The “Party of Democracy” has bypassed the democratic process and installed Kamala Harris without an election

Knee Pads is your nominee now that the Dimwinger elite disenfranchised millions of Dimwinger voters, Simp.
There is no nominee until the convention. With a majority of Biden's delegates expressing support for Harris, she seems to be the presumptive nominee.

And candidates drop out and endorse other candidates in every primary, every primary, democrat or republican. Haley did a week ago. Sanders did in 2020. Cruz did in 2016, my little drama queen.
There is no nominee until the convention. With a majority of Biden's delegates expressing support for Harris, she seems to be the presumptive nominee.

And candidates drop out and endorse other candidates in every primary, every primary, democrat or republican. Haley did a week ago. Sanders did in 2020. Cruz did in 2016, my little drama queen.
Knee Pads is your nominee. Get back to me when you get up to speed, Simp.
Millions of votes were thrown out, Stupid.

Millions had their right to vote for the candidate of their choice nullified by the Dimwinger elite.

No they weren't, anymore than votes are 'thrown out' when Haley or Cruz dropped out and released their delegates to Trump.

Candidates dropping out and endorsing other candidates happens every primary, every convention, both DNC and GOP.

You just don't know how the convention works.
Knee Pads is your nominee. Get back to me when you get up to speed, Simp.

Laughing.....look at that! It still doesn't know how conventions work.

There is no nominee until delegates vote. How many delegates have voted at the DNC convention for 2024?

Round up, sweetie.
No they weren't, anymore than votes are 'thrown out' when Haley or Cruz dropped out and released their delegates to Trump.

Candidates dropping out and endorsing other candidates happens every primary, every convention, both DNC and GOP.

You just don't know how the convention works.
Still waiting on that list of people who dropped out after securing enough delegates to secure the nomination, Simp.

So far we have one: Tater

And he was forced out.
Still waiting on that list of people who dropped out after securing enough delegates to secure the nomination, Simp.

So far we have one: Tater

And he was forced out.

Still waiting on that list of democratic delegates that have voted for the Dem nominee for 2024.

Round up, sweetie.
Millions of votes were thrown out, Stupid.
Where they? Or did the candidate they vote for drop out? :dunno:

One of those is reality and the other is your emotional reinterpretation. What usually happens to the votes of a candidate who drops out? Have Nikki Haley voters been disenfranchised or do you just simply not know how to use that word correctly?
Millions had their right to vote for the candidate of their choice nullified by the Dimwinger elite.
By Biden stepping aside? So you actually don't know what disenfranchised means?

I'm more than happy for you to choose illiteracy as a debate tactic. On consideration I think it's about the best you got. :dunno: :lol:
Where they? Or did the candidate they vote for drop out? :dunno:

One of those is reality and the other is your emotional reinterpretation. What usually happens to the votes of a candidate who drops out? Have Nikki Haley voters been disenfranchised or do you just simply not know how to use that word correctly?

By Biden stepping aside? So you actually don't know what disenfranchised means? I'm more than happy for you to choose illiteracy as a debate tactic. On consideration I think it's about the best you got. :dunno: :lol:

I dont remember a single of our board's MAGA faithful shrilly losing their shit over Haley voters being 'disenfranchised' when she released her delegates to Trump.

If not for double standards, MAGA would have none at all.
I dont remember a single of our board's MAGA faithful shrilly losing their shit over Haley voters being 'disenfranchised' when she released her delegates to Trump.

If not for double standards, MAGA would have none at all.
Like it was the same thing at all.

She could have kept them.
How insane is this. This was a coup in the DNC. No Democrat voter who supports Harris’ presidency can lecture anyone on democracy.

She was installed by the DNC and donors. They literally just told Democrat voters they don’t care about their desires. The last time Harris was subjected to the democratic process, she was 5th amongst Democrat candidates.

Trump was made the GOP nominee by the will of the people. Harris has been declared the Democrat nominee by backroom think tanks and hidden decision makers

If you’re a democrat who values democracy, you ought to be rather angry that your party has decided to move forward without considering your (or any democrat) vote
Didnt she amass enough votes from the delegates ? Your just pissed and trump is shitting himself.
Didnt she amass enough votes from the delegates ? Your just pissed and trump is shitting himself.b

Its just a dipshit talking point they've been told to ape.

Every presidential primary candidates drop out and endorse someone else. Every time, every convention, both parties. Haley did it last week. Sanders did it in 2020. Cruz did it in 2016.

Its the exact same process if its 50 delegates, 500 or 2500.
Every election candidates will drop out and endorse other candidates. Every primary, every convention.

You're being melodramatic.
Did Harris campaign or do any rallies to attain all of this support?


Thus, it’s directed, not by vote or public opinion.

Hey, if you like your DNC overlords telling you who you will support, I won’t get in the way. Just be honest and acknowledge that they don’t partake in the democratic process

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