearing age?

Some do, but most Christians in America do not. We oppose the use of these programs to indoctrinate our children with leftist filth and amorality.
(quote) Filth & amorality are not limited to any political party.
Pretty much they are. Only the left tries to legalize it (like the murder of 60 million American babies.

And yet the Republican Party has failed to fund CHIP, showing once again they don't give one damn about babies, and their defense of the fetus is false pathos, and a means to getting the vote of Social Conservatives.

In fact, most of the callous conservatives who are now dominating threads on the USMB continue to claim millions of babies are murdered in the womb, to further the agenda of the Republican Party and to remake America into Amerika, that is, the party of the rich and corporations, in and for the rich and the corporations.

Disagree? Offer a rebuttal and explain how and why the new iteration of trickle down economics will work this time; why the Republicans don't support age appropriate human sexuality as part of a basic curriculum on health; why they support efforts to deny the free contraceptives to fertile women and encourage men to use condoms.
There are better and more effective ways to defend and nourish children other than throwing money at them.

Protecting their life in the womb is the first consideration of all.

Because of course- the Right only pretends to care about kids when they can use that as a pretense to attack abortion rights.

Once those kids are born- then for the Right- then they are on their own.
This is an old barb of mine, especially when these arrogant elites are completely ignorant about the things they think that they know about.

It's only going to get worse. A lot worse. Better get used to it, and get your bolthole ready. The day will come when Christians will have to disappear or die..

Poor little snowflake- so terrified that you Christians are now treated exactly the same by the law as Jews and Muslims and Atheists. So horrified that the Supreme Court has stopped your persecution of gays.

Everyone is just coming to get you now.....
I know this dog who loves his owner who beats him. Also, presumably this boy "loves his parents" too
How nauseating...comparing "being homosexual" to physical abise of a child. Damn you are disgusting. And now you understand why your stupid religious nonsense gets laughed out of courtrooms.
I know this dog who loves his owner who beats him. Also, presumably this boy "loves his parents" too
How nauseating...comparing "being homosexual" to physical abise of a child. Damn you are disgusting. And now you understand why your stupid religious nonsense gets laughed out of courtrooms.

My advocacy for normalcy centers around how the LGBT cult is indecent or depriving to children. Gay pride parades. Obergefell ratifying banishing mother or father for life without citation, discussion or representation for kids as to the importance of those two people historically from marriage to them....and the like.

In fact, I tend to downplay the religious-objection angle because I know child protective laws are ironclad; whereas religious objections are just one cult objecting to another. Though, religion is long established as protected and I'm unaware as yet if the bishops and popes of the church of LGBT have tax exempt status..
My advocacy for normalcy centers around how the LGBT cult is indecent or depriving to children
Shameless lie. Your bigotry originates from your own neuroses and fetishes, which you then backwards-justify using a text of bronze age fables. Not sure who you think you're fooling.
My advocacy for normalcy centers around how the LGBT cult is indecent or depriving to children
Shameless lie. Your bigotry originates from your own neuroses and fetishes, which you then backwards-justify using a text of bronze age fables. Not sure who you think you're fooling.
Well I know who I'm talking to at least in you: a person advocating for adult fetishes being inflicted upon children with society's hands tied behind its back as your cult inches ever closer to increasingly depraved and frankly just bizarre agendas year by year...
My advocacy for normalcy centers around how the LGBT cult is indecent or depriving to children
Shameless lie. Your bigotry originates from your own neuroses and fetishes, which you then backwards-justify using a text of bronze age fables. Not sure who you think you're fooling.
Well I know who I'm talking to at least in you: a person advocating for adult fetishes being inflicted upon children with society's hands tied behind its back as your cult inches ever closer to increasingly depraved and frankly just bizarre agendas year by year...
And this is you inventing your little straw man to knock down, also done in order to create low-hanging fruit for yourself to pick (like most of what you have to say). This quite an interesting spectacle in self soothing you have going, here. You are so embarrassed of the actual origins of your bigotry, that you have invented an entire catalogue of nonsense to soothe yourself with.

Someone disgarees with you? Well, clearly that is not because your neuroses and fetishes are absurd, but rather because that person wants gay sex forced on children. Listen to yourself, freak. You are an embarrassment.

Great wife beater and leering smile the guy has on the left ^^. Like how the one on the right has his hand down in his crotch holding his balls. Nice "family" photo... Looks like a little boy... Soon he'll be old enough to take to a pride parade:

Great wife beater and leering smile the guy has on the left ^^. Like how the one on the right has his hand down in his crotch holding his balls. Nice "family" photo...

Ha, see what i mean, people? some people see sex acts in every puddle... you freak
My advocacy for normalcy centers around how the LGBT cult is indecent or depriving to children
Shameless lie. Your bigotry originates from your own neuroses and fetishes, which you then backwards-justify using a text of bronze age fables. Not sure who you think you're fooling.
You don't have to look hard to understand the science behind warning two guys that butt sex will radically shorten their twisted lifespan. But keep pretending this sickness is normal, and that will change reality.
You don't have to look hard to understand the science behind warning two guys that butt sex will radically shorten their twisted lifespan.
In now way does anal sex do that, professor. And, even if it did, it's still fine by me, if they choose to do it. YOU are the one thinking about their anal sex..... again. And again. And again and again and again. In fact, you bring up this topic out of the blue quite a bit. How odd, for someone supposedly so repulsed by it.
Oh, it's the old "if you debate us you obsess on gay sex" trick. Haven't seen that one pulled out of the bag in awhile. Sure sign of desperation.. :lmao:

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